Dying Covenant: The Complete Series

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Dying Covenant: The Complete Series Page 5

by Amanda M. Lee

  “You’re so sick,” Sami said, making a face.

  “Speaking of sick … .” Aric started, only pausing when I cleared my throat and shook my head.

  “What’s going on?” Sami asked, annoyed. “You guys look as if you’re about to tell me something awful. Omigod, you guys aren’t having another baby, are you? I don’t want another kid around here. I refuse to share my room. Oh, this sucks!”

  “We’re not having another baby,” I said, making a face. “Out of curiosity, though, why would you ask that? You think I’m fat, don’t you?”

  “Oh, good grief,” Aric muttered. “You’re not fat. Sami, we’re not having another child. We have you and that’s all we want.”

  “It’s more than enough,” I intoned. “Way more.”

  “Thank you, Zoe,” Aric said, pressing his palm against his forehead. “That’s really helpful right now.”

  “I do my best,” I said, wetting my lips as Sami hopped from one foot to the other on the far side of the island counter. She was clearly nervous. Our demeanor wasn’t putting her at ease, which made us even worse parents than normal. “Do you remember … taking a walk last night?”

  Sami frowned. “A walk? You guys took a walk and then came right back when we were having fun and made us go inside so you could do gross things in the hot tub. Everyone was talking about it.”

  “We didn’t do anything gross because your mother is a prude,” Aric said. “That should make you feel better.”

  “Not really,” Sami said, making a sarcastic face. “What walk?”

  “You walked out of the house last night,” I said, choosing my words carefully. I didn’t want to frighten her, but she had to be aware of the situation for her own safety. “We tried talking to you but you didn’t respond.”

  “You looked stoned,” Aric said, realizing too late what he said. “Getting stoned is never allowed, though, so make sure that never happens.”

  “Smooth,” I said.

  “Oh, this parenting thing sucks. It just gets harder and harder.”

  “I walked outside?” Sami screwed up her face in concentration as she racked her memory. “I don’t think so.”

  “Well, it happened,” I said. “I went into your head and told you to go back to your sleeping bag and you did. You were dreaming and walking at the same time. By the way, your dream bedroom is even messier than your real bedroom. Take a vacuum cleaner to it occasionally.”

  Take a vacuum cleaner to it? When did I become my mother? Oh, the horror!

  “I don’t remember that.” Sami looked momentarily frightened, and that’s when I remembered she was still a child in many respects, her mouth not being one of them. “Is something wrong with me?”

  “Nothing is wrong with you,” I said, shaking my head as I moved around the counter. “It was the first time it happened. You might’ve been over stimulated from so much caffeine and sugar. You didn’t go anywhere. It’s okay.”

  Sami opened her mouth to say something, then changed her mind and snapped it shut.

  “It really is okay,” I said, resting my hand on her shoulder. “Your father talks in his sleep all of the time. You probably inherited it from him.”

  Despite herself, Sami smiled. “What does he say?”

  “He usually asks me to brush his tail.”

  Sami made a disgusted face. “Gross!”

  “Yes, well, talk to your father about it,” I said, hopping back when Aric tried to snap me with a towel. “Also, you should get cleaned up. Paris will be here in about an hour. We’re all going shopping.”

  Whether she forgot about Paris’ visit or not, Sami brightened at my reminder. “Oh, yay!” She scampered off in the direction of her bedroom without uttering another word or glancing over her shoulder.

  “What do you think?” Aric asked when it was just the two of us.

  “I think right now it’s an isolated incident and I don’t want to freak her out,” I replied. “She’s already a drama machine without having a reason to get worked up. If she has a legitimate reason … whoa, baby … batten down the hatches!”

  “Yeah, I wonder where she gets that drama from,” Aric drawled. “Oh, wait, I know. She gets it from her drama mama.”

  This time my hand connected when I slapped his arm. “I’ll show you drama.”

  “Finally! The kid is gone and you’re ready to get naked. Show me what you’ve got.”


  Sami was out the front door and racing to the passenger side of the shiny BMW before Aric and I had the front door fully open. Paris, my college roommate and longtime best friend, hopped out of the car, her stomach absolutely behemoth, and threw her arms around Sami.

  “How is my girl?”

  “I’m good,” Sami said, returning the embrace. “I’m almost a teenager now.”

  “I know,” Paris said, smiling when she caught my eye. “I can’t wait until that happens. Your mother has a specific level of karma to hit where you’re concerned and I can’t wait to see what you have planned for her.”

  “Keep it up,” I warned, edging down the stairs and giving Paris a warm hug. “I won’t teach you all the important life lessons I’ve learned about raising a teenager when your little bundle of joy hits the world if you’re not careful.”

  “Somehow I think I’ll survive,” Paris said dryly, making a face as I ran my hand over her huge stomach. Her shirt was tight, making her protruding navel obvious.

  “That’s really gross,” I said, poking it with my finger. “It’s like one of those meat thermometers that pops out to tell you when the turkey is done.”

  “You’re always such a joy,” Paris said, turning to Aric. “Hi, handsome.”

  “You look great,” Aric said, being careful as he embraced her. He was leery of my stomach when I was pregnant so hugging a friend when he considered her “delicate” was a mental exercise. “How close are you?”

  “A few weeks,” Paris replied. “I’m getting really excited.”

  “Yes, we all are,” I said. “There’s nothing better than a baby … until they grow up to be twelve and you start embarrassing them by breathing.”

  “Ha, ha.” Sami’s face was stony. “That’s so funny I forgot to laugh.”

  “Make yourself useful and take Paris’ bag to the guestroom,” I ordered. “That will probably make you laugh.”

  Sami stuck out her tongue and earned an ear flick from Aric as he shook his head in warning.

  “You don’t have to carry that. I can do it.” Paris’ husband Heath hurried around the front of the car with his own bag slung over his shoulder. His brown hair was slicked away from his face and he appeared nervous. We’d met him only a few times, so he was still getting used to us.

  “She can do it,” Aric said. “After the pain in the ass she was last night it’s the least she can do.”

  “What happened last night?” Paris asked, slipping a strand of Sami’s hair behind her ear. “Didn’t you have that big sleepover you were talking about?”

  “How did you know about that?” Aric asked, narrowing his eyes.

  “We Skype three times a week, Dad,” Sami said, groaning as she heaved the bag over her shoulder. “What do you have in here? Are you smuggling in another baby?”

  “I have clothes and stuff,” Paris answered. “There also might be a birthday present for you in there.”

  Sami brightened. “Can I open it?”

  Paris nodded. “Put the bag away first. Don’t upset your parents.”

  We watched an elated Sami rush toward the house, remaining quiet until she disappeared inside. The nice moment didn’t last long.

  “So, what’s going on?” Paris asked.

  “What makes you think anything is going on?” I averted my gaze as I led her toward the front door. “Nothing is going on. Life in the Winters’ household is perfect.”

  Paris obviously didn’t believe me because she turned to Aric. “What’s wrong?”

  “Sami was sleepwalking or
something last night and we’re both worried she’s too obsessed with being popular,” Aric replied, sticking his tongue out and reminding me of Sami when he saw my glare. “What? You were going to eventually tell her anyway. I just cut out a day’s worth of obsessing and hiding your feelings. You should be thanking me.”

  “Oh, I’m going to thank you,” I said. “I’m just going to wait until we’re alone.”

  “You say that like it’s a threat, but I’m looking forward to it,” Aric said. “I can’t wait to be alone because even if you yell at me I’ll be able to schmooze you into making up before bed. We both know it’s true. Don’t deny it.”

  Dang it! I hate it when he’s right. “Show Heath where to put his bag, and I’ll get Paris settled in the living room,” I said. “She’s big and fat, and needs a lot of liquids to keep from falling over.”

  Aric barked out a laugh as he clapped Heath on the shoulder and directed him toward the door. “That’s our cue to give them a few moments,” he said. “They want to talk about chick things without the men around.”

  “Eww, chick things?” Heath made a face. “Gross.”

  “I’ll get you a beer and we can sit on the deck,” Aric said. “I find that eases the pain of being outnumbered by women.”

  “That sounds like a plan.”

  Paris remained focused on my face as we walked into the house, rubbing her hands over her expansive tummy as she studied my features. Her expression was almost to the point of tripping from annoying to creepy when she finally spoke. “You’re upset about the sleepwalking, aren’t you?”

  “I’m not upset about it,” I replied. “I’m … confused.”


  “Because I’ve never done it and neither has Aric,” I said. “It came out of nowhere. She doesn’t remember doing it. I … that can’t be normal.”

  “Zoe, you and Aric have been watching Sami for twelve years and expecting something abnormal to happen,” Paris said. “You shouldn’t be surprised now that it’s finally occurred.”

  “I know that,” I said, hating how Paris could see right through me and get to the heart of the matter. “It’s just … it came out of the blue. We spent years watching her as if she was a bomb about to go off, and only a few things happened.

  “She set a few fires and scared that one babysitter when her eyes glowed blue,” I continued. “That thing she did with the books was neat, though. She’s been so … normal … that I thought she might have a chance to escape all of this mage stuff.”

  “You say ‘normal’ like it’s a good thing,” Paris said. “You’re not normal. Aric isn’t normal. I’m certainly not normal. Why do you want Sami to be normal?”

  “Because her life will be easier that way,” I answered honestly. “If she starts manifesting powers now … .” I felt helpless as I held my hands palms-up.

  “Then people might come for her,” Paris surmised. “I admit that’s a problem, Zoe. She’s going to be a tempting target for people looking to amass power. You and Aric have raised her well, though. She knows not to go with strangers and she can link with you telepathically.

  “Someone would have to be an absolute idiot to move on her,” she continued. “What you did at Quinn’s compound … and at Covenant College … and to those witches right before the wedding … well, it’s made the rounds. You’re a legend.”

  I wasn’t thrilled with having my past monster-hunting deeds brought up, but I knew she had a point.

  “Think about it, Zoe,” Paris prodded. “You and Aric have given Sami the world. You can’t expect her not to live in it. If she starts manifesting powers, then you’ll deal with it. It can’t be any harder than it was when you started burning people alive and bringing down bolts of lightning on yourself.”

  I chuckled despite myself. “I guess not.”

  “It’s going to be okay,” Paris said. “You can guide Sami through all of this because you’ve been through it yourself. She’s already better off than you were.”

  “You’re right,” I said, flashing a genuine smile. “Are you ready to sit down and put your feet up? We can make the guys wait on us and bring us drinks. You’re pregnant, so that works to our advantage.”

  “How does that work to your advantage?”

  “Because you’re pregnant I get to remind Aric of the joy we shared at Sami’s birth,” I answered. “He still feels guilty about that. He’ll gladly play fetch for the night.”

  “You’re a sick woman, but I like the way you think.”

  “Just wait until I demand seafood at dinner,” I said. “You’re going to love me then.”


  “We’ll be at the sports bar doing important guy things while you women spend your weight in money,” Aric said later that afternoon, grinning when I glared at him. “Paris, that should be a pretty impressive amount for you, so if you need to drop off packages we’ll be here … doing important stuff.”

  “Yes, staring at the chicks wearing cheerleading uniforms as you watch the NBA playoffs sounds extremely important,” I deadpanned. “I don’t know how you don’t crumble under the weight of your responsibilities.”

  “That’s why I have you,” Aric said, pressing a quick kiss to my mouth before shifting his attention to Sami. “You do what your mother says and don’t wander off.”

  Sami perfected my eye roll by the time she was five. By the time she hit ten she’d bettered it. Now it was a work of art. Truly, I was impressed. “I have no intention of wandering off,” she said. “If I did want to wander off, though, I could without getting in any trouble. I’m not a baby.”

  “You’re still my baby,” Aric said.

  Sami pursed her lips as she considered the statement. “Will you give your baby shopping money?”

  I knew darned well he was going to do it, but when he slid a questioning look in my direction I wanted to smack him. “Don’t look at me. She asked you for money.”

  Aric heaved out a sigh only a man living with a fighting wife and daughter could muster and then dug in his wallet. He dropped five twenties in Sami’s outstretched hand and shot me another look. I kept my face blank and waited while he slipped a fifty on top of the pile.

  “Thank you.” Sami was all smiles as she pressed a happy kiss to his cheek. “You’re the best daddy in the world.”

  She only called him “daddy” when she thought she got one over on me thanks to him. I opened my hand expectantly. “Where’s my money?”

  Aric frowned. “You make as much money as I do.”

  “Oh, I see how it is,” I said. “Sami gets all of your love, affection and money, and I get to watch the kid all afternoon. That seems fair and balanced.”

  “And after you gave birth to her and everything,” Paris said, making a sad clucking noise. “It’s tragic really.”

  “It is tragic,” I agreed.

  “Oh, you suck,” Aric muttered, although he grabbed a one-hundred out of his wallet and tossed it in my hand. “I’ll expect something in exchange for that tonight.”

  “Oh, gross!” Sami furtively looked around to make sure one of her mall-happy friends wasn’t within earshot. “You guys are just … .”

  “I was talking about a special massage,” Aric said, referring to my magic healing fingers and how they made him feel like a man of thirty again. “You have a dirty mind, Sami. You get it from your mother.”

  “Yes, that’s obviously the case,” I said, pocketing the money. “We’ll probably stop by with bags occasionally, so don’t pick up any women.”

  “Oh, no, how will I ever stop myself?” Aric pressed a hand to the spot above his heart. “There goes my afternoon.”

  Heath chuckled worriedly as his gaze bounced between Paris and Aric. He obviously didn’t want to look like a wuss in front of an alpha male, but he wasn’t keen on ticking off Paris and her hormones. “Do you want me to come with you and help pick out baby things?” He looked as if that was the last thing he wanted to do.

  “I think I’ll manage,
” Paris said. “Have fun doing your guy stuff with Aric. We won’t be far.”

  “Yes, do your guy stuff,” I said, winking. “Thump your chests and talk about free throw percentages while you debate the merits of a man-to-man or a zone defense.”

  “Oh, baby, you know it turns me on when you talk sports,” Aric said.

  Sami’s cheeks were crimson when I risked a glance at her. She couldn’t very well scold her father after he gave her a pile of money, though, so she wisely kept her mouth shut.

  “I’ll see you in a little bit,” I said. “I might need more money, so I won’t wander too far away.”

  “Hey, I’ll just keep adding it to your tab,” Aric said. “Something tells me it’s going to be a good night.”

  “Oh, gross!”

  “OH, YOU can’t tell me it’s not fun having a girl,” Paris gushed, watching from across the store as Sami lifted a billowy tank top and held it against her slim frame in front of a mirror. “Is there anything better than shopping together?”

  I could think of about a million things. Shopping with a girl of a certain age is a nightmare. I’m not going to lie. “She’s not shopping with us,” I pointed out. “She’s in the same store with us and happens to be shopping, but look around. She’s avoiding us as if embarrassment is somehow catchy in case one of her mindless zombie friends happens to walk by.”

  “Wow!” Paris widened her eyes to comic proportions. “Tell me how you really feel.”

  “I really feel as if … she doesn’t like me.” I wouldn’t have admitted it to anyone else in the world, not even Aric. The truth is that I’m pretty sure Sami hates me. I can’t explain it, but the underlying tension between us had to be something for the record books.

  Paris’ laughter took me by surprise. “Oh, you are priceless,” she said, shaking her head so hard her long dark waves brushed against her shoulders.

  “I hardly think it’s a laughing matter,” I sniffed, crossing my arms over my chest as I watched Sami head for the display wall of shoes. She gave the Converse a wide berth and headed straight for the J-41s. It was as if she was trying to shove a dagger right through my heart.


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