Surviving This Life

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Surviving This Life Page 4

by Rodgers, Salice

  I hear Liv try and whisper to Tony without me hearing, “What happened to Dev?”

  “He couldn’t fucking wait until we had a plan. He went to find Willow on his own. Have you seen him? Is he okay?” he asks looking around the living room like he snuck in behind us without him seeing him or something.

  Liv throws herself back in Tony’s arms and I can hear her heart breaking sobs from over here.

  “H...He D...Didn’t make it,” she wails.

  “Fuck!” He steps away from Liv and looks to me and I see the sorrow in his eyes.

  I want to slap him and his little bimbo to! If he had really wanted to make him stay he could have done more to stop him.

  “You let him walk out the door! Don’t look at me like you are sorry!” I yell.

  “Why didn’t you stop him? Or at least go with him?!” Liv yells.

  “What was I supposed to do? I was trying to make a damn plan that kept us all alive!”

  “Well you failed at that buddy!” Liv says as she pushes past Tony and comes to the couch beside me.

  “I am so sorry Wil.” She wraps her arm around me giving me a gentle squeeze.

  I wrap my arms around Liv and try not to cry. I don’t want Emily to see us break down again. I will do that alone when we make it somewhere safe, somewhere other than here. Here holds too many memories of Devin for me.

  “Who are they Tony?” I hear Becky purr as she steps closer to him and touches his chest.

  “My girlfriend Olivia and her best friend Willow.” He quickly moves back away from Becky’s touch. “And this little beauty I don’t know,” he says and smiles at Emily.

  She smiles back at him. “My name is Emily. Olivia and Willow saved me,” she beams at me and Liv. I can’t help but smile back and wrap my arms around her pulling her into my lap.

  “We sure did baby,” Liv says giving Emily her brightest smile.

  Tony looks between the three of us with a look on his face that says he believes none of what we are saying.

  “You saved her?” he asks in disbelief.

  “Yeah you know that thing you should have done with Devin instead of hanging out in your apartment with whoever the hell she is.” My voice is thick with irritation as I motion to Becky.

  She is still standing where Tony left her watching all of us with a disgusted look on her face. The flesh eaters haven’t been here long and I have yet to meet a person that I can even think about feeding to them, but this girl seems like she needs to be supper for a group of them as soon as we leave this damn apartment.

  “Liv we need to go I can’t stay here,” I say turning my attention back to her.

  “Where would we go?” Liv asks me. As soon as the words leave her mouth Becky the bimbo speaks up.

  “We can go to my family home in Florida. They have two guest houses right on the beach.” She looks up at Tony.

  I grit my teeth knowing that means if they say yes then she has to live.

  “Excuse me but who in the fuck said that you were a part of the we I was talking about?” Liv blurts out. I have always loved the way she says what she is thinking.

  She looks to Liv and then turns her worried eyes to Tony and I can see her begging him not to leave her.

  “Tony how the fuck do you know her?” I spit out hoping she can tell in my voice how much I don’t like her.

  “She lives down the hall,” is all he gives in response.

  “Whatever we do, let’s do it now.” I look from Liv to Emily.

  “Do you have anywhere else in mind safer than houses on the beach?” Becky asks with a smug smile on her face.

  As soon as we make it, that bitch is dead. I stand from the couch and take Emily’s hand.

  “Let’s go.” I motion to Becky to walk out the door and she shakes her head no vigorously.

  I grind my teeth once again and reach around her opening the door and shove her out with a little more force than needed.

  “Wait!” Liv yells at me.

  “You and Emily don’t need to go out first. Let me.” She twirls Mr. Bat around and gives Becky a smug smile, “Let a real woman handle this.” And she walks out the door.

  I shake my head and laugh then look at Becky with a you-are-a-pus look.

  “All clear,” Liv says as she motions for us to follow her.

  Gripping Emily’s hand tight I make my way out the door. I look back at Tony who has Becky’s arms wrapped tight around his waist. She better hope Liv doesn’t see that shit. She will be dead for sure. I smile at that thought.

  We make our way down the stairs and at the bottom I can see a pack of hungry flesh eaters trying their damnedest to climb the steps, but they can’t seem to get their feet to move the way they want them to, up.

  Liv holds her hand up for us to stop. “Wait here, let me clear us a path,” she says.

  I cut my eyes towards Tony “You’re really going to let her do it on her own? Move it!” I yell.

  Becky tightens her arms on his waist and shakes her head no. He pulls her arm from his waist and smiles at her. “I have to help Liv now,” he says looking around the hallway for something he can use as a weapon.

  “Shit there isn’t anything here!” he says in frustration.

  “Forget it Tony I have it. I have fought off more than this and managed to keep everyone with me safe,” Liv barks over her shoulder as she takes the first swing with the bat knocking the first flesh eater down into the three behind him.

  She Jumps down off the last step and around them so they follow her away from the stairs. She swings her bat around and knocks the advancing flesh eater on its ass. Then quickly delivers the killing blow to the head. The next flesh eater lunges toward her, falling on the lifeless body at her feet. She takes advantage of its clumsiness and whacks it on the back of its head splitting its skull. The last of the three makes its way back over to the stairs and manages to make it up the first step. Emily screams and digs her fingers into my hand. I quickly pick her up and hold her tight.

  “Oh no you don’t fucker!” Liv yells as she yanks him down the step to the ground and beats him in his head repeatedly. Blood and brain matter splash up hitting her in the face but she still keeps smashing him in his head.

  “Die mother fucker die!” she yells blow after blow.

  “Ohhhh potty mouth!” Emily says.

  I can’t help but giggle that at a time like this she still has a little sense of humor.

  Liv stops and looks up at Emily. Her face is now red from the splattered blood. “Oppps sorry Em,” she says as she wipes some of the blood off of her face with her arm. She then motions for us to come on down.

  I make my way down the remaining steps and over the now flattened head of, I glance down and catch a glimpse of a name tag on the Huddle House uniform that the flesh eater is wearing, Brittany. I make it to Liv’s side as Tony and his tumor make their way down the stairs. Becky hides her face in Tony’s chest as they pass the corpse of Brittany.

  I look over to Liv to see if she is seeing the same thing I am. And by the rage I see in her eyes I can tell she does.

  Once they step over the flesh eater Liv walks up to them yanking Becky off of Tony.

  “Hands off bitch or you will be next.” Liv’s voice takes on a tone I have never heard before as she swings the bat around in circles challenging Becky to argue with her

  Becky backs away from Tony and holds her hand up in surrender. We walk the rest of the way out the breezeway and look around for the Range Rover. Liv parked it on the lawn as close to the breezeway as she could without going through the apartment building.

  “Where the hell is our car?” I ask quietly.

  “What do you mean it is right th…” Liv stops as she looks past me to an empty yard. “That fucking bitch!” she yells.

  “Do you have your keys?” she ask Tony who drives a Ford Expedition.

  Tony digs his hands in his pocket and pulls out his keys with a triumphant smile on his face.

  “Thanks!” Liv snat
ches them from his hand and stalks her way to his car knocking any flesh eater that gets in her way down with one blow. Damn she is pissed off.

  I look at Tony. “Try and keep her hands off of you this time!” I bark then follow Liv to the waiting SUV.

  I open the back door and climb in with Emily. I know Liv and if Tony and Becky sit beside each other she will smash both their heads in.

  Pulling out of the parking lot used to be such a natural thing but now it feels like each time we leave somewhere it might be the last time we ever see it again. I lean my head against the window and make the hardest decision I have ever made in leaving Devin behind. I wrap my arm around Emily as she lays her little head on my side and I sigh as a tear rolls down my cheek.

  We drive down the road for what feels like hours and I try to sleep. I can hear Emily’s snores and I smile. I am glad she feels safe enough with us that she can finally get some rest.

  “Liv look!” I lean up and reach my hand in between the seats. The Range Rover is lying on its side in the left lane of the road.

  Liv slows down just in front of the car and I can see Tara hanging out of the windshield. Flesh eaters are devouring her limp lifeless body. They're shoveling her intestines down their throats like they're sausage links.

  “Ugh!” Liv gags. “Serves that bitch right for stealing our car. Do you think our bag is still in there?” She asks, looking back at me.

  I shrug, “Maybe.”

  She stops the car.

  “Hey! What are you doing?” Becky demands.

  “Chill Barbie I am going to get our supplies,” Liv barks at her. She goes to open the door but Tony grabs her arm, “Babe I don’t think that is a good idea.”

  She looks down at his hand on her arm. “Why don’t you let Barbie back there hold you until I get back? You seem to like that.” She throws back at him and jerks her arm away from him and out the door she goes.

  I watch her out of the window. She sneaks around the side of the Range Rover and into the passenger side window. She quickly darts back out and runs back to the car with our bag in her hand. She slings the door open and jumps in.

  “See no biggy,” she says tossing the bag back to me. I quickly catch it before it hits Emily. “Hey watch it!” I scold.

  “Sorry. I forgot she was back there, she is so quiet,” Liv says.

  “What is in that bag that was so important that you had to risk your life for?” Tony asks Liv with bitterness in his voice.

  “You didn’t seem to mind me risking my life back at the apartments while that leech’s hands were all over you,” Liv snaps.

  “Oh give me a break Liv!” he says rolling his eyes. “She was scared!”

  “And that makes it okay for her to be on you like white on rice?” She barks back and slams her foot on the gas pedal, making us all jerk back in our seats as the car accelerates.

  “Liv you know you are the only one for me. She was just scared that was it. If you weren’t such a hot head you would see that,” he says in a much calmer, sweeter voice.

  She cuts her eyes at him then back at the road. “Whatever Tony.”

  Becky is sitting back here with a shit eating grin on her face like she likes the fact that they are arguing. I jab her with my elbow.

  “Ouch!” She yells.

  “Oh my bad,” I apologize with a devious smirk on my face.

  She just rolls her eyes and looks out of the window.

  Chapter Six


  We drive in silence for the next several miles passing town after town. Each one filled with more flesh eaters than the next. Finally after what seems like endless hours of driving I spot a parking deck in one of the many cities we have went through.

  I whisper to Tony, who is the only one left awake with me. “Do you think that will be a good spot to stop and get some rest?” I ask.

  “Sure just pull to the very top. Less of those things up there I am sure.”

  “Okay,” I agree as I pull in.

  I look around and surprisingly it is deserted. Not a car or eater in sight. I make my way up the loops and curves until we reach the top. I park as close to the exit as possible, killing the ignition. I hit the lock button and hear the click of the locks. I recline my seat back as much as I can without hitting Wil in the knees. I close my eyes and start to drift off to sleep hoping this day will all just be a very bad dream.

  “Liv I am glad you are safe.” Tony’s admission makes me open my eyes and look at him.

  “Are you? Cause it looked like bimbo was keeping you pretty occupied.”

  He reaches over taking my hand. “Babe I swear nothing happened with her. She came banging on our door begging for help. And you know Dev he was always the helping type. So he let her in.”

  I look at him. “Why didn’t you want to go with Devin? You knew Wil was with me. Did you not think to come check on me like I did you?”

  “God Liv! You were the first thing on my mind. But I didn’t want to leave with a half ass plan. I wanted a real plan before going out in this.”

  “We didn’t have a plan. All we thought about was making it to you and Dev.” I turn my head looking out the window not wanting to give him the satisfaction of seeing me cry.

  He reaches over and gently pulls my face toward him, making me look at him again.

  “Babe look at me. Why are you crying?” he asks, running his thumb over my cheek wiping away the tears that have fallen.

  “I…I don’t know maybe it is the fact that I had to kill one of my best friends today or the fact that I had to explain to a five year old that her mommy didn’t try to kill her or maybe just maybe it is the fact that I think you have a thing for Ms. Sex on legs back there.” I nod my head to the back seat to where Becky is.

  “You had to kill Devin?” The shock in his voice makes new tears form in my eyes

  “Yeah he was going straight toward Willow and I knew she couldn’t do it so I had to.” Tears are now streaming down my face.

  He pulls me over into his lap and into a hug and I let him. As much as I am mad at him right now I need to feel his arms around me. “Oh baby I am so sorry. I knew how much you loved Dev. We all did.” He kisses the top of my head that I now have rested on his chest.

  I don’t know how but just being in his arms makes everything seem like it’s going to be okay. I rise up wiping my tears with the back of my hand. “I love you Tony, please never let anything happen to you. I don’t know what I would do.” The tears I just cleaned off my face are now making their way down my cheeks again.

  He reaches up cupping my face in his hands, brushing the tears away as they fall. He kisses my forehead. “I love you too Liv. I've wanted to tell you that for a long time now but could never find the right time or right way to tell you again. With all of our fighting and arguing I have never stopped loving you. Since the first day I laid eyes on you I knew you had to be mine. I'm so glad Dev talked you into dating me.”

  I chuckle. “Dev didn’t talk me into dating you. I wanted to kiss you the moment Dev introduced us. I just didn’t want to make the first move so when Dev told me you were interested in me I went for it.”

  “You did? Really?” He sounds surprised.

  “Yes I mean look at those plush kiss-me lips. How could I not want to kiss them?”

  “Oh yeah?” He gives me that sexy smirk that makes my panties sopping wet.

  “Yeah,” I whisper as I lean in placing my lips to his.

  My arms instantly make their way around his neck and my fingers get tangled in his mess of thick blonde hair. I push my body closer to him wanting every inch of his body next to mine. He slides his hands down my back to my ass and lifts me up making me straddle him.

  “Damn I missed you baby,” he mumbles against my lips.

  “Mm huh,” I manage to get out as his tongue darts in my mouth.

  His hands roam up the back of my shirt and around to the front. I let out a slight moan as his hands slide under my bra and his fingertips brush
against my nipples. Damn I have missed his touch.

  “Get a room you two!” Becky snarls.

  I break the kiss and laugh. “Jealous much?” I tease.

  She huffs and crosses her arms looking back out her window into the night sky.

  I bend back down and go to finish my make out session with Tony but he pushes me back a bit.

  “She is right babe. We can’t do this here in the front seat with everyone else in the car.”

  “So let’s go somewhere we can,” I coo in his ear as I take his earlobe in my mouth and slightly suck.

  He moans softly into my neck and I can feel his growing erection pressing on my inner thigh.

  “You know you want to,” I whisper in his ear then slide my tongue down his neck.

  “Let’s go.” He opens the door and gets out still holding me in his arms. I wrap my legs around his waist as he stands up. He closes the door and leans against it as I push my mouth onto his again.

  He trails little kisses down my neck as I gently pull his hair to try and bring his mouth back to mine.

  “God Liv I have missed this,” he groans out.

  “Show me how much babe,” I purr in his ear.

  He walks away from the car over to a door that I am assuming leads to the elevators. He pushes my back into it and I let my legs fall down from around his waist to stand in front of him. He dives in and starts sucking and nibbling on my neck slowly lifting my shirt, trailing kisses down my neck to my collarbone. He slowly lifts my shirt over my head leaving me in just my bra. His lips find my mouth again and his tongue wastes no time in finding mine. I reach between his legs and grab his now rock hard erection through his pants slowly working it up and down.

  “Mm I need you now babe!” He reaches behind me opening the door. It swings open and he gently pushes me inside.

  As soon as I get inside I feel a set of hands tightly grab my shoulder.

  “What th…” It’s then that I hear the unmistakable sound of flesh eaters moaning and snarling. I jerk away from the tight grip on my shoulder.

  “RUN!” I yell.

  I rush out and make a quick B line for the car forgetting about my discarded clothes. We make it to the car and I jerk on the door handle.


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