Lucy's Revenge [Divine Creek Ranch 15] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Lucy's Revenge [Divine Creek Ranch 15] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 28

by Heather Rainier

  “Oh,” Jayne said, “I’ll bet that makes it nicer since all the blacktop makes it so hot out here, and more comfortable for the ladies, too.”

  The smile on Ransome’s face widened, as he said, “Trust me, Jayne, this rally may be centered around the bikes, but the bikers are all about keeping the ladies happy and comfortable.”

  Lucy giggled and Jayne said, “What aren’t you telling me, Ransome?”

  Ransome licked his lips and seemed to be choosing his words. “Because happy ladies means the bikers are much more likely to get laid.”

  “Oh!” Jayne said, and then giggled, too. “Well, that makes perfect sense, I guess.”

  Ransome recognized one of the bikers in the group by the pool and they slowed to talk with him and his old lady.

  Lucy smiled at her, thinking this must be total culture shock for Jayne. Then she turned to the couple Ransome and Val were greeting, who seemed like they must be old friends of theirs. Ransome introduced her and Jayne and Lucy was paying attention to the conversation until she heard a low moan coming from the direction of the awning between the two RVs and beyond the pool. The next instant she was super glad she had on dark shades to hide her surprise.

  Jayne suddenly grabbed her hand and whispered in a hoarse voice, “Lucy, look over there.”

  Lucy was already looking “over there” and watching as the moaning got louder. A biker was sitting at a picnic table with a pretty woman who was nude. She was lying on the picnic table, on a folded blanket, with her thighs spread wide for him while he ate her pussy like he was a ravenous man at his last meal. Judging by the happy slurping, he was enjoying himself, too.

  “Baby!” the lucky exhibitionist cried out as she arched off the table. Two other bikers sat in lawn chairs watching and Lucy realized that one of them was receiving a blowjob from his old lady while the other stroked himself through his jeans. The atmosphere was laid back as some others in the group watched while others continued playing in the water.

  The girl moaned again and Lucy thought she was on the verge of coming right there in front of all of them. She made so much noise she even drew Ransome and Val’s attention as well as the couple they were talking to. They all smiled and carried on their conversation.

  The friend, Dale, shrugged and said, “Don’t mind them. It’s their tenth anniversary and he lost a bet with her.”

  Jayne said, “That’s losing a bet?” Her eyes were focused on the scene playing out as the biker teased his woman but wouldn’t let her go over yet.

  Dale chuckled and nodded. “Yup. She won so he had to eat her pussy. If he’d won she’d be sucking his cock.”

  “So they win either way?” Lucy asked.

  Dale chuckled again, “Yup, they’re both happy, and we don’t mind.” He thumbed a finger over at the other biker who was getting a blowjob. “Obviously.”

  One other girl joined the biker who was stroking himself. At her look, he unzipped and held his erection for her. She slipped her G-string off and straddled him, taking him inside her and began to ride him.

  The woman on the picnic table sounded close to screaming and had begun to beg. “Fuck me, baby! Please!”

  The biker stood up, undid his leathers and shoved his rather large cock inside her so hard her whole body shook with the impact. She screamed in ecstasy and writhed uncontrollably with her orgasm. He held fast to her, whispering to her as she moaned blissfully and shook with the force of his thrusts, while sliding her fingers to her cunt. She stroked her clit as he stiffened and began to breathe hard and she rode his climax with him, going over one more time.

  Lucy glanced at Jayne and smiled. Her sister-in-law was obviously riveted, her cheeks flushed. She gulped once and then whispered, “Where’s Seth when I need him?”

  Lucy snickered quietly and replied, “That’s my brother, Jayne. TMI.”

  “Oh. Oh!” Jayne said and then giggled inaudibly and looked at the guys who were still talking to each other. “Wow.”

  Dale smiled at her and said, “Yeah. That’s how Tiger and Baby celebrate their anniversary here every year. Whichever one loses the bet gets to do the other publicly.”

  “A win-win situation, I think,” Lucy said, and tried to picture herself celebrating an anniversary with Patrick and Beck like that. The thought made her wet. Wetter actually, she realized, acknowledging her inner voyeur.

  Jayne asked, “Why do they bet?”

  Dale shrugged. “To keep each other, and us, guessing, I suppose. I think Tiger may have lost this year on purpose just because he likes eating Baby’s pussy in public and likes knowing that she belongs only to him.”

  “No one else will bother her, after…” Jayne let the sentence drift off, her real question obvious. Was the woman who just came safe with the other bikers around?

  “Oh, hell no,” Dale said easily. “We watch after our own. Baby knows what she likes, like all the rest of the ladies, and we want them to feel safe and happy.”

  The biker, Tiger, stood after having put himself back together and lifted his old lady in his arms with her legs wrapped around his waist and carefully sat with her, turning her so she sat sideways cuddled against him. They kissed like lovers and he squeezed her tight before watching the other two bikers finish their own encounters.

  Dale smiled at Jayne. “Is this your first ROT Rally?”

  Jayne smiled and nodded. “Hopefully my first of many. I’m here with my husband, Seth Carter, and my sister-in-law, Lucy.”

  “Carter?” Tiger called. “Seth Carter? He’s here? Hell yeah.” He looked into his old ladies’ eyes. “Baby, we need to go see him after you rest a spell.” She nodded and he kissed her again.

  Lucy grinned at the exchange and the moment felt a little surreal.

  Dale quietly said, “Lucy, if you’d like to hang out a bit, you’re more than welcome to get in the pool.”

  Val spoke up. “Actually, Dale, her men should be arriving any time now. We’re just on our way back from getting some food in the girls.”

  Dale nodded in understanding. “Oh, I thought she was here with one of you.”

  Lucy smiled and shook her head and elbowed Val when he chuckled. Dale’s wife, Natalie, who stood beside him said, “Did you say men? As in…multiple man…men?”

  Lucy couldn’t help the big grin on her face as Natalie went a little big-eyed. “Yeah. I’m hoping Patrick and Beck get here soon, too.”

  And I wish there was somewhere I could take them and screw them both blind after that hot, wicked display on the picnic table.

  “Wow. Right on, girl,” Natalie replied as one of her other female friends in the group came over, obviously curious. “I’ll have to check out Seth’s tables in the Expo Center, too, I guess.” They both nodded, the implication that they wanted to see Lucy with her men was clear in their eyes.

  Again. Surreal.

  Ransome finally shook Dale’s hand and gave Natalie a hug and said, “Well, we better get these two gorgeous ladies back to the Expo Center before their men get worried.”

  “Of course,” Dale said as he waved at Jayne and Lucy. “It was a pleasure meeting you, ladies. If any of you want to come back later we’ll be here partying all night.”

  As they walked away, deep in her core, Lucy knew that if her men would tolerate it, she’d come back, but only to play with them. The thought of being naked and taken like that in public set her on fire but the reality was that they were just too new to each other for all three to be comfortable in a setting like that.

  Maybe in years to come, she thought with a smile.

  Thinking about her men had her yearning for them, both physically and emotionally. She couldn’t wait to see them, kiss them, feel them wrapped around her.

  Jayne chuckled quietly as she walked with Lucy, with Ransome and Val flanking them.

  “What?” Lucy asked.

  Jayne replied, “Quite suddenly, looking around and seeing topless women strolling around doesn’t seem so shocking.”

smiled. “That happens. This is a place where all these people come together like a big family and they can be themselves. The groups watch out for each other and protect their own.”

  “Lucy?” Val said.


  “You’re not planning to go back to Dale’s group to get in the pool, right?”

  “No. I don’t think Patrick and Beck would allow that.”

  “I don’t think they would either.”

  Ransome said, “Maybe one of these years, if there’s enough of us, we can rent a few spaces together, bring RVs and a pool and have a party spot like that.”

  Lucy smiled. “It sounds like fun, but a lot of the ladies in our group are pretty territorial about their men, and vice versa.”

  A wicked chuckle erupted from Val as the four of them walked back into the Expo Center. “Leaves more pussy for the single guys then, doesn’t it?”

  Ransome reached over the women’s heads and shoved lightly at Val’s shoulder. “You make us sound like horny dogs.”

  Val burst into laughter. “We aren’t?”

  “Well, I’d rather the ladies didn’t see us that way. We’re supposed to be keeping them company and keeping them safe.”

  Lucy laughed. “It’s okay. We’ve felt safe and we know that you have needs. Just not needs that we can help you with.”

  Val groaned. “I think I just blushed,” he said with a chuckle as he took off his sunshades and hooked them in his shirtfront. They walked through the exhibition hall, looking at the wares available until Val softly growled, “Patrick and Beck are here.”

  Joy filled Lucy and she looked diagonally across the space at Seth’s table. She resisted the urge to break into a run. “I don’t see them. The crowd is too thick.”

  Ransome said, “Looks like they’re meeting us halfway.”

  Just then, Beck and Patrick turned the corner onto the aisle they were walking on and Lucy’s breath caught in her throat.

  Beck was dressed in a black wife-beater and his black riding leathers and boots. He’d teased her the night before, telling her that she’d have to wait to see him in them because he wasn’t modeling.

  He moved like a panther, his arrogant swagger a complete turn-on. Patrick strode beside him, dressed in beat-to-hell faded jeans and a snug white T-shirt. Both of them looked good enough to eat…until she got a look at their faces.


  Ransome said, “They do not look happy. Matter of fact they look pissed as hell.”

  She could see it in their eyes and the way they moved took on new meaning. Territorial men. Offended, territorial men.

  “I want to apologize in advance for anything that’s about to happen, guys,” Lucy murmured but wisely made no protective gesture toward Ransome and Val. Both men grunted. They understood. They’d done their job and that was it. But her men weren’t seeing it that way.

  Beck’s and Patrick’s eyes were practically searing her with their heat as their gazes traveled up and down her body. Lucy’s joy at seeing the men shriveled as she saw the anger in their eyes. Sensing trouble, rally-goers gave them a wide berth and several men positioned their women behind them so that they could shield them in the event of trouble.

  Lucy noticed Charity and Justin hurrying up behind Beck and Patrick, evidently hoping to stop them from causing a scene. Beck was the first to speak to Lucy as Justin clapped his hand down on his shoulder. “I thought you were supposed to stay at the booth with your brother.”

  Lucy’s spine felt like it had a steel rod in it as she looked him straight in the eyes. “Lower your voice, Beck.”

  Beck looked ready to explode at her admonishment as he reached for her. He didn’t look like he’d be gentle.

  Jayne suddenly slipped out of Ransome’s reach and put herself directly in front of him. She even invaded his space a little so he’d back up. “You calm the fuck down, Beck O’Malley.”

  Charity went a little bug-eyed at Jayne’s sharply voiced command.

  Lucy noted the way Jayne’s hands trembled at her sides and knew this wasn’t an easy thing for her to do. In the past, Jayne had always been the first to defend Beck to Lucy and make excuses for his surly behavior. The effect on Beck was startling. He looked down at her and the aggression started draining out of him.

  Jayne stood there in her red leathers and tamed the beasts. Lucy could’ve done it but she had to admit to enjoying the sight of Jayne Carter standing up to men who were both at least a foot taller than her and reducing them to kittens eating from her hand.

  Jayne quietly continued. “Beck, do you think so little of Lucy that you’d speak to her like that in front of strangers? Ransome and Val accompanied us to use the restroom and to get something to eat with Seth’s blessing. Would you agree those are good reasons for us to leave the booth?”

  Beck glanced at Lucy and then back at Jayne.

  Jayne turned to Patrick, who still looked ready to put Lucy over his knee as he eyed her outfit. Lucy hated the hurt, mixed with the anger, in his eyes. “Patrick, do you really think Lucy would act in a way that would bring shame to you?”

  “Look how she’s dressed.”

  Jayne reached up and gently tilted Patrick’s chin so he would look at her. “Look how I’m dressed. Look how more than half the women here are dressed.” She gestured all around them. Lucy saw the moment both men realized they were creating a bit of a scene.

  Justin gripped both of men by the shoulder. “Gentlemen, why don’t we take this back to the table.” Lucy could tell that neither man liked it when Justin did that.

  Jayne spoke softly again. “Lucy’s been looking forward to seeing you both all day. You know what the ROT Rally is like and you knew we’d need escorts strong enough to watch over us. You should be thanking Ransome and Val instead of acting like you’re about to fight them. They are our friends. You should be ashamed of yourselves.”

  The ruddy color in Patrick’s cheeks had begun to dissipate as he looked back up at Lucy and then down at her outfit again. He closed his eyes as if in pain and the ache in her heart went so deep she gasped. She wished she knew what was going through his mind.

  Looking very disappointed, Jayne turned from Beck and spoke softly to Ransome, “Could you please take me back to the booth, Ransome? I think I need to sit down for a minute. I don’t feel well.” She gave Lucy a little wink and then wrapped her other hand around Val’s forearm. “I think Patrick and Beck can take care of Lucy from this point.” Lucy noticed Beck and Patrick react to Jayne’s admission about not feeling well and both looked guilty.

  In her peripheral vision, Lucy saw Val cast a look at her as they skirted the small group, trying to make sure she was okay with being left to deal with Patrick and Beck. She knew she couldn’t afford to look his way. To do so would only incite Patrick and Beck again. She’d have to thank him later for walking away without question.

  Charity and Justin waited silently as Lucy, Beck, and Patrick stared at each other in the middle of the busy aisle of the exhibition hall.

  So not how I wanted to spend my evening.

  She gathered her thoughts and finally spoke. “I should’ve shown you what I was wearing today.”

  Both men remained silent, except for another glance at her attire, which thank goodness held a different sort of heat now.

  Patrick was the first to speak. “Probably not, Luce. We wouldn’t have allowed you wear it. But I can see that you’re not the only one in leathers, even as minimal as yours are.”

  She’d let that comment about them allowing her to wear the outfit slide for the time being. She understood why they were angry. It all revolved around appearances. The way she was dressed. The way she looked, walking with Jayne and the two men, like they were couples. Appearances that didn’t mean a hill of beans in this gathering but she tried to put herself in their shoes.

  “I know if the tables were turned, I’d be jealous as hell.”

  Both men nodded and seemed to relax a fraction.

ey were our escorts, nothing more. I’d never cheat on either of you. You have to know that,” she whispered and was embarrassed when her lips quivered with the last word. Both men dropped the last bit of anger from their postures and Justin nodded at Charity and pulled her down the aisle, leaving the three of them to finish.

  Patrick and Beck both let out deep breaths and then looked at her, nearly eye to eye because of the high heels she wore. The space between her and them seemed an awfully long distance and she couldn’t make herself step across the void. She’d said all she needed to say and it was up to them to make their move.

  Luckily for her, their move involved warm eyes, gentle hands, and warm bodies as they closed in on either side of her. She heard whispering around her but she didn’t worry about the opinions of others.

  Beck tilted her chin and kissed her with a slow thoroughness that left her breathless. He tasted of breath mints and a slight hint of tequila. She smiled, recalling that Seth had brought a bottle of Patrón with him for once his workday was done. He must’ve poured Beck a shot after he’d arrived.

  Once Beck had finished, Patrick tilted her head his way and sealed his lips to hers in a nonverbal apology that was tender and sweet, and then quickly became more as his tongue caressed hers and he stroked her cheekbone in a way that made her feel precious.

  After he was done, Patrick’s lips brushed hers as he whispered, “You’re a temptress dressed like this. I can’t stand sharing this vision of you with so many others.”

  She whispered back, “Them looking means nothing to me. What matters is how you see me and that you know you and Beck are the only ones who are allowed to touch. No one has laid a hand on me all day. I swear it.”

  Patrick let out a long sigh. “I’m sorry that we put you in a position where you have to swear to something like that. We trust you. I wish I’d come with you this morning.”

  “Me, too,” Beck added softly.

  “You had your own responsibilities to see to, just like I did. Are we okay?”

  Beck looked her over again. “Any chance you brought other clothes to change into?”


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