Katieran Prime 4 - Kiljorn Prime

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Katieran Prime 4 - Kiljorn Prime Page 1

by KD Jones

  Table of Contents


  Kiljorn Prime

  Story of the Star Mates

  Katieran/English Dictionary

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen


  Coming Soon

  Books by KD Jones

  Excerpt from Katieran Prime

  Excerpt from Prime Commander

  Excerpt from Prime Medic

  Excerpt from HeVan Sent

  Excerpt from Gateway to HeVan

  Kiljorn Prime

  Katieran Prime Series

  Book Four

  Author: K. D. Jones

  Editor: Rose Colton

  Artwork by JK Publishing, INC

  Published by JK Publishing, INC

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  This is a work of fiction. Names, places, characters, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously and any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, organizations, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.

  © Copyright February 2013 JK Publishing, INC

  This is a First Edition, Published by JK Publishing, INC February 2013

  All cover art and logo © Copyright 2013 by JK Publishing, INC

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  I would like to give a special thanks to all the people in my life that have supported and encouraged me to pursue my dreams.

  You may contact me at:

  Facebook: www.facebook.com/kd.jones.399?fref=ts

  Website: www.kdjonesauthor.com

  Table of Contents

  ~Kiljorn Prime

  ~Story of the Star Mates

  ~Katieran/English Dictionary

  ~Chapter One

  ~Chapter Two

  ~Chapter Three

  ~Chapter Four

  ~Chapter Five

  ~Chapter Six

  ~Chapter Seven

  ~Chapter Eight

  ~Chapter Nine

  ~Chapter Ten

  ~Chapter Eleven

  ~Chapter Twelve

  ~Chapter Thirteen

  ~Chapter Fourteen

  ~Chapter Fifteen

  ~Chapter Sixteen

  ~Chapter Seventeen

  ~Chapter Eighteen

  ~Chapter Nineteen


  ~Coming Soon

  ~Books by KD Jones

  ~Excerpt from Katieran Prime

  ~Excerpt from Prime Commander

  ~Excerpt from Prime Medic

  ~Excerpt from HeVan Sent

  ~Excerpt from Gateway to HeVan

  Kiljorn Prime

  Lindsey Carreli doesn’t think twice when she accepts the position offered to her as the Katieran Legal Advisor for Earth Relations. It is a high profile position. Her responsibility is to give legal representation to the alien race known as the Katierans. It is, also, a new start for her and her family. She is instantly attracted to the Leader of Katiera, but it is the Leader of the Kiljorn Nation that she finds herself falling hopelessly in love with. The problem is the Kiljorn Leader is planning to spend his life with another woman. Will she be able to fight her attraction to this man? Will her involvement prevent two nations from forming a much-needed alliance? Or will she find the courage to pursue a relationship with the Kiljorn Leader in spite of all the odds stacked against them?

  Kiljorn Prime Leader KadEN must protect his people from an impending attack by the warring aliens called the Morins. KadEN seeks to negotiate an alliance between the Kiljorn Nation and the Katieran Nation, which will add numbers to their military forces. To secure the alliance, KadEN offers to mate with the Katieran Prima. However, his plans are disrupted when he meets a frustrating Earth female that sparks his mating urges and causes his blood to boil. How can he pursue a relationship with the lovely Earth female if he is honor bound to mate with another? Will he overlook his obligations to his people or will he find a way to overcome the mating urges?

  Story of the Star Mates

  The big star represents the God KiljOR. The little star beside it represents the Goddess KatieRI. Together they are known as Star Mates. It is said the God KiljOR took one look at the Goddess KatieRI and knew she was the one for him. The two Gods fall in love and mate. They are happy together and their happiness spreads to the Katieran people. Blessings are granted and bond mates are found all over.

  Eventually KatieRI and KiljOR wanted to have children. In order to do this, each one had to give up some of their Godly powers. They had twins. KiljAN and KajAN. The first set that was born on Katiera. The twins were demi-gods weighted with mortality.

  KiljOR was a warrior God. As were his twin sons. They were battling another warring nation and the twins fell. KiljOR took his sons back to their mother who was devastated by the loss. To honor his sons and to help his mate deal with her grief, KiljOR used all of his Godly powers to turn his sons’ bodies into the two Suns of the Katieran Galaxy. IljAN the small red Sun and AjANs the large yellow Sun. No other set of twins had been born on Katiera since.

  It is said that KiljOR lived the rest of his life as a mortal and KatieRI stayed by his side. At his life’s final moment, KatieRI used all of her Godly powers to transform the two of them into the two stars that circle Katiera. They are called Star Mates. KatieRI did this so they would remain by one another’s side for all eternity.

  Katieran/English Dictionary

  Asi: Yes

  Bond Mate: a mate that was destined by the Gods Comm Link: communication device that is usually worn around the ear; can be used similar to a cell phone Digital Tablet: looks similar to an IPAD but works as a laptop with more capabilities IHI: Instant hologram imaging; 3D imaging view

  IHM: Instant hologram messaging

  Katieran Juice: Similar to Earth’s wine Key: Be

  Kitana: hell

  Kitasa: hell no

  Mate: spouse

  Mating ceremony: wedding

  Medic: similar to a doctor

  Medic Room: an exam room

  Medical Scope: pencil shaped silver instrument that has many medical uses including administering medications and performing scans like x-rays and ultrasounds Mile: Still

  Nanos: biologically engineered nanotechnology used to help repair internal damage to the body and directs nutrients to where they are needed; cures the common cold Sa: No

  Sayer: Don’t

  Scent marking: exchange of sexual fluids intending to mate

  Stada: us/all of us

nbsp; Talle: female

  Token: Fear

  Viewing Screens: used on space ships in place of windows; view of the surrounding area is shown through video feeds Young: child or infant

  Katieran Sayings

  “By the Fires of Kitana”

  “By the Goddess”

  “By the Lunas”

  “The Goddess knows”

  Katieran Proverbs

  “A Katieran that practices patience is greatly rewarded.”

  “All wormholes do not lead to home.”

  “Feeling is a part of living. If you are not feeling it then you are not living it.”

  “Love the Goddess KatieRI with all your heart and your heart shall be filled with Joy.”

  Chapter One

  *One Year Ago*

  Lindsey Carreli sat in the conference room for the EWG, Earth World Government, with her other legal coworkers trying her best not to gawk at the two huge men at the end of the table. They weren’t just men; they were from an alien race called Katierans that lived many galaxies away. Yes, aliens!

  It wasn’t just that they were aliens that had her staring like an idiot. The men were freaking supermodel worthy. The Prime Leader RendEL was six foot seven inches tall and weighed two hundred and forty pounds, all muscle. He had black hair that just reached his broad shoulders. His skin was a golden bronze that was similar to Earth’s Native Americans. However, what had her entranced the most were his eyes. They were a deep, dark blue, with gold pupils.

  The Katierans came to Earth in response to an SOS sent out by the EWG for assistance in saving their planet. Years ago all of Earth’s governments came together to form one Earth World Government. Their goal was to try to resolve the escalating overpopulation problems. Along with overpopulation came the depletion of Earth’s natural resources. The earth had reached Situation Critical and the planet would be uninhabitable in fifteen years’ time if something wasn’t done immediately.

  The Katierans intercepted the SOS and came to Earth to negotiate a trade agreement. The Katierans were interviewing Lindsey’s law firm to pick an advisor to represent them. She sat and listened to the Katieran Leader speak. He had a great voice. It was deep and rumbling. It made goose bumps spread all over her body. She shook her head to clear her wayward thoughts. What were they saying?

  “Our firm’s top legal advisor is Dean Sanders. He has been hand-picked to serve as your advisor,” the head of the EWG Legal Department, Bob Rose, told the aliens.

  Lindsey cleared her throat. Everyone turned to look at her. “Excuse me, Mr. Rose. I thought the Prime Leader and Prime Commander were here to interview and select the advisor themselves.”

  The man’s face turned bright red. “Miss …”

  “Carreli,” she supplied for him.

  “Miss Carreli, you must be new and do not quite know the proper protocols.” He had the audacity to laugh at her. Some of the EWG members present laughed as well. Lindsey blushed from his quick dismissal of her question.

  Lindsey saw red. She didn’t easily lose her temper, but this prick was about to be taken down a notch. “Excuse me again, but I have had seven years of law experience with the EWG. I am in no way new. Perhaps you should check the protocol book for trade agreements. Section 58, page 435, which clearly states the second party, being the Katierans in this case, will be allowed to conduct interviews, select an advisor of their own choosing to aid, and represent them. It does not state the EWG will assign someone for them.” All eyes turned back to Mr. Rose.

  Mr. Rose looked like he was about to explode. He stood up to say something but the Katieran Prime Leader interrupted him. “Thank you, Mr. Rose; we will take your recommendation under consideration. However, we would like to begin our interview session, starting with Miss Carreli. If you all will excuse us…” Prime Leader RendEL pointed to the door.

  Lindsey had to bite the inside of her lip to keep from laughing as all of the EWG Legal Department stood and filed out of the room. Mr. Rose gave her one more heated look before he left. They weren’t going to be best buddies. Oh well.

  RendEL looked at the very attractive female, Lindsey Carreli. He had noticed her right away when she had first entered the room. She was tall, five foot seven, but not as tall as Katieran females. She had a slim figure with long, straight, golden-brown hair. She had pulled her hair up and secured it tightly on top of her head. She wore a silky, pink top with short sleeves and a navy blue pencil skirt. She held herself with grace and confidence.

  “Miss Carreli, thank you for speaking up on our behalf, this is a trait that we are looking for in our advisor. We need someone knowledgeable with Earth laws and customs, but are willing to learn Katieran laws and customs as well. We need someone who will look after our interests, not their own or the EWG’s interests. Do you think you would be able to fulfill those duties if you are given the position?”

  Lindsey nodded her head. “Yes, Prime Leader.”

  The two alien men bent their heads to whisper something that Lindsey couldn’t make out. The other man was the Katieran Prime Commander KydEL. He stood at six foot eight, with broad shoulders, black hair that was cut very short and dark brown eyes with the same gold pupils the Leader had. He gave her a measuring look and then nodded his head at the Prime Leader. He was an imposing force to be sure. She would hate to be on the man’s bad side. Both men then turned those piercing golden eyes toward her.

  “Miss Carreli, we would like to hire you as our Legal Advisor for Earth Relations. We need your assistance in negotiating the trade agreement. After the trade agreement is finalized on Earth, we would like you to remain as our advisor but have you move to Katiera. Would you be willing to do that?”

  Lindsey thought about it. This was an exciting opportunity, but there was just one problem. “Sir, I would love to move to Katiera, but I have a family that I can’t leave behind.”

  The Prime Commander frowned, “You are mated?”

  “Mated? What is that?” Lindsey turned her head to the side.

  “I believe that mated is similar to being married,” Prime Leader explained.

  “Oh,” Lindsey blushed. “No, I’m not mated. The family that I can’t leave behind is my father and little sister. My father has been getting chemotherapy treatment for stage one lymphoma. If something should happen to him, my little sister would be completely dependent on me.”

  “Lymphoma?” Prime Commander looked at the Prime Leader who shook his head that he didn’t know what that was either.

  “It’s a type of sickness that eats at him from inside his body. He should be finished with his treatment in about six months. I cannot leave them here while I go several galaxies away, they need me.”

  “We do not expect you to leave behind your family. Katierans pride themselves on the closeness of their families. On Katiera, we have excellent medical technology that may help your father. Would you be willing to relocate your family as well to Katiera?” Prime Leader RendEL asked.

  “I … I’m not sure I can make that kind of decision on their behalf. I would need to ask them first,” Lindsey said. A thought worried her. She didn’t really know these aliens very well. She couldn’t risk her family without knowing much more about the Katierans. “If I accept the position of Advisor, I would ask for full disclosure. I need to know exactly what you want out of the trade agreement. I need to know what your expectations for me are on Katiera.”

  Prime Leader RendEL nodded his head. “I agree to that. Do you want the position?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “Then the position is yours,” he told her. He stood up and walked over to her. She thought he was going to shake her hand so she extended her arm. He didn’t clasp her hand with his. Instead, he gripped her forearm. She looked up at him in confusion.

  “This is how we Katierans greet people. Clasping hands is a more intimate gesture. She clasped his forearm in return, then he let her go. “If you will take a seat, I will begin to debrief you.” They both sat back down.

bsp; “Earth struggles with an overpopulation problem and quickly depleting natural resources. The Katieran Nation suffers from the exact opposite problem. Katiera has an abundance of natural resources, but we are no longer breeding children. In fact, only a handful of children have been born in the last twenty years. The males outnumber the females seven to one. My youngest brother, Prime Medic SydEL, has recently been appointed the task of heading the research team in hopes to resolve this problem. Until then, it is my responsibility to find a way to bring compatible females to my planet for repopulation.”

  RendEL continued, “When we received the SOS, we were extremely excited. We proceeded to collect Intel on Earth and the human inhabitants. There were other alien worlds we had investigated, but Earth females seem the most compatible with our species. The medical records and DNA samples that SydEL reviewed indicated there would be no problems breeding an Earth female with a Katieran male. The anatomy and physiology of our two species are very similar.”

  “So you want women?” Lindsey shifted in her seat nervously. She didn’t want to help with anything that could be considered as slavery.

  “We want to offer transportation for refugees from Earth to move to Katiera. It will be on a voluntary basis. We hope to have compatible Earth females who will want to move to our home world.”

  Chapter Two

  *One Year and Two Months Later*

  Lindsey nodded her head while listening to Prime Commander KydEL brief her on the current situation. A group of Earth females had come to the hotel where the relocation interviews were taking place. They had caused some kind of disruption and were now detained in a small conference.

  “We need you to help question them. They seem uncomfortable with Katieran males,” Prime Commander KydEL told her.


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