She closed her eyes tighter, willing the plane to take off so she could at least have a cigarette. She felt someone sit down in the seat beside her and pretended she was asleep. She was too overwrought to start making small talk with anyone.
‘Maura Ryan, I arrest you.’
Her eyes flew open and she looked at the man beside her, dumbstruck.
‘But . . . but . . .’ Her voice was locked inside her throat.
‘I hope you’re pleased to see me?’ Terry’s voice was deep and husky. He was smiling that little lopsided grin that had captured her heart so many years before.
‘But I don’t understand. When I spoke to you . . .’
‘I was still trying to get on this flight then. They held the place for me, you know. One of the last perks of being a policeman. My final abuse of my position.’
He smiled at her again. ‘I don’t know if you want me, Maura. But I want you more than ever. I think deep in my heart I’ve always known that one day I would come and claim you as my own.’
She was still staring at him in absolute amazement. Terry was frightened now. If she pushed him away this time it would be for good and he did not think he could live with that.
The plane began to taxi down the runway, building up speed. As its nose left the tarmac, Maura smiled at him.
‘Oh, Terry. I’m so glad you came. So very, very glad.’
He kissed her then, a long lingering kiss that was witnessed by the two boys in the seat in front. It was their giggling that broke them apart.
‘Do you mind?’ Terry’s voice was jocular and the two little faces disappeared from sight.
He looked at Maura’s radiant face and thanked God she still wanted him.
‘So you’re arresting me, are you?’ Her voice was full of love.
He nodded at her, drinking in every feature and contour of her face.
‘Yes, I’m arresting you . . . and I’m afraid that you’re going to get a life sentence. The whole of it to be spent with me.’
Maura looked at him seriously. ‘I’ll still be running the clubs and . . .’
Terry put his finger to her lips.
‘I don’t care, Maura. All I want from now on is you.’
They smiled at one another as the plane gradually flew higher into the sky.
Dangerous Lady Page 49