Only One (Ward Sisters Book 2)

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Only One (Ward Sisters Book 2) Page 11

by Lucy Gage

  “And you think that’s me? You think I’m that person? Why me? Because you asked me here just to meet him.”

  He sighed and paused so long, Jenna wasn’t sure if he was fed up with her insistence that he give her justification, or if he was changing his mind. Did he want her to fall for his best friend? She needed to know what he hoped would happen here.

  Rob didn’t know that Jenna was already halfway to falling for Liam before he opened the door. From Catie’s stories, she’d created a fantasy guy in her mind, and if he was even a quarter of what she’d imagined, it would take very little for Jenna to be head over heels.

  As though he’d resigned himself to a decision, Rob sighed and finally said, quietly, “I know if you fell in love with him, you wouldn’t give up on that love, even if he made it hard. Know he will going in. If you can’t handle that, then don’t bother with him. He won’t have an easy time letting go of his past and it will make being with him a challenge. But he’s a great guy and he’s worthy of you. He doesn’t know it yet, but he is. He shared things about himself as soon as he met you, and he never does that, ever. In ten minutes, he’s already made a huge leap.”

  “And you want me to take that leap, too, then hope like hell my heart doesn’t get crushed in the process?”

  Could she really do that this time? Was Liam even worth it? She wanted to believe that Catie’s brother could be the one guy to turn her head after all this time waiting to meet him.

  Rob shook his head. “I’m telling you up front, your heart is going to get trampled here and there. Just give it a shot. Go out with him and if it doesn’t work, at least you tried.”

  Jenna nodded. “Okay.” She might regret ruining the fantasy about Liam Neely she’d concocted all those years ago, but she’d try. It couldn’t hurt, right?

  After all, Rob was no longer an option. He’d made that clear.


  With nothing better to do, Liam sat on the deck, where he could hear the doorbell or a knock if it came, and watched the two of them. Rob laughed often during their animated conversation and every once in a while, the breeze would carry Jenna’s laughter toward him. The musical sound made Liam smile.

  Jenna was right. He wanted to go out with her and was afraid she was too young for him. He thought about what she’d said and the clues she’d given him. What else was he going to do?

  When she finally walked up the path with Rob, he had an answer to give her. He stood as they approached the deck.

  “What do you think, Liam? Are you too old for me?”

  Liam looked at his best friend. Rob said, “Don’t ask me. I’m not telling you. And, yes, I do know how old she is.”

  Liam turned to Jenna, confident. “I think you’re 28, almost 29 and no, that’s not too young for me.”

  Jenna smiled at Liam, maintained eye contact as she said to Rob with a tilt of her head, “His math skills are better than you thought, Rob. My birthday is next week. I’ll be 29.”

  Strangely relieved, Liam smiled in return. “Good. I’m 29. Can you stick around for an hour until Brian gets back?” She nodded.

  Rob scooted around Liam and headed into the house. “I’ll be in my room if you need me. Have fun, you two. And don’t scare her off, Liam. I need her,” he shouted over his shoulder. They both laughed.

  Liam gestured for her to sit down on the sofa with him. “So, how is it you’re only a year younger than us and I never saw you at school?”

  “I only went there for grad school. I had a customized Masters program that combined computer science and electrical engineering. I met Professor Deacon at a workshop my senior year at BU and he convinced me to come work with him in grad school. You guys left just before I arrived.”

  “Like ships passing in the night.”

  She smiled. “Something like that. English major?”

  Liam laughed. “No. I had a dual major in Political Science and International Affairs with a minor in Middle East Studies.”

  “What, did you want to go into the CIA?” she joked.

  “Actually, yes. I was at Langley for a few years after college.” He hesitated for a moment, but then decided to tell her. She seemed like the type of girl to push until she got an answer, or go looking for it herself.

  “I got shot and didn’t much like it. They wanted me to do some desk time and I said no way. Ran into Rob in the airport on the way to Boston and he had Rick offer me a job. Been doing this ever since.”

  “And you were Rob’s college roommate?”

  “For three years. He roomed with someone else freshman year. We’ve been best friends ever since. Lost touch while I was training and undercover. At the airport, Rick thought I was a reporter and jumped me. Rob yanked him off me and hugged me, told him who I was.”

  Jenna laughed heartily, as if imagining the scene.

  “Even when Rick remembered me, he didn’t apologize, just said I shouldn’t have come up to Rob directly. I told him to fuck off. That I wasn’t a dipshit fan and I’d approach my best friend however I damn well pleased. I don’t care that he’s famous. Rob is the best friend I’ve ever had. I’d be happy if he ditched acting and went back to computers, but he loves it and I love him. I can’t imagine going back to Langley, even if I thought they’d take me.”

  “Chicks and parties better in Hollywood?” She smirked.

  “Hell, no. Half the women around here are plastic or fake and the rest of them are bitches. With a few exceptions.” Like you.

  “Do you have a girlfriend? I probably should have asked you that before I asked you out, huh?”

  Liam chuckled. “No. I see a girl in Minneapolis when I’m home, but we’re not exclusive. Sometimes, when I’m in Boston, I hook up with my high school girlfriend, but that’s sporadic and only if she’s single. And I’ve dated Rob’s makeup artist on and off, but not seriously. Actually, I think she has a boyfriend right now.”

  Jenna’s eyes grew wide. “Anyone else I should know about?”

  Liam shook his head. Not for a while. “No. What about you?”

  Jenna gave him a half smile and shook her head. “I haven’t met anyone new since I moved back here, and most of the guys I knew in high school are either class-A douchebags or gay.”

  She flipped her hair off her shoulder and the wind whipped it back toward her face. Without thinking, Liam brushed the hair from her face and hooked it around her ear. He let his fingers linger, caressed her jaw. As he slowly removed his hand, she swallowed and his heart raced.

  Okay, so the attraction was stronger than he thought.

  Brian stepped outside. “Looks like you’ve got company.”

  Liam straightened. “Bri, this is Jenna. She’s Rob’s assistant.”

  “Right. The Twitter chick.”

  Jenna smiled as she stood and Brian shook her hand. “Nice to meet you. Brian, is it?” He nodded. “Do you tweet?”

  Liam scrunched his nose. What the hell did that mean?

  Brian replied, “Yeah, gotta keep up with the kids. Not that it’s easy. Maybe you can help me stay on top of it.”

  Liam glared at Brian, who snorted in response.

  Jenna struggled to keep from laughing at the exchange.

  “I’ll gladly help you. If you ever have any questions, just ask.” She turned to Liam, “Are you all set to leave now?”

  Liam raised his brows at Brian, who laughed. “Yeah, he can go. Rob’s home today. I’ll just sit out here and work on my tan.”

  With that, Liam put his hand on Jenna’s waist and the two of them headed through the house. Parked in the driveway, he saw a red, Honda S2000 convertible.

  “That’s your car?”

  “It was my dad’s. He got a new wife and a new car so he gave me his old car.”

  “New wife and a new car, huh? What does he do?”

  “He’s an entertainment lawyer. This is wife number three. My mom was wife number one. That’s why I went to BU. She moved back east after their divorce and I followed her there. I g
rew up here, though. Want to drive?”

  “Really? You’d let me drive your car when you hardly know me? What if I’m a horrible driver?”

  “That’s a given. You grew up in Massachusetts. I lived there for four years, remember? But I think you’ll look hot behind the wheel of my car and I want to watch you drive.” She gave him a slow wink, tossed him the keys and hopped in the passenger side.

  He liked her more all the time.

  Chapter 6

  Driving the Pacific Coast Highway and into the hills for several hours, they talked the whole time about everything from hockey and art, to the frustrations of dealing with the paparazzi. She brought him to a hillside, Mexican/French fusion restaurant, where they sat side by side and ate dinner as they watched the sun set. During dessert, Liam held Jenna’s hand and he smiled when his fingers curled around hers, resulting in a brief little upturn of her mouth.

  They walked back to the car, hand in hand, in an unusual silence. Jenna started to step around the car to the passenger’s side, and Liam tightened his grip on her hand so she couldn’t let go. Her expression said she was curious as he drew her toward him and leaned against the car hood. She let him guide her until her body was pressed against his and their faces were inches apart.

  His heart raced again, which Liam found odd – he hadn’t felt nervous before he kissed a girl since junior high. Swallowing hard, he brushed the hair from her face like he’d done earlier. Her breath hitched, and he knew she wanted him to kiss her as much as he wanted to do it. He looked at her mouth, then into her eyes. They leaned in at the same time, crushing their lips together in a long-overdue kiss.

  Heat rushed through his body and his dick hardened before she even slid her tongue into his mouth. As their tongues danced, one hand found her ass and pulled her pelvis to his, while the other threaded into her hair, bringing her mouth closer, and deepening the kiss. She whimpered and gripped his neck.

  The kiss lasted a few minutes and then they needed air. They leaned apart, touched foreheads, their breath labored.

  “Wow,” Jenna whispered.

  “Yeah. I agree,” Liam said.

  She swallowed and said, “We should head back to Malibu.”

  Liam nodded and they smiled as they got into the car. God, he hadn’t liked kissing someone so much in years, if ever.

  On the drive back to Malibu, they held hands except when he had to shift. The car rolled to a stop in Rob’s driveway and Liam cut the engine. He was loath for her to leave, needed to still talk to her, kiss her, touch her.

  Hell, he wanted to see if the chemistry continued in bed.

  They sat for a minute while he conjured the nerve to ask her, an utterly foreign sensation. When had he last felt this way?

  He looked at her. “Do you want to come inside?”

  She scrunched her face. “Won’t that be a little weird?”

  He shook his head and swallowed. Jesus, he was nervous. “I have my own suite. We can go straight there.”

  “And do what?” she teased.

  He took a deep breath. “Whatever you want.”

  “What if I want to take off my clothes?”

  Liam swallowed hard again. “You can do that. You can take off mine, too.” His body was telling him he’d like that, very much.


  “So you’re saying you want to take me to bed?” she asked, playfulness gone, replaced by lust.

  “Hell yeah. I’ve been thinking about it since we kissed in that parking lot.”

  “Me too. You have condoms?”


  They stepped out of the car and he handed her the keys so she could put them in her purse. She removed a string of condoms. “I’m prepared, too,” she said.

  He smiled as he opened the door with his phone. “Good to know. Come on. Let’s go inside so I can kiss you some more.”

  She took a deep breath. The lust was back and she nodded eagerly. He returned her look and they went inside.

  Liam led Jenna to his bedroom and he gently closed the door behind them. She dropped her purse and shoved him against the door so hard he gasped.

  He wore just a hint of a sporty cologne. Or maybe it was his deodorant, but she liked it. It made him a little more masculine.

  Not that he wasn’t hot and manly, but the scent added an extra element that revved her engine and dampened her panties. She’d noticed it as soon as he tugged her close in the parking lot. The fragrance invaded her nose again and made her feel sexually charged and powerful.

  She looked at him and said, quietly, “I like foreplay. Lots of foreplay. You do it right, you’ll get me to come every time. If you can manage that, I’ll see you again, even if you only want casual. I’ll put up with intermittent orgasms for a relationship, but for casual sex, I want to get off or else it’s not worth my time. I have a vibrator at home that gets me there just as easily and doesn’t ask me to share it with anyone else. Still interested?”

  Jenna could see the shock and arousal on his face. Good. That was the idea. She wanted to unnerve him, show him that she was in charge.

  It appeared to have worked.

  “Yeah, I’m interested.” He turned the tables and switched their positions so quickly it made her gasp, too. With his hands rested on the door, he leaned close and looked her in the eyes.

  Or maybe it hadn’t worked.

  Holy hot. He was the right amount of aggressive and seemed to like that she was, too.

  “I’ll make you come, but you have to tell me what you like and if I’m doing it right for you. I take instructions well. I’ll hold you after, but I don’t cuddle all night. I like to sleep and I can’t if a head is on my chest or someone is cutting off circulation in my arm. But I do want you to spend the night. I like to sleep naked, but getting up at a moment’s notice is part of my job, so I usually wear boxers. And I always use condoms, every time. When I’m ready to be exclusive, I’ll worry about losing them then. I’ve heard it feels better without, but I like safe sex.”

  Boy, he knew what he wanted. It turned her on as much as his body did and boded well for what he could do between the sheets.

  “Sounds like we’re on the same page, then.”

  “Good. Now, you want to tell me what you like, or should I go with my gut and you can let me know if I’m doing okay?”

  His eyes darted to her mouth, where she parted her lips in anticipation. Just the idea of being with him aroused her.

  “I vote for go with the flow. It’s worked so far,” she breathed, biting her lip. As of now, the fantasy from college paled to reality.

  God, she wanted him.

  So much.


  He maintained eye contact as he moved his right hand from the door, ran his fingers through her hair, caressed her cheek and dragged his fingers across her collar bone, down between her perfect breasts, along her stomach until he arrived at the edge of her board shorts. Her breath hitched.

  He popped the snap of her shorts with one hand, pulled down the zipper, and slid his hand inside until he found her swim suit bottoms. Liam wanted to admire her hot body in that suit, but first, he pushed aside the fabric and ran his fingers through a barely-there patch of pubic hair.

  Fuckin’ sexy. She’d hit every one of his hot buttons already.

  Finding her clitoris, he rubbed it in slow, rhythmic circles. Jenna moaned as she looked into his eyes.

  “You like that?” he asked.

  She nodded. Running a finger down her slit until he felt the wetness, he slipped inside. His dick throbbed as she thrust her pelvis toward him, tilting her hips for better access. With his face hovering so that their lips aligned, he said, “Like that, too?”

  “Yes,” she breathed, arousal evident in her voice. Her lips lay parted and his tongue flicked at the bottom one. She pulled his head toward her and shoved her tongue in his mouth.

  “Take me to the bed,” she demanded.

  Liam had told her he took instructions well, so he
listened. He left his hand in her pants as he moved behind her and swiped her hair off her neck. Kissing below her ear, he continued to rub her with his thumb while he slid one finger inside. She moaned and he added another finger. Her breath halted. He pressed his pelvis to her ass and rubbed himself against her as he walked them toward the bed.

  “I want you, Jenna. Tell me what you need me to do next.”

  “I want to touch you, mmm, and put you in my mouth.”

  “Do you?”

  “Yes. I want to taste you.”

  “God, you’re hot. And wet. I don’t think I’ve ever wanted someone so much. Let’s take off some of these clothes.”

  He turned her to face him and pulled her tank over her head. The bikini top barely covered two perfect, round breasts with nipples so hard they could cut glass. His dick saluted them in appreciation. Then he peeled her shorts over her hips. The suit scarcely covered the essentials and couldn’t have been worn without serious grooming.

  He sighed. “You are a goddess.”

  “Your turn.”


  Jenna yanked his t-shirt from his shorts and whipped it over his head. The shirt had hidden his assets. The muscular shoulders weren’t beefy or especially broad, but with a narrow waist and a triangle of muscle disappearing into his shorts, Liam boasted an athletic physique. His defined pectoral muscles were not bulky, and his abs were washboard tight.

  She smiled. “You’re pretty hot yourself.”

  Running her fingers lightly over his chest, she found a scar – above his heart, at the top of his pectoral muscle between his collar bone and his shoulder – where the bullet must have pierced his body.

  “Is that where you were shot?” she asked. He nodded. “Was it a through and through?”

  She hated the idea that he’d ever been hurt like that and the feeling shocked her. Why did she care so much? This was hot, lusty, sexual attraction. Right?

  Except, Jenna already knew it wasn’t just that.


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