Destined for Time

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Destined for Time Page 2

by Stacie Simpson

  When he finally lifted his head I shoved him away from me, barely holding back the tears welling in my eyes. “Stay the fuck away from me Mr. Delaney, don’t you ever come near me again,” I shouted at him then turned and ran into the darkness.

  He called after me but I kept going until I was sure he wasn’t going to follow me. When I finally stopped running I sank to the ground under a giant oak tree and cried, deep shuddering sobs that shook my whole body with the force of the emotions behind them.

  My entire world had just been shaken like a snow globe and as the chaos in my mind started to settle a new reality was being formed. Suddenly I saw all the suspicious behaviors I’d attributed to criminal activities with new eyes. What if Rook wasn’t the only one around here with super powers? What if they were all just trying to hide their supernatural abilities, not some massive drug or gun trafficking organization?

  Oh God, my heart started racing with excitement. If Rook wasn’t a criminal there wasn’t any reason for me to keep turning him down. We could finally be together. For one shining moment hope sang through my entire being.

  Then I realized nothing had changed. I couldn’t tell anyone I traveled through time with Rook. To everyone back at the station he was still a lowlife criminal that needed to be put behind bars.

  I took a deep breath and sighed. All this would have to wait. Right now there were people who needed my help. Dragging myself to my feet I headed back to the main building to help with the rescue efforts. Whatever my future held I would face it when this disaster was over.

  Chapter Two

  Nothing could have been stranger than the situation I walked into when I returned to the area just outside The Gateway. Somehow Dragon and Rook had taken charge of the scene and for some reason all the rescue workers were following their directions. These were men and women that I knew personally and their behavior was so out of character that I had trouble believing my eyes and ears. Why would the officers in charge allow civilians to take control of a scene like this?

  Deciding to get my answers later I jumped in, helping out wherever I could. Over the course of the next few hours I witnessed a number of things that had me questioning my sanity but I pressed on making mental notes for later. Everyone worked together in a well-organized manner until the last person had been accounted for and the rest of the building had been deemed safe to reenter.

  In the end there were more than two hundred injured and forty-seven dead including Senator Mitchell and four other United States Senators. The secret service agents on duty were outraged that something like this could happen but Dragon reminded them that they had cleared the grounds and the theater prior to the festivities beginning. Most of the building had survived because the fire had been miraculously contained within The Gateway and its receiving area. Hotel staff members were consoling guests and comping rooms while the rescue workers wrapped things up and headed for home.

  Shortly before dawn I stood with a group of people discussing the events that had taken place and what still needed to be done. The group included Dragon, Rook, whose presence I desperately tried to ignore, Solomon, the Myths and Legends Entertainment Manager, and Serrano, the Food Facilities Manager for the resort.

  When all the status updates were complete and the conversation was winding down I decided it was a good time to get some answers. I considered waiting until I was alone with Dragon and Rook but figured Solomon and Serrano were probably aware of the weird shit going on around here.

  “I’ve been watching you closely all night and somehow you’ve tampered with the memories of every single law enforcement agent and rescue worker at this scene except for mine,” I told Dragon drawing the attention of everyone in the circle. “Why is that? Don’t get me wrong,” I added pushing my hand out in a stop motion. “I want to know how you’re doing it too. But right now I’m more concerned with why you left my memories intact.”

  After a moment of deliberation he replied, “I can’t alter your memories.”

  I was surprised by his honesty then another question hit me and I narrowed my eyes on him. “And how would you know that?”

  He glanced at Rook then answered, “I’ve tried, many times, and after what happened earlier tonight those failures make a lot more sense.”

  I turned to glare at Rook, acknowledging his presence for the first time. “Have you ever tried to fuck with my head before?”

  He put his hands in his pockets and shook his head sadly. He looked so dejected that I was sorry I’d snapped at him. “I don’t have that ability, and even if I did, I’ve already told Dragon that I was glad he couldn’t get into your head. It felt like a betrayal even knowing he tried.”

  Again I was surprised. Considering their willingness to alter memories in everyone else, it meant a lot that Rook didn’t want anyone changing mine. I refocused on Dragon and said, “So let’s say you could have tweaked my memories, what would I be writing in my report about this incident? Because I’ll be honest, I’ve seen some pretty amazing things here tonight that would win me a quick trip to a psychiatrist and a nice long vacation if I included them in my report.”

  He grinned at me. “Well, I wouldn’t mention that bit about traveling through time.”

  “That one was obvious, but how do I explain the man who transformed into a wolf before my eyes, an invisible wall that contained the flames within The Gateway, and the fact that one redheaded dancer was able to kick a hole through a brick wall so that dozens of guests could escape the fire unscathed.” I waited expectantly for his response.

  “You could tell the truth.” He shrugged and I narrowed my eyes at him again. “The man was actually a shapeshifter who lost control when he was frightened. It happens, especially when we’re young or out of practice for some reason.” My eyes widened and he continued, “Solomon cast a spell over The Gateway, a protective ward that kept the flames from spreading further into the building. And since Scarlett is what we call a nightshifter, part vampire and part bear shifter, breaking through a brick wall wouldn’t take much effort from her at all.”

  I was stunned and barely noticed Solomon and Serrano whisper to each other beside Dragon. I looked around the circle from one face to the next and finally settled on Dragon. “You’re serious aren’t you?”

  “Yes.” His eyes were hard telling me the situation was becoming very serious.

  I kept my eyes locked with his while I absorbed what he wasn’t saying out loud. “If I put all that in my report I’d be laughed off the force. Of course you know that, but it doesn’t matter does it? My report would never be filed if I tried to include any of that.”

  “No, we wouldn’t allow any of that to become public record.”

  Rook started to move between us but Dragon stopped him with a look. I glanced at Rook then back to Dragon who said, “He wants to protect you from me. Do you understand what that means? He is bound to me by blood and magic. For him to even think about fighting against me would take a monumental effort on his part.”

  I turned to Rook and when our eyes met I fell into the endless sea of blackness staring back at me. The deeper I fell into those eyes the more I lost my sense of self until the most incredible sensation suffused me with its warmth. It was similar to the energy that washed over me when Rook set time back, only this time it surrounded me, seeped deeper into my being with every breath I took. Instinctively I struggled against the power that held me captive. My entire body went rigid and sweat broke out across my brow as I fought to break free.

  “Rook,” Dragon prompted gently.

  Rook turned to Dragon like he was waking from a dream and I sagged in relief when I was consequently released from his hold. For a second I thought my legs would give out but I locked my knees and straightened my spine. Coldness swept through my body with the loss of the connection and I crossed my arms over my chest.

  This night just kept getting weirder and weirder. I wasn’t sure I wanted to know what just happened but there was one thing I was sure of.

  “Your secret is safe with me,” I assured Dragon with a shaky voice. “I don’t have any desire to ruin my own life just to expose whatever you’ve got going on here.”

  “That’s good to know.” Dragon seemed relieved and I got the sense I’d just dodged a bullet.

  Rook took a deep breath and relaxed while Serrano passed a twenty dollar bill to Solomon.

  Dragon sent the two other men on errands then spoke to Rook in a language I couldn’t understand. I listened closely while he spoke but none of it made any sense to me.

  “Hey, what are you saying to him? Speak English,” I demanded. “What kind of messed up language was that?”

  A brilliant smile spread over Rook’s face then he bowed to Dragon with his hand fisted over his heart. When he straightened he grinned at me like he was anticipating my reaction. “He was telling me not to worry because in his eyes you’re my woman and therefore my problem to deal with.”

  “What?” I asked, outraged and curiously thrilled at the same time. “I’m not your woman...”

  “No!” The shout of pure terror came from Dragon as he fell to his knees. Rook and I were instantly alert and scanning the area for danger. Suddenly Dragon got to his feet and raced out of sight faster than my eyes could follow. Rook grabbed my hand and we followed, running faster than I’d ever run in my life. When we turned the corner a gigantic black and red dragon shot into the air heading towards the terrace on top of the staff apartment building. I didn’t have time to question what my eyes were seeing because Rook sped up pulling me along faster than I thought my feet could carry me.

  When we reached the building we sprinted inside to the elevator where Rook put his hand on the security panel, it lit up while his palm was scanned, then he hit the button for the top floor. I leaned against the wall with my hands braced on my knees and tried to catch my breath. Sweat ran down the sides of my face and every one of my muscles was screaming with pain. Rook on the other hand was breathing normally and appeared to be very relaxed with his feet crossed and his arms folded over his broad chest.

  His guarded expression however, was anything but relaxed.

  I peeked up at him through the hair falling around my face. “I know why you’re looking at me like that, but you don’t need to worry. I’m not going to freak out right now. I can’t make any promises about later, but right now I’m going to focus on whatever made Dragon take off like that.”

  “Something must have happened to Serafina. They’re bonded as mates so he can feel everything she feels.”

  I shook my head and gave him a wry smile. “Someday you’re going to have to explain how that works. That and a lot of other things, like how exactly Donovan Drake just transformed into a dragon and launched himself into the night sky.”

  “Someday I’d like to explain all of this to you,” he said cautiously. “I’ve wanted to tell you about my world for some time, but I wasn’t sure how you would react. Normally that wouldn’t be a problem because I could just have your memories wiped if you reacted badly. But in your case, we’d have to take other steps to keep our secrets safe.”

  Looking at his grim face I knew he wouldn’t have enjoyed those other steps any more than I would have.

  Just then the elevator came to a stop with a ding and I drew my gun as we straightened and the doors rolled to the sides. We stepped out into a large foyer with an open doorway where the door had obviously been torn from its hinges. Rook and I went past Dragon, who was completely nude and leaning over Doyle’s unconscious body. Rook took off upstairs and I started clearing the immediate area.

  From another room I heard Dragon shouting, “What happened? Where is she Doyle?”

  I strained to hear Doyle’s groggy response. “It was Scarlett. She came to the door and said you wanted Serafina to join you in your office.” Dragon swore loudly and I finished clearing the downstairs. When Rook and I met beside Dragon, Doyle was talking from where he was slumped on the floor with his head in his hands. “Something wasn’t right though. She didn’t smell like Scarlett.”

  She didn’t smell like Scarlett?

  Doyle continued, “I tried to close the door in her face but then Rook stepped off the elevator. I was going to explain my suspicions to him but he cold-cocked me before I could say a word. As I was passing out I realized he didn’t smell right either.”

  Dragon roared, an inhuman sound that sent chills skittering up my spine, then he sent a table flying into the glass doors at the other end of the room. They shattered with the impact showering the terrace with glass and wood. When he turned to Rook there was fear and rage burning in the red flames that consumed his usually brown eyes. I’d never seen anything so frightening in all my life and I stepped behind Rook as Dragon bellowed, “She’s dying! I can feel her slipping away.”

  “She’s not here Dragon. I need you to calm down and concentrate on her. Lead us to her. We can’t save her if we can’t find her.” Rook’s reasonable tone seemed to bring Dragon back from whatever edge he’d been teetering on.

  Dragon went out onto the terrace and Rook put his arm out to keep me from following. We watched as Dragon lifted his face to the sky and inhaled deeply a few times. Then he went to the railing and scanned the beaches below. Slowly Rook and I crossed the living room and stopped where the glass doors used to be.

  Suddenly Dragon fell to the ground moaning on his hands and knees.

  “Shit,” Rook swore as he ran to Dragon and crouched down in front of him. Speaking urgently he said, “Dragon, I’m going to reset the clock but we need to know where she is or we’ll never reach her in time. Do you know where she is?”

  Dragon shook his head. “I don’t know for sure but I think she might be down there on the beach where that fire is burning.”

  Rook glanced over the railing and nodded. “We’ll find a way to save her just hold on.”

  As I came closer to them, Dragon reached out to grasp Rook’s arm and said, “Travali was here, and Ivanna, I can smell them both.”

  I remembered Rook saying one of the two troublemakers had been named Travali but I couldn’t imagine why the Senator’s new wife would be involved in whatever happened here.

  Rook stood, leaving Dragon where he was, and approached me with a determined but wary expression. “I need your help Angela. I’ve already reset time twice tonight. I can’t do it again by myself and even if I could I wouldn’t be able to go back far enough for this.”

  Something about the look in his eyes set off all kinds of warning bells inside my head but I tried to hide my fear when I replied, “I don’t understand. How can I help? I can’t travel through time.”

  He made a frustrated sound and growled, “I don’t have time to explain. I need you to trust me. Serafina’s life depends on it.”

  I looked down at the ground, unable to meet his eyes while I considered his request. Rook had never done a single thing that indicated he would harm me, and going by what I’d seen and heard tonight, he took my safety very seriously. That meant whatever danger my internal alarm was trying to warn me about was more than likely the emotional kind not the physical kind.

  Knowing Rook wouldn’t ask for my help if it wasn’t absolutely necessary to save Serafina’s life there was only one choice I could live with, no matter what the consequences might be later. I lifted my head and met his eyes, resolved to do whatever he needed me to do. “What do you need me to do?”

  He was speechless for a moment as he stared down at me. Then his mouth slanted across mine and I yelped in surprise. I don’t know what I’d expected but this wasn’t it. How could this possibly help him travel through time? The question was nearly forgotten as his tongue twined with mine erotically, circling and rubbing, sending a rush of moisture between my legs. Did it really matter how this could help him when he kissed me like that?

  A second later he reached down and ripped the front of my pants open. I tensed; this was moving way too fast. One of his hands cupped the back of my head and he deepened the kiss before captu
ring my tongue and sucking on it. Oh God, that felt incredible. So sensual and unbelievably arousing.

  My head was spinning with desire when his hand slid down between my thighs and his fingers pushed inside me. The rough pads of his fingers slid over the sensitive tissue sending lightning flashing through my nerve endings. When he added the gentle pressure of his hand rubbing over my throbbing clitoris I saw stars.

  And the kiss, the man knew how to kiss. His tongue and lips moved with mine, teasing and tempting, then devouring, expertly evoking a wanton reaction from me.

  I’d never been so turned on in all my life and I pulled him closer as the intensity of the sensations continued to build. Rook started walking me backwards and a moment later my legs hit one of the oversized lounge chairs. He lowered me onto it with one hand behind my back and the other braced on the chair. The loss of his questing fingers left me aching for more and a harsh noise of complaint tore out of my throat.

  Then my feet were in the air and he was pulling my shoes off while I watched him with wide eyes trying to catch my breath. He grabbed my pants by the waistband and yanked them down my legs. I expected him to rip my panties off next but instead he stopped for just a moment, utterly transfixed by the lacy pink thong I was wearing. After a moment his eyes lifted to mine and I shivered when I saw the hunger darkening his face. I’d never had a man look at me that way, like he was starving and I was going to be his first good meal in decades.

  A heartbeat later he jerked upright and my mind started racing like an out of control emotional roller coaster. Was I really going to do this? It wasn’t that I didn’t want to because I did, more than I wanted my next breath. But like this? And what would this mean tomorrow? Would I be able to live without him once I really knew what I was missing? Would I be able to live at all if he didn’t get inside me right now?


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