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Never Lost (The Dirty Heroes Collection Book 5)

Page 7

by Tl Mayhew

  “In that case, you may go. We may need to ask you some questions later.”

  On a huff she stomps through the door and across the hall to the penthouse elevator. The young detective’s eyes are on her the entire time, and his focus doesn’t return to the situation at hand until the elevator doors have closed.

  When he turns back, the older officer and I are both staring at him.

  Tinka is beautiful and she’s been known to turn a head or two. Particularly mine. But in the case of this officer, it’s not clear if he was doing it for safety’s sake or his own personal gain. The question is never asked because I just want this over with.

  “Mr. Pace, where would you like to speak?”

  “We can discuss in my study. My apologies, I didn’t catch your names.”

  They glance between one another as though there’s a secret between them. It could just be my own mind imagining it, but in my line of business, people are always trying to get close. Either with an intent to harm or because of their own disturbed obsessions. Checking all the boxes like getting their names and credentials will give me some sense of solace.

  “I’m Officer Ryan,” the younger man says, tapping his badge plate.

  “And I’m Sergeant Galloway.”

  “Come on in, gentlemen.”

  They step into my home and wait off to side as I close the door.

  “Please understand, Miss Starling has been through an ordeal today, I’d appreciate if you’d limit your questions for now. Then if you don’t get what you need, I will personally escort her down to the station tomorrow.”

  A look passes between them before the sergeant answers, “We’ll do our best, Mr. Pace.”

  “Very well, follow me,” I say walking over to Winsley. They follow, albeit a few steps behind. Once I’m standing before her, I place another kiss on her forehead and introduce the men behind me. “The officers here wish to ask you some questions.”

  She lets out a long breath and leans into my arm, heating my body but this time, thankfully, I’ve got my dick under control.

  “Hi, Winsley, I’m Sergeant Galloway and this is Officer Ryan. We understand you were at the café around lunch with Mr. Pace and a gentleman named Rook. Is that correct?”

  She glances at me and I squeeze her shoulder, encouraging her to answer. “Yes, sir, I was there, but they were only talking, nothing physical.”

  “What was their conversation about? Do you remember?” the younger officer speaks up asking the question, eyeing me with distrust.

  “Yes, Rook had his hand on my wrist tightly, and Preston was asking for him to remove it,” she answers confidently, yet leaves out key parts of the conversation. Most of which I’ll fill them in on later.

  The older officer has taken out a notepad and is jotting things down. “Do you know Rook’s last name?”

  “Um, no, I’m sorry I don’t. I only met him yesterday at a casting call.” A shiver runs over her body vibrating against my own. I expect the day’s events are beginning to take their toll.

  “James Rook,” I tell them.

  “Pardon me?” Officer Galloway queries.

  “Rook is his last name; his first name is James,” I tell them, and her eyes flit to mine but all I can do is shrug. It all goes back to her not knowing the man she seemed so comfortable with is not the person she expected.

  More notes are taken. Sergeant Galloway is as thorough as he can be, as he’s from an older generation. Why he’s not having the youngster take notes is a question I’m tempted to ask but keep my mouth shut, as it might delay their time here.

  He looks up from the notes. “Okay, one last question. Did he hurt you at all?”

  She looks at me, and I pull her closer, this time I’m answering because what he’s done pisses me the fuck off. “When he grabbed her arm, his grip was so tight it left a bruise.”

  “Mind if we have a look?” he asks her.

  She shakes her head no and outstretches her arm. The ice must’ve helped because it doesn’t look as bad as it had moments ago.

  “Ah, that’s a pretty good bruise there, my dear. Do you wish to press assault charges on Mr. Rook?”

  She yanks her hand back in one swift move and pulls away from me. “What? Absolutely not. He made a mistake. I’ll be fine. Now if you don’t mind, I’d like to go home.”

  “Well, if you’re not pressing charges then you’re free to go,” Sergeant Galloway says. “I really appreciate you taking the time to talk with us. Here’s my card if you remember anything or if you have questions later.”

  Her unease is palpable, add that to her admission of wanting to go home, and it’s a hit straight to the chest. “Let me show them to my office and then I’ll page Jake to bring you to your car. Does that work?”

  She nods lifting her eyes to mine. The ocean is still raging in those emerald orbs. Something I hope to tame in the near future, just not today.

  A deep sigh tumbles out of my chest. “Can you humor me and maybe give me a verbal response, it’s important to me, Winsley.”

  “Yes, that’s fine. I’ll wait here until you return.”

  “Good girl,” I tell her, placing a kiss on the top of her head. “I’ll be right back, make yourself at home. Come on, gentlemen, I’ll show you how the rich and famous live. We can talk more in my office.”



  Once they leave the room, I drop onto the couch and relish in the fact I kissed Preston Pace. And not just some peck on the lips. I could literally feel my body melting against him. If he had picked me up and carried me off to his bedroom, I wouldn’t have resisted. In fact, I’d never been more ready for a man to take my virginity than after the kiss I’d had with “The King of the Big Screen.”

  But when his ex walked in, it was like a bucket of ice water had been dumped on me. And Tinka is exactly as she’s been described in all the media. Evil.

  The way her hand lingered on his chest, and the sickening sweet way she spoke—even when spewing out attitude—wasn’t lost on me. Between the time she stepped through the door and the time she’d left; it was crystal clear she’s still hung up on him.

  The type who would do whatever it takes to keep her hooks in him.

  It’s a lot of baggage. Being with him would mean dealing with her, and that’s something I’m not sure I’m ready for.

  Maybe I’m overthinking things. I need to take a breath, sitting here in this room is making me feel claustrophobic. Before Garret left, he’d mentioned the door locks are controlled by a code, to which he didn’t give me the number. It means I’m basically trapped here until Preston gets done or Garret comes back.

  Which I thought would be well before now.

  “I’m not going to just sit here.” I tell myself and the expensive furnishings in the room.

  Standing, I walk about the living area and then the kitchen, stopping only to grab a piece of fruit off the plate in the fridge, before moving toward the hallway. It’s the same way they went and while I’m not looking to barge in on their meeting, I am bored and feeling a bit mischievous by taking my own tour of his apartment.

  As soon as I turn the corner, I’m disappointed to find all the doors down the hall closed. It makes peeking in even more exhilarating because I don’t know which one they’re in.

  Taking my chances, I move to the first door. Pressing my ear against it and listening for voices. There are none so I try the knob. It’s unlocked. I push it open.

  Inside is a luxurious bathroom with marble floors and what appear to be nickel fixtures. It’s the size of my own apartment. Stepping out, I latch the door quietly and move on to the next. This time it’s on the other side of the hall and appears to be a beautiful but typical guest room.

  The bed looks inviting. I’m tempted to crawl in it and nap, or finger myself until my come is all over the sheets—maybe both—but this game of door roulette has my heartbeat in a flurry and I intend to keep going.

  The next three doors consist of a worko
ut room, a sauna, and another guest room. Now, it’s the last two. One must be his office and the other a master bedroom.

  This time I’m taking a chance by not listening first, if he’s in there I can make up some excuse about trying to find the bathroom.

  As with the others, this door is not locked. I turn the handle and push my way in and instantly I’m blindsided by the very size and beauty of this room.

  This is clearly his bedroom, but could be a concert hall. In awe I mindlessly step inside. Why would anyone need this much space only to sleep in? Dark pleated material is hung in swags over the windows, while the same color and pattern extend to the duvet cover on the oversized king bed. Modern patterned plush throw rugs scattered about the hardwood floors. They look soft and it draws an image in my mind of me kneeling in front of him.

  The bed appears to be an oversize king sufficient for holding a man of his size, and a few others, but that’s not something I want to imagine so I turn my attention to the rest of the interior. There’s the typical matching dresser, armoire, and side tables, along with a love seat, but there’s also something tucked in the corner on the other side.

  I glance back at the door to make sure no one is coming before I stalk over to the corner to get a closer look. It resembles a dog kennel but with much thicker bars and a lot larger than the average person might have in their home. Plus, a dog large enough to fit in this would be hard to miss. No, this is something else.

  Once I’m close enough to touch the bars, I notice a flash of metal. Handcuffs hanging from the top of the cage. The pink fuzzy pillow and the princess plaque on the front now make sense. My hand flies to my mouth. This is some sort of sex slave cage.

  In his bedroom.

  I may still have my virginity but I’m not a prude. I knew stuff like this existed, I’d just never thought I’d meet someone who was into it. What if this is what he has planned for me? It’s intimidating and suddenly my lungs are pounding at the same rate of my heart as breaths come quickly.

  Intent on getting out, I turn quickly but end up running straight into his strong chest.

  He places his hands on my arms. “When I told you to make yourself at home, it didn’t mean wandering through my home and looking through my things.”

  “I was looking for the bathroom,” I blurt out the lie as though my life depends on it.

  His expression turns smug when he tips his head up and glances at the corner of the room. “The video footage says otherwise.”

  My eyes widen and I take in a quick breath. “You have a human cage in your room and video?” I ask, tears teasing the corners of my eyes as the image I’ve created of this perfect man shatters.

  “I do. Would you like me to show you what I saw?”

  “No, I’d rather go home.”

  His body stiffens at my words, and he’s silent for a beat but then recovers, gripping me by the arm and leading me out. “I’ll take you.”

  “Thank you, but I’d rather call a pickup service.”

  “I’m not letting you head home alone. If not me, then Jake, my limo driver, will take you, but I need to make a few things clear with you before I call him.”

  I eye him cautiously, wondering what he could possibly have to say that would make leaving any easier. It’s stupid but I agree. “Okay.”

  “I’ve had a taste of you, and it’s enough to convince me I want more. In fact, the thought of tasting you in other ways has me so fucking hard right now. But if you think what you saw is a bad thing, then you’re not ready, because once I start, I’m not sure I’ll be able to stop. I realize all of this is intimidating for someone in your position, may even scare you, but that’s not how it’s intended. Winsley, I can take your body places you’ve never dreamed of.” He cups my chin again and heat covers my whole body. “I can make you fly.”

  His words send a flutter straight to my core. Giving myself to him would be more than an honor, I’m just not sure I’m experienced enough for what he wants. Especially after what I saw.

  “If you need some time, I can give you that, but not much and it would be with one condition.”

  “What’s that?” I ask breathily.

  “You save your virginity for me.”



  I watch her step from the building with Jake, and it takes all my willpower to stay hidden in the car. I’ve been sitting out here for at least an hour waiting.

  When we’d driven by earlier and Preston was rushing through the double doors, I knew something was up. She was there, which meant I would be too. Whatever had gone on behind that closed door before I’d arrived wasn’t just an innocent meeting after a wild afternoon at the café. No, the evidence was clear on her fucking swollen lips.

  “Follow her!” I growl out, my tone that of a woman possessed and surprises even me.

  The driver does as he’s told, turning the Jag around in the middle of the street and it doesn’t take much to catch up to the long black car. We weave in and out of traffic and turn a couple of blocks before I realize where she’s headed. Back to the café.

  Once she’s in what must be her own vehicle, we’re back on the road again, following a few car lengths back.

  It’s not long before the elegant glass office buildings and high-end clothing stores disappear, and ratty ancient brick ones take over the streets. They’re covered in ivy and a few have broken windows, but that’s not the worst part. Trash blows around on the sidewalk and sits in the gutters.

  This neighborhood sends a shiver up my spine and I can’t believe anyone, especially someone Preston has his eye on, would live here. Maybe I’m jumping to conclusions. Maybe she’s taking a short cut to some million-dollar neighborhood up north.

  No sooner than the words leave my lips, she pulls into a deserted parking lot, exits her car, and walks across the street. Her destination, one of those eerie brick buildings.

  With only four stories, it extends half a block and is surrounded by alleys and several other buildings of a similar size. But the most interesting thing about each of them is they all have old metal fire escapes outside the windows. If they weren’t so disgustingly dirty, they’d be beautiful pieces of art from an era gone by.

  Distracted by my sightseeing, I don’t see her disappear inside. Since I’m here, I may as well go inside and warn her to stay away from him.

  Tapping out Shawn’s number and placing the phone to my ear, I wait for him to answer. It doesn’t take but two rings before his tone slithers into my ear for the second time today. “Hey, Baby….”

  “Did you find out anything?” I ask, scanning each of the windows from the first story to the fourth.

  “How about you come over and I’ll give you everything I know?”

  “Shawn, I’m not playing games here. In fact, I’m outside of her building now, I just need to know which apartment it is.”

  He takes in a sharp breath. “Tinka, are you sure you know what you’re doing?”

  “Just give me the goddamn number,” I spit, adrenaline building in my veins, pumping at a speed that sets my skin on fire.

  “302 A. Let me know if you need any…”

  With no more use for him, I disconnect the call and glance over at the windows once again. The way they’re positioned look like eyes into a dark soul. One I’m still not convinced I want to enter, but I know she’s in there somewhere. “If she can do it, then so can I.” Dropping the divider I meet the driver’s eyes once again. “There’s someone in there I need to talk with.”

  He glances at the building and then back at me. “I’ll come with you.”

  “No. It’s okay, Rook is already there, I’ll be fine,” I inadvertently admit, but quickly realize what I’ve done. Pulling a small compact from my purse, I pretend to check my hair and makeup as though I didn’t just out my accomplice.

  When I take the mirror away, his narrowed stare is on me and I expel a breath. “I’ll be fine, you can go,” I tell him.

  He exits the car and comes a
round to my side, opening my door and extending a hand to help me out. His grip is strong, and his hands are smooth, I almost reconsider bringing him a long, but this is something I should do alone.

  There’s no way she’ll even consider giving me a ride, but I’m not concerned, I have a list of trustworthy souls who’d be more than willing to pick me up.

  I can feel his eyes on me as I make my way across the street. The adrenaline from earlier pumping ten times what it was before. It feels as though my veins are about to explode by the time I reach the exterior door.

  The driver still waits for me on the street and I wave him away. Once he’s gone, I notice the security keypad on the door. I raise my finger to press the call button for her place when someone comes bounding down the stairs with a dog.

  When they push their way out, I step inside before the door closes.

  It’s darker than I expected but isn’t as bad as I thought on the inside. The walls are a pale green and extend down a long passageway, illuminated only by brass sconces as they make their way upward at an angle with the stairs.

  Placing a hand on the rail I glance up before placing a foot on the first step.



  It’s not until I’m back at my apartment and have closed and locked the door that I breathe a sigh of relief. “What have I gotten myself into?” I ask aloud, breaking the silence of my otherwise quiet apartment. After all this time, I should know better than going along with any of Jennifer’s schemes.

  She’ll never believe any of this.

  I laugh at the ridiculousness of it all, I’ll admit I was scared back at the café. When Rook grabbed my wrist and wouldn’t let go, a twinge of panic had settled in. I rub my wrist where the bruise is.

  I’m thankful for Preston stepping in but knowing what I know now, could the hero be just as bad?


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