The Dungeons of Torgar

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The Dungeons of Torgar Page 6

by Joe Dever

  You recognize the emblem of Salony, the smallest of the Stornland nations. The two soldiers are dressed in the uniforms of mercenary swordsmen from the town of Amory, which is situated close to its northern border. Fear and suspicion grow stronger and you try to fathom a reason why these soldiers of fortune are here on this remote isle, 1000 miles from their homeland.

  One of the men struggles to his feet and begins walking towards you. You sense that he has not seen you — he is merely answering the call of nature — but you decide that it is wise to slip away. Under cover of the forest you return to the front of the building.

  Turn to 89.


  ‘On to Cetza!’ shouts Prince Graygor. The battle-cry is taken up by his valiant soldiers as he leads them across the corpse-strewn field towards the town.

  Heavy fighting is raging along the main street. The Lencian knights have taken the bridge and King Sarnac's spearmen have breached the wall that surrounds the apple orchard. However, the Drakkarim are determined to stand their ground and they fight back viciously like starving wolves. You run with a group of longbowmen towards the centre of Cetza and find yourself approaching a barn-like building which overlooks the bridge. Standing at a window on its upper floor is a Drakkarim sniper with an arrow notched ready to fire. Patiently he watches you weaving through the smoky ruins until you present a clear target. He releases his straining bowstring and sends an arrow whistling towards your heart.

  Pick a number from the Random Number Table. If you have the Magnakai Discipline of Huntmastery, add 3 to the number you have picked.

  If your total is 0–2, turn to 264.

  If it is 3–5, turn to 121.

  If it is 6 or more, turn to 319.


  You have taken less than a dozen silent steps when the voices stop. There is a rustle of foliage, and then a group of hideous-looking creatures emerge from the bushes. They are not as tall as you but almost twice as broad, with arms that hang below their knees. They slobber repulsively as they draw their primitive weapons and shuffle closer.

  If you have a Bow and wish to use it, turn to 119.

  If not, turn to 315.


  With a yell, you barge your way through the stunned tavern crowd and kick open the back door. The land behind the building is thickly forested and you run headlong into its welcoming cover. With the angry cries of the Pirsians rippling through the trees, you curse your ill luck and escape into the darkness.

  Turn to 250.


  ‘So you are Lone Wolf,’ he says, bowing respectfully. ‘I am honoured to meet you, though I would have wished for happier circumstances. I think I know why you have come to Torgar — is it not to take the golden gems which Darklord Gnaag sent here?’

  ‘Yes,’ you reply, ‘they are the Lorestones of my ancestors and I have vowed to retrieve them. I must fulfil my vow for it is vital to the future safety of both our lands that Gnaag be prevented from destroying them.’

  Slowly a smile spreads across Paido's face. ‘I will help you, Lone Wolf,’ he says, his warrior pride restored by the thought of avenging his cruel imprisonment. ‘I know where these Lorestones are being held and I will take you there.’

  Turn to 88.


  You draw an Arrow and take aim at the creature's mouth. It howls with devilish glee, drawing back its lips in a snarl that reveals a jaw full of fangs, most over six inches long. As the smell of its fetid breath fills your nostrils, you release your Arrow and send it streaking towards the beast's ghastly maw.

  Pick a number from the Random Number Table and add any missile bonuses you may have.

  If the total is now 0–2, turn to 336.

  If it is 3–7, turn to 349.

  If it is 8 or more, turn to 195.


  By the time you reach the ancient burial mound, Roark's follower is being drained of the last of his life-force by a host of hungry ghosts. Fear and premonition gnaw at your stomach when you sense that the evil spirits have detected your presence. They emit an unearthly shriek, and a terrible chill like a blast of icy cold wind washes over your body. You are gripped by an urge to run but they swoop down on you too quickly for you to be able to escape their clutches.

  If you possess the Sommerswerd, turn to 133.

  If you possess a Bullwhip, turn to 168.

  If you possess neither of these Special Items, turn to 74.


  The creature emits a shrill whistle as your killing blow pierces its brain. Its deadly mandibles continue to snap spasmodically, but without purpose, as its lifeless body oozes from the hole and falls limply to the chasm floor.

  Gripping firmly with both hands you haul yourself up, untie the stick from the end of the rope, and wind it back into your pack before setting off deeper into the eerie forest.

  Turn to 50.


  A shriek rises from the ranks of the Krorn as they catch the scent of your body drifting towards them on the breeze. Their heinous squeals alert Baron Shinzar to your presence and he turns to face you, his red axe glinting as a few rays of sunlight break through the haze of battle-smoke.

  If you possess the Sommerswerd, turn to 113.

  If you do not possess this Special Item, turn to 126.


  With your good hand you unsheathe your weapon and strike out at your ghostly attackers, but your brave blows pass clean through their mist-like forms without effect. You shudder with fear as their snaky tendrils close tightly around your limbs, filling them with a terrible chill that steals your strength and your will to resist. Reluctantly you surrender to their numbing caress and slip into a sleep from which there will be no awakening.

  Your life and your quest end here.


  The road beyond the river takes you into thick forest and a dense canopy of branches arches overhead. A dazzling mosaic of light and shade blankets the trail as it winds like a tunnel through the tall, grey-green trees. Gradually the trail becomes rougher: new saplings have speared through the stony surface and foliage spills out from the forest on either side. The tunnel ends abruptly at the edge of a steep valley, although the trail itself continues, winding its way down towards a fast-flowing stream.

  Cautiously you urge your horse down the twisting path to arrive at a cluster of dilapidated log huts. Rust and rot have taken their toll but you can still discern the remains of what was once a mining settlement where men panned for gold. A wooden sign hangs lopsided above an open door, swinging slightly in the breeze. Its paint is cracked and the panel bears fresh sword scars, but you can still make out the words: it reads, KAIG SETTLEMENT.

  Two trails lead away from this abandoned mining village. One climbs out of the valley and disappears into the forest; the other follows the stream towards its source among the snow-capped mountains of the Eru Range.

  If you have the Magnakai Discipline of Pathsmanship, turn to 102.

  If you wish to take the trail that climbs out of the valley, turn to 313.

  If you wish to ride along the track beside the stream, turn to 18.


  You aim and fire in the blink of an eye, sending your Arrow coursing deep into the creature's bloated body. It gives a sound more like a scream than a croak and sinks out of sight.

  ‘What the … !?’ coughs Jarel, woken by the scream. But before you can warn him, two more of the fish-like things clamber over the upturned boat and attack you both with their taloned paws.


  These swamp dwellers are immune to Mindblast (but not Psi-surge).

  If you win the combat, turn to 34.


  The gruesome clack of fangs fills your ears and white-hot pain lances through your arms and legs as the Akataz snap shut their powerful jaws. You try to repel them using your Kai Mastery of Animal Control, but their blood fury is aroused and their minds are fixed unshakeably on rending you to shreds: lose 5 ENDURANCE points.
/>   Illustration IV—The black bear wrenches one snarling hound from your leg and another is torn to shreds by its razor-sharp claws.

  In desperation you will the black bear to come to your aid. It growls angrily and bounds towards the war-dogs. One snarling hound is wrenched from your leg, whirled about, and flung into the forest to break its back against a tree. Another has its skull crushed between the bear's powerful paws, and a third is torn to ribbons by one swipe of its razor-sharp claws. With your arms now free you are able to draw a weapon and dispatch an Akataz that has its fangs caught in the sole of your boot. Freed at last from your attackers, you sit up in time to see the bloodied survivors slinking away into the undergrowth.

  Turn to 117.


  ‘It's an impressive-looking door,’ says Adamas, studying the wall of black iron, pitted and streaked with age. ‘But every door has its key, and we have the key to this one.’ He flips open the leather satchel and removes what appears to be a mass of triangular crystals fused into one solid lump. ‘This is the device that the Elder Magi prepared for us. It has to be placed at the foot of the door and it is activated by pressing this shard,’ he says, pointing to a sliver of crystal protruding from the side. ‘The thing explodes ten seconds after the shard is pressed.’

  Calmly he takes a coin from his pocket and flicks it in the air. ‘One of us must place the device,’ he says, as he catches the coin. ‘We're the only two left who stand a chance of surviving the run.’ He nods at his clenched fist and invites you to call ‘heads’ or ‘tails’.

  If you have the Magnakai Discipline of Divination and wish to use it, turn to 14.

  If you wish to call ‘heads’, turn to 330.

  If you wish to call ‘tails’, turn to 212.


  Once you have managed to grab hold of his arms you heave him out from beneath his dead mount and prise open the visor of his helmet. He coughs and retches the mud from his mouth and lies back against the bank of the ditch.

  ‘I owe you my life, Pathfinder,’ he gasps. ‘Another minute and I'd have been done for.’ You turn to leave but he grabs you by the wrist and presses a Medal into your hand. ‘I won this at the Battle of Luomi,’ he says with pride. ‘I want you to have it, with my eternal thanks.’ (If you wish to keep the Medal, mark it on your Action Chart as a Special Item that you carry in your pocket.)

  Another cloud of arrows falls from the sky and you dive to the bottom of the ditch to avoid being hit. When you feel it is safe to raise your head, you discover that the knight is no longer with you: he is chasing after the Prince and his fellow knights as they gallop up the hill towards the Drakkarim pikemen.

  If you wish to follow him on foot, turn to 115.

  If you decide to look for a horse, turn to 247.


  The lock clicks and the door opens on to a passage lined with torches that sputter and crackle noisily. Halfway along there is another door — a solid slab of iron broken only by a small, barred window. Silently you approach this door and peer in through the grille.

  If you have visited the Danarg in a previous Lone Wolf adventure, turn to 260.

  If not, turn to 114.


  The Akataz fling themselves at you with wild ferocity, as if they are hungry to avenge the deaths of their brothers.


  These war-dogs are especially susceptible to psychic attack. If you possess the Discipline of Mindblast or Psi-surge and wish to use either of them, double all bonuses you would normally receive. If you have completed the Lore-circle of the Spirit, triple all bonuses.

  You can evade combat at any time by leaping into the gorge: turn to 340.

  If you win the combat, turn to 268.


  Upon hearing your reply the officer lowers his sword and a friendly smile spreads across his rugged face. He tells you that he and his men are Talestrian scouts who have been sent ahead of their army to make sure these hills are free of enemy troops. Your Kai Sixth Sense confirms that he is speaking the truth, and when he offers to take you to meet his commander, you accept the invitation gladly.

  Turn to 6.


  Your Magnakai skill enables your body to overcome the intoxicating effect of the scent. Shaking your head and stifling a yawn, you urge your horse towards the end of the gorge.

  Turn to 98.


  You search the bodies of the dead Krorn but find little of value. Their weapons are crude and poorly fashioned, and their packs contain nothing but strips of dried meat. You consider the long journey ahead, but stories you have heard about the Krorn's love of human flesh are enough to put you off the idea of taking this food.

  If you wish to hide the bodies before you cross the river, turn to 146.

  If you choose to leave them where they lie, turn to 335.


  Sebb Jarel informs the partisans that he has agreed to guide you through the Hellswamp. He is careful not to reveal details of your quest, but he does tell them that your mission has royal approval and, if successful, will strike a major blow against the Drakkarim and their Darklord masters.

  At dawn, after a good night's sleep and a hearty breakfast, you mount and ride along a hidden trail that leads to Pirsi. There you leave your horses, for the next part of your journey, through Forest Taintor, is too difficult to attempt on horseback. Following traces of a forgotten path, you trek through the blue-grey pines until twilight when you stop to make camp for the night. Jarel volunteers for the first watch while you settle down gratefully on a bed of leaf mould and drift off into a dreamless sleep.

  It feels as if you have only just closed your eyes when you are awoken by the savage and desolate howl of a Taintor wolf.

  Turn to 329.


  Your senses tell you that this man is both trustworthy and highly intelligent. There would be little to gain from trying to deceive him. It occurs to you that with his help it would be far easier for you to gain entry to Torgar and attempt the retrieval of the Lorestones. After careful consideration you decide to reveal your identity.

  Turn to 290.


  Four men die before the shield-wall knits together and the lost ground is regained. The Hammerlanders reel back and the Brigandi surge forward, but they too cannot break through the Palace Guard. A trumpet sounds in the distance and the Prince's men cheer when they see their reserves streaming up the hill to support them. Two hundred Eruan pikemen press forward behind their bristling steel and take the enemy in the flank. The attack is devastating. The enemy are split asunder and swept from the slope. The pikemen halt and through their ranks a wave of archers moves forward to fire at the backs of the retreating foe. Retreat turns to rout as the Hammerlanders and Brigandi flee the field in chaos.

  Turn to 66.


  Stealthily you follow Paido through the dungeons of Torgar, using the shadows to avoid being seen. Ragged columns of slaves stumble along the passages, dragging their tortured, half-starved bodies to and from the work pits. They are beaten, cursed, and whipped relentlessly by their Drakkarim guards, who seem to delight in their suffering.

  Illustration V—Ragged columns of slaves stumble along the passages, beaten, cursed, and whipped by their Drakkarim guards.

  You emerge from a corridor into the shadows of a circular chamber, where a staircase ascends to a pair of huge triangular iron doors guarded by a squad of crack Drakkarim Death Knights. A tingling sensation electrifies your skin as your senses detect the presence of the Lorestones somewhere behind these doors. Suddenly an alarm bell fills the chamber with a deafening clangour; the Death Knights begin to descend the stairs and your stomach churns with the fear that you have been detected.

  If you have the Magnakai Discipline of Divination, turn to 299.

  If you do not possess this skill, turn to 52.


  Curiosity overcomes your natural caution and you decide to inv
estigate the fascinating structure. You discover that the undergrowth has only recently been chopped away to give access to the doors where gaping, fire-blackened holes are all that remain of the crystal locks that held them secure for centuries. Beyond the damaged doors a dry, dark tunnel slopes gently downwards. It twists as it descends to a chamber, which is huge and empty, and ringed by a score of openings. A green glow and the faint thrumming of discordant chanting draws you to one of these many portals. Beyond it a staircase delves deeper into the earth.

  As you make your way carefully downward, the air becomes increasingly humid and chill. The stairs are slick with moisture and crawling with spiders and other many-legged creatures that scuttle away from your feet. You count sixty steps before the staircase ends at a huge door stained black with damp and age. It is slightly ajar and, as you peer through the crack, you are chilled to the core by what lies beyond.

  Turn to 200.


  You share an evening meal with a company of longbowmen camped close to the Prince's tent. Most of them are tired after the long day's march and when the meal is over they settle down to sleep. However, there are several who cannot sleep and, in order to take their minds off the coming battle, they busy themselves either by notching their arrows and waxing their bowstrings, or by gambling with dice. Two archers from Humbold invite you to join in their game.


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