Surviving This Life

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Surviving This Life Page 10

by Rodgers, Salice

  “Can I go color Liv a picture so when she wakes up she will have something pretty to look at?” she asks in the sweetest little voice.

  I smile. “Of course you can pumpkin.” I give her a quick kiss on her forehead and set her down. She turns to walk out of the room, then quickly turns around and runs back over to the bedside.

  “Get better soon Liv,” she says and kisses her on the cheek. Emily darts out of the room and into her own.

  I wipe the tear that falls down my cheek and lean over and talk to Liv.

  “You see baby girl you have to wake up,” I say as I rub my hand over her forehead. “You have so many people depending on you. Me, Emily,” before I can say more Tony steps up and grabs her hand.

  “And me baby. We all need you to wake up.” He kisses her hand and instead of placing it back beside her side he cups it in both of his hands as he gently rubs his thumb up and down the top of her hand.

  “See Liv all of us need you. Wake up baby girl please,” I beg as the tears I was trying to hold back come crashing down my face.

  Tony wraps his arm around my shoulder and we cry together until we are both out of tears.

  Cade, Tony and I are all sitting around the kitchen table as Tony goes over what happened to them out there for the tenth time. Cade isn’t understanding anything he is saying except his sister died out there because Tony didn’t save her. He keeps demanding Tony to go over and over the story.

  “Tell me again why you couldn’t save my fucking sister?” Cade commands as he glares over at Tony.

  “I…” Tony starts again but I cut him off.

  “Look Cade, no matter how many times he tells you it’s not going to change what happened. I am sorry your sister is dead but she knew what she was getting into like all of us did when we went out looking for Melody. Liv knew too and she is laying up there unconscious and may never wake up. As much as it hurts to see her like that I don’t blame Tony for it and neither should you. He made a choice and seeing as your sister was on her feet and in a position to fight back he went to Liv who was on the ground face down with her arms pinned under her. If it wasn’t for him we would have two dead people on our hands.”

  “Let me get this straight you’re telling me that my sister’s life didn’t matter?” He cuts his eyes toward me and I can see the hurt along with anger swirling in his eyes.

  “That’s not what I am saying at all. What I am saying is Tony couldn’t save everyone. He is just one man and couldn’t be in two places at once.” I try to reach over and take Cade’s hand to try and get him to understand I am truly sorry for his loss, but he yanks his hand away like I am poisonous.

  “Just fuck it! Fuck all of this!” He jumps up and flips the table over. He stalks toward Tony, “AND FUCK YOU!” he says as he wraps his hands around Tony’s neck almost picking him up off of the ground. I run over and yank on Cade’s arm to try and get him to let go.

  “CADE!” I scream. “Cade this isn’t going to bring your sister back!” I pull on his arm again as Tony’s starts to turn blue. “CADE FUCKING STOP! YOU’RE GOING TO KILL HIM!” I wrap my arms around his and pull with all of my might but he isn’t budging.

  Grant comes running in there. “What the fuck is all this ye…” Grant stops as he takes in the scene he just walked into. Then he runs over and yanks Cade off of Tony.

  Tony falls to the ground gasping for air and I stumble back and almost fall over Cade’s upturned chair. I put my hands out and cling to the wall keeping me from falling over. I steady myself before running over to Tony.

  “Oh my God! Are you okay?” I ask as I bend down next to him.

  He nods his head as he is sucks in lung full after lung full of air.

  “What the fuck was that about man?” Grant asks after he has Cade a safe distance away from Tony.

  “He killed my sister!” Cade yells out.

  Tony finally stands after finding his breath. “I did not kill her man. I thought she could handle one eater. How was I supposed to know two more would grab her too? I did everything I could man, I swear.” Tony looks away from Cade as tears fill his eyes.

  I know he had to have some feelings for her or he wouldn’t have cheated on Liv with her. But seeing it in his face right now I am glad Liv isn’t here to see it.

  “Cade,” I speak softly and walk over to him gently placing my hand on his shoulder. He looks down at me and his face softens so I continue, “I am sorry about Becky. I really am but it wasn’t Tony’s fault.”

  His mouth quivers and he starts bawling, “That was my little sister. The only family I had left. I am supposed to be the big brother and I couldn’t protect her,” he bellows out between sobs.

  Seeing him come apart I don’t know if I want to hug him or fuck him. The burning between my thighs tells me it’s the latter. There is just something about a grown man crying that is so damn sexy. Especially one who looks like Cade. I wrap my arms around him the best I can and pull him down to me so his head is resting on my shoulder. I look over to Grant and Tony and nod my head signaling I got this so they can go.

  “Shh Cade it’s going to be okay. You’re going to be okay,” I coo in his ear as I rub his back and let him come undone on my shoulder.

  “What will I do without my family? I have no one left,” he sobs.

  “That’s not true you have me, Liv, Emily and as much as you don’t think so you have Tony. We will be your family,” I reassure him.

  He pulls back from me and looks me in the eye. “You really mean that? I thought you hated me especially now that I basically tried to kill your friend.”

  I reach up and wipe the tears from his cheeks. “Of course I mean it Cade. And what you did to Tony, well I understand. I probably would have acted the same way if it would have been Liv. He doesn’t hold a grudge for it I am sure and neither will I. But if Liv wakes up.”

  He corrects me, “When Liv wakes up,”

  “Yeah when Liv wakes up, let’s not mention it to her because that girl can hold a damn grudge,” I chuckle and he smiles.

  “Yeah I can see that with the way she is with Grant. But I am on her side with that one.” He grins down at me and I swear my panties are soaked.

  “The world has gone to shit, so I figure I have more important things to worry about than Grant. Besides he did save my life, so I think his good outweighs his bad right now, don’t you think?”

  “Well I am pretty glad he saved you,” he says as he wraps his big arms around me. “I mean now I have a sister again.”

  A sister? Does he really think of me as a sister? Ugh this is just great. I roll my eyes at myself.

  He must sense my uneasiness about that statement because he pulls me back and looks at me. “Liv is going to make one kick ass sister,” he beams down at me and winks.

  I can feel my face getting warm and I know I am blushing. His smile gets wider and no doubt my face gets redder so I look down.

  He tucks his fingers under my chin and gently lifts my face, “You look beautiful when you blush.”

  I feel my cheeks flush more at the sound of his words and my heart starts to race a little.

  “I don’t think anything about zombie goo all over me is beautiful.” I reply

  “You are beautiful goo and all.” He skims his fingers over the side of my face.

  I close my eyes and let the feeling of his hands on me overwhelm my senses.

  He brings his head down to mine, “I want to kiss you,” he whispers in my ear.

  The tingle from his beard and his hot breath on my ear causes me to squeeze my legs together and I let go of the breath I was holding. “Then do it,” I say whispering back.

  He runs his lips from my ear, across my cheek until he makes it to my lips and then he pulls back looking into my eyes before he leans in and presses his lips gently to mine. I lean up on my tip toes and press my body against his, wrapping my arm around his neck and grab a handful of his hair. His hands rise to each side of my face and he deepens the kiss licking my bott
om lip, asking for permission to enter. I open my mouth on a moan and squeeze my arms around him just a little tighter as if he is going to disappear and this will all be a dream. He groans into my mouth and I can feel the effect the kiss has is not lost on him as he presses against me.

  The sound of someone clearing their throat has us stepping apart and a blush rising to my cheeks once again. Just from a simple kiss I feel like I need to bend over and catch my breath or smoke a cigarette.

  “Sorry I didn’t mean to interrupt, but I thought you would want to know Olivia is awake,” Grant says, looking a little embarrassed at what he just walked in on.

  “She’s awake?!” I run passed him and up the stairs.

  Chapter 12 - Liv

  I jump up and scream, “TONY BEHIND YOU!” I feel arms squeeze around me and I instantly think it is an eater. I pound my fist into it.

  “LIv! Liv baby open your eyes! Your safe baby. Open your eyes,” I hear Tony softly say into my ear.

  I stop flailing around and hesitantly crack my eyes open. A headache hits me like a ton of bricks and I sway backwards some.

  “Easy baby. Here lay back down,” he says as he gently places me back on the bed.

  “What happened?” I ask as I look up at his teary eyed face.

  “You passed out in my arms and I brought you back here,” he says as he pushes my hair out of my face.

  “But how did we get away from all of those flesh eaters? They were everywhere!”

  “I got us out baby. That’s all that matters. I am so glad you are awake.” Before I can stop him, as if I even would, he leans down placing a soft kiss on the corner of my mouth.

  Wil comes running in and right over to my bed. She practically pushes Tony out of the way.

  “Oh my gosh Liv! How do you feel? Are you okay? I was so scared!” She says it all fast and franticly

  “I have a huge headache, but besides that I think I am okay,” I say as I bring my attention to Wil’s face instead of Tony’s.

  Cade walks in as I finish my sentence. “I think I have some Tylenol in my bathroom cabinet, let me go get you some,” he says as he turns and walks out of the room. I notice Wil’s face turn a light shade of red just by hearing Cade’s voice. I lift an eyebrow at her wondering what’s going on between them two. She notices my look and turns even redder and looks down at the floor.

  Cade steps back in with a glass of water and two pills. He hands me the pills and I go to sit up. Tony comes around to the other side of the bed before I can raise up on my own, his hands gently snake around my waist and help lift me up. I take the glass of water from Cade and swallow down the two pills. Tony eases me back onto the bed,

  “Thanks,” I say and give him a weak smile.

  Emily comes running in the room with several pieces of paper in her hands. She jumps on the bed beside me. “Liv! Liv! You’re awake!” She proclaims as she wraps her little arms around my neck and hugs me.

  “Oh,” I wince as she jumps on the bed and attacks me with her sweet hugs.

  “I made you something while you were asleep.” She says as she pulls her arms back away from my neck and hold out the papers in her hand.

  I take them and look down at them.

  “This one is a picture of Scooby Doo I colored you,” she says pointing at the first page.

  “Oh that’s a good picture. How did you know that I love Scooby?” I ask smiling at her. She blushes.

  “Everyone loves Scooby silly,” she says and giggles.

  I smile and lay it beside me on the bed to look at her next picture.

  “This one is a picture I drew,” she points at the page. “This is you, and that is Willow and I am right here.” She points to the little doodle that is between the one of me and Wil.

  “Well who is this?” I say and point to the one at the top of the paper.

  She looks a little sad at first then she says, “That’s my mommy watching over us from heaven.” Her little voice breaks. “I know why my mommy tried to bite me now,” she says softly.

  “You do?” I ask trying to hold back my tears.

  “Yes. She wasn’t really my mommy. Just like Willow’s boyfriend wasn’t really him. She had already died and went to live with Jesus and that’s when the mean woman who looked like my mommy tried to bite me.” She starts crying now and hugs me again, “I thought you were going to die too and that made me really sad. Promise me you will never die Olivia,” she begs as her little tears fall on my shoulder.

  “Oh baby girl I promise. I will always be alive to protect you.” I hug her tight and cry along with her.

  I hear sniffling coming from around the room and open my eyes to see where it is coming from. There isn’t a dry eye in the room even big bad Cade is tearing up. I notice Grant and Melody standing off by the door and she is crying hysterically.

  I hug Emily tight one last time then pull her back and wipe her tear stained cheeks. “Now then baby girl, why don’t you go see if Alejandra and Jose’s kids want to play.”

  She smiles her biggest smile. “They are fun to play with. But they talk funny.” She shrugs her shoulders and we all burst out laughing. She scurries out of the room.

  Grant and Melody come walking over to me. “Thank you for saving Melody Liv. I know you didn’t have to,” he says quietly.

  Melody bawls, “I’m so sorry.”

  “You got hurt trying to save me. I shouldn’t have ran away in the first place. Now it’s all my fault that Becky is dead and you are hurt.” Grant pulls her into his arms. He mouths he is sorry to me and leads Melody out of the room.

  I look over to Cade. “Cade I’m so sorry about your sister,” I say then look down. I know I didn’t like the two bit whore but I can’t act like that to her brother who is graciously letting us stay in his home.

  “Thank you Liv, but it isn’t your fault.” He cuts his eyes at Tony.

  “I..” I start then shut up. I don’t think it would be a good idea to tell a grieving brother that his only sister basically got herself killed trying to get my boyfriend to choose her. Wait did I just refer to Tony as my boyfriend again?

  Wil looks at me giving me a questioning look.

  “Hey guys do you mind if I have a minute with Wil?" I ask.

  “I am not leaving your side,” Tony says as he grabs my hand and sits down on the bed beside me.

  I gently pull my hand away. “It will only take a second,” I say begging him with my eyes to please give me some privacy with my best friend.

  He sighs, “Okay.” He stands and kisses the top of my head. “I will be right back with something for you to eat.” He turns and exits the room.

  “What about you Cade, do you need a kiss to leave too?” I jokingly ask as I look over to Willow. She blushes and gives me a go to hell look.

  He chuckles, “Only if it’s from you sugar.” He winks at me then quickly kisses Willow on the cheek and leaves, closing the door behind him.

  “What the hell is up with you and Mr. Tough Guy?” I ask raising up out of bed and patting the empty spot beside me for her to sit.

  “Uhm, is it bad that I want to move on Liv? Is it too soon? I want that man.” She says and sighs.

  “Anyone in viewing range can tell you want that man and he wants you. I say go for it! Devin wouldn’t want you to be alone especially in a world like this,” I reassure her.

  “Yeah…. Anyway what is going on with you?”

  “Tony chose me over Becky.” I try and hide the smile but there is no use.

  “That much is obvious Liv,” she says with a questioning look.

  “I mean when I was in trouble and she seen him running to me she purposely put herself in danger. I watched as she emptied out her bullets and walked right into that eater’s arms,” I say in a hushed tone not wanting Cade to over hear from wherever he went. For all I know he could be standing right outside the door.

  “So she went down thinking he would actually choose her over you? How stupid could she have been?”

; “Apparently real stupid. We watched as she was torn apart. Even being the bitch that she is, I still tried to go to her but Tony held me back. No one deserved to die like that.” I shake my head to try and clear her screams from my mind.

  “She did that to herself Liv, even if you think she didn’t deserve it in a twisted way she kinda did. You didn’t make her do what she did. She did that on her own. She was stupid. Sorry to sound so cold, but really she could have saved herself.” She shrugs her shoulders and looks to the floor.

  “You’re right. I don’t want to tell Cade, but I don’t want him to blame Tony either. What should I do? He is pissed at Tony. I could tell that by the look in his eyes when he looked at Tony.”

  “I understand that but think about it, even if you did tell him he probably wouldn't believe you. So what is the point in making the issue bigger? The heat will die down. Not all of us hold a grudge like you do Liv,” she says and giggles.

  I gasp and hold my hand over my chest like I am offended, “I do not hold grudges! But I am still mad at you for breaking my doll house in second grade, you doll house breaking bitch,” I laugh.

  “I didn’t mean to! It slipped!” she says and laughs harder.

  “Sure it did.” I eye her and collapse back on the bed in a fit of laughter.

  A knock on the door stops our laughing fits and I try and gain my composure before saying, “Come in.”

  Tony nudges the door open with a tray in his hands. “I brought you some soup,” he says offering up the tray for me to take.

  I take the tray and lift it to my nose taking in the smell of hot soup. Funny how things that seemed so normal before, are so rare now, like hot soup. Wil smiles from the bed and walks out the door.

  “Thank you.” I smile up at Tony.

  Tony sits down on the bed beside me and leans his head back against the pillows and soon I can hear him snoring. I look to him and smile falling more in love with him. I didn’t know if I would be able to move past him cheating and then being stuck with her during the end of the world. It felt like he made a mistake and I was the one paying for it each day that I had to look at her. But now that I have seen him choose me over her I can’t help but think all debts have been paid.


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