Home For The Holidays

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Home For The Holidays Page 6

by Sherry Ewing

  She waited what seemed like hours before Elsie returned with the information Grace needed. After taking up the jacket, she peered into the hallway to see that it was empty. If she were lucky, she would make it to Nicholas’ room without being seen. Only the fickleness of fate would now determine if anything would come of the connection that was between them. She prayed she was not being as foolish as her sister.

  With a heavy sigh and a firm resolve to mend whatever conflict lay between them, she left her room.

  Chapter 9

  Nicholas shrugged out of his jacket and threw it upon the chair by the fireplace. A soft muffled sound, followed by the movement of the garment, had him peering over the back of the chair. He picked up his coat and saw a small ginger tabby kitten curled up in a fur ball of fluff. Its tail twitched.


  The poor little thing was the color of marmalade, with dark stripes from the tips of its ears to the end of its tail. Bright green eyes stared up at him.

  “Mew,” the kitten repeated.

  Nicholas had always been fonder of dogs than cats, but he picked up the animal all the same. “Where did you come from?” he asked.

  Blanche would just love this little baby to coddle. The small beast began to purr ferociously, content when Nicholas began to scratch behind its ears.

  Nicholas tugged at his cravat with his free hand until he heard a soft knock at his door. Unsure who was disturbing him, he went to the door to open it, and the feline took the opportunity to scamper out of his arms and out the door.

  The fact that the kitten decided not to remain in his company was hardly something to be concerned about. The lady who stood at his open door, however, was.

  He frowned. Apparently the silent signals he had been giving the woman were not clear enough, since she now took a chance of being found out by knocking at his door at this hour.

  “Grace…” Her name came out of his mouth before he could take the word back.

  “Nicholas…” His name, as it passed her lips, almost caused his heart to stop its beating.

  He opened the door wider to let her decide if she would enter or not. Apparently he was a glutton for punishing himself because he had no idea what the hell he was doing allowing her entrance into his bedroom of all places.

  Grace hesitated, but only an instant, before she took a step forward and then several more. Making her way toward the fireplace, she turned to face him and he realized her purpose. His missing jacket was held in her hands. She appeared reluctant to return the garment to its rightful owner, given that she was caressing the fabric with her fingertips as though it was a most prized possession.

  “Why are you here, Lady de Courtenay?” he choked out, still surprised that the married woman who had occupied his thoughts both night and day was truly standing in his room.

  Grace held out his garment. “I thought it was well past time I return this to you,” she murmured in a soft purr much like the kitten that had just departed for parts unknown.

  Nicholas stepped forward. “You could have easily had a servant deliver it.”

  “Yes, I suppose I could have, but then I would not have the opportunity to right the wrong between us. I do not understand why you are so angry with me.”

  Nicholas, at last, came to his senses, seeing that she continued holding his coat for him to take. “I am angrier with myself than with you,” he growled out like a wounded animal.

  He made a grab for his jacket, and, when he did so, their fingers brushed, sending a wave of heat through him in a downward spiral. A part of Nicholas sprang to life, giving evidence how much he wanted the woman before him. He warred within himself as his mind made some feeble attempt to rationalize his desire to remain aloof.

  “You should not be here, Grace. No good can come of your presence here.” He turned his back to her, not trusting himself to refrain from pulling her into his arms and bed.

  The foolish woman surely had no sense. If she had, then she would not have had the nerve to place her hand upon his shoulder. Heat seared straight to his heart, and other places farther south.

  Nicholas whirled around so quickly Grace barely had time to take a breath, let alone sound an alarm. He captured her about her waist until he maneuvered her up against the door. She let out a startled gasp when he pressed himself intimately against her. There was no way she could mistake the desire he felt for her. The sound of her heavy breathing took away whatever last bit of sense he had. He lowered his head to ensnare her lips beneath his own.

  This was no gentle kiss like their first had been. No, this was a possession… fire colliding with ice. The first taste was all consuming heat and passion. A devouring of two souls who were meant to be together, yet were parted by circumstances beyond their control. A beginning and an end all wrapped up into one delicious kiss that had Nicholas wishing it would never end, wishing that Grace was his.

  His hands reached up and began pulling the pins from her coiffure until her heavenly locks tumbled down in a silken display of seduction. He had been right about her hair cascading well below her waist, and his fingers threaded through the length much like he had dreamed about doing night after night.

  He deepened their kiss, and a soft groan escaped her. Such an echo of his own emotions gave Nicholas the confirmation he needed to prove once and for all that Grace was just as affected as he was. Her hands stroked his back while his muscles bulged from her touch, and he knew he had reached his limit of sanity where Grace was concerned. She belonged with him!

  No. That thought was all wrong for so many reasons. She would never be his, for Grace belonged to another. With that thought screaming across his mind, he tore his lips from hers. A small piece of him felt vindicated when she appeared disappointed that their kiss would not continue.

  “You need to leave before I forget I am a gentleman and take what I know you are not truly offering by being here,” he ordered harshly, pushing away from her.

  She took ahold of his arms. “Nicholas, please, I can explain everything if you would but listen to what─”

  “Enough of this, Grace. You come to my room in the dead of night, alone. I am only a man, for God’s sake, and even I have a shred of chivalry left in me to know that I will not take another man’s wife.”

  Her hand placed on his chest was once more his downfall as the warmth of her fingers came in contact with his skin at the opening of his shirt. He stood still as any statue, until her hand moved upward and around his neck to play with the hair that touched his collar. “Nicholas,” she whispered in a tone that broke his resolve, “you do not understand. I am not─”

  “Mine,” he snapped. “You will never be mine, and I refuse to be put in the position of fighting a duel with a man who would have every right to call me out for you just being here.”

  “If you would just listen to me, I can explain the situation. It is not what you think,” she cried out.

  “I understand exactly what this is,” he declared angrily as he pushed her back up against the door. “We had a brief interlude at a party a while back. You are obviously displeased with your husband and are looking once more for a distraction from whatever bores you in your life.”

  “That is not what I am looking for.” She gasped.

  “Then perhaps you are searching for this,” he fumed as he lost control. His head once more swooped down to taste her lips.

  He had meant such a kiss to be a sort of punishment for torturing him, but the moment she leaned into his body, everything changed from demanding to gentle. She was driving him mad, and if he did not do something to stop, the next thing he would be doing was declaring his love for a married woman.

  He once more ripped his lips from hers and ran light kisses down her neck. Her breathing escalated, much like his own. He pressed himself fully against her again, and her gasp was like sweet music to his ears. There could be no mistaking how much he wanted her.

  “Is this why you are here, Grace?” he murmured softly in her ear. He too
k delight in holding her just one last time before he must let her go forever.

  “Yes… I-I mean, n-no; that is not why I am here,” she stuttered.

  He pulled back from her and leaned down so he could stare directly into her eyes. “Then stop acting as though you wish to become my mistress and go back to your husband. I am sure he is more than capable of satisfying you tonight.”

  Her slap across his cheek resonated in the room. She could deliver quite the punch, and Nicholas knew he deserved the set down that was coming considering her furious flushed face.

  “You insufferable boor. How dare you speak to me that way? I do not know why I ever had the slightest inclination to right the misunderstanding between us.”

  He ignored her outburst and placed a quick kiss upon her lips. “Come to my room again, and I will take that as an open invitation you wish to warm my bed. Now get out,” he demanded opening the door.

  “I would not warm your bed if you were the last man on earth, Lord Nicholas Lacey,” she hissed.

  With brown eyes blazing, she swept from the room and out of Nicholas’s life, a yellow tabby kitten following her down the hallway. As Grace rounded the corner out of sight, the kitten looked back in Nicholas’ direction as though she had found a new owner. The blasted cat had the nerve to raise its little head as though snubbing Nicholas on Grace’s behalf.

  “Mew!” the kitten called to him and then followed in its new mistress’s wake.

  Chapter 10

  Grace linked her arm through Adrian’s as they left Hollystone Hall’s stable. The morning hunt had been a great success, and it seemed that all the planned events for the holiday season were going off splendidly. There was not much left for Grace to do other than enjoy being a guest and hope that the charity ball would bring in funding to support their cause.

  “You are pensive this morning, Grace,” Adrian noticed. “What has you so troubled?”

  “Nothing at all. I am perfectly well,” she answered through clenched lips.

  “If this is your well, I have no idea how you will enjoy the rest of the entertainments this coming week. Christmas is two days from now, and I know how much this holiday means to you. You appear as if the gloomy day is a reflection of your mood,” Adrian slowed their pace to allow others to go ahead of them. “Is Miranda getting on your nerves again? I swear that girl will be the death of me. I must watch her every move to ensure she is behaving herself. As you know, that is no easy task.”

  “Miranda has nothing to do with how ill at ease I am feeling of late,” Grace answered in a huff while the echo of Nicholas’s angry words warred inside her head. Why had she not just blurted out that she was not married? Such a statement would surely put an end to their disagreement. But she had been just as hot-headed as him and obviously not thinking clearly. The memory left a bitter taste in her mouth.

  How ironic that the man continued to interrupt her dreams and fill every waking moment. Grace could in no way discount how he made her feel, even after he had spoken to her in such a manner. She did not think she could ever forgive him, let alone forget him.

  “Gracie?” Adrian spoke her name, bringing her out of her thoughts of Nicholas.

  She gazed at her brother with what must have been a sheepish expression. “Sorry. I am just out of sorts.”

  “And just which gentleman has you so frazzled? Do I need to call the devil out for taking advantage of my sister?” he asked with brow furrowed, clearly distressed on her behalf.

  “No!” Her answer echoed in the winter wind, and she cast her eyes downward as they continued to walk. “I mean, there is no need. I do not believe the gentleman and I have anything further to discuss.”

  “You are very defensive, and I can see you are upset. Tell me, who is the cad, or will you keep me guessing?” His stare was serious before he gave her a hug of assurance.

  A heavy sigh left her. “Lord Nicholas Lacey.”

  “The chap from the library?”

  “Yes.” A simple answer was all she could muster as the man of her musing rushed by her without even acknowledging her presence. It was almost as if he knew he had been the topic of their hushed discussion.

  “I do not understand then. You are both eligible to wed, although I do know he has a daughter. You would become an instant mother if you were to wed. Is this the problem?”

  “His daughter has nothing to do with the problems between Nicholas and me.”

  “Then what is it? Did you discover that you do not get along? I do not know anyone of our acquaintance that does not like you, Gracie. You are one of the sweetest women I know,” Adrian confided with a smile.

  She gave a brief laugh, the first one that felt natural and not forced in days. “You have to say that. You are my brother.”

  “It keeps me in your good… graces,” he said, winking.

  “Yes, but unfortunately therein lays the problem.”

  “I think you lost me. What does our being related have to do with you possibly finding a husband with Lord Nicholas?”

  “He thinks you and I are wed,” she whispered so no one overheard such a startling confession.

  Adrian’s laughter burst forth to show his amusement. “You must be joking.”

  “I am delighted that you find the situation so hysterical that you cannot contain your merriment.” Grace began to hasten her stride. “I assure you this is no laughing matter to me. I attempted to rectify the misunderstanding with him, but he would not listen long enough for me to explain.”

  “This is most amusing.”

  “Not to me, Adrian,” Grace stated a bit forcibly.

  Her brother studied her for another moment. “What are you not telling me, Grace?” he inquired through clenched teeth.

  Grace began to shuffle her feet. She may as well tell him the truth of the matter. “I… made the mistake of… going to his room to give him my explanation,” she answered in a rush.

  Adrian’s face flushed red. “You what?” he roared.

  “Hush, you idiot. Do you wish the whole household to hear that you are upset with me? Believe me, I regret such a foolish decision on my part. It was my error in judgment. Let the issue rest, Adrian. Nicholas Lacey means nothing to me. There is no need to defend my honor.”

  Adrian leaned down and kissed the top of her head. “I shall abide by your wishes, Grace, although I still feel I should be calling the man out. Go change, and meet me in the billiards room this afternoon. There is to be a tournament, and you can be my good luck charm.”

  “I hardly think my being by your side will bring you luck, Adrian.”

  “Better you than Miranda. Can you imagine her trying to distract the players and win her wager with you at the same time?” Adrian declared in disgust. “I wish the two of you never made that stupid bet in the first place. I have put my foot down and ordered her to call it off, but she continues to defy me.”

  Grace did not reply and instead made her way to her room to change, apprehension lingering in the air. How many more times in the next week would she be forced to remain in the same room as Nicholas Lacey?

  Nicholas lined up his shot at the billiard table while conversations of no import swirled around the room. He studied the red ball left on the table and adjusted his shot. Pulling back his arm, he took aim—

  “There you are at last, Gracie darling,” Adrian de Courtenay announced loudly.

  —and completely missed the play. His stick only managed to nick the cue ball. Hushed sniggers accompanied his mistake. He stood, and there she was, standing in the entryway to the room, looking splendid in a gown of deep forest green. Her glorious hair was pulled up into a pleasing array of femininity that complemented her features, a bit of peacock feather in her headdress bringing out the color of her dress.

  “Uncle Nicholas, you missed,” his niece Alice stated, as though he could not see for himself he had just lost the game.

  He shook hands with the winner of the round, not even attempting to remember his name. Making his wa
y toward his nieces, he reached for a glass of brandy from a passing servant and suppressed the urge to down the liquor in a single gulp. He attempted to look anywhere but upon Grace to divert his attention from the woman who appeared to fill up every corner of the room just by being in it.

  “He is so handsome,” Celia whispered to Alice with a dreamy look upon her face.

  Nicholas scowled, wondering just to whom his youngest niece was referring. The girl was only seventeen, just two years older than Blanche, and certainly too young for ogling gentlemen.

  “There are many handsome gentlemen here this afternoon, Celia. Just who has grabbed your attention?” Alice glanced around the room.

  “Lord de Courtenay, of course,” Celia responded with a dreamy sigh.

  Nicholas cringed. Just what had these young women been up to the past several days while he had been contemplating the sorry state of his life?

  “He is too old for you, dear sister. Besides, Father would never allow it. You know how he continues to say his baby girl will not wed at such a young age,” Alice retorted. “Father barely thinks I am ready and forgets, sometimes, that I am twenty. If he continues to decline the offers for my hand, I shall be labeled a spinster and never have the opportunity to marry.”

  “I am not that young, nor is he too old. Besides, what does a person’s age have to do with anything? When you fall in love, age should not matter.”

  Eh gads! If Nicholas had to listen to Celia list the merits of Grace’s husband, he would surely go insane. He had had enough.

  He took both young women by the arms. “Let us go find Blanche and the others who are practicing their singing to entertain the children at the orphanage tonight,” he stated before whispering in Celia’s ear, “You, young lady, will stay clear of Lord de Courtenay. He is already spoken for, and that is his lady.”

  Celia frowned. “Are you sure? I am positive Elinor said that─”

  “I really do not wish to discuss the de Courtenay’s. Now let us see if we can find the children.”


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