Katieran Prime 4 - Kiljorn Prime

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Katieran Prime 4 - Kiljorn Prime Page 5

by KD Jones

  Lindsey nodded her head, “I’ve noticed. Every time they are in the same room together the temperature seems to shoot up.”

  “Exactly, but they keep trying to ignore it,” Jaxon said.

  “I asked her about it once but she brushed it off. I give her props. It’s not always easy to ignore an infuriating man,” Lindsey grumbled.

  Jaxon gave Kat a knowing look. “Do you know what the best way to forget a bothersome man is?” she asked.

  Lindsey stared at her suspiciously. “Another man?”

  It wasn’t another man, thank goodness. Lindsey could not deal with another one at that time. She wanted to do nothing more than enjoy her time with Jaxon and Kat. They drank smuggled Tequila that Jaxon had brought with her from Earth. They talked about ex-boyfriends, complained about bosses, and named the things they missed most about Earth. It was just what she needed to forget, for a short time, her conflicting feelings.

  Chapter Seven

  They had been on Kiljor for three days. Three days of meetings with KydEL and KadEN. Three days of bickering and heated debates with the Kiljorn Leader. Lindsey needed a break. It appeared that she was going to get one.

  Prime Medic SydEL’s team was going to the outer planets to collect samples. Prime Commander KydEL decided he should escort the team. That meant the negotiations were on hold until his return. Everyone was going except for her, AriELa, and TarAK who was remaining behind to guard AriELa.

  Lindsey had some free time now and wanted to explore the city. She and AriELa decided to walk the streets instead of taking the golf cart-like transportation. TarAK huffed from behind them complaining he couldn’t protect them out in the open such as they were.

  The shops there were family owned, similar to how things were on Katiera. Neither woman had brought anything with them to barter nor exchange, but they were extended credit. At least Lindsey was. AriELa was given anything she wished for, despite her protests or insistence that she pay. The people of Kiljor were trying to win AriELa over, hoping she would agree to the political mating.

  It never occurred to Lindsey the match would matter so much to the people of the two nations. But it was clear to her now; the citizens were desperate to reunite the split nations. This match wasn’t just a political maneuver; it was a bridge to reconnect people that never should have been divided. She watched the young woman to see her reactions. It amazed Lindsey that AriELa, even being young and sheltered, knew the importance of her decision, and she was taking it very seriously. Lindsey didn’t envy the burden that AriELa bore on her young shoulders.

  They left the last shop and headed back to the main building of Kiljor. TarAK trailed six feet behind them giving them space and privacy. Lindsey asked her, “Is it a hard decision for you to make, leaving Katiera and accepting a political mating?”

  AriELa looked at Lindsey, she allowed her true self to show for just a moment. What Lindsey saw shocked her to her core. Looking out of those beautiful, dark blue eyes was no longer an innocent young woman, but an older and wiser woman whose romantic illusions had been shattered long ago.

  “To serve my people is not a hardship. To be a mate to a fine Leader like KadEN will not be a hardship. However, I will miss my family. That will be the ache that I carry with me willingly in order to unite two nations that need one another.” She turned back to looking at her surroundings—her mask firmly in place.

  Lindsey glanced back and noticed that TarAK wore a frown on his face. He must have heard what AriELa said but it looked like he didn’t care for it. Lindsey was glad she was not in the position that AriELa was in. At least Lindsey could freely choose whom she would marry. An unwarranted image of KadEN with his dark brown eyes popped into her head. She quickly pushed it away.

  AriELa was supposed to share the Evening Meal with KadEN. Lindsey was invited too but she just did not feel like watching as the man put on his macho show to win over AriELa. She thought she might throw up all over his fancy Kiljorn clothing. Instead, she accepted an offer to share a meal with one of the Kiljorn Lieutenants. He had been asking her out since she first arrived but until now, she had been too busy with the meetings to accept.

  She watched as TarAK escorted AriELa down the corridor. The poor man looked at the Prima with such longing that it broke Lindsey’s heart. Did AriELa feel nothing for the man in return? It would be hard not to. The man was hot. He had dark brown almost black hair cut short in the military fashion. His eyes were an unusual dark grey. But it was the man’s dimples, when he smiled he had deep dimples on each cheek. Unfortunately, the man rarely smiled since coming to Kiljor.


  Later that evening, “Are you sure you do not want to share the Evening Meal with us?” AriELa asked Lindsey. She was trying to hide her nervousness.

  Lindsey felt bad for abandoning her, but she needed to get her own life back on track. It had been too long since she had gone on a date with a man. Her own father had an active sex life for crying out loud! Her choice, Lieutenant MerIC, was safe. She thought him attractive but she didn’t feel her heart was in any danger. She would be able to enjoy herself and leave for Katiera without any regrets.

  “I have a date with a hot Lieutenant,” Lindsey told her as she finished putting on her red lipstick. It matched her Katieran style red dress that wrapped around her body leaving her arms and shoulders bare. She wore her long, brown hair up in a ponytail.

  “You look beautiful. That blue dress brings out the blue in your eyes,” Lindsey told AriELa.

  “What little there is of it.” TarAK grumbled.

  AriELa quickly glanced at TarAK who tried to act as if he hadn’t been drooling over her since he first saw her in the dress. She left her long, black hair down and it gleamed as it reached her waist. Her golden skin shined with health. She was a stunning.

  “Thanks. I hope it pleases KadEN,” AriELa answered, which caused a growl to come from TarAK. Both women turned to look him questioningly.

  The buzzer to the suite went off. TarAK quickly left them to answer it. He grunted his greeting to Prime Leader KadEN who nodded and then dismissed the other male. It was not lost on KadEN the other male had feelings for Prima AriELa. It was in the way he watched her every move. The way he gently touched her to help her stand. If and when, he and AriELa mated, TarAK would have to be sent back to Katiera. He would not tolerate another male worshipping his mate. It wasn’t that he disliked TarAK—it was just the way their culture was. They did not share their females in any way, ever.

  KadEN looked towards AriELa and found her very pleasing to his eye. But he noted for just a brief moment the longing look she gave TarAK. Perhaps the male’s feelings were not one sided. This would not do. His people and Katiera’s needed this mating to happen to seal the alliance. When Prime Commander KydEL returned from the Medical expedition, he would insist that TarAK be replaced as AriELa’s guard immediately.

  “You look like a goddess,” KadEN told AriELa as he pressed an innocent kiss to her extended hand.

  “Thank you. You look very handsome as well,” she replied. He did look devastatingly handsome. His chestnut brown hair was pulled back and tied. He wore a green military uniform that fit his form perfectly.

  KadEN looked to his left and caught sight of Lindsey standing to the side. His breath caught in his throat. The female wore a tiny red dress that barely covered her luscious breasts. Her hair was put up and her long beautiful pale neck was on display. It took every ounce of strength to keep himself from throwing her over his shoulder and taking her to his bedroom. What in Kitana was he thinking? This was not the female he should be wooing.

  He cleared his throat and returned his attention to AriELa. “Are we ready to go?”

  AriELa answered him, “I’m ready. Lindsey isn’t coming with us. She has a hot date.”

  Lindsey blushed to the roots of her hair. Why did AriELa tell him that? KadEN looked from AriELa to Lindsey. He narrowed his eyes. “Who will you be dining with this evening?”

opened her mouth to tell him it was none of his business but AriELa spoke up first. “She’s sharing the Evening Meal with Lieutenant MerIC. He has been begging her for days and she finally agreed. Be careful Lindsey, once he gets his hands on you, he may not let you go,” AriELa teased her, not realizing the fire she was sparking within KadEN.

  “Where will we be dining?” AriELa asked as KadEN escorted her out into the corridor.

  “I have secured a balcony for our dining pleasure.” KadEN gave one last look at the beautiful golden haired Earth female.

  “How romantic!”

  Yes, how romantic. Lindsey let out the breath she had been holding while KadEN was there. Why did AriELa have to tell him about her date? It was awkward enough without everyone else knowing. Especially KadEN. What if things turned ugly? Not that she expected MerIC to misbehave. He had been nothing but kind and generous. It took him almost two days to have a complete conversation with her. She smiled remembering how he blushed when asking if she was mated already.

  The buzzer went off letting her know her date had arrived. She answered the door and found MerIC standing outside shifting from foot to foot nervously. How cute was that?

  She gave him a genuine smile. “Hi.”

  The man’s eyes glazed over, as he looked her up and down, then did it again. He cleared his throat. “Good Evening, Miss Carreli. You look lovely.”

  “Thank you. Call me, Lindsey, please. You look very handsome this evening.” The man had curly light brown hair that gave him a boyish look. He would be adorable if he wasn’t six feet six inches tall and built like a football player. His eyes were a dark green with the gold pupils all Katierans and Kiljorns shared.

  “Are you ready?” he asked trying his best to keep eye contact.


  The moment KadEN showed AriELa to the table on the balcony, he excused himself for a moment. He went back inside and used his comm link.

  “Yes, Prime Leader?”

  “Lieutenant LeuIS, I want several security guards watching Lieutenant MerIC. He is dining this evening with the Earth female Lindsey Carreli. Keep your distance. I want to know how long he spends with her, whether he touches her in any way. If he goes into her suite with her, I want to know immediately.”

  “Yes, Prime Leader.”

  KadEN turned back to look out at the balcony through the glass doors. AriELa was what any male would want in a mate. Any Leader would be honored to take her as his mate. So why was he always preoccupied with thoughts of the Earth female? Her beauty was different from AriELa’s, but equal in its own right. Ever since he had met the golden haired female, he was plagued with desires he did not understand. He knew he should focus his attentions on AriELa, but how could he when he was being tugged in two separate directions? He needed to find out what it was he was feeling and deal with it before he mated AriELa.

  He walked back outside and took a seat at the table. He noted that TarAK had taken up a spot in the darkened corner of the balcony to give them more privacy. But he knew the male was watching their every move.

  “Is everything okay?” AriELa asked.

  KadEN smiled a reassuring smile. The female was so sweet and innocent. Why could he not feel for her what he was feeling for the Earth female? “Everything is fine. I ordered ahead of time. I hope that is okay. I wanted you to try some specialties from Kiljor.”

  “Thank you. I am always so indecisive about these things.”

  TarAK snorted. AriELa indecisive? What in Kitana is she trying to prove? AriELa had always known what she wanted and she never hesitated to go after it. At least, that was the AriELa he knew from early childhood. That young, headstrong female was nothing like the quiet, demure female he saw before him today.

  She had changed drastically when she came to live with the Primes on Katiera at the young age of fourteen. Her parents had been killed by the Morins and AriELa barely survived the attack. She had never been the same since then. He shook his head; he needed to keep watch on the surrounding area for any threats, not daydreaming.

  “Would we live here in the Prime building after we mated?” AriELa asked.

  “Yes, but I also have a small private home off the shores of Kiljor that I enjoy visiting a couple of times throughout the year. It is very relaxing.”

  “I would like to see it.”

  “Perhaps we could schedule a private tour so that I can take you there,” KadEN replied, but his heart wasn’t in it. He was too distracted wondering what was happening with MerIC and Lindsey.


  “How was your meal?” MerIC asked as he walked with Lindsey on the sandy beach. The female took her shoes off and walked barefoot. MerIC found himself staring at the pale, delicate toes. They had red paint on them just like the nails of her hands. Did she mean for them to match her dress? It was fascinating.

  “It was delicious. I also enjoyed the company. I don’t remember laughing so much in a long time,” she reached out and squeezed his arm. She shivered as a warm breeze blew across her shoulders.

  “Are you cold? You are fragile. I should not have suggested bringing you out at this hour.” MerIC gently reached out to rub Lindsey’s arms with his large, warm hands.

  Lindsey found it comforting, having him warm her. She leaned into him. When he looked down at her, she took a step closer. He leaned down and kissed her softly on the lips. It was a brief, gentle kiss, but it was nice. She had a wayward thought. What would kissing KadEN be like? Damn the man for invading her thoughts yet again!

  “Lindsey I want …” he didn’t finish before his comm link went off. “Lieutenant MerIC here. I understand, I will be there in fifteen minutes. No sir, I cannot make it in five. I have to …”

  Lindsey interrupted him. “If you have to go, don’t put it off. I can find my way back. I’m perfectly safe.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “Yes, of course, go.”

  MerIC hit his comm link again. “Sir, I’ll be there in five minutes.” He turned back to Lindsey. “May I see you again?”

  Lindsey smiled, “Yes, I enjoyed spending time with you.”

  “As I enjoyed my time with you.” He gave her a brief kiss before he walked away.

  Lindsey sighed. Why did she agree to see him again? She did enjoy her evening with him, but there wasn’t a spark. He didn’t make her stomach flutter or her heart beat faster. Only two men had ever made her do that. One was mated to another woman, and the other was an ass, currently putting the moves on AriELa.

  Being mated to MerIC wouldn’t be a hardship. He was kind and if she could grow to love someone, it would be him. Her mother and father weren’t a love match. Her father had gotten her mother pregnant and he did the right thing by marrying her. Their marriage was rocky. Her mother left shortly after giving birth to her little sister Lisa. Her father had dated a few women here and there but he never attempted to marry again.

  She knew that MerIC would never abandon her. It wasn’t in his nature or part of his culture. They took commitment seriously. So she needed to be absolutely positive if she continued with this relationship, but she wasn’t sure. For one thing, his home was here on Kiljor and her family was on Katiera. Second, even if she had her family brought to Kiljor, she would not be able to handle watching as KadEN and AriELa mated and begin their family. It would bother her greatly.

  She continued to walk down the beach. She wasn’t ready to head back. What if AriELa was there with KadEN? Or, what if she wasn’t back yet? What if she didn’t come back all night? Lindsey would be sitting up wondering what was happening. She couldn’t handle that. Maybe if she walked long enough, she could tire herself enough to fall asleep as soon as she got back.

  The moon was shining brightly giving a golden glow over the water. It was a shame Kiljorns didn’t believe in swimming in the waters. She was a really good swimmer. The waters were always calm so she would have no trouble with undercurrents. She couldn’t resist sticking her toes in the warm waters.

  “Careful, yo
u wouldn’t want to break a law would you?”

  Chapter Eight

  Lindsey jumped back so suddenly she would have fallen on her backside if strong hands didn’t catch her. The moment his skin touched hers, she knew who it was that held her. Her whole body shivered from the simple contact. She looked up and up into the dark eyes of KadEN.

  As KadEN escorted AriELa back to her suite, he received word on his comm link that MerIC had taken Lindsey for a walk on the beach. He said a quick goodnight and made his way to the shore almost breaking into a run trying to get there quickly. When his Lieutenant informed him the male had kissed the Earth female, KadEN felt the need to rip someone from limb to limb. He ordered that MerIC be called to the operations room immediately. If the male had still been touching Lindsey when he arrived, he would have killed him on the spot. What in Kitana was happening to him?

  “Prime Leader KadEN, what are you doing here?” Lindsey asked as she looked around for AriELa. She did not want to be a witness to them having a romantic moment.

  The female was so soft. He rubbed his hands up and down her arms. He wanted to peel the tiny red dress off her slowly and touch her skin all over. Then he wanted to taste every inch of her. He shook his head to try to clear the images that had formed in his head of the beautiful female. He reluctantly released her arms and took a step back.

  “I … came for a walk,” his deep voice rumbled.

  “Oh,” that was real intelligent. She added, “I was just heading back.” She turned without waiting for his response and started walking back to the Prime building.

  She was walking away from him? No female walked away from a Prime, especially not from him. He attracted the attention of many females, at least the few unmated females left on Kiljor. Also, many Earth females on Katiera had flirted with him before he left. He could have had his pick of any of them. So why did it bother him so much that this one Earth female might not want him?


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