My Redemption Too: a Second Chance series

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My Redemption Too: a Second Chance series Page 23

by S. K. Lessly

  Any who, I got in the action and picked up a few things for Paul to enjoy on my body and for myself, including one fashionable silk scarf, okay two. The other one was large enough to wrap around my body. I was thinking you know maybe wrapping up the essentials and having Paul unwrap me in bed. That would be hot, right?

  Once we were done shopping, we dropped our purchases at the hotel then made our way to Rockefeller Plaza for some ice skating.

  We had a blast, let me tell you. I was sore as hell from falling on my ass but seeing all the fun my family was having made it all worth it. Afterwards we drank hot chocolate then went back to the hotel to change for dinner.

  My father reserved a room at the famous Jing Fong restaurant located in the heart of Chinatown. We had such a good time during dinner that by the time we made it back to my house, we all were exhausted.

  Let me tell you. I had never laughed so much in my life. My cheeks hurt both on my face from smiling as well as my ass from falling. I was so glad we decided to do this. My father even demanded that family vacations were officially mandatory at least once a year. I had no problem agreeing with that.

  Sunday came and can I just say this house was jumping early in the morning. My mom had gotten up early to start boiling potatoes, eggs and noodles for sides and my dad and brother had gone to the grocery store to buy the meat they would need for the grill.

  Paul came over that afternoon, about an hour before the game, and brought a friend with him, his buddy Brice.

  And can I take this moment to say... holy shit! Brice was a sexy son of a gun, goodness, gracious.

  He was the same height as Paul, err maybe taller. He had a muscular build, with caramel color skin, brown curly hair, and gray eyes of all things. You could tell he was of mixed race, but the way he carried himself told me he spent a lot of time with the dark half of his family rather than that lighter side.

  When Paul introduced us, Brice gave me a megawatt, panty-dropping smile. If I weren’t spoken for, he would have definitely had me giggling.

  Brice took my hand and kissed the back of it, never moving his eyes off me.

  “So, this is the one you’ve been talking about so much?” he asked Paul, keeping his eyes on me. “You didn’t say how gorgeous she was.” He threw a half smile my way that happened to be sexier than the megawatt smile. And his voice was so deep and resonating that I couldn’t help but blush. He looked at me up and down and shook his head. “Damn.”

  Paul smacked his friend upside his head and pulled my hand from his grip. “Cut it out Brice, before I beat you to death.” Paul wrapped his arm around my shoulders and brought me closer to him.

  Brice laughed and rubbed the back of his head. “Don’t be jealous that I’m better looking than you.”

  “Yeah, you are, pretty boy!”

  Brice laughed again then looked over my head as something or someone caught his eye. “My goodness, who is that vision of beauty?”

  Paul and I both turned and found him staring into the kitchen. My mom, sister, and Hillary were milling about getting everything ready to go downstairs.

  “Who are you talking about, and watch it too. My mom is also in the kitchen,” I scolded.

  “Yeah, I know which one is your mom. She looks like you. Smoking hot, yet older, more refined, and seasoned.”

  “Really, Brice?” I smacked him on his arm. How can he spin words to both make me want to vomit for hearing him talk about my mom yet appraise him for his choice words?

  He ignored me and jutted out his chin. “I’m talking about the one in the white Eagles jersey. She’s your sister, isn’t she?” he asked then went on before I could answer him. “Damn that woman is hot, sexy and way out of my league, but I want her.”

  I knew he was talking about Janet even before I turned around. Both Janet and Hillary wore white Eagles jerseys, but my sister was rocking hers. Smiling, I shook my head at him. Plus, when he said she was way out of his league, I knew he wasn’t talking about Hillary. If he said skank, it would have been her.

  Sorry, let me behave.

  Paul turned to look at my sister before he smiled and turned back to his friend, “Yeah, that’s Lauren’s sister, and you’re right she’s way out of your league. I also know she doesn’t go for pretty delicate boys like you.”

  “Fuck you,” Brice said, shoving Paul in the arm. “Seriously, introduce me.” Paul and I looked at each other before I took his hand and led him into the kitchen, Brice following close behind.

  “Hey mom, Janet… uh, Hillary.” I said Hillary’s name as an afterthought and fought the urge not to roll my eyes as her name fell from my lips. I felt Paul squeeze my hand in rebuke, but I ignored him. “You guys have already met Paul,” I announced, knowing damn well he hadn’t met Hillary. Yes, I was being a brat. I pointed at Brice, ignoring Paul’s scolding look. “This guy next to him is Brice, Paul’s friend.”

  Paul let go of my hand and reached out to shake Hillary’s hand. I swear that girl’s eyes almost fell out of her face when Paul smiled at her. She gawked at my man as if she wanted to dip him in barbeque sauce and eat him up. Her eyes then moved to Brice, and I thought she was going to hyperventilate. Paul moved on to my sister, kissing her on the cheek then my mom, greeting her the same way.

  Brice was ever the charmer. He hugged my mom, took both of her hands in his, and smiled down at her. He complimented her on the smell of good food, her smile, and the way she was wearing her hair. It was over the top, especially since my mom had her hair tied back into a ponytail, nothing fancy but my mom sucked it all up. Brice then moved on to my sister, and I braced for the ice queen sister of mine to freeze him out. Ironically, she did the opposite. She actually looked a bit flustered. That was new. My sister knew she was gorgeous. As I said, she had a very shapely figure and beautiful thick hair that fell down her back. She had smooth, flawless brown skin, high cheekbones, and oval shaped eyes.

  However, as Brice undressed her with his eyes in a way that was borderline inappropriate, my sister shied away a bit instead of calling him on his over the top antics, which was definitely new for her.

  “It is quite a pleasure to meet you, Janet,” Brice replied in his deep baritone of a voice, and my sister giggled. She freaking giggled.

  I looked at her in shock. Even Hillary gave her a questioning look.

  Thank goodness the mood shifted when my father and brother came inside from the patio. I did the introductions all around, despite them knowing Paul and the men all went out on the deck, with fresh bottles of brews in their hands while we stayed behind to gossip.

  “My goodness that man of yours is cute,” Hillary cooed once the men were gone.

  “Cute is what you call a puppy or a newborn baby, Hillary,” my sister chimed in, “that man is a specimen of perfection. Hell both of them are.” Both Janet and Hillary high fived each other in approval. Even my mother got in on the action.

  I stared at them and shook my head. “Do I need to hose you three down?”

  “Probably,” my mother responded, and we all fell out laughing, especially when I agreed with them and gave them all high fives.

  I then grew serious and looked at my sister. “Uh, so what was the giggling all about?”

  She went back to stirring the linguini salad. “What do you mean? I didn’t giggle.”

  I looked at Hillary, and she rolled her eyes at my sister. “Oh, you were so giggly with Brice?”

  Janet waved us off with her hand. “I was not giggly.”

  All three of us told her she was at the same time.

  She waved us off again. “Oh, leave me alone. I was just caught off guard that’s all. Those gray eyes of his.” She fanned herself with her free hand and shivered.

  I had to admit she had a point. Brice was a hunk, but so was Paul. I stared out through the glass window and caught Paul looking at me. I smiled and gave him a finger wave. He smiled back, tipping his head at me, and winked. I giggled.

  When I looked back at my family, they were wat
ching me.

  “What?” I asked my eyes wide with embarrassment.

  They looked at each other, and we all busted out laughing again.



  The rest of the night was a-mazing. I was sure you could guess why?

  Yup, you guessed it… WE WON!!!!!

  My basement was jumping during the entire game. The surround sound premiered every hit, every whistle, and every cheer in high def. We were all spread out in my basement, sitting on the couch and the floor to watch the Patriot’s ass kicking.

  The game was surprisingly close at first and a very high scoring game. I was on the edge of my seat, especially when it got down to two minutes left in the game. We left too much time for Brady to come back, but when Brandon Graham strip-sacked Brady and we recovered the ball, I felt like we had a chance. Granted, I knew Brady was known for making miracles happen. However, he didn’t tonight. Time ran out on his ass, and we pulled out a victory. That damn Foles was a beast.

  For all the naysayers that didn’t believe in us, for the ones that thought we were done when Wentz went down, you all know what you can do…

  Okay, let me pause to say one thing? I hate Tom Brady! I mean I can’t understand how I passionately hate a person I never met. He's not attractive at all. His head is huge, and forehead needs its own zip code. He’s not a team player. He’s arrogant, a fraud and a cheat. Sure, sure he’s also a first ballot hall of famer, but still, his sportsmanship is lacking big time.

  Whew, with that off my chest, I felt a whole lot better.

  After the game, the adults adulted with an abundance of beer, wine, and margaritas, while my nieces and nephews retired to my room to watch movies. Brice, my dad, Paul, and even Brian, regaled us on stories of their jobs, growing up, and playing sports. We all were very interested in Brice and learning about his boys. I would definitely have to check out his football team next year.

  Around one in the morning, everyone decided to call it a night. Brice asked Janet to walk him to the door in a hushed tone, but I was sitting close enough to my sister to hear him ask her. I grinned and winked at her when she looked back at me before rising to follow him upstairs. Before she disappeared, however, she managed to give me the finger behind her back. I couldn’t help but laugh.

  Later she texted that she left with Brice to grab a cup a coffee at a local diner close to the house. I sent her question marks in reply then a set of wide eyes. She returned with a picture of a middle finger.

  My parents called it a night as well, announcing they were keeping the kids upstairs with them. Surprisingly, Brian volunteered to get the kids ready for bed for them. Actually, that wasn’t a surprise. Brian was great with his son, despite him being a terror, as well as his nieces and nephew. They adored him too. But my brother was motivated for other reasons. I saw the looks he was giving Hillary throughout the night. I just hoped I didn’t hear them getting it on. I’ve heard it before and let me tell you it gave me nightmares for months.

  That left Paul and I alone… in the basement.

  I headed for the sliding glass door to make sure it was locked, and the security bar was engaged. It was quiet behind me, which made the butterflies in my stomach take flight. I couldn’t explain why I was so nervous. During the game, we sat next to each other on the couch, but we were all engrossed in the game, to pay attention to the proximity of our bodies. When halftime rolled around, my mom and I were cleaning up in the kitchen while the guys were in the basement. Other than he and I talking a little bit when he arrived, we really hadn’t spoken to each other one on one. Now we were alone, and I didn’t have one word to say. Maybe there weren’t any words to say.

  I stared out into the night, feeling the cold air seeping through the sliding glass door. I ran my clammy hands down the front of my black tights and blew out a breath. Music began playing softly through the speakers, and I turned around to find him still sitting on the sectional. His head was resting on the back of the couch, and his eyes looked to be closed.

  When he came to see me in Philly, all I wanted to do was jump his bones. Now, I was nervous. I wasn’t sure I wanted to go there with him, not just yet. I touched my hand to my neck and rubbed my fingers along the scar hidden behind the green and white Eagles infinity scarf wrapped around my neck. I guess I was nervous because I had changed. I wasn’t my old bold and loud self, and I wasn’t sure if I could be that person anymore.

  Paul’s head turned in my direction, and he opened his eyes and looked over at me. I could feel the intensity in them from where I stood. I closed my eyes, a coward move I know, and tried to stop my heart from beating clear out of my chest.

  When I opened my eyes, resolved at making the first move, someone was stalking right for me, his blue eyes dark, half-mast and hungry. I tried to brace myself for the impending collision, but it was no use. The fierce lip lock that ensued, for sure, had my knees going weak and my breath sucked violently from my lungs. All I could do was wrap my arms around his neck and hold on tight.

  Paul gripped the hem of my jersey, released my lips and tore the thing off my body. He tossed it behind him and resumed kissing the hell out of me. His hand went around to my ass and gripped it tight pushing me up against him.

  Goodness, his hard body felt good against my soft one. I loved the way he was grabbing me possessively and kissing me until I was dizzy with need. I had forgotten all about the nerves I had been feeling a minute ago. I wanted him. I needed him.

  I moaned into his mouth and felt the grip on my ass tighten.

  Paul lifted me, and I wrapped my legs around his waist. He carried me away from the window, and a few seconds later I felt him settle his body into the couch, ironically the same position we were in back at Philly on my brother’s couch. This time I knew, sans for an act of God, we weren’t stopping.

  Paul slouched further into the couch pulling me closer to his body, my core snug right up against the huge bulge in the front of his jeans. I grinded against him slowly, my pussy pulsing with desire, with need I knew only he could fill.

  Paul released my lips and traveled them along my neck, sucking my heated skin, nipping then licking me in just the right places until I was panting his name. It was only then that I realized I no longer had the scarf around my neck. My sub-conscious screamed at me to stop and cover my scar, but my body begged for him to continue what he was doing. I could feel pressure building with the friction of me dry humping him. It felt good. Everything he was doing to me felt amazing, and I’d be damned if I was stopping him.

  I closed my eyes rested my forehead against the back of the couch as my climax grew stronger and stronger and…

  “Hmm, Paul… you feel so good,” I whispered, moving my hips harder yet slower needing to rub my swollen clit along his hardness, desperately trying to get there. The sensation our movements caused sent chills all through my body.

  His hands slid underneath my tank top and went straight for my breasts. He pinched my nipples through the fabric of my bra then rotated them between his thumb and forefinger. I felt him pull back from my neck and felt him whisper my name.

  “Look at me, Lauren. Let me see you, baby.”

  I lifted my eyes to his and held them there as he stimulated me almost to the brink of insanity. I bit my bottom lip and started to move faster. He started to move with me, pushing up into my core just as I was grinding downward.

  “Oh, Paul… yes!”

  “You wanna come?”

  “Yes, I want to please.”

  He quickly released my nipples and gripped my hips, halting my movements.

  “Off, baby. Take these pants off and lay down on the floor.”

  I was about to protest when he slapped my ass, hard. “Do it now. I want to taste you. I want you coming all over my face. In fact, take everything off.” He pushed me up, forcing me to stand and started gripping my tights. He began yanking downward before I could get my footing.

  I grinned at him and stepped back taking over and pullin
g my pants and panties down. I stepped out of them and watched as he took a blanket lying haphazardly on the couch next to us and spread it on the floor.

  “Lay down and open your legs so that I can see that sweet pussy of yours. I wanna see just how wet you are for me.”

  Hearing those words coming from my boy scout almost had me coming where I stood. I knew I was ready for him. I could feel my desires soaking my sex. My inner muscles pulsed hungrily, clamping around nothing as I anticipated his tongue licking me, his mouth sucking on me and his fingers fucking me, and he did not disappoint.

  Not two seconds after my back hit the blanket, and my legs spread open for him, he was on me, his shirt off giving me a view of his perfect chest and abs. My mouth salivated over the sight of him; the hunger in his eyes prominent, and the glorious power in his arms and shoulders evident as he crawled over me. It was the promise his mouth held with every lick and kiss against my stomach and between my breasts that had my hips circling, hopelessly seeking friction, needing it.

  He took a peaked nipple into his mouth and sucked hungrily. My back bowed from the sensation he produced, causing my body to shutter from shockwaves flowing all through my body. I closed my eyes and wrapped my hand around the back of his neck, holding on for dear life. I had forgotten just how he could make my body sing for him with just a simple touch. I was almost on the verge of coming; it was that intense.

  Paul lapped and sucked and savored each of my nipples with his fingers and his mouth. I circled my hips, rubbing myself against his chest, dying to explode. He squeezed my breasts, and I thought I was going to lose my mind.

  “Paul, please baby,” I pleaded on a harsh whisper. “I need you, please.”

  “Yeah, tell me what you need?” he prodded, his voice a low and full of the same need I felt.


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