Lucy's Revenge [Divine Creek Ranch 15] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Lucy's Revenge [Divine Creek Ranch 15] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 17

by Heather Rainier

  Beck was brought back to the present as Lucy called out, “Patrick Junior? Want a little snack to tide you over until supper?”

  The little man came barreling back from the front of the shop and nodded vigorously. He reminded Beck of the Tasmanian Devil cartoon character, flitting from place to place like a pint-sized tornado. “Yeah, sure! Whatcha got?”

  Lucy corralled him into her kitchenette next to her office and sat him down at her little table. “Patrick Junior, I’ve been wondering about something, honey.”

  “Whatcha wonderin’ about, Lucy?”

  “Do you like being called Patrick Junior all the time?”

  “Well, it’s my name, ain’t it?”

  Lucy giggled. “Isn’t it?”

  “Isn’t it?”

  “Yes, but don’t you get confused with your dad, Patrick, a lot?”

  Patrick Junior nodded quite vigorously. “Oh yeah! And when my preschool teacher calls my name she always says what a mouthful it is because she imagines my name must get called a lot when I’m at home. She calls my name all the time so she would know. But I don’t wanna change it. I like being named after daddy.”

  Beck caught on to Lucy’s train of thought and noted Patrick’s pleased smile and the way he stood a little straighter at his son’s admission.

  “What do you think about a nickname? Like a special name that we use with you.”

  “Could we make everyone use it?” he asked. The enthusiasm glowing in his eyes made Beck happy. Not much got that kid down.

  “Sure, if you want. Did you have something in mind?”

  “How about Cooter? You could name me after Beck’s old bulldog!”

  All three adults laughed and Lucy squatted down beside the boy, giving Beck and Patrick a nice view of her sexy tush encased in her snug blue jeans. His hand itched to caress her there but didn’t because of the boy.

  Lucy said, “Well, Cooter is a nice name but nicknames have a way of following you around for a long time. Your future girlfriends may not like calling you Cooter.”

  Patrick Junior screwed up his face like he’d sucked a lemon. “Girlfriends? I don’t want any girlfriends!”

  “Not ever?” Lucy replied with mock surprise.

  “Well, only if she’s like you, Lucy. Then I might have me a girlfriend. But only if she’s just like you.”

  “So what else could we call you?”

  “Well, sometimes Aunt Maizy calls me PJ or Pugsly. I like both of those.”

  Lucy bit her lip and looked like she was fighting laughter. “Well, I kind of like PJ. It’s nice and simple. I’d be willing to bet your teacher likes it.”

  The boy nodded as he stuffed the peanut butter on bread she’d just made for him into his mouth and then spoke through the mouthful of food. “I like it. Can we, Dad?” He looked up at his dad with hopeful eyes automatically assuming his dad would understand his garbled words.

  “Of course. I think it’s a swell idea.”

  “PJ it is, then,” she announced as she patted PJ’s shoulder and stood back up. She tapped him on the shoulder and said, “You don’t leave that seat until that sandwich and your drink are gone, okay?”

  Patrick grinned and nodded and said something what sounded like “Yes, ma’am!”

  Out in the front of the shop, the three of them looked at the wooden, glass-fronted display cabinet that stood in the middle of the reception area of the shop, waiting to be put into position.

  Lucy crossed her arms under her breasts and fiddled with her full lip as she stood looking at it and then around the room. Beck wondered if she had any idea how sexy she was and how crazy she drove him. He did his best to ignore the tingle in his groin as he watched her rub her lower lip back and forth.

  Beck had wondered why she’d bought the big monstrosity until Lucy had explained that it reminded her of the much larger one that Summer and Margot had at Discretion, which they used for interior displays and as a checkout counter. Knowing what the shop sold, Beck speculated about what they put on display in it. Lube? Butt plugs? Undies?

  Lucy ran her hand over the smooth oak surface and said, “This will make a wonderful reception counter. I’ll use the inside for product displays.”

  “Are you planning on carrying product in here? You’ll need someone to man the counter, won’t you?”

  “Yes. I’ll be putting an ad for a receptionist in the paper soon. Besides the massage products I use, I’d also stock some of your beeswax body care products, if you’d like. Lily and the girls rave about them and I think my customers would be interested, too. I’ve been thinking about it since you mentioned the craft fair coming up in May. What do you think?”

  She’d taken him by surprise. “I think I could do that.”

  They talked about the particulars as Lucy had them place the counter at an angle in the corner. She had them lug it one way, then had them angle it so it faced the door a little more, then had them move it so two stools could fit behind it. Right about the time she’d walked behind it to get an idea of how the room felt from that point of view, Beck started to get a little irritated. Why do women do this?

  Lucy trotted back out from behind it and pointed to the left. “Two more inches that way and it’ll be perfect. No, that way. Careful Beck, you’re gonna hurt yourself. Okay. No. Angle it out some. You okay, Beck? Your face is getting red.”

  Patrick made eye contact and snickered.

  “Naw, I’m just fine, Juicy Lucy. How’s that?”

  “Perfect. Was that okay to bring up a nickname with Patrick Junior, I mean PJ, Patrick?” She giggled as she went to Patrick and stroked his chest. “See? That’s why I thought it might be a good idea. I could see with the two of us around your house more often that confusion was happening.”

  Patrick stroked her upper arms and gave her a kiss and Beck couldn’t resist coming up behind her while the little man was occupied with his sandwich in the kitchen. Her scent was enticing and he pressed his lips to her shoulder. He tingled all over in response to her body heat.

  “I think it’s fine. He seems to like it. And to be honest, I detested the way that Elizabeth was constantly calling him ‘Patrick Junior!’ whenever he’d wander off or get rambunctious, which was pretty much all the time. I think he’s just used to being called that.”

  Beck nodded, thinking that taking one more step away from Elizabeth, in that manner, was probably healthy for both of them. “I like it. Short and sweet. Fits him. Although Pugsly or Cooter would’ve been fine with me, too,” he added with a chuckle as she giggled and playfully whapped his shoulder.

  Patrick tilted her mouth up to his for a kiss and Beck moved just a little closer behind her, wanting to touch her, too. She shivered and let loose a sexy-sounding little sigh and relaxed. The front door of the shop suddenly opened, startling Lucy, judging by the way she jumped and slid from between them.

  The man stopped in the entry, looking around as though he was startled, and then turned his squinty gaze on them. His eyes took in everything around him, including the two of them standing so close to her, and his bushy salt-and-pepper eyebrows came together in a solid, furry line.

  “I’m sorry, sir. I’m—We’re closed on Sundays.” She darted a quick glance at Beck and he could tell she was a little uncomfortable. He slid his arm around her shoulder.

  “How can we help you, sir?” Patrick asked as he moved forward.

  The stranger had an odd, shifty vibe and Beck hoped like hell that he wasn’t interested in a massage but was merely lost, as his demeanor indicated.

  “Where’s Marvin Kramer?” Even his voice had a nervous, furtive quality to it.

  “Oh,” Lucy said, looking relieved. “You mean Marvin’s Computer Service and Website Design?”

  “Yeah. He’s got one of my computers. Supposed to be fixing it. Is he out of business and that’s why you’re here? I won’t take kindly to him skipping town with my stuff.”

  Holding up a hand to stop him from settling into a tirade, Beck said, �
�He’s still around. He’s just moved down a few blocks to the north. Head out this way,” he said, pointing out the storefront window to the left. “And go about six blocks and you’ll see him on the left in a little building between Batson’s Grocery and Divine Auto Repair.”

  “Well…all right.” He glanced around the interior of Lucy’s waiting room. “What’s this now? A dentist’s office?”

  Lucy smiled. “I’m a licensed massage therapist and this is my massage therapy clinic, A Divine Retreat. Have you ever tried massage therapy?”

  Beck wanted to cover her mouth with his hand. He didn’t want this creepy guy coming in later for a massage, although he couldn’t fault her for drumming up business whenever the opportunity presented itself.

  The stranger shook his head without hesitation. “No. No. Not interested in none of that.” His piercing eyes darted between the three of them again and Beck didn’t like the way he looked at Lucy. “They give licenses to massage parlors nowadays?”

  Before Beck or Patrick could bite off a reply to that innuendo, the man opened the door and walked out.

  “Was he—” Lucy frowned as she watched the asshole walk out to his Mustang. “Did he think I was a licensed hooker?”

  Patrick let out a breath. “That’s what it sounded like. I wonder what rock he crawled out from that he doesn’t understand the difference.”

  Beck wished the dickhead had hung around so he could explain the difference. Instead, he turned to Lucy. The warning flags were going up in the back of his mind but he had to say it. “You know, lots of people will make that assumption. I’d be willing to bet those two Abbott brothers are hoping you’re going to give them extras. If Vance ever calls you, he’s liable to expect some nookie, too.”

  Lucy turned on him and the sparks in her eyes told him he’d gone and done it. Patrick gaped at Beck from behind her and motioned with a cocked finger to his head as though Beck had just shot himself and then pointed toward the kitchen.

  “Excuse me?” Lucy said in a level, steely tone. Beck got a little scared when she reached out and trailed her fingertips down his arm and stroked the palm of his hand.

  Clarify and apologize! That’s what his inner angel told him. But this was a serious concern for him. His inner devil told him to defend and justify. “Lucy, you know that’s going to happen. What are you gonna do when one of them tries to slide you something besides a tip for your services?”

  The hint of a smile crossed Lucy’s lips as she flicked her tongue across her lower lip. In a lightning quick move, she grabbed his wrist, spun with his arm over her head and shoved it up between his shoulder blades, then pulled two of his fingers back in a direction they were never intended to go. Pain! Oh, good God, pain!

  “That’s what I’d do, Beck.” For good measure she yanked his immobilized hand up just a little higher by her grip on his fingers and he whimpered before she released him. “I know how to defend myself.”

  Cognizant of PJ sitting at the table in her kitchen, Beck spoke in a soft growl as he shook out his hand and wrist. “Shit. I wasn’t trying to piss you off. I’m genuinely concerned. Fuck. That hurt, woman.”

  “You have no call to make such an insinuation, Beck. Everyone who comes in here knows I give therapeutic massage, completely above board, and if they try to cop a feel, which rarely ever happens, I know how to defend myself. We’ve already discussed this.” She poked him hard enough in the chest to make him take a step back and bump into the reception counter and spoke in a modulated tone. “By the way, the Abbott brothers are very, very nice to me, and are now regular customers with once a month standing appointments. Stick that in your judgmental pipe and smoke it, asshole.”

  “Shit.” She’s already given them both massages and they liked it so much they want to come in once a month now? Jealousy reared its ugly head.

  “Good going, dickhead,” Patrick whispered as he inched over to the hallway to peek in on PJ. “Doing okay, buddy?”

  PJ called from the kitchen, talking over another mouthful. “Oh yeah. I’m good, Daddy.”

  Patrick returned and wrapped his arms around Lucy from behind as she frowned at Beck. He nailed Beck with his eyes and said, “You got about two minutes to fix this.”

  This could go one of two ways. He could apologize and make amends or… “Are they naked when you massage them?”

  Lucy’s eyes flashed with fire and Patrick held her tight when she launched herself at him. Her feet even left the floor. Bad choice, I guess.

  “When we started out, you knew I was a massage therapist. When I massaged you, were you naked?”

  “Well…yes. But I hardly see what difference that makes. Though, it illustrates my point, doesn’t it? Yes, I was naked,” he growled softly, listening for movement from the kitchen. “And I was hard as a rock, too. I could barely keep myself from touching you.”

  Lucy settled down and looked over her shoulder at Patrick and he released her. “Yes, you were,” she said, her eyes clearly revealing her turbulent emotions. He hadn’t meant to hurt her. “But you didn’t act on those feelings did you? My male customers wouldn’t be customers if they didn’t understand the boundaries. I swear, Beck. You need to download a filter and think before you speak.”

  Beck frowned at her. “Were they nekkid?”

  Lucy scrunched up her nose and glowered at him. “I’m not telling you. And it shouldn’t matter. I’m not interested in whether or not they were naked. As long as I can do my job it doesn’t matter.”

  Crossing his arms over his chest, Beck stood his ground and said, “I don’t like imagining you working closed up in a room with a nekkid guy. It bothers me and I’m man enough to admit it.”

  Lucy stood mirroring his posture with a frown on her face and her arms crossed in front of her. The only difference was the fact that crossing her arms under her breasts pushed them up, revealing more of her cleavage. Her breasts were practically drawing his hands like magnets. He could practically feel them in his hands. Maybe she was right and he was breast-obsessed. She made a small sound and he looked up into her eyes again and saw a trace of humor in her eyes.

  “You are such an asshole, Beck. I don’t know why I… I don’t know why I put up with you sometimes and why you have to be such a caveman about it. Do I give you a hard time every time I hear about some woman coming out to your place in the country to buy honey from you? No.”

  “Yeah, because you’re friends with most of them and know that they’re committed to their men and aren’t interested in me.”

  “Aha. There you go.”

  “There I go…what?”

  “They’re committed to their men. Just like I’m…”

  “Yeah? What are you?”

  “Well, I’m committed to you, jerk. I’d never allow one of my customers to make a move on me and get away with it. I’m interested in the two of you and that’s it.”

  “So you’re my girlfriend?”

  Lucy rolled her eyes. “Of course I’m your girlfriend, Beck. What did you think last weekend was about?”

  Beck shrugged, secretly pleased that she’d finally defined what they were for him. All week he’d wondered if she was planning to keep things secret until she’d kicked the tires a few times. He thought it might be a good idea to keep that thought to himself. PJ would come running out of the kitchen any second now.

  “Last thing I wanted to do was upset you, sweetness. But you can understand why I’d be concerned? Forgive the caveman inside?”

  Smiling, Lucy got right up in his space, allowing her palm to slide down his torso until it settled on his rapidly inflating cock. Her breasts pillowed against his chest and he glanced out the front windows to make sure no one was peeking in on them. “Playing with fire there, sweetness.” He hardened in her hand so fast it was painful. He noticed she reached behind her and judging by Patrick’s reaction, she had him in a similar hold.

  “I can’t fault the caveman in you, Beck. But you’ll have to trust the loyal woman in me. I don�
�t want anyone’s dicks but yours and Patrick’s. Don’t give me shit over my job again. I’m good at what I do and I won’t tolerate you cheapening it.”

  “Sorry, baby,” he murmured, as he rubbed his lower lip against hers. “I wasn’t trying to make you feel cheap. Just want you to know that you belong to me and Patrick.”

  Patrick groaned at the same time he did, when she lightly squeezed.

  Her smile was innocent and angelic. “Believe me. I like it that way. But you’re going to either trust me or stop wasting my time.”

  “Fair enough. Now, you wanna stop jerking on my dick before the boy comes back in here?”

  “Just making sure you understand. I figured employing your small brains might be a good idea.”

  “Hey, don’t include me in that,” Patrick growled, nibbling at her shoulder. “My dick already knew who it belonged to.” He smiled across her shoulder at Beck, obviously not giving a shit if he misinterpreted his words to mean that he was pussy-whipped. Patrick would probably laugh if accused of that and not give a fuck what anyone thought. Especially when the pussy belonged to Lucy.

  Lucy released them and turned to Patrick, purposely rubbing her fluffy ass against Beck’s dick. He clenched his fist to keep from grabbing her by the hips and pulling her to him tight. When the boy was around, it was hard keeping his inner horndog in check sometimes.

  She dragged a finger over Patrick’s lower lip and then nuzzled him. “It’s not just your dick I’m interested in Patrick Owen. It’s the whole package. I’m sure PJ is nearly done so we’ll have to continue this conversation later.”

  Right on cue, PJ ran into the room. “What we doin’ now?”

  Beck grabbed him up when PJ launched himself at him and said, “I think it’s time for dinner and then a bath for you, little man.”

  PJ frowned and disagreed. “I ain’t tired!”

  “You mean I’m not tired,” Beck replied as he hoisted PJ onto his shoulders.

  “That neither.”

  Lucy grabbed her purse and flipped off the remaining lights and Patrick opened the door for them so they could load him up.

  Having PJ with them limited what they could do on the weekends but Beck didn’t mind the energetic boy. He understood the way his mind worked and was willing to put his own needs aside, at least for a little while.


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