Lucy's Revenge [Divine Creek Ranch 15] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Lucy's Revenge [Divine Creek Ranch 15] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 24

by Heather Rainier

  Contentment despite the emotional upheaval of the morning filled him as his son leaned over and hugged him around his waist hard. Easing PJ into a life that included Lucy and Beck was requiring patience but Patrick knew it would be worth it.

  PJ jumped down from the corner booth and said, “I’m gonna go potty and wash my hands. Can I go alone like a big boy?”

  Patrick looked around the nearly empty establishment and nodded because he knew no men had entered the restroom since they’d been there. “Sure.”

  As soon as he was gone, Lucy squeezed his hand, giggling. “I think you handled his questions well.”

  Patrick shrugged and smiled, feeling far from father-of-the-year status, especially after the argument with his dad. Nothing like a steaming-hot serving of guilt to make him question all his decisions since going out on his own.

  Beck leaned forward and asked, “What did your dad want?”

  With a long sigh, Patrick replied, “To let me know what a disappointment I am to him.”

  Lucy frowned. “That’s harsh. Did he at least try to understand?”

  “He’s more concerned with appearances and how fast the gossip will spread.”

  “And your mom?”

  “Privately, my mom just wants me to be happy. Publicly, I’m not sure she’d go against anything my dad says.” He turned to Lucy and said, “Dad told me that I need to force you to make a choice between the two of us.”

  “And what did you tell him?”

  Patrick appreciated that she never even considered that he might actually have considered that.

  “I told him no way in hell. I’m an adult and he has no say. He threatened to cut me from his will if I pursue this relationship and I told him he could stick his will up his ass.”

  “Ouch. I’ll bet he didn’t appreciate that,” Beck said with a chuckle.

  Lucy tilted her head and looked from him to Beck and back. “Is it worth it to you? All the hassle? Losing your inheritance?”

  He saw the trace of uncertainty in her eyes. He caressed the top of her hand as Beck took the other one. “It’s worth it, Luce. Don’t ever think it isn’t. He’ll have to get over it. I can’t live to please my family. They’ve interfered long enough. And the inheritance probably won’t amount to much. He can keep his money.”

  Beck leaned toward her, kissed her temple, and said, “We knew this would be challenging going into it. I’m glad someone else is acting like an asshole for a change.” Lucy looked at Patrick as though she was fighting laughter and Beck added, “Come on, this is where you’re supposed to jump to my defense and tell me I’m not an asshole.”

  They all laughed but then Lucy turned to him and patted his cheek. “You’re possessive, territorial, and a bit of a caveman at times, Beck, but you’re not an asshole.” The love was palpable between them as Beck tilted his forehead to hers and then kissed the top of her head as PJ rejoined them.

  Chapter Fifteen

  “Oh, holy shit,” Lucy whispered when she finished lacing up the black leather halter corset. “This is even better than the last one.”

  “I want to see,” Teresa whispered through the door. “Get out here.” Lucy smiled at her enthusiastic giggle.

  “Hang on, eager beaver,” Lucy said as she turned sideways and looked at the black leather skirt from the side. The side seams were open, showing a two-inch-wide strip of bare flesh where the crisscrossing drawstrings were the only covering.

  “Teresa, I’m going to need a black G-string to go with this.”

  “I’ll get you one that’ll fit. Come on, I want to see.”

  Lucy ran her hand over her stomach and threw her shoulders back, winked at herself and then opened the door. Teresa gasped and beckoned her out so she was standing in front of the full-length, winged mirror.

  “Oh, Lucy! That’s…I think words escape me.” Teresa stood back with her hand caressing her large baby belly, her eyes sparkling as she looked Lucy over.

  “This is going to look fantastic at the ROT Rally.”

  Lucy felt like she was worth about a million bucks as she stared at her reflection and turned from side to side.

  Teresa went behind her, slung her long hair forward over one shoulder, and took hold of the strings at the back, jerked firmly and the retied the bows at the waist and said, “There, even better now. You look so hot, Lucy. I’ll bet Beck and Patrick drool when they see you in this.”

  Lucy turned from side to side, looking at her reflection, doing her best to see the assets and not just the defects. She liked what she saw. Liked her body the way it was. A couple of months of striptease classes had toned her abs and legs and she was grateful all over again to Camilla. She’d also done as Camilla suggested and tried to spend at least one night a week at home alone, sans clothes, enjoying her own company. That had helped, too.

  Her gaze flicked up to her face and she saw the part that she valued the most. Her smile. It was the genuine, confident smile of a woman who knew her worth. Her men had met her halfway, teaching her to value herself. She had to give them credit, too.

  Movement in the mirror’s reflection drew her gaze, and Lucy saw the petite, curvaceous brunette who was standing across the store with Summer, gaping at Lucy. She braced herself, hoping this wasn’t one of Tabitha Lester’s buddies. Maybe she’d heard Teresa’s comment regarding Beck and Patrick and she was shocked. The woman was definitely staring but she didn’t seem to have hostile intent.

  Look at me, searching for trouble where none exists. She gave the woman as slight smile in the mirror’s reflection and the woman said, “If those men of yours don’t start to pant with their tongues hanging out when they see you in that, you need to kick them six ways from Sunday.”

  “Amen,” Summer replied, winking at her. “Lucy, do Beck and Patrick know that you plan to wear that to the ROT Rally?”

  “What’s a ROT Rally?” the woman asked.

  “Republic of Texas Bike Rally in Austin, in June,” Summer explained and then turned back to Lucy. “I know how territorial those guys have been with you lately and I want to be there when you tell them you’re wearing that to a gigantic bike rally filled with hot guys on Harleys.”

  Great, she must’ve heard about Beck and Patrick getting all territorial when they’d been introduced to Ransome Cross and Val Teller. Like I’d ever want anyone else.

  Lucy scoffed and rolled her eyes, thinking they’d get over it. “If they don’t like it, they can kiss every lily-white inch of my ass.”

  The woman stepped a little closer, and Lucy could see that her curiosity was innocent. She didn’t look familiar at all. The woman said, “I think you’re very brave.”

  That wasn’t a quality she would’ve attributed to herself until lately. She wondered what it was the stranger saw that made her so sure of that.

  “Lucy, this is Emily Anne Bancroft. Emily Anne, Lucy Carter, and my assistant, Teresa Martinez.”

  Emily Anne greeted Teresa and then turned to Lucy with a questioning gaze. “Carter? Are you related to Seth Carter?”

  If this is another woman coming out of the woodwork, Seth is so dead.

  “I’m his sister. Do you know Seth?” Please don’t say you’re the mother of his lovechild.

  Emily Anne shook her head, causing her cute, bobbed haircut to swing against her jaw with her movement. “Only by reputation. I’ve heard he’s an excellent tattoo artist. A friend of mine was a client of his. Rebecca Jessop.”

  “Oh, yes, I know Rebecca. In fact, I brought her in here a couple of months back.”

  Lucy and Rebecca had gotten to know each other while Seth had done her tattoo. The subject of great shops in the area had come up and Lucy had mentioned Discretion. Rebecca had been so intrigued, Lucy had offered to take her out there and introduce her to Summer and the girls. It’d been a fun afternoon.

  The woman seemed a little uncertain of herself, which Lucy could relate to, so she looked away, reached in the top of the corset and adjusted the girls a bit. “And how
do you know her? Rebecca Jessop? Are you from the same town?”

  “Yes, ma’am. We’re both from Lusty. Actually I’m from Comanche but Rebecca was born in Lusty. At least I think she was. We’ve only recently met since I moved to Lusty.” The woman stopped talking and Lucy had the distinct impression she made her nervous.

  Wait. She only recently moved to Lusty? She turned to Emily Anne, intent on asking her if she knew Chloe Rhodes but stopped herself because she wasn’t imagining the intimidated look in Emily Anne’s eyes. I wonder what I’m doing that makes her so nervous? Grilling her for dirt on someone she may well be friends with probably isn’t a good idea.

  Coming back to her reason for being in Discretion, Lucy smoothed her hand down the front of the leather halter corset and skirt. Like the skirt, it had two rows of crisscrossing drawstrings that ran down the front, below her bust line, that showed a lot of skin. Patrick and Beck were going to flip, which was both positive and negative. It would still be worth it to see the looks on their faces though. “So you think this is drool worthy?”

  “I do indeed.”

  Gazing at herself once again in the mirror, she thought she probably was acting like a totally vain fool but the positive affirmation was good for her soul.

  “It is drool worthy. I’m drool worthy and damn it, this is perfect!” she smiled at her sexy reflection and cupped the girls appreciatively, laughing with the ladies as she admired her ass one last time.

  Teresa walked up with a transparent black G-string, and the absolutely divine long, sheer lace robe that she’d showed her earlier. She wanted it so bad she could practically feel it sliding over her skin. “Now if only I can talk you into taking the robe, too. It’s you, as well. The softer side of you, I think, and showcases a different side of your beauty. Pair it with the G-string and it’d be perfect.”

  The only problem was the price tag. Her clothing budget was taking a huge hit that month just with the leather outfit.

  “I’m going to have to pass on it. It’s heavenly, but I can’t. Not this time. With the massage studio still in its infancy I’m on a pretty tight budget. But this?” She caressed the halter straps on the corset. “This I have to have. It’s perfect for what I have planned.”

  Emily Anne’s big brown doe eyes widened. “You’re a massage therapist?”

  “Yes, and newly self-employed. I own A Divine Retreat, in Divine.” She was surprised when she checked the time and saw how long she’d been at Discretion. No wonder my stomach is growling. It’s past suppertime. Teresa has been on her feet all day and they’re probably killing her. “Wow, I didn’t realize the time.”

  “It’s okay, Lucy. Let’s get you out of this,” Teresa replied, waving away Lucy’s apology as she untied the corset strings and shooed her back into the dressing room. “Angel insisted on picking me up from work tonight so no worries. I’ll go add up your ticket.”

  In the SUV on her way home she called the guys and Patrick put her on speakerphone.

  “I’m in Morehead. Sorry, I didn’t realize how late it was.”

  “That’s all right. We’re grilling steaks in just a couple of minutes and we have one with your name on it. Get on over here. What were you up to in Morehead?”

  “Just a little shopping.”

  He didn’t question her any further. Evidently Patrick had forgotten about her little leather shopping excursion for which she was relieved even though she felt a wee bit guilty for not reminding him. She knew they’d love the leathers once they got a look at her in them…after she was at the ROT Rally.

  Yeah, you just keep telling yourself that, dimples.

  * * * *

  Late in May, Patrick and Beck walked into the cool relief of the Dancing Pony. May had been a busy month for the three of them. Add PJ being home from school on top of business and they’d all had their hands full juggling responsibilities, but they’d been making it work. Beck had been considering talking to Patrick about negotiating new living arrangements, to make it even easier. The thought of having Lucy with them every night filled him with pleasure and anticipation.

  “Gentlemen,” Ethan Grant said in greeting as he placed a cocktail napkin in front of each of them. “The usual?” he asked as he grasped two pilsner glasses and rested his hand on the Shiner Bock beer tap. After they nodded, he set about filling their glasses with the amber brew that made Beck’s mouth water after working in the hot sun all day. He placed the filled glasses in front of them and said, “Where’s Lucy tonight?”

  Patrick shared a quick grin with him and then Beck said, “Striptease lessons and then she’s spending the evening by herself at her place.”

  Nakie alone time, which means we’re getting nailed the second she lays eyes on us. The anticipation made it even sweeter.

  Ethan rested his palms on the bar and said, “For two guys who look like they’re enjoying their lady’s company as much as you two do, you seem awfully happy to be here without her.”

  Patrick grinned and didn’t say shit but Beck couldn’t resist. “Let’s just say we’re pretty sure we’re on her mind as much as she’s on ours.” He made a mental note to ask Lucy later if she found the present he’d hidden in her toy box earlier in the day.

  “Ah, the art of anticipation. Gotcha. Grace is at class, too.” Ethan growled softly. “I sure do like it that she’s taking those classes.”

  Beck and Patrick chuckled in reply. “Yeeeeeeah, buddy.”

  Corinna rolled her eyes as she slid her tray onto the bar. “Is the testosterone awful strong at this end of the bar or is it just me? You must be talking about your women.”

  Beck winked at her and said, “We are. Talking about how much we love ’em.”

  Corinna waggled her eyebrows. “Love, huh? Wow! As I live and breathe, Beck O’Malley. Are you confessing love for Lucy? We already know Ethan adores Gracie.”

  Patrick turned to Beck with surprised humor in his eyes, “Yeah, Beck. You confessing love for Lucy now?”

  Beck sipped his beer and met Ethan’s twinkling gaze. “Sounds like it, doesn’t it?” Yeah, might’ve been good to confess that one to Lucy first.

  He’d been waiting for the right time, a moment when they were alone, which had been rare lately.

  After taking care of another customer, Ethan returned to them, rested a forearm against the bar, and leaned toward them, gaining their undivided attention with the look in his eyes.

  “I want to ask you about something, and, Beck, I want you to hear me out before you answer, okay?”

  Beck and Patrick both nodded and waited.

  Ethan chewed his lip while he chose his words. “We have a situation that will hopefully be coming to a head sometime this summer. I’d like to get you involved. Both of you, if you’ve a mind to.”

  Ethan wouldn’t ask him to get involved in anything that wasn’t legit so Beck waited, mirroring Ethan’s posture. He’d always be willing to help a friend.

  “Some friends in Lusty are looking for help with a case involving Chloe and Carrie Rhodes.”

  Beck frowned and nodded for Ethan to continue wondering what was up and why their help was needed. It was a relief that the reflexive pain response to hearing her name had disappeared.

  “The Lusty Town Trust has hired two investigators, Mel Richardson and Connor Talbot, to see if there’s any way to get them some justice from the man who stole their inheritance and abandoned them to the foster care system. Mel and Connor believe this man, who was their parents’ business partner, killed the lawyer who would’ve represented their girls’ interests. This resulted in them falling through the cracks in the system and they both suffered abuse in their foster homes as a result. Carrie and Chloe have come to mean an awful lot to Grandma Kate, and she and the Lusty Town Trust have charged Mel and Connor with finding closure for the girls. They also hope to recover whatever remains of the inheritance if possible.”

  Beck felt guilty that Ethan knew more about Chloe’s past than he did. He’d known that her parents had be
en killed in a tornado while they were on a trip away from home and that she’d grown up in foster care but he’d never pressed her for details about a time that was no doubt painful for her. His heart ached, but in a good way, that the people of Lusty had embraced her so lovingly into their community because he knew an investigation like that had to cost a pretty penny. If he hadn’t been able to give her what it was she’d needed, he wanted to at least help her find closure.

  “They’ve tracked a man they suspect is responsible for the lawyer’s death and for stealing the inheritance to here in Divine. They’ve been gathering information and doing surveillance and have even involved Ace Webster and Kemp Whittier.”

  “That fucker is as good as caught then,” Beck replied. “Those guys don’t fuck around.”

  “When the time comes, would you like to be involved in catching this son of a bitch?” Ethan asked, looking straight at Beck.

  Beck didn’t hesitate at all. “I’d be happy to help. Just tell us what you need.” He looked over at Patrick and his best friend nodded affirmatively. Beck put his empty glass down. “It’s the least I can do.”

  Patrick said, “I’d be happy to help however I can, too, Ethan. It’s wrong what that jackass did to those little orphan girls.”

  Ethan nodded and seemed pleased. “I think it’ll be good for you, Beck. I know the way she left never sat well with you. Sometimes we never understand the ‘why’ of things. You needed closure.”

  “One question?”


  “They aren’t using the girls for bait or anything, are they? To draw him out?”

  “No need to. I think Chloe may know what they’re doing but I think she won’t really know the details until after the fact. I don’t even know that she’d have to testify in a trial if it goes that far.”

  “Good. She’s a part of my past but I still care about her. I wouldn’t want someone innocent put in harm’s way.”

  “No worries there,” Ethan said, sounding pleased. He knocked on the bar and looked at their glasses. “Another round, on me this time?”


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