The Starlight Odyssey: A Historical Romance Part One

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The Starlight Odyssey: A Historical Romance Part One Page 4

by Rose Dalziel


  "Oh you broke it!"

  A large hole in the door had been broken through allowing the two pirates to get a good look inside.

  "A wench! We found a pretty one at that!" They cheered, their eyes roaming over her figure.

  "Leave me be!" Chastity warned and turned around to snatch up an oil lamp.

  It was better than nothing she supposed.

  "Hah! She's got some fire in her! Bet the cap'n will--"

  "Will nothing!!" A familiar voice shouted before the two pirates were knocked unconscious.

  "Chastity!" Her face lit up as she rushed to the peer out the hole in the door. Raphael cupped her face in his hand, his face was covered in ash with specks of blood from the battle.

  "You're okay! I'm so glad--"Chastity gushed, but was cut off with a pistol clicking, getting ready to fire.

  Raphael tensed as he remained unmoving.

  "Step away from the girl, lad." It was a man with a short black beard, wearing a black hat. He seemed to be in his early thirties as he held the gun at Raphael.

  "No! Don't hurt him!" Chastity cried.

  "Come with me, and I won't."

  Raphael tried to tell her 'no' with his eyes, they were so dark and murderous she wished they could kill the man behind him with a single glance.

  Her eyes shifted from Raphael's to the man holding the gun. "I'll go."

  The man smiled, revealing a gold tooth as he lowered his gun. Not until he smashed it on the back of Raphael's head making him pass out on the floor.

  "You said you wouldn't hurt him!" She spat hitting the door.

  "Take him below and lock him up on our ship lads." He ordered, ignoring her outburst.

  "The rest of you, get the girl and bring her to me."


  The air was riddled was a foul odor, the room Chastity had been forced into reeked of rum and cigars with other filth. There were hanging red curtains that covered the windows, a desk lathered with maps and parchment.

  She supposed this would be the Captain's chambers.

  "Ah, you are even more beautiful in a calm state. I hope to see more of it."

  Chastity flinched at the dry raspy voice as the same man who had knocked Raphael out from earlier entered.

  His reddened face had many scars that his reddish brown facial hair missed to cover, his eyes were dark and cold.

  "Forgive my impoliteness, I am the Captain of this ship and crew. You may call me Snake, for it is the only name you would be fine with."

  She gave no sign of kindness towards him, only a scowl as he took off his hat and coat before he stepped up to her. His height outdid hers by at least a foot, and he was no weakling in appearance.

  "What of Raphael?" She asked, it was the only thing she cared for.

  Snake cackled,"The lad I had sent below? He's been locked up with the rest of that mangled crew."

  Chastity frowned at him, which caused him to become irritated as he reached out to grab her jaw.

  "You best be rid of that sour expression. Or I will do much worse to that boy." Snake warned her and removed his hand only to engulf her in his hold.

  "You will do nicely." He added making Chastity's skin crawl as he pressed her closer into his chest. Her stomach twisted as her senses were consumed by the smell of cigars and whiskey tainted on his breath.

  "Cap'n! It's the prisoner sir!"

  Snake hissed as he shoved Chastity away and threw the door open. "Didn't I say no one was to disturb me!?"

  The crewmen nodded, fear evident on his features as he rushed his speech,"Y-yes! But the prisoner has been causing an uproar!"

  Chastity stepped closer to gain clarity on the situation.

  Captain Snake peered over his shoulder at the girl and gave her a mischievous smirk,

  "Come with me wench, there's someone who wants to see you." He snagged her wrist and pulled her forward leading her out of the room.

  The lower they went below deck, the thicker the air got. When Chastity was pushed around a corner by Snake, she was confronted by a room full of prison cells containing all the people from the Starlight.

  Her eyes scanned each one, searching for Raphael.

  "Move, wench!" Snake ordered and shoved her to keep going until he stopped her in front of one cell in particular.

  "I hear you 'ave been making a ruckus down 'ere?" Snake spat at the prisoner.

  Chastity's eyes widened when the prisoner's head lifted up to glare at Snake, his face now illuminated by the sliver of light beating through a small crack above.

  "I told you...I need to see--"

  "Raphael!" She cried lunging herself at the cell door and reached her hands through the holes to touch him.

  She ran her hands shakily over his dirt smeared neck until they cupped his face. Raphael leaned into her touch, bringing his own hands up to grip hers.

  "How touching, I'm rather disgusted." Snake put his hand on Chastity's shoulder and snatched her away from Raphael's hold.

  "Now you've seen her, if you cause such a foolish ruckus again, I will shoot her."

  Raphael glared at Snake, his jaw tightening as he lunged against the cell door in rage pounding it with his fist. "Let. Her. Go."

  His breathing spiked as he became enraged at the sight of Snake running his hands over Chastity before him.

  "No." Snake grinned wickedly before turning away with the rest of his men, dragging Chastity by the arm on the way.


  Her heart clenched when Raphael called out for her. More banging against the cell door echoed in the distance as she furthered herself from the prison.

  Her vision became cloudy from the fast tears forming as she was pushed and shoved back into the chambers. How could they possibly get themselves out of this mess?

  "You will learn to live with it. As well as learning to like me." Snake chuckled darkly as he shut the door with her in it and locked it.

  Chastity dashed to one of the large windows and peered through to see a large island was coming into view.

  "LAND HO!!!"


  "It's Ireland, Capn'! We can get our bounty!"

  Chastity was curious as to what bounty they could be speaking of, but her question would soon be answered as the door flew open.

  "Wench, come with me. I trust not for you to be left without watch." Snake informs before grabbing her arm and pulling her forward roughly.

  The sun blinded Chastity as she was brought above deck at last. Her eyes found the Island closing in as the waves of the ocean splashed against the side of the ship.

  "Come on! It's judgement day for you!" Chastity turned to take notice of a prisoner being yanked up to stand beside her.

  "Raphael!" Chastity rushed next to him. A rope was secured around his neck with his hands bound in chains behind his back.

  His tired eyes were once more ignited as they met hers, "Glad your unharmed."

  "I've kept my word, Prince. Look onward!" Captain Snake gestures to the docks of Ireland, folks were cheering and playing flutes as they watched with anticipation of the ship.

  "Your people have surely missed your presence!" Snake chuckled throwing his head back.

  Chastity glanced between the Captain and Raphael torn with confusion. "What do you speak of?" She asked first the Captain before her gaze landed on Raphael's.

  "Quite interesting ain't it lass? To be traveling with the Prince of Ireland this whole time? Have you not known?" Snake asked with a sense of mockery laced in his gruffly tone.

  "He's my escort!" Chastity snapped, feeling lost as she searched Raphael's face for reassurance, that what Snake was saying was false.

  "Your escort? Hah! We've been raiding all of the White Sailed ships and here we finally come across our prize!" The Captain and the rest of the crew all joined in laughing at her obliviousness.


  orical Romance Part One




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