Powerful Men 3: Four Hot Alphas who Take Whatever They Want

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Powerful Men 3: Four Hot Alphas who Take Whatever They Want Page 1

by Carla Kane

  Powerful Men 3

  Four Hot Alphas Who Take Whatever They Want


  Carla Kana

  Copyright © 2012 Carla Kane

  First Published 2012 by The Blue Bouzouki Press

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored or transferred in any form without prior written permission from the author or her representatives. This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to any person, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  Also by Carla Kane:

  Powerful Men

  Four Scorching Stories of Alpha Males who Take Control


  Mile High Club: Sex on the Private Jet

  Hot Tycoon: Bedding the Oil Magnate’s Son

  Ad Men: Seducing the Heiress on the Skyscraper Roof

  Yes Mister President! Orgasm in the Oval Office

  Mile High Club

  Sex on the Private Jet

  ‘Ma’am, please follow me to the private lounge.’

  Jessica stood up from her seat in the airport waiting room and picked up her briefcase. All around her the airport buzzed with activity as vacationers and business professionals hurried to and fro to make their destinations, but the guy calling her attention seemed a world apart from them. He looked like he’d stepped right out of a James Bond movie, all slick sunglasses and rich Italian clothes. He was one of Sam Ellmann’s personal representatives.

  ‘Of course,’ Jessica said and followed after him.

  Jessica Lane was a reporter for Parlor Magazine, which most of the time meant doing general fluff stories about whatever nonsense they’d assigned her to that week, but recently she’d been bumped up to writing features, more in-depth stories with a greater chance to shine. And so now here she was – not only about to do a full profile on one of the most powerful men in the world, but also about to interview him herself first hand, for a full six hours on his own private jet as they travelled from New York to London. It was like a dream come true.

  As she followed Ellmann’s PA through the busy airport Jessica had to jog to keep up with him even though from his appearance he looked like he was only walking in a casual stride. I guess life moves a little faster wherever he’s from, Jessica thought to herself.

  ‘Is Mr. Ellmann waiting in the lounge?’ she asked, hurrying to catch up with the slick assistant.

  ‘No,’ he said, ‘Sam hasn’t arrived at the airport yet. He’s on his way. Don’t worry miss Lane, we’ll look after you until he gets here.’

  She wasn’t sure if that was a joke or not – Jessica wasn’t used to dealing with people from the upper levels of the global village.

  Sam Ellmann was the godhead of Ellmann Enterprises, an international corporation with dealings in everything from ammunitions to baby food. For several years now the company had ranked amongst the most powerful corporations in the world. Something Sam Ellmann himself was largely responsible for. To say the least, the man was highly regarded in the world of international finance. In fact, many considered him to be a genius.

  Jessica followed the PA past two surly looking bodyguards and into a medium-sized private lounge. The room was exquisite and walking from the grubby main airport into this area was like stepping into a different world. There was a magnificent-looking bar crafted entirely from crystal, behind which a beautiful young woman waited to serve, and a number of rich mahogany tables with priceless leather seats around them. The PA ushered towards one of these.

  ‘Please,’ he said, ‘have a seat. Can I take your drinks order?’

  ‘Thank you,’ Jessica smiled, ‘I’ll just have an apple juice please. Will Mr. Ellmann be long?’

  ‘He will be here any moment now Miss Lane,’ the PA smiled professionally and then went to the bar to place her order.

  A moment later an Italian busboy returned with her drink, though it didn’t look much like what Jessica had had in mind. The juice, apparently freshly pressed, was served in a long crystal flute glass, with hand-sculpted ice cubes and a handful of frozen forest fruits. Beside it on the silver tray was a garnish of fresh fruit salad. It looked more like a whole breakfast than a beverage.

  ‘Wow,’ Jessica couldn’t help but exclaim, ‘thank you. How much will this cost?’

  ‘You misunderstand,’ the cute busboy replied, ‘all of this is already paid for by Mr. Ellmann.’

  ‘I see,’ Jessica smiled, ‘thank you.’

  She looked around her in wonder. So Ellmann had paid for everything in advance here. She wondered did that include the whole bar stocked up with rare and expensive liquors.

  The PA appeared by her table, his finger pressed against the headset in his ear as he listened to the feed. ‘Miss Lane,’ he said, ‘I believe Mr. Ellmann is about to arrive.’

  At that moment the doors burst open and a whole team of executives, assistants and secretaries swarmed in, all talking at once. Jessica rose from her seat and turned towards them. It took her a second to see that they were all surrounding a certain man. Sam Ellmann.

  ‘Enough!’ he commanded, holding his hand up wearily, ‘I’ll deal with this later.’ Immediately his team went silent and dispersed.

  At last Jessica could get a look at the young billionaire. Sam Ellmann was incredibly handsome with a shaved head and a shadow of designer stubble around his chiseled jaw. He had sensitive, intelligent eyes and a trace of wit around his subtle smile. He was dressed in a khaki suit, probably worth more than a year of Jessica’s salary.

  ‘Now,’ Ellmann said, coming towards her, ‘Jessica Lane, isn’t it? Parlor Magazine?’

  ‘That’s correct Mr. Ellmann,’ Jessica said holding out her hand, ‘how do you do?’

  ‘Excellently,’ Ellmann smiled, ‘I trust you were well looked after in my absence?’

  ‘Oh yes,’ Jessica replied, ‘thank you.’ His hand was firm and strong and for a moment it was like she could almost feel the intense power and electricity that governed this handsome young master of the universe. She was only disappointed that she had to let him go again.

  ‘Good,’ Ellmann replied, ‘I believe it is important that one treat one’s guests well, after all.’

  ‘A fine sentiment,’ Jessica said and then cringed a little. It had sounded better in her head. Suddenly she was lost for words, totally intimidated by the handsome billionaire and his entourage. Come on, she told herself, get a grip Jessica!

  ‘My word,’ Ellmann exclaimed, ‘what on earth is that thing?’ He was looking at the tray Jessica had been presented with.

  ‘Um, it’s an apple juice,’ Jessica replied, ‘I think.’

  ‘Huh,’ Ellmann nodded, ‘doesn’t look like any apple juice I’ve ever seen.’

  Jessica watched as she saw the panic on the faces of Ellmann’s servants, they were hanging on his every word.

  ‘Never mind,’ Ellmann continued, ‘let’s make for the jet, I believe we’re scheduled to take off in a moment. This way, Miss Lane.’

  Sam Ellmann turned towards a door that led to a private jetway out to the plane outside. Jessica stepped after him, followed by his team of company officials.

  ‘So have you been working with Parlor for long?’ Ellmann asked as they walked down the jetway.

  Jessica blinked. She couldn’t believe he was actually making small talk like any other ordinary guy you might meet while waiting in an airport. ‘A few years,’ she answered, ‘but I’ve only recently moved onto cover stories.’

  ‘Do you like it?’ Sam asked, ‘I always enjoyed the written word myself, but alas the world had other things in store for me.’

� Jessica smiled, checking him out surreptitiously as they walked, ‘I’d imagine it did. And yes, I love to write, I have my whole life.’

  ‘That’s good,’ Ellmann said, ‘a person should be passionate about what they do. Otherwise they should choose a different vocation. Now, tell me this: does Marge Donahue still work over there?’

  ‘Yes,’ Jessica nodded, amazed that Ellmann knew the name, ‘she’s my editor in fact.’

  ‘I met Marge in Kuala Lumpur four years ago while she was still reporting. She was covering the Dennehy-Robinson take over. A fascinating woman indeed. You must tell her I send my regards.’

  ‘Of course,’ Jessica said. She couldn’t believe how down to earth this guy was. How down to earth and somehow – not of this earth at all. She didn’t know how to take him.

  The jetway was connected right to the side of Ellmann’s jet and an air hostess in an immaculate uniform with a face like a Hollywood starlet greeted them as they approached. With her messy hair and geeky glasses, Jessica wondered how she could ever live up to that kind of competition.

  ‘Mr. Ellmann,’ the stewardess beamed, ‘it’s so good to see you again.’

  ‘Thank you Jane,’ Ellmann replied, ‘how is your brother?’

  ‘He’s getting better,’ the girl replied, apparently quite touched by the billionaire’s concern, ‘the chemo seemed to do a lot better for him this time.’

  ‘Excellent,’ Sam Ellmann grinned with genuine joy, ‘I’m so glad to hear it.’

  He stepped past her and onto the plane.

  ‘Enjoy your flight Mr. Ellmann,’ the girl called.

  Jessica smiled at her politely as she followed the billionaire. ‘Hi.’

  As soon as she stepped onboard the plane Jessica had the sense that she’d entered somewhere very expensive indeed, the walls around her seemed to exude an almost sacred presence. It was like stepping into a palace.

  ‘This way Miss Lane,’ Sam called, ‘we’ll do it in my private lounge. That way the rest of the team will know not to disturb us.’

  ‘Of course,’ Jessica nodded. She followed him down the hallway and into a roomy, well lit cabin. There was a small bar, a long white couch and a table. On the wall behind her, a huge widescreen TV was embedded in the paneling. If Jessica could have lived in a place as fancy ad that she thought she could be very happy indeed.

  ‘Please, sit,’ Sam offered, ‘can I get you something to drink? I promise it won’t be totally outlandish like the last one.’

  Jessica giggled. She was really starting to come round to him. Whether he was a genius or not was still debatable, but one thing was for sure: he was pretty damn perfect regardless.

  ‘Only if you’re having something,’ she said.

  ‘Well in that case,’ the handsome billionaire said, ‘let me treat you to a glass of wine from the Cardin vineyard. Are you familiar with that label?’

  ‘Cardin?’ Jessica said, doing her best not to sound uncultured, ‘no, I don’t think so, not that one.’

  ‘Oh, you’re in for a treat,’ Sam smiled, ‘the vineyard burned down in eighteen ninety-eight, so the wine is beyond rare these days. And I must say, in my own estimation, some of the finest I have ever tasted.’

  Ok, now she was impressed. Not wanting to lessen herself in his eyes, she kept her mouth shut and sat down on the elegant white leather couch as Sam poured two glasses of wine. He handed one to her and held his own out in toast.

  ‘Chin chin,’ he said.

  Jessica clinked her glass against his and then brought it to her lips, making sure that Sam was also doing the same. It was delicious, like something the Gods themselves might drink.

  ‘Wow,’ she said, ‘that’s really good.’

  ‘Isn’t it?’ Sam smiled. He sat down beside her. ‘You should put on your belt, the plane is about to take off. And I’d recommend covering your glass with your hand.’

  Jessica clicked the belt around her and Sam did the same. He was so close to her that she could feel the heat of his body as his leg brushed against hers. She couldn’t resist thinking about what it would be like to be on top of him, to fuck his brains out right here on this plane –

  She bit her lip and reproached herself. Really, one sip of wine and she was already letting her imagination run away with her.

  ‘Here we go,’ Sam smiled as the jet began to power up and turn around on the runway. Moments later it was gaining speed, hurtling down the concrete as it prepared to lift into the air. It was a smoother transition than any plane Jessica had ever been on in her life.

  ‘So,’ Sam said, once the plane was in the air and they were able to undo their seatbelts once more, ‘shall we begin?’ He turned towards her, his knee brushing against hers and sending a shiver down her spine. It felt no more than friendly but still it filled her head with dirty thoughts.

  ‘Of course,’ Jessica said, though all of a sudden her mind had drawn a complete blank. All those questions she’d memorized for him, they’d abandoned her completely. She felt a solitary bead of sweat emerge on her forehead.

  ‘Jessica,’ Sam said, ‘I can tell you find me intimidating. But there’s really no need.’

  She looked up at him, shocked that he’d been able to read her so easily. ‘No, of course not,’ she said.

  ‘I know all this can send a daunting message,’ Sam said waving his hand around the expensive cabin. ‘But really I’m no different than anybody else. I’m just a man after all.’

  Jessica cleared her throat. Suddenly she felt very hot and bothered. Yes, he was a man – a very, very attractive man.

  Sam watched her closely. ‘You know,’ he said, ‘I don’t think you realize how beautiful you are, do you? I saw how you looked at young Jane out there. You’re a million times more desirable than she is.’

  Jessica gasped. Was he just saying that to make her feel better? Or –

  Sam reached out and took her hand in his. She felt sparks travel through her body as he began to gently rub her wrist. She opened her mouth slightly and exhaled long and deep. Something about the way he touched her, her whole body seemed to be relaxing. She felt a wave of sexual heat emerge between her legs.

  Sam moved forward and Jessica’s eyes widened as she realized what he meant to do. And then his lips were over hers, hot and lusty, breathing soothing breath right into her being. Her whole body came alive as he placed his hands around her back, slowly teasing the electrified flesh. She couldn’t believe this was happening.

  As their lips teased and tasted each other, Jessica opened her legs a little. Down below, her pussy was starting to swell and drip and she wanted him to touch it as soon as possible. Sam moved closer to her, pressing his body against hers as he dove his tongue deeper inside her mouth. Jessica let her head fall back as he took her, it felt so good to give herself up to him like this, to be taken by him and possessed. Conducting a proper interview was the last thing on her mind now.

  Sam moved his hot mouth down over her neck and began teasing her flesh with his tongue as he slid his hands under her top and up against her aching tits. Jessica moaned and arched her back, pressing her breasts up against his strong hands, giving herself over to him completely.

  ‘Yes,’ she moaned, ‘oh God, yes.’

  As he licked her neck, Sam toyed with her fleshy mounds, pushing them together, squeezing the flesh around her sensitized nubs. She thought she might cum just from that it was so intense.

  Sam kissed her on the lips again and then began pulling her top up over her shoulders. She helped him get it off her and then reached behind her back to unclasp her bra. She wanted him to suck her tits with that sexy mouth of his. It would drive her wild.

  Knowing only full well what she wanted, Sam ran his hands under her breasts again and held them tight as he brought his strong jaw down over the nipples. Jessica squeezed her eyes shut with pleasure as his hot mouth opened over the sturdy nubs and his tongue flicked out at them, flecking a trail of pleasure around the areoles. He pressed his teeth gently agains
t the tingling flesh and Jessica rocked her cunt forward towards his hard body, wanting him to show it the same attention he was showing the rest of her.

  Still sucking her tits, Sam slid one of his hands down beneath the hem of her pants and into her underwear. For a moment he rubbed the flesh around her throbbing clit and she moaned again with lust and desire. Then he slipped his fingers further below, working their way up into her soaking crevice, feeling their way inside her, as his mouth lit up a world of pleasure above.

  Jessica rocked her hips in time with Sam’s hand as he licked and sucked at her hot nipples. The pleasure was almost agonizingly intense and she knew that she was going to cum any minute now. Pressing her hand up against the back of his head as he sucked her, Jessica swallowed heavily and let the climax take her over.

  She shuddered to a standstill again and Sam Ellmann slowly drew his hand out of her pussy. Smiling, he licked her shiny juices from his fingers, obviously relishing the taste. ‘Better than any wine,’ he said.

  Jessica smiled at him wickedly and then moved towards him, slinking down on the ground like a panther. He’d made her cum so hard and now she wanted to return the favor. She came towards him as he sat on the couch and then spread his knees to allow herself get as up close and personal as she possibly could. She reached up and grabbed him by the belt buckle.

  ‘Wow,’ Sam smiled, his eyes nearly bulging out of his head. Her display was obviously exciting him and that turned her on twice as much.

  Keeping her eyes in his, Jessica began to open his belt and slowly drew down his pants. The cock that emerged was massive and hard as a boulder, it stuck up right in front of her and she immediately opened her mouth and dove over it.

  She sighed with pleasure as it filled her mouth, it tasted salty and warm, and she lapped at the sticky fluid emerging from the tip. Spreading her mouth wide, she opened her throat and buried her head all the way down to the hilt. Above her Sam was panting and grunting intensely, he sounded more animal than man.


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