Bay Hideaway

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Bay Hideaway Page 2

by Beth Loughner

  “You’ve got your sights set on being a congressman, son,” his father reasoned. “We like the girl, but she is not made from hearty stock. The press will pulverize her, and you by proxy.”

  Not to be thwarted, the couple eloped. The strategic move proved to be disastrous—for they might have won the battle with his family, but not the war. Irreparable damage was the result. His family felt betrayed; hers disappointed. No matter what Judi or Nathan did to restore family harmony and blessing, the two did not fit comfortably into either world. Judi’s father had been somewhat forgiving, but not Nathan’s. An evident cool chill prevailed during the Whithorne family gatherings and when given the chance, obvious slights. Even the Christmas spirit failed to relieve the tension. Nathan could still see the hurt in Judi’s eyes when the family Christmas card arrived in his name alone with the expensive gold address label pronouncing his family’s verdict of judgment.

  Judi claimed her faith would see her through and often went to church to find solace. Repeatedly she urged Nathan to come with her and he did, but not regularly. He just couldn’t make a connection with God the way she did. It wasn’t until her death when he’d felt totally devoid of purpose that he chose to seek God. Then Nathan dove in headfirst to erase the pain of his loss. Between his election to the Pennsylvania House of Representatives and church, he had little time to dwell on what might have been.

  Now looking back over the past two days, he had begun to reevaluate what these events meant. For if Judi’s death was a farce, maybe this God-thing was a farce as well. Real Christians didn’t fake their deaths and leave loved ones behind to flounder in their grief. The woman had a brokenhearted father to consider. The idea of anything so heinous was beyond his grasp.

  Even now, like a vivid on-screen movie, he could see the riverbank where Judi often went to read or meditate. That horrible day she disappeared, the only thing left on the bank was a set of house keys, a half-empty bottle of water, and a book, facedown on the pages she’d been reading. Her purse and every other personal possession remained untouched in the house.

  Police had noted the area where she slipped in, marking every gash in the mud where her bare feet and clawing fingernails failed to stop the fall. A piece of torn cloth from her favorite green skirt was found snagged on a nearby tree branch protruding from the broken wall of rocks. To make matters worse, several days of rain had produced rising waters and swift currents.

  Authorities questioned Nathan concerning Judi’s ability to swim. Oddly, he didn’t know. He should have known, but the subject never came up and they’d never been in a pool deeper than three feet. Couples in love weren’t interested in swimming laps.

  Rescue teams dredged the Susquehanna River for two days.

  “I’m sorry,” the sergeant had said to Nathan. “We’ve not been able to find your wife.”

  Reliving those words still caused his chest to burn. The police presumed Judi’s body would eventually surface. It never did!

  But Judi’s presence didn’t feel lost. Wouldn’t he know if she were dead—wouldn’t he sense it? Family and friends assured him the reaction was natural, especially since there was no physical evidence to touch and hold. Healing would come, they promised.

  It wasn’t until months later when he went through her jewelry that he discovered the missing heirloom brooch. The multistoned ruby pin had been one of Judi’s most cherished belongings—besides her 1972 sunflower-yellow Volkswagen Beetle. How they’d argued over that car and the high cost of maintenance the old rattletrap generated. When faced with her death, though, the arguments suddenly proved to be frivolous and stupid. Unable to part with this close link to her life, the car remained unmoved in his garage.

  A seed of doubt, however, was planted the day he realized the missing jewelry piece was nowhere to be found. Riddled with suspicion, Nathan eventually asked his trusted aide to make a search. Nathan had to find closure and smother these uncertainties.

  Instead, his fears became real!

  Nathan glanced up at the rooster clock in the kitchen. Ten forty-five! Time to go. If Thomas was correct, Judi would be arriving at Bette’s Bakery in twenty minutes. Pulling the keys from his dress pants, he smoothed his tie and gave one last look around the room before opening the door. Sun spilled into the doorway and he casually slipped on his sunglasses. He was determined not to give in to the dread streaming through his body.

  The drive was short to the lakeside shops called Levitte’s Landing. Tourists were crawling all over the place, and Nathan found it difficult to find a parking space.

  “Plenty of time!” he said aloud, pulling the small car into a tight end spot toward the back of the lot.

  Quickly, he made his way up the long aisle, his leather shoes scratching across the hot pavement. Finally, he reached the concrete walkway. Bette’s Bakery was straight ahead. One shaded bench beckoned as the perfect perch from which to watch. Nathan slowed his pace and sat down, pinching up the pleats of his pants as he did so. Leisurely, he rested his back against the painted wood and waited.

  Several customers entered the bakery, and he almost missed the lady in the bright pink flared skirt and white silky blouse. Her smooth strawberry hair bounced as she walked briskly by the retail shops and headed for the bakery. Nathan leaned forward.

  He was tempted to remove his glasses but dropped his hand when he realized she was looking his way, her own hand trying to block the bright sun in her eyes. For a moment she hesitated and seemed to take notice of him, but eventually turned away.

  Nathan’s heart began to pound with full force. It was her! The squeezing sensation in his chest made it hard to breathe. He let his eyelids close tightly for a second and quickly snapped them open again. When he looked up, the door to the bakery was closing behind her and the pink of her skirt vanished inside.

  Several minutes passed and he wondered if time ever crawled as slowly as it did now. Then she reappeared, once again looking his way. He stood quietly and smoothly slid his sunglasses off in one fluid motion.

  The eyes of his wife suddenly locked with his.

  “Long time, no see,” he remarked with impressive airiness. His head tilted defiantly. “Surprise, darlin’!”


  Judi Rydell tensed and immediately felt her hackles rise when she spotted the well-dressed man sitting on the bench outside the bakery. Plagued by an earlier uneasiness, her level of alertness was rapidly escalating.

  Something wasn’t right! Prior to entering the store, she had taken time to momentarily scan the crowd of tourists to find the source of her apprehension. What had she seen or heard? Nothing appeared amiss throughout the contiguous sun-drenched walkways.

  Even the nearby bench had been empty when she’d glanced about—or had it? Panic made her stiffen as she glanced back at the man now sitting there. In a split second, the stranger stood resolutely to his feet, and alarm coursed through her every nerve ending. Her eyes opened wide.

  Like fast-drying concrete, her feet abruptly stopped and the three shopping bags full of boxed muffins slammed painfully against her legs. Her breath stuck solidly between her constricted lungs and throat.

  There was no mistaking the identity of the strikingly tall man as he effortlessly removed his sunglasses and spoke. “Long time, no see.” His mouth twisted determinedly. “Surprise, darlin’!”


  The prickle of terror churning within rapidly turned into an outbreak of sweat droplets across her forehead. Paralyzed, she could only stare back at the pair of defiant gray eyes. She stiffened again. Help me, Lord! The whispered prayer barely squeaked past her lips.

  Nathan stepped forward and she began to jerk back, but her feet remained firmly planted. She couldn’t even let go of the bags clenched so tightly in her hands.

  “What?” his deep voice taunted cruelly. “You don’t recognize your own husband?”

  Judi went cold. What she wouldn’t do for a trapdoor to swallow her whole. Matter of fact, this would be a fine time to
check out of the horrendous situation with an elaborate fainting spell like the heroines in those sappy novels, yet she knew even the most contrived luxury of unconsciousness would never happen for her. No, life would force her to be cognizant of every miserable second.

  Unprepared! She felt utterly unprepared. After months of readiness, her preparation for such a moment had been stymied by the calm she’d experienced on the island. His impeccable shirt and tie routine didn’t help matters. He always dressed the part when he meant business, and right now the solemn expression on his face indicated every last fiber of his being was dead serious.

  Biting back the fear, Judi cast Nathan an anxious glance. “What are you doing here?” she blurted.

  He looked stunned at her question and laughed—a heartless, unamused laugh. Then his jaw squared and his eyes turned into chipped ice. “You’re unbelievable! I come to Bay Island to find my supposedly dead wife and all you can say is ‘What are you doing here?’ ”

  “Yes!” she retorted, suddenly finding the strength to react. “It’s a perfectly good question. I don’t know how you found me, but it seems counterproductive to what you’ve always wanted.”

  “Counterproductive to what I’ve always wanted?” Nathan repeated with contempt. “If you’re trying to confuse me, it won’t work!” His expression, however, told a different story. Judi knew the compressed lines in his forehead verified the perplexity he felt.

  “What did you expect, Nathan?”

  His gaze traveled slowly over her. “A good story perhaps. You have no amnesia tale or kidnapping conspiracy to bombard me with? No inconsolable tears of bewilderment?” When she gave no reaction, his face inched closer. “Maybe you do surprise me.”

  Judi flushed but stood her ground. “You have no right to be here.”

  “Really!” Slowly his hand reached out and she flinched as he touched her hair. “Red hair with the blended shade of creamy milk and strawberry.” When he switched his gaze back to her face she saw anger simmering beneath his cool exterior. “But changing your hair and name does not change the fact that you’re still my wife, Mrs. Whithorne. Do you have any idea what you’ve put me through?” He shook his head at her. “You have a lot of explaining to do—a very lengthy and detailed discussion concerning your death and miraculous recovery.” He leaned closer still. “Will it be your place or mine?”

  She took a quick step back and felt the strands of her loose hair cascade from his hand. “I’m not going anywhere with you!”



  Both of his shoulders lifted with impatience, and Judi braced herself for his fuming. “That’s fine with me!” His voice rose a degree. “We can air our dirty laundry right here.” He swept a wide arc with his hands toward the passing tourists. “They don’t know me from Adam, but not so for you. How will the good folks of Bay Island react when they learn about your past? And you, a church secretary, too!” He gave her a sharp look. “I could also drag you to the island police station. You’re smart enough to know it would take only one call to let this faked-death scam explode all over you.”

  Looking at his grim face, she knew he would make good on his threat. What she didn’t know was why. Why search for her? Why come for her at all? Visions of Pastor Taylor, Larry and Becky Newkirk, and Tilly Storm raged through her tumultuous thoughts. What if she called his bluff? Would her newfound friends understand her previous actions, the acts of a desperate woman?

  “Still thinking?” he asked with deceptive laziness.

  Judi felt unwell. “I don’t want to go with you.”

  “No big revelation in that sentiment, is there?” His eyebrows shot upward sardonically. “For reasons which only you know, and I intend to discover, you went to great lengths to abandon me.”

  Fingers numb from the heavy muffins, she shifted the bags slightly. “I can’t talk now,” she argued. “The ladies are waiting on the muffins.”

  “Muffins!” he boomed and an incredulous expression crossed his facial features as he glanced down at the packages. He lifted eyes dark with bitterness and annoyance. “You’re up to your pretty little neck in trouble and you want to deliver muffins?”

  Judi screwed her lips into a frown. “The ladies are expecting me and if I don’t show up soon, they’ll send a search party.” She eyed him with more courage than she felt. “If you want to talk, we’ll talk; but I have to stop by the church first.”

  He seemed to consider her proposition and finally jerked a nod. “Good enough! But we go together.”

  What choice did she have? As if to ensure her compliance, she felt his hand lightly guide her arm.

  He looked down at her, his voice quite calm. “Where’s your car?”

  “Cart,” she corrected and swallowed nervously. “I’m parked at the far end.” She pointed toward the ten-foot lighthouse replica near the entrance to the shopping center.

  He said nothing more as she struggled to keep up with him. Her mind raced ahead. What was she to do? She could have easily refused to accompany him or even screamed her fool head off as a means of rescue, but he held a mighty sword over her. Those she’d come to care about, and even love, would be devastated by her deception. The important question remained unanswered—what did he want?

  Judi reached her golf cart in a daze and absently pulled a set of keys from the pocket of her skirt.

  “Nice set of wheels,” he commented, rolling his eyes.

  Feeling her face flush, she bit back the retort so close to her lips. What did Nathan know about financial struggles? With great effort, she contained herself. “It’s what I can afford.”

  He lifted one eyebrow a fraction and seemed to consider her. “I’m taking exception to the mode of transportation, not the model.” He looked over the golf cart and frowned. “Does anyone on the island own a car?”

  “Of course!” Judi countered impatiently. “Golf carts are not only easier on fuel but traffic congestion, as well—especially during the height of tourist season.” She placed the muffins in the back compartment and sat in the driver’s seat. Immediately she noticed his expression of disapproval. A touch of frustration filled her voice. “I suppose you want to drive?”

  For a moment, it looked like he might push the issue, but instead he walked over to the passenger side. “Just be sure to keep this buggy on the road.” He climbed in with great effort, ducking his head until he settled into the seat, his peppered hair nearly touching the roof. He turned to look at her. “If you’re having any thoughts of running us over an embankment and into Lake Erie, squelch the idea. One drowning in the family is enough, don’t you think?”

  “Very funny!”

  A muscle tightened in his cheek. “It wasn’t meant to be funny.”

  Judi caught his hard, incisive look and her insides quaked. Quickly she snapped on the lap belt and twisted the ignition key forward. The electric engine came to life.

  Nathan had aged plenty in two years. Was this the same man she had passionately loved and married? The same man who had soon realized what a liability she was to his cherished aspirations for a successful political career? Their castle-in-the-sky marriage had turned out quite different than she’d imagined. Relentless hostility from his family was difficult enough, but having Nathan turn on her had hurt more than she could endure. He had wanted her out of the picture, and she obliged by leaving permanently—what more did the man want?

  “By the way,” he asked, holding on to the seat frame as she entered the main road. “Do you know how to swim?”

  Judi looked sharply at him. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  Gravel spewed from under the wheels of the golf cart when she veered slightly off the road and onto the rocky berm. Quickly she corrected the wheel.

  He frowned again. “Maybe it wasn’t such a good idea to let you drive.”

  “What did you mean by that last remark, Nathan?” She felt her heart begin to pound. Did he intend to harm her? If he thought she would be a docile lamb going t
o the slaughter, he had better think again.

  He gave a wry smile. “I mean, you should keep your eyes on the road.”

  “Not that remark!” she cut in.

  It seemed to take him a moment to follow her thought. “About swimming?”

  “You know very well what I meant.”

  Sudden enlightenment lit his face. “You think…” He paused, a look of skepticism now moving across his features. “You think I’m planning to toss you to the fishes in an ironic gesture of revenge?” When she didn’t answer, he gave a grunt. “That’s a cheap shot, Judi, even for you. I might be angry, but I’d never lay a hand on you. Never have! Never will!” He made a little move of impatience. “I didn’t come all this way to settle a score.”

  Her face grew hot under his scrutiny. “Then why did you come?”

  Silence greeted her inquiry and she drew a deep breath, unable to take her eyes from his lean, attractive face. Again, the wheels swerved off the road and once more she corrected them. She felt his burning gaze on her.

  “Pull over!” he commanded with a sigh. “You’re going to land both of us in the water or the briars or both.”

  Judi eased the vehicle onto the stony berm and set the brake. With trembling fingers, she fumbled with the clasp of the seat belt. It refused to budge.

  Nathan reached over and with one flick, easily unsnapped the belt. “My visit is making you a total wreck, isn’t it?”

  She let the belt fall over the side and pushed herself out of the seat. “What did you expect?”

  They crossed paths in front of the cart, staring at one another as they passed, and took their respective seats.

  “I’m not sure what I expected from you,” he answered, releasing the brake. “It’s not every day a man finds his dead wife.” Glancing in the side-view mirror, he edged the cart back onto the road. “We take this road until it comes to Bayshore Drive?”

  She gave him a stunned perusal before nodding. “Yes.”

  His glance seemed to appraise her swiftly before returning to the road. “I made a point of knowing the layout of the island before I came. You know I’m a man of details.”


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