Lucy's Revenge [Divine Creek Ranch 15] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Lucy's Revenge [Divine Creek Ranch 15] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 11

by Heather Rainier

  When he’d enjoyed spending time around her before, there’d always been a kernel of guilt in it. And the memory of sweet brown eyes and a curvy but petite little form to remind him of who he missed. It’d always felt like he was enjoying Lucy’s company when he should be trying harder to gain Chloe back. Chloe had already moved on and he just hadn’t accepted it. This must be what acceptance felt like. He was relieved.

  “Hello? Beck? You there?” He could hear lots of noise in the background of the connection.

  Beck smiled as he unlocked his truck and hopped in. “You’re never gonna guess what I did, man.”

  * * * *

  “What did you do?” Patrick asked as he tried to quiet Patrick Junior.

  “Hey, is everything okay there?”

  Patrick put the pencil and sharp metal ruler out of his son’s reach as he held him at his drafting table and tried to not drop the phone from his ear. “The kiddo just woke up from his nap with a nightmare.”

  “Another one?” Beck asked sympathetically.

  “Yeah. It’s been two years but he still has them now and then.” His son had awakened just a minute before, shrieking in abject fear, bathed in sweat, and pale as a ghost. He’d suffered nightmares ever since his experience in Stigall’s the day a crazy gunman had showed up in the department store. The same day his life and family had unraveled.

  “Poor little guy. Lemme talk to him.”


  Patrick spoke softly to his son as he cried against his chest. “Son, Beck wants to talk to you.”

  His son quieted and snuffled and mopped tears and snot across his little face and looked up at him with eyes as blue as the summer sky. He took the phone from his dad and hiccupped before saying, “Hello?”

  Patrick took advantage of the distraction to grab some Kleenex and wipe up his son’s tear-stained face and tidy up his nose as he talked to Beck. Animals and small children seemed to always be attracted to Beck. Patrick was grateful for that as his ears still rang from his son’s earlier shrieking.

  His little boy suddenly brightened up and chattered excitedly, almost unintelligibly, into the phone. Beck must’ve succeeded with the distraction.

  “Okay!” Patrick Junior chirped and handed his dad the phone as he hopped off his lap. “I’m gonna go play, Daddy!”

  “Okay, little man.” He put the phone back to his ear as the boy made tracks. “Whatever you said fixed the problem. It’s like night and day comparing how he was a minute ago.”

  Beck chuckled. “I told him I wanted to pick him up from pre-school one day early next week and bring him out to the house to help me with the beehives. I need to remove the honey supers and look for queens in the hives. It was too windy the other day. He had fun last fall helping me to prep the hives for winter so he wants to help again.”

  Patrick smiled, unsure how much help his four-year-old had been, but he appreciated that Beck had the patience to teach him how to act around the bees. Beck was always very careful and explained to his boy how to treat the bees and Patrick Junior had eaten up the instruction and attention.

  Beck was a positive influence in his son’s life and he appreciated that Beck was willing to take time out of his day to teach Patrick Junior. It would mean a quiet afternoon at home working, which was vastly helpful to Patrick as well.

  Jarred back to the present by the sound of the back door slamming, Patrick said, “You were going to tell me what you’d done, right?”

  “Yeah. I visited Lucy’s place. It’s nice. She gave me a massage.”

  “Oh yeah? Feel better?”

  “Like I’m back from the dead. Sore in all the right places now.”

  Patrick was encouraged by both his words and his tone. He sounded relaxed and more like his usual self. “I’m glad to hear that.”

  “I also asked her out for us, for tomorrow night.”

  “You did? That must’ve been some massage. What did she say?”

  “I had no idea I was going to ask her out going in. I just needed to feel better, and we got to talking.”

  “You? Talking? Wow. What a concept.”

  “Fuck you, asshole,” Beck said with a chuckle. “Anyway. We talked and kind of cleared the air. I asked her out. Can you get a babysitter for tomorrow night?”

  “I’ll call Maizy and ask.”

  “Good. Because I don’t want to disappoint her. She seemed happy about it.” Patrick could only imagine.

  They ended the call and Patrick contacted his sister Maizy. She was just a year older than him and of his siblings she was the one he was closest to and relied on the most. She’d been the only one to really support him through his hardships with Elizabeth. His older sisters and his father had even questioned why he wanted to keep a child that wasn’t really his. His mother had done her best to be supportive but she’d gone through a lengthy illness that had only recently been properly diagnosed and he hadn’t wanted to burden her. Maizy hadn’t even questioned why he’d want to keep Patrick Junior. His sisters, Rhonda and Roberta, had been a part of Elizabeth’s bible study group and had been of the opinion that she’d had her reasons for her actions.

  Unfortunately, Maizy was going out of town for a teacher’s continuing education conference that weekend. She suggested he call Roberta, which made him cringe. Roberta would get all nosey and want details about what he would be doing while she watched Patrick Junior. It almost was worth it to wait until the following weekend when Maizy would be in town.

  But Roberta was willing and able…and very curious.

  Chapter Seven

  Lucy climbed from the car the moment she put it in park. She wasn’t going to sit behind the wheel again, giving herself a pep talk like she had at the Twisted Bull, the afternoon of her first striptease lesson. She’d been second-guessing herself since she’d finished getting ready for their date, standing in front of the mirror, surveying her appearance.

  The blue and purple watercolor print made her eyes glow. The satiny stretch fabric made the dress comfortable, and the bodice cupped her breasts and drew attention to them while only revealing a bit of inviting cleavage. The bias cut of the long skirt hugged her lower torso and flared at the hips and the hem skimmed around her ankles. But then she’d gotten a look at her hind end in the mirror.

  Just thinking about it made her even more self-conscious of her ass as she walked across the parking lot. She shook her head as she stepped carefully across the uneven asphalt in her high heels.

  It’s with you wherever you go. Remember what Summer said. We always focus on what we perceive as flaws, making them grow in our own minds.

  She turned her head sharply at the sound of shrill giggling in the parking lot and she looked around, mortified when her cheeks went up in flames. No matter how confident she felt, that sound still reduced her to a self-conscious wreck. She paused and thought about fishing in her purse for her keys.

  It’s a little early. I might be able to get home and changed into slacks and that other higher-necked top if I hurry.

  Her heart leapt into her throat as she glanced down the sidewalk that led along the front of the building and saw two younger couples obviously out on a date together moving toward the entrance, on a collision course with her.

  Both women were in their early to mid-twenties, perfectly tanned, tall and thin, with perfect hair and nails. They were both staring right at Lucy. She hurried her steps and nearly got hit by the big oak door as it swung open. Dodging it at the last second, she was surprised when she came face-to-face with Ethan Grant, Adam Davis, Jack Warner, and Grace Warner. Adam had their daughter, Rose Marie, perched on his arm.

  “Well hi, Lucy!” Grace said as she hugged her. “What a nice surprise!” Grace took one look at her outfit, as Lucy sucked in her tummy and stood up straighter, and added. “Wow! You look fantastic in that dress!”

  Lucy bit her lip and felt her cheeks grow warmer as the subdued whispers of the two women filtered past them as they went inside. Their dates gave her app
raising glances and one smiled at her. She looked away and smoothed her hand over her stomach and then smiled at Grace.

  “Thank you.” You have no idea how much I needed that just now.

  Jack said, “Grace is right. You look beautiful, Lucy. What are you up to tonight?”

  “I’m meeting Beck and Patrick here in just a few minutes.” She glanced at her watch.

  A knowing smile crossed Grace’s face. “So they finally asked you out on a date?”

  Adam tilted his head and looked Grace’s way. “We’ve seen them out to dinner together before, don’t you remember, baby?”

  Ethan chuckled and his blue eyes twinkled as he said, “Why don’t we let her get on into the restaurant. I hope you have a good time on your date, sweetie.”

  Grace hugged her again and whispered. “It’s about time. Seize the day, baby.”

  Lucy felt encouraged as they moved on past. Two men walked up to the door and tipped their cowboy hats at her as one of them held it open for her to enter first. She thanked them then nearly groaned as she walked into the lobby which was swamped with people. Several people turned and looked her way. The man who had held the door for her smiled as he and his friend side-stepped her. She searched the room, hoping the guys had beaten her there but no such luck.

  The two women that had walked in moments before her were staring at her, and when their dates turned to look her way, both women frowned and redirected their dates’ attentions back to them.

  With her heart racing, she nearly turned to leave but then thought of Patrick and Beck and how they’d feel if she wasn’t here. It was too late to go back home and change into something that drew less attention.

  A stray thought entered her mind as she stood in the crowded lobby. She could almost hear Camilla whisper to her at the end of the first striptease class right before she’d hurried over to Patrick.

  “When you’re not self-conscious, you radiate power and sexiness, Lucy. Stop rushing around and enjoy each step. Each breath.”

  Camilla’s words echoed in her head, giving her confidence. She took a bracing breath, remembering the steady, sensual rhythm of the music Camilla had played during the class and moved through the crowd.

  Glances were cast her way as she strode to the hostess’s podium and greeted her. The young woman added her to the list as another hostess called a group name, which meant that several seats were vacated. Lucy took one near a window and tried to settle her nerves.

  She nearly took out her phone to check e-mail, giving her something to do with her hands and divert her attention from the way the larger group of women across the room stared at her.

  No. Hell no.

  She wasn’t hiding behind her phone. Sudden anger filled her, both at herself and at the women who kept looking over at her. Why did she care so much what strangers thought about her appearance? The dress definitely showed off her assets but it wasn’t revealing and she wasn’t acting lewd.

  Grace and her men had thought she looked beautiful. Their opinions mattered more. Should matter more. Beck had said he’d like her to dress up when she’d asked him and the dress she now wore was the first thing that had popped into her mind. She crossed her legs and arranged the skirt, took a deep breath and settled in to wait.

  Memories of the previous afternoon helped to distract her. Beck was such a confusing mix of attitude and vulnerability. The memory of the warmth of his muscled flesh beneath her hands made her tremble inside. She’d taken longer to massage him than she might normally have for anyone else, simply because she enjoyed touching him and knowing she was helping him.

  His confession about wanting her, not wanting anyone else to touch her, had surprised her. The way he’d watched her as they spoke to each other had created a permanent memory in her heart. No matter what, she’d always remember his tone and the vulnerable look in his eyes.

  When he’d rolled over for her and apologized so sincerely…that was another memory for the mental scrapbook. The way he’d tried to hide his erection from her when in truth, she’d wanted a closer look at his incredibly thick shaft. The trembling increased inside her and she could not believe she was getting turned on in the crowded lobby at O’Reilley’s.

  Dwindling light from the setting sun filtered in over the crowded lobby as the front door opened again across the room. She breathed a sigh of relief as the group of women’s attention was now centered on whoever had just walked in the door. Whoever it was must be something, judging by the way their eyes were riveted and a couple of their jaws dropped.

  Lucy was just relieved that she could catch a break from their rude staring. She wished she had the guts to stare back but she couldn’t do that. She was self-employed now and one did not start an enterprise by pissing off potential customers or their friends.

  The women’s eyes followed whoever had come in as they moved toward the hostess’s podium, and then she saw a tall blond head appear and heard a familiar voice as the crowd parted a little.

  “We’re meeting a third party here,” Patrick said in his pleasant baritone.

  The hostess smiled. “Lucy?” At his nod she pointed in Lucy’s direction. “She’s been waiting for you. Your table will be ready soon.”

  Oh boy. Here goes. Thank you, God, for the inventor of Spanx! A kernel of panic flickered for a second. This was the moment, when they would discuss what was going on between them, or might in the future. And she’d focused solely on how she felt having the eyes of strangers on her. She felt dumb for wasting the time.

  She wondered if all her friends who were involved in ménages had a similar moment, or if they’d just meshed together in a more organic way. She felt like she’d arrived at an assignation, instead of a dinner date. Nerves fluttered anew in her belly and she worried that they might feel the same way. She didn’t want that.

  Patrick craned his head and then he saw her. His eyes lit up and all the doubts assailing her slowed their churning and a spark of self-confidence flickered back to life. Beck must’ve been directly behind him because Patrick turned his head to say something and then led the way over to her.

  She stifled a laugh as the group of women watched with mouths hanging open as both Patrick and Beck made their way over to her. She stood, giving her attention to Patrick as he reached for her to give her a hug and then her eyes made contact with sexy green ones over Patrick’s shoulder.

  She gasped and Patrick chuckled at her reaction. “Lucy, I’d like to reintroduce you to Beck O’Malley.”

  Beck smiled but glanced away as she gaped at him. The beard, moustache, and the long hair were all gone. He looked completely different—and unbelievably—even more handsome. He had a strong, pronounced jaw with a cleft in the center and when he gave her a slight smile, dimples appeared in his cheeks. The same sparkle resided in his eyes.

  Lucy knew she was staring at him and could tell it made him uncomfortable. She returned Patrick’s soft kiss and he released her. She put her arms around Beck and whispered, “You surprised me.”

  Beck squeezed her gently, gazing at her as she continued to stare at him. “It was time for all that to go. I needed to make some changes. D–Do you like it?”

  Lucy tilted her head, not caring that they must’ve garnered some looks when she’d hugged both of these incredibly sexy men with more than sisterly affection. “No, the question is do you like it. I think you’re handsome either way. I’m just surprised by how much your beard hid.” She brushed her fingertip against the cleft in his smooth chin.

  “It feels better.” He reached up to stroke his barren nape. “I thought you might miss the long hair. I know some women like that.”

  “Either way is fine. You look great.” It wasn’t lost on her that he needed the affirmation as much as she had earlier.

  “Enough about pretty boy, here. Lucy, you look stunning,” Patrick whispered as he slid his arm around her waist and stroked the top of her hip and kissed her temple.

  “Beck asked me to dress up, so…”

nbsp; “Genius on my part,” Beck quipped. He held her gaze as he kissed her other temple and then looked around, nodding at a couple who were gazing at them with mild curiosity. He held up a small handled gift bag. “I brought you something.”

  Gasping with delight, Lucy said, “You did?”

  Beck nodded and handed it to her. Now even more people were looking at them. “Mind if I open it when we’re seated?”

  Beck shook his head, keeping all of his attention on her. “Of course not. It’s just a little something I thought you might like.”

  “Lucy?” the hostess called.

  “That’s us,” Lucy said as another group came in the door. “And not a moment too soon.” Patrick’s hand was a warm, possessive weight at her lower back as they walked into the main dining room of the restaurant and the hostess led them to a table right in the middle of the crowded room.


  She’d heard this place was one of those “see and be seen” sorts of places and glanced from table to table, nodding in acknowledgment to a couple she knew and took her seat when Patrick held it out for her. The men sat on either side of her, like bookends. It was a nice feeling.

  They’d dressed in jeans and boots with freshly pressed dress shirts and she felt proud to be seen with them. The moment still felt odd as she took her menu from the waiter and paid attention to it after ordering a margarita.

  The warmth of Patrick’s palm seeped into her forearm as he stroked her and whispered, “You okay?”

  Lucy smiled and nodded. “I’m fine.” Her heart raced, wondering if they were making a mistake. Were they forcing this?

  “You look nervous,” Beck drawled softly.

  Turning her gaze to him, Lucy said, “I am. We’ve gone out before but this feels different. I’m—I’m worried.”

  “Why?” The concern in Beck’s eyes, when he was usually the one kidding her and giving her a hard time, unsettled her.


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