Never Lost (The Dirty Heroes Collection Book 5)

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Never Lost (The Dirty Heroes Collection Book 5) Page 1

by Tl Mayhew

  Never Lost

  The Dirty Heroes Collection

  TL Mayhew


  The Dirty Heroes Collection


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17


  The Curse Behind The Mask - Sneak Peek

  Chapter 1

  Find TL online


  About the Author

  Also by TL Mayhew

  Copyright © 2020 by TL Mayhew

  Published by TL Mayhew

  Edited by Karen Hrdlicka at Barren Acres Editing

  Cover Design - Jay Aheer (Simply Defined Art)

  Formatting - Raven Designs

  All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce this book or portions thereof in any form whatsoever.

  The following story contains mature themes, strong language, and sexual situations. It is intended for adult readers.

  No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your enjoyment only, then please purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of various products referenced in the work of fiction, which have been used without permission. The publication/use of these trademarks is not authorized, associated with, or sponsored by the trademark owner.

  Once upon a time, a scorned Queen opened a box, unleashing horrible evil on the world's heroes.

  Instead of gallantry and chivalry, they now possessed much more perverse traits. They’ve fallen victim to their darkest and most deviant desires.

  This is one of their stories...


  Shadows are formed by objects blocking rays of light.

  Just not mine.

  Its darkness is ever-present, taunting me, tricking me into doing things a man should never do, but I've learned to embrace it.

  Will she?

  Lost in dreams of a life anywhere but here, she's ignorant to the danger perched just outside the window.

  Taking her will be easy.

  But can I teach her to fly?


  His face is plastered over every tabloid in the checkout line. A mix of both; professionally posed images, on the more reputable magazines, and shots taken from a considerable distance on the lesser-known rags. Each with its own version of what is going on in the life of yet another A-list celebrity.

  Now the Most Eligible Bachelor in Hollywood.

  Emotional Breakup for Our Beloved Preston.

  Tinka Caught Kissing A Life Lost in Neverland Producer.

  Preston and Tinka were once America’s favorite on and off-screen couple. Cast in more than ten movies together they raked in millions, but as with many famous pairings, it ended almost as quickly as it started. The details of what happened between them is still somewhat of a mystery. Unreliable sources say infidelity played a part, while others say it was a mutual separation.

  Whatever the reason, it hasn’t hurt Preston’s career. He’s booked for three movies over the next five years and two new TV series that, if the pilots do well, will put him in long-term contracts.

  Tinka, on the other hand, hasn’t had it as easy. Against her agent’s wishes, she began dating publicly before the breakup was officially announced. It put her in a negative light with everyone in the industry, except one—the paparazzi. They’ve had a field day snapping her picture every chance they get and in the most unflattering ways. With only one movie contract in the past year, her lavish style of living is at risk.

  It’s a sad tale of what could have been.

  Faithful fans were devastated, posting crying GIFs and offering their sympathies on social media, all the while never giving up hope of a reconciliation. But not everyone felt the same. Some rallied around the idea of a breakup, because if Preston is single, there’s the smallest chance they could have a turn with “The King of the Big Screen.”

  I can’t blame them, with his dark hair, dark eyes, and a body chiseled from the side of a mountain; Preston Pace is a decadent god.



  The French maid costume glides easily against my bare skin, puckering my nipples as he lifts it over my head.

  Role-playing was his idea. Being an actor, he’s the perfect teacher and he’s more than happy to coach me along, but not because of what he does for a living, instead it’s because tonight, I’ll call him Sir.

  Once the costume is in a puddle on the floor, he raises his hands and cups my face. Nothing could have prepared me for this moment.

  His lips inches from mine.

  His warm breath caressing my skin.

  When our lips finally connect, the kiss weakens my knees both figuratively and literally, and now I’m looking up from my place at his feet.

  Larger than life, he towers over me with crossed arms and a stare only the devil could have created. Our eyes lock, he gives me an approving nod, and I make quick work of loosening his belt and unfastening his pants. They drop to the floor with a light thud.

  What lies beneath is long, thick, and intimidating but not beyond my abilities. “No pain, no gain. Isn’t that what they say?” I mutter before relaxing my jaw, opening my mouth as wide as it will go and...

  “He’s hot, isn’t he?” Jennifer asks, ripping the daydream from my mind like duct tape from skin.

  The magazine falls to the floor and my face tints red. I shrug in response. “Eh, he’s okay.”

  “Liar! You’re totally into him, look at your face…” When she realizes just how much, her eyes go wide and her lips form a giant O, “…Wait, look at your face. What in God’s name were you thinking about?”

  “Nothing,” I mutter, secretly eyeing the sexy smile shining back up at me from the floor.

  “You’re so full of shit. Tell me.”

  Picking the magazine up and tossing it back on the rack, I push the shopping cart forward and begin placing items on the rubber belt, ignoring her pressing look. If I don’t, the daydream will surely gush out on a waterfall of words.

  I’ve known Jennifer since we were in elementary school.

  We both ended up in Los Angeles for different reasons, hers was an agent. Discovered at the tender age of nine, her acting career began early. Starring in commercials and kid shows, she was an instant hit. Mine, was my mother.

  Seeing Jennifer’s success, my mother was insistent on me following in my best friend’s footsteps. Which meant picking up and moving across the country. Unfortunately for her, it never interested me as much as it did my best friend.

  Until now.

  “Okay, I guess I won’t tell you about the open casting calls for ext
ras on his next film, A Taste of Yesteryear,” she retorts.

  One sentence and I’m frozen in place. Did she say what I think she did? She couldn’t have because it’s not possible my luck could be this good. Being on the set of his movie could mean a chance at meeting the infamous Preston Pace, in actual fucking person.

  “You’re joking…right?” I ask, turning to face her. “Because if you are, I will strangle the life out of you right here in this store.” My fingers circle around her neck, but she brushes me off with little effort.

  Pointing a finger in my face, she confirms, “So you do like him. I knew it.”

  “Jennifer…” I warn.

  Her grin goes wider. “I’m not joking but I’m also not telling you any details until you tell me what you were fantasizing about with Mr. Six-Pack Abs here,” she says, slapping a cover with the back of her hand.

  “Seriously? You’re incorrigible.”

  “Seriously,” she replies, crossing her arms.

  It’s a sign I’m not getting any further until I spill my thoughts. I could lie, give her some fluffy tale about picket fences and a family with two point three kids, but when you’ve been friends for as long as we have, she’d know I’m not being honest, so I tell her the truth. “I was thinking about him ripping off my French maid costume from Halloween last year. If you must know.”

  “Girl…I knew you were dirty, but damn. You’ve been reading too many romance novels.”

  Or watching too many Preston movies, I think to myself.

  “Maybe I shouldn’t say anything, you might end up…”

  “Will you just fucking tell me?” I whisper-shout.

  “Ma’am?” A male voice sounds in the back of my mind.

  “Okay, don’t get your panties in a wad.” She glances to the right and then back at me. “The casting site said Thursday at 6:00 a.m. I’m planning on trying out for one of the costars.”

  “That’s in two days! When were you going to tell me?” I ask her, with a hand on my hip.

  “Ma’am?” The voice again.

  On a huff I look around Jennifer, where a heavy-set man leans against the handle of his cart. “You’re holding up the line,” he says flatly.

  Jennifer laughs and nods behind me.

  When I turn, I’m met with a bored stare from the cashier. What if they heard my confession? My cheeks tint red for the second time this morning. I don’t know what is wrong with me; I haven’t blushed this much in a single day—ever. After apologizing profusely, first, to the man behind us and then to the cashier I move forward.

  She’s indifferent about my very existence, picking at her nails while she reads off the total. “Forty-six seventy-three.”

  Once I’ve paid, and placed all our things in the cart, we head for the door. “So, like were you going to just keep this to yourself?”

  “I was waiting for the right time. When I saw you eye fucking the magazine, that’s when I knew…it was the right time,” she chuckles.

  “Very funny, but seriously though?” I encourage, placing the items in the car.

  She doesn’t readily respond, instead she grabs the empty cart and pushes it into a bay. I suspect tempting me with the suspense of what exciting things she has to say.

  Once we’re both back in the car I twist in the seat and demand all the details. “Tell me everything.”

  The time of secrecy is over, and she’s more than happy to fill me in, clapping her hands excitedly. “Yes! Okay, so my agent told me there were these casting calls online. She said I should visit the site, check out the story lines and if I liked any, I could put my name in. That’s when I saw it, the post for extras. They’re only looking for a limited number, like ten or something, and it’s a restaurant scene, so you’d be inside. Not out in the elements. And you might be fake eating with some handsome actor, but that doesn’t matter because you’ll get to meet Mr. Preston Pace.” She takes a breath then starts again, “You just have to do this Winsley, please.”

  “I don’t know, Jen. I love you, and the thought of meeting him raises chill bumps all over my body, but it’s been so long since I’ve done any acting,” I explain, but the words coming out don’t match what I’m feeling. My answer should be an immediate yes. Any chance at meeting Preston is one I shouldn’t hesitate in taking, but I’m not sure I’m ready to live outside of my fantasy quite yet.

  In my world he ticks all the boxes of the perfect man: respectful, funny, smart, and sexy. But what if we meet and he’s a total asshole? I know it’s not how they portray him in the media. It’s a given they’ll say whatever they’re told and then some. All it takes is a good PR rep and a few nice words. I’m just not ready my dreams to be shattered yet.

  “You eat, don’t you?”

  “Yeah…” I answer with creased brows, wondering where she’s going with this.

  “And you know how to converse with others, right?” she asks, somehow with a straight face.

  I roll my eyes.

  “That, my lovely, lovely friend, is all the acting you’ll need to do.” She takes my hand in hers and flutters long lashes over big brown eyes. “Please.”

  On a deep sigh, I drop my head back to the seat. “Don’t make me regret this.”

  Without warning, she leans over and kisses me on the cheek. “Girl, we are going to have so much fun!”



  It’s the night before my first day on set and the constant thump of my heart is making sleep impossible. Although I’d been nervous, this morning’s casting call was a breeze compared to what I’m going through now. Thinking back, today was actually kind of fun.

  When I’d walked in, the waiting area was filled with masses of other hopefuls, who were looking for their fifteen minutes of fame. By the glances I received—they weren’t happy with me adding my name to the list. It was discouraging for sure, and I almost left, but I knew if I did my lifelong friend would be disappointed, so I stuck it out.

  The scene was as Jennifer had said, dinner but with there was an added twist she hadn’t mentioned.

  I was auditioning as someone whose friend had set her up on a blind date…typical. I’ve lost count of how many times this has happened in my real life. I should be perfect for this part, I thought to myself.

  Not only has Jennifer tried, but also my mom and even my dad, once.

  The dates never worked out, he either didn’t show up or one of my friends would call after the first ten minutes and check in, giving me an out by way of an emergency. I was convinced there were no longer any good men out in the world, and I’d finally given up on finding Mr. Right.

  That pessimistic attitude paired with a bundle of nerves is what I’d approached the scene with.

  I was seated at a corner booth in a restaurant built by the set department, the scrutinizing stares of the producer, director, and writer had locked on me. Normally, an extra in a film wouldn’t need an official audition but this was a small speaking part, which meant all the focus was on me and my missing blind date

  Several times action had been called and each time the seat across from me remained empty. My cheeks were heated the entire time, both from embarrassment and anger at being alone. It was the second time that day I’d considered leaving, and I should have because with only ten minutes left in the hour, and the whole entire scene at risk of being cut, he walked in.

  His casual stroll said a lot about him as it carried his lanky body across the room. He appeared as someone who didn’t have a care in the world and thought of only himself. Which had been clear when he was reveling in the hushed gasps from the women on set, offering them winks and a crooked smile as he passed by.

  It wasn’t enough he was late, but playing the crowd and wasting more of my precious time made my blood boil. I wasn’t shy about making it known in the death stare I had pinned on him.

  When he did finally take his seat, he’d turned that same crooked smile on me and introduced himself as Rook.

  His name was familiar b
ut I wasn’t sure where I remembered it from, and right now there was no time to think about it because the director’s assistant was shouting for quiet on the set.

  Our lines were very few and didn’t really start until midway through the entire scene, but the crew mentioned there’d be multiple camera setups and we should always be in character because they would be switching between the dining room and kitchen. We wouldn’t know if we were in the shot or not until after film editing. This had sent my nerves until a flurry.

  When we weren’t saying our lines, we’d been instructed to make small talk because when the shots were on the dining room, we’d be the main couple in the backdrop. Although, no one could hear us, they’d wanted it to look authentic.

  Whether we were having the greatest or the worst first date ever didn’t matter, if it looked like we were on a first date.

  Authentic is what I’d given them. I’d been both hurt and more than irritated when he’d made me wait so long, as I would be waiting for a blind date. The fear of being stood up; the not knowing if you’d hit if off, all those things would be running through my mind in the real world could be applied here.

  When he finally had shown up, and he’d taken the seat next to me, Rook wasted no time flipping that switch and slipping into character. His cocky attitude gone, he was now Jackson the apologetic, tattooed single dad who had his first night out without the kids after an ugly divorce.


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