Kylie Jean Fashion Queen

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Kylie Jean Fashion Queen Page 2

by Marci Peschke

  I want to say yes, but I’m a little nervous since I’ve never been a real model before. Everything I know about modeling comes from what I’ve seen on TV. “What would I have to do?” I ask.

  Lilly says, “Don’t worry, little cousin, it will be easy-peasy. You have natural talent! Please just say yes.”

  “Do it!” Lucy says. “I’m too shy or else I’d be a model, too. But you’ll be great, Kylie Jean!”

  I consider Lilly’s invitation carefully. I am already a fashion designer, but being a model too would be awesome. I really want to be a total fashionista.

  “I’ll do it!” I tell Lilly. “When do we get started?”

  Lilly gives me a big squeezy hug, and we promise to talk about the fashion show after school. It’s only two weeks away!

  When our class is called to the auditorium later that day to get our pictures taken, I am ready! I pretend that the photographer is actually the paparazzi. I put my hand on my hip and flip my ponytail, posing just like I practiced.

  The camera flashes, and the photographer calls, “Next!”

  I walk away with a big smile. Momma will be so surprised when the pictures come in!

  On Wednesday I had lots of homework, but today is Thursday and all I have to do is study my spelling words for tomorrow’s test. I know them already, so this is the perfect time to design some doggie duds for Ugly Brother. After all, I did promise him that I would make his outfit as soon as I could.

  In my room, I get out my sketchpad and pencils. As I draw, I start thinking about the fashion show. I sure hope my cousin Lilly is designing something really special for me to wear.

  After a few minutes, Ugly Brother wanders in to join me. It’s good timing because I’m feeling stumped. I need some inspiration for this outfit! Those handsome movie stars are still on my mind, and they all had on tuxedos.

  “Would you like a formal outfit?” I ask Ugly Brother. “How about a tuxedo?”

  He doesn’t even bark, not yes or no.

  I try again. “You’d look mighty fine in a tux . . .”

  Ugly Brother tries to look at my paper, so I hold up my drawing.

  He barks, “Ruff, ruff.”

  Phew! That means he likes the outfit I am going to make for him. Now I just need some material. Looking at Ugly Bother’s big ol' tummy, I decide it better be stretchy. I need some help."

  “Momma!” I holler.

  “I’m in my room, sweet pea,” Momma calls back.

  “Ugly Brother, you wait here while I go talk to Momma,” I say. Then I dart down the hall to my parents’ room.

  When I tell Momma all about my dilemma, she says, “How about using an old sweater? It stretches.”

  “Do you have any in black?” I ask. That’s what I’ll need for Ugly Brother’s tuxedo.

  Momma disappears into her closet and comes out with one of Daddy’s old black sweaters.

  “Can I cut it up?” I ask.

  “That old sweater has a big hole in it,” Momma says. “You’d be doing me a favor if you cut it up!”

  “Thanks, Momma!” I say.

  I hurry back to my room and carefully cut off the sleeves of Daddy’s old black sweater to make the body of Ugly Brother’s tux. Next I cut two armholes in the sides. I am using my needle and thread this time. I can’t sew with a machine, but I am really good with a needle and thread. Granny taught me when I was little.

  “Ugly Brother, can you bring me the thread?” I ask. “Pretty pretty please?”

  Ugly Brother grabs the thread in his mouth and carries it over. It’s a little slobbery.

  Carefully I thread the needle through the tiny hole, cut a white hanky to make a shirt front, and hand-sew a sequined bow tie from an old barrette on the front.

  When I’m finished, it‘s time for the fitting. I try to pull the sweater tuxedo on over Ugly Brother’s big belly. It’s easy to figure out that trying on this outfit is not going to be easy. I pull and pull and pull at the tuxedo, and Ugly Brother wiggles and wiggles.

  “Hold still!” I holler.

  With a final pull, it slides right on. Ugly Brother looks amazing in his new duds and runs off to get his leash. He must want to go for a walk and show off his new ensemble.

  When he brings me his black leather leash, I snap it on his collar. It looks so good with his new outfit! “You sure do have an eye for fashion!” I tell him.

  Ugly Brother and I decide to stroll all around the neighborhood, and the neighbors all stop us to check out Ugly Brother’s doggie duds. We stop, wave, and walk on. When we are almost home, I see Miss Clarabelle, my neighbor, sitting on her wide front porch.

  “Have you dressed up that poor dog again?” Miss Clarabelle hollers.

  “Yes, ma’am,” I reply. “But this time I made the outfit all by myself!”

  Ugly Brother turns in a circle and poses so she can get the full effect.

  “I declare, you do have a flair for fashion, Kylie Jean,” Miss Clarabelle says. “He looks very stylish! In fact, I think he is the handsomest dog I’ve ever seen!”

  Just then an idea hits my brain like a model on a runway. I should practice my walk for the fashion show! Did you know that in Paris the models walk down a stage called a catwalk? I can use the driveway for my catwalk.

  “Gotta go, Miss Clarabelle!” I call, waving goodbye. “See you later!”

  Ugly Brother and I run across Miss Clarabelle’s yard, carefully avoiding the pretty flowers. I start at the top of the driveway and strut all the way down to the bottom. I pause at the end to do a turn and put my hand on my hip. That’s my signature move!

  Ugly Brother barks enthusiastically, “Ruff, ruff!”

  He thinks I’m doing great, but I’m not sure. I want a second opinion. Soon T.J. comes along.

  “T.J., pretty please, can you film me with your camera phone so I can see how I’m doing?” I beg.

  “Okay, lil’ bit,” T.J. agrees, “but you have to hurry because I’m on my way to practice.”

  I hurry back to the top of the driveway to start again. But every time I start my runway walk, Ugly Brother follows me down the driveway. He looks great in his tux, but it is hard to be a model with a dog distraction.

  Finally I have to stop and tell Ugly Brother, “Silly dog, this is the catwalk, not the dogwalk!”

  The next day is Friday, and when I get on the bus, Lilly waves me over right away. “Hey, Kylie Jean,” she says. “Do you want to come over after school today? I need you to try on the dress I’m making for the fashion show.”

  “I’d love to!” I say. “I can’t wait to see my dress and show you my runway walk. I’ve been practicing!”

  I am so excited to see my dress, but it is such a busy day, I hardly have time to think about it again until my teacher, Ms. Corazón, tells us it’s time to get ready to go home.

  “Kylie Jean, the office sent a note for you to give to your bus driver,” Ms. Corazón tells me. “You are going home with your cousin today!”

  “Yes, ma’am, I know,” I reply as I collect my note. “Thank you very much.”

  Mr. Jim takes the note when I hop up the steps onto his bus. “Okie-dokie, little lady,” he says once he’s read it over.

  I spot Lilly sitting all the way in the back of the bus with the high school kids. She gives me a little wave and a wink.

  I take my favorite seat in the front row right behind Mr. Jim. Lucy sits with me and we talk all the way to her house. I am so excited, I can hardly wait to see Lilly’s design, and talking helps the time go by faster.

  When we get to my cousins’ house, their momma, my Aunt Susie, has a snack waiting for us. It looks delicious, but we decide to work first and snack later. Lilly goes to her room to get her design, and when she comes back, she’s carrying a dress so pink and adorable, it looks like a Valentine.

  “Yay!” I holle
r. “Oh, Lilly, I just love it!”

  “Did you notice the top part is shaped like a heart?” Lilly asks. “And so are the pockets on the front of the skirt.”

  “That’s one of my absolute favorite things about it!” I tell her.

  “Stand on the coffee table, Kylie Jean,” Aunt Susie says. “That way Lilly can make sure it fits.”

  Lilly pulls the pretty little dress over my head, and I step carefully up onto the coffee table.

  Lucy holds the pincushion while Lilly pins the hem of the dress. Then she pins white lace around the hearts on the front of the dress.

  When everything is all pinned up, I get to look in the mirror. I look like I am dressed for a fancy party!

  “Lilly, you are a fashion genius!” I tell her.

  “It’s not quite finished yet,” Lilly tells me. She brings out her sketchpad to show me what else she has planned, and I see that the design has little pearls sewn on the pockets. When she starts to close her sketchpad, I notice another dress. I gasp! It’s a fabulous grown-up gown.

  “Who is wearing that dress for the fashion show?” I ask.

  “No one!” Aunt Susie says. “Lilly has been making her own prom dress, too.”

  “Lilly, please try on your dress!” I tell her. “Pretty please!”

  Lilly laughs. “Not yet,” she says. “I’m waiting to make sure every little stitch is perfect!”

  “Oh, please, Lilly,” I beg. “Granny always says there’s no time like the present and I tried on my dress for you.”

  “Oh, okay!” Lilly agrees. “Wait here, and I’ll model it for you since you are modeling for me!”

  Lilly disappears for a few minutes, and when she comes back out, she looks like a moonbeam in her lovely silver gown. It is long and straight with a little flounce at the bottom. It has little cap sleeves with a simple elegant bodice.

  Lilly twirls and admires herself in the huge mirror in the front hall. “Do you like it?” she asks.

  “You look just like one of those movie stars on the red carpet!” I tell her. “But you need a little sparkle. Then you could be a real true movie star!”

  Lilly smiles. “That’s awful sweet of you, Kylie Jean,” she says. “I would hug you if I wouldn’t mess up my dress.”

  “I like it, too!” Lucy chimes in.

  Lilly smiles at her. “Thanks, little sis,” she says.

  Suddenly Aunt Susie snaps her fingers. “I think I have something Lilly can borrow,” she says. “Wait here.”

  We all wait while Aunt Susie runs up to her room. A few minutes later, she comes back in with a black velvet box. We all crowd around to see what’s inside. When she opens it, I see a short diamond necklace and earrings to match.

  Lilly gasps. She is so overcome by the sight of the gorgeous jewels that she can’t even find her words.

  But I can. “That’s what I call sparkle!” I say.

  Lilly puts on the earrings and necklace with a happy sigh. “Oh, they are perfect!” she says. “And now I look just like a movie star!”

  Aunt Susie grabs her new camera to take some pictures of us in our fabulous dresses, and Lilly and I strike a pose. Lucy decides to get in on the action too. The camera flashes and flashes! I feel like a real movie star!

  When Momma arrives to pick me up that afternoon, I can’t wait to tell her all about my dress. But she has some big news!

  “Miss Clarabelle wants to talk to you, Kylie Jean,” Momma says. “She was so impressed by your designer doggie outfit that she wants to order one for her pup, Tess.”

  “Oh, boy!” I exclaim. “Let’s hurry home. I have some designing to do!”

  When we get home, I get right to work. I make several sketches of doggie duds before Momma finally tells me that it’s time for bed. When I crawl under the covers, I fall right asleep. Being a fashion queen sure is hard work!

  The next morning I am up before the sun peeks out. But when I knock on Momma and Daddy’s door, she tells me, “Kylie Jean, it is too early to be awake on a Saturday morning!”

  Ugly Brother is ready for breakfast, so we head down to the kitchen. He likes eggs with bacon, but Momma doesn’t let me cook on the stove alone.

  “How about cereal and toast?” I suggest.

  “Ruff,” Ugly Brother barks. That’s a no.

  “Okay, no cereal for you, just toast,” I agree.

  Ugly Bother likes his toast with peanut butter on it. I have Cocoa Puffs since I am a big chocolate lover. Then we watch cartoons until Momma gets up. When she comes down wearing her robe to make coffee, I ask, “Can we go visit Miss Clarabelle now?”

  “Okay,” Momma says, “but it’s still pretty early, so just knock once.”

  “Yes, ma’am!” I say. Then I turn to my assistant. “Ugly Brother, we have an important meeting with a very special customer. Are you ready to get to work?”

  He barks, “Ruff, ruff.”

  Ugly Brother and I slip out the back door and head across the yard to Miss Clarabelle’s house. Tip-tap, I knock lightly on the front door. Miss Clarabelle answers right away! She and her sweet little pup Tess must have been waiting for us to arrive.

  “I hope you have a wonderful design for my darling little doggie,” Miss Clarabelle says when she sees me.

  Before I can reply, Ugly Brother does. “Ruff, ruff.”

  Miss Clarabelle laughs at him. I cover my mouth with my hand to hide a little giggle. Silly Ugly Brother!

  I flip through all the pages of my sketchpad and show Miss Clarabelle and Tess my designs. When I get to the sweetest little purple pup tutu with tiny diamonds sewn all over the skirt, Miss Clarabelle claps her hands.

  “That’s the one!” she exclaims. “I love it!”

  Purple is Miss Clarabelle’s best color, so I’m not surprised that she picked this outfit as her favorite. It even has a matching bow for Tess to wear on her collar!

  Once we’ve decided on a design, I hurry home. I need Momma to take me to the fabric store. Now that I am making doggie designs, I will need more supplies!

  When Ugly Brother and I get back to our house, Momma is waiting in the kitchen. “How did it go?” she asks.

  “Fantastic!” I tell her. “I have my very first order, but I need your help.”

  “What do you need, buttercup?” Momma asks.

  “I need to go to the Crafty Corner craft shop and get supplies,” I tell her. “Would you mind driving me?”

  “Of course I will, sugar,” Momma says. She grabs her purse, and we’re off. On our way, I make a list of things I need:

  1. Purple net material

  2. Elastic

  3. Purple thread

  4. Sparkly diamonds

  5. Fabric glue

  When we get to the craft store, I show Momma my list.

  “You can cross off thread,” Momma tells me. “I have some at home already.”

  We quickly gather everything else on the list, and I push the shopping buggy to the checkout counter where Momma pays for our purchases.

  Back at home, I get busy making Tess’s outfit. I cut and sew, cut and sew. Once the little skirt is finished, I glue the sparkly diamonds on it. Then I make an adorable fluffy bow to match for her collar.

  Ugly Brother watches me while I work. He can’t help much with this part, so he is keeping me company instead. While I work, I tell him all about the fashion show. It is only a week away now, and I am so excited!

  “Do you think I’ll be a good model?” I ask Ugly Brother.

  “Ruff, ruff,” he barks. I sure hope he’s right!

  Finally my doggie design is finished! I take it over to Miss Clarabelle’s house, and we try it on Tess. She dances around showing off. Miss Clarabelle is so happy that she gives me a big squeezy hug.

  “Let’s take a walk to the dog park,” she suggests. “I want to show this outfit

  Tess gets lots of attention there. Her outfit is a hit! People are so impressed that I get two more orders from new customers.

  That afternoon Momma takes me back to the Crafty Corner again so I can get the supplies I need to fill my fashion orders. If this keeps up, maybe I can go into business! I could call it Kylie Jean’s Doggie Designs!

  On Sunday after church, I make the cutest butterfly outfit for a little pug and an adorable little red poodle skirt for a poodle. I cut and sew, cut and sew. By the time I’m finally finished, it’s time for supper. I take my doggie duds downstairs to show Momma and Daddy.

  “Kylie Jean, you are so creative,” Momma says. “Those dog outfits are the cutest I’ve ever seen.”

  Daddy agrees. “Are there many dogs dressed up at the park?” he asks.

  “There are going to be a lot more now!” I tell him.

  “You better be careful, Kylie Jean,” T.J. says with a laugh. “If your doggie designs get too famous you’ll have puparazzi to deal with!”

  When I get on the bus Monday after school, my cousin Lilly is already sitting in the back. She looks pretty as a picture in her blue jean skirt and black cowboy boots. Most high school kids are stuck-up. Some of them are even mean to the little kids! Not Lilly, though; she’s as sweet as sugar. Momma always says pretty is as pretty does, and Lilly is pretty on the inside and the outside.

  Lilly waves to me like she’s got something important to say, so I hurry to the back of the bus, too.

  “Hey, there, little cousin,” Lilly says. “I made us appointments to get our hair done tomorrow. I want you to have a special hairstyle for the fashion show, and I’m going to get my hair cut.”

  “Oh, boy!” I tell her.

  “Do you think your momma could pick us up and drop us off at the Cut and Curl after school?” Lilly asks.

  “I’m sure she won’t mind,” I say. “She’s used to being my driver, but I better ask if it’s okay. I’ll call you after I get home.”


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