Holding Out for a Hero

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Holding Out for a Hero Page 21

by Codi Gary

  “I will.”

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  SATURDAY BLAKE ARRANGED for his squad to do some charity work. Which meant he had them hauling his shit from the moving truck to inside his new house.

  Sparks and Violet were helping out with the unpacking, since Sparks had agreed to accompany them on their charity field trip today. They had been out to the truck three or four times, hauling in box after box. Meanwhile, Blake hated to admit it, but he was slacking. He couldn’t wait for Hannah to get there and was looking forward to having the whole day with her.

  Her little car pulled up along the curb, and she got out, leading Milo by his leash. He watched her bend over to pull a pink pastry box and a plastic bag from the backseat.

  “Damn, Sarge, who is that hot mama?” Pedro Gonzales asked next to him.

  “Hey, watch it or I’ll bury you in the backyard, Gonzales.”

  Pedro’s eyes widened, and then he was shouting. “Yo, yo, check it out! Sarge has got a girlfriend. And she’s smoking hot!”

  Eight clomping teenaged feet rushed to the window, and comments started flying around. Several of them bordered on obscene, and Blake had to count down from ten to keep from telling them to run to the backyard and do burpees till they puked.

  “If one of you says anything disrespectful to Miss York, I will make sure you run laps until you blow chunks. You got me?”

  “Yes, Sarge,” they chorused.

  Shooting them one last warning look, Blake opened the door with a smile, taking in Hannah’s funky leggings, long T-shirt, and sweatshirt. “You dressed for the occasion.”

  She gave him a mock scowl over the top of her glasses, which had slid down her nose. “I wasn’t going to get any clothes I like dusty and gross.”

  “You calling my stuff gross?”

  She stopped in front of him with a coy grin. “Not all of it.”

  Blake really wanted to kiss her but was aware of the ten curious eyes watching.

  “Miss York, these boys are in my squad. Squad, this is Miss York. And Violet and Dean are helping out in the kitchen.”

  “Well, I brought donuts for everyone and drinks, so help yourselves, guys. Plus, the monster pup.”

  Blake gave Milo a dark look, which the pup returned with a bark. “Well, monster pup can go play in the backyard. Gonzales, you wanna handle that?”

  Gonzales took the leash from Hannah with a cheeky grin. “Come on, pup, let’s go play out back.”

  Blake took the bag and donuts from Hannah and bent over to kiss her cheek.

  “Pick a room, any room.”

  Blake walked into the kitchen, where he caught Violet and Dean canoodling.

  “Hannah brought donuts, and try to remember there are children present.”

  Sparks kissed Violet again before responding, “Shut up, Kline.”

  Hannah came up behind him and smiled at the couple. “Hi again.”

  “Hello, Hannah,” Violet said. “It’s nice to officially meet you.”

  “You, too.” Hannah flipped open the box and snagged a donut. “Help yourself.”

  Blake was suddenly pushed out of the way as a horde of teenaged boys fell upon the box of donuts like ravenous wolves.

  Eyeing the donut in her hand, Blake followed Hannah down the hallway until they reached the master suite. They had already moved Blake’s bed in first, along with his dresser and other furniture, but his new mattress had stacks of boxes on top and alongside it.

  “I don’t suppose you want to share that, would you? I doubt there will be anything left once those kids get through.”

  Hannah held the donut out to him and jerked it back at the last minute to take a bite. “Mine. Go wrestle your own.”

  Blake grabbed her wrist and stole a bite anyway, laughing at her outraged squeal.

  “Remember, sharing is caring.”

  “Oh fine, here.” She ripped the donut in half and gave him one side.

  “See, doesn’t that make you feel good?”

  “It makes me feel hungry,” she grumbled as she bit into the donut. “Don’t you need to watch the kids?”

  “Yeah, but I wanted to say hi to you.” He gave her a kiss, savoring the chocolate on her lips.

  “Well, as much as I enjoy your ‘hi,’ we’re about to have an audience.”

  The sound of footsteps coming down the hallway made Blake pull away.

  “We’ll finish this later.”

  “Can’t wait,” she whispered.

  Blake left the room and called out several names. “Help me get the rest of the stuff from the truck. I’ve got to get you back to Alpha Dog by noon, so let’s hustle.”

  HANNAH EMPTIED ONE box at a time, and so far, she’d been through his underwear, shirts, toiletries, and more.

  “Hey, Han,” Blake called from down the hall.


  He came through the doorway, looking around his room with a smile. “Wow, you’ve gotten a lot done in here. Thank you. I’m going to take the boys back to Alpha Dog, and I won’t be back until after six. Violet is going to stay for a while doing the kitchen, and I’ve promised to take her and Dean out to dinner as a thank-you for helping. Are you in?”

  “Yeah, that would be great,” she said.

  “Okay.” He leaned over and kissed her forehead. “See you in a bit.”

  Hannah listened to Dean and Blake holler at the kids as the front door opened and shut. She was down to one more box, and then she could move onto another room.

  She opened the last box on the floor and realized it was filled with albums and photographs. Sitting down on the floor, she pulled out a newspaper-wrapped frame that had an old picture of a middle-aged couple smiling at the camera. The man looked enough like Blake that she figured it must be his parents, so she stood up to put the picture on his dresser.

  The next photo was of Blake holding a pretty blonde woman in a wedding dress, and Hannah’s stomach twisted in sadness. A younger Blake smiled into the camera, handsome in his dress blues, and her heart broke for these two young people who had loved each other so much.

  She set that photo on the bed and pulled out one of the albums, thumbing through the pictures. Blake as a child, a teenager, and a young man. Hannah had no idea how long she sat there, going through Blake’s past, but when Violet called her name from the doorway, she jumped.

  “Hey, sorry, I was just thinking of grabbing some Chipotle and bringing it back. You want some?”

  Hannah was crying silently, too choked up to speak.

  “Hannah, what is it?” Violet came into the room and sat next to her. “Oh, I see.”

  Dabbing at the tears in her eyes, Hannah laughed. “Here I am snooping through Blake’s life and crying over everything he lost. You must think I’m a freak.”

  “No, I know all about being with someone who has a past. It’s tough.”

  “Was it hard?” Hannah asked.

  “For Dean, I’m sure it sucked.” Hannah gave Violet a confused look, and she elaborated. “Dean had been through a lot when we met, but compared to me, he was the poster child for stability. I was convinced that we shouldn’t be together and did everything I could to keep him at arm’s length. I know I’m laying all my personal shit at your feet, but I thought maybe it would make you feel better to know that even some of the heaviest crap can be overcome.”

  “Thanks, I appreciate it. Do you think I should put the albums out or leave them in the box for him?”

  “I’d leave the picture of Jenny and the albums in the box and let him decide where to put them.”

  Hannah took her advice and set the box on his bed.

  “Have you found his sheets and blankets yet?” she asked Violet.

  “Not yet.”

  “I was thinking I could make his bed so he wouldn’t have to.”

  “You can check in one of the spare rooms. The kitchen has been completely unloaded.”

  “Okay, let me get you money for lunch.”

  “No, really, it’s fine. It�
��s on me,” Violet said. “You bought donuts for everyone. I’ll grab lunch.”

  “Thank you, that’s really nice.”

  “Well, I figure that we’ll be seeing a lot of you, and I want to get to know you. These guys are all really close, almost like brothers, so it’s important that us girls all get along, as well.”

  Hannah appreciated Violet’s straightforwardness and honesty. “I’m all for it.”

  “Good, then I’ll see you in a bit.”

  Violet left the house, and Hannah wandered into the rooms, looking through boxes to find Blake’s sheets. Was it weird that she was here? Even though they’d been friends for at least a year and they were now seeing each other, it felt like an invasion of privacy for her to be unpacking Blake’s things.

  Stop analyzing everything. I’m here, and things are great. Don’t wreck it by overthinking.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  ON TUESDAY, BLAKE and Charge jogged along the trail, and Blake had to admit, he kind of liked having a partner. He’d been working hard with Charge since taking him to the vet the week before, and so far, things were great. Dr. Standen had determined that Charge had only about 50 percent hearing left, and by the way his teeth were filed, he thought the cause was most likely because Charge had been used as a hunting dog. Having a gun blast in his ears over and over for several years was bound to have some ill effects.

  Dr. Standen assured him he could still work in search and rescue and thought the whistle was a fantastic idea. Once they’d diagnosed Charge’s issue, Blake had been more confident about his ability to train the giant dog.

  Even though it was out of the way, Blake had still been coming down to Dale’s for breakfast, if only for those ten minutes he got to snag with Hannah during her break.

  Once he’d slipped Charge into the car, he’d headed toward the front steps of Dale’s and heard a horn honk.

  “Blake! You got a minute?”

  Blake turned and found Bryce in her little car.

  “What’s up? Not crashing my jogs anymore?”

  “No, you were hostile. But I do need a favor.”

  Blake moved closer without saying anything.

  “Aren’t you going to ask what it is?”

  “Figured you’d just tell me.”

  “You are such a pain in the ass.”

  Blake shrugged and started to turn away.

  “Wait! I’m sorry. Please, just hear me out.”

  Blake sighed and leaned into the passenger-side window. “What?”

  “I was wondering if you could cover for me on Friday night.”

  “I’m busy Friday.”

  “So am I, which is why I need you to cover for me!”

  Blake took a deep soothing breath. “Fine. Must be nice not to be in the armed forces anymore and actually have a choice on taking a day off.”

  She stuck her tongue out at him before calling, “You’re the best!”

  Blake shook his head as he went around to the back of Dale’s. He knew exactly when Hannah took her break and didn’t even bother going inside until after he got her kisses.

  Blake saw her sitting in one of the plastic chairs, and when she saw him, her face brightened. “Hey.” She stood up and gave him a hug. “I didn’t think you’d be coming by anymore now that you live in Orangevale.”

  “I packed my clothes, and I’m going to shower when I get to work. I just wanted to see you.” He tried to kiss her but she pulled back, wrinkling her nose.

  “You’re all sweaty.”

  “So?” He kissed her hard and fast before she could get away, and he kept kissing her all over her face until she was squealing with laughter.

  “You taste all salty.”

  “And now so do you.” He kissed her below her ear, his tongue snaking out to lick at her skin, and he felt her relax against him.

  “When you do that, I’m powerless against you.”

  “Hmm, so I’m your kryptonite?” he said teasingly.

  “Yes, you are.” Her soft tone made him pause, and he pulled back to study her.

  “You say that like it’s a bad thing.”

  “No, it’s not. Sorry, I’m just tired. Plus, I should get back inside and take your order.”

  “In a minute. I’ve got Charge in the car, so I’ll have to cut your sugar time short.”

  She snorted. “My sugar time?”

  “Hell yeah, you complain, but you know you like it.”

  “So why do you have Charge with you?” she asked, ignoring his comment.

  “I took him for a run, and he absolutely loved it.”

  “That’s great.”

  “In fact, he’s doing so well, I was thinking of celebrating early. Could we move our dinner on Friday up to tonight?”

  “Yes, of course. What do you have going on Friday?”

  “Going to work a few extra hours to cover for Bryce.” One last kiss, and he murmured, “I’ll see you inside.”

  He jogged out of the alley, the grin on his face actually hurting his cheeks. He felt this way every time he saw Hannah, and he had to admit, the way she could brighten his day was becoming addicting.

  IT WAS JUST before seven that evening, and Hannah was getting ready for Blake to pick her up. She’d taken a shower when she got home and pulled on a pink skater dress, pairing it with a floral shrug from Torrid. She slipped on her black heels and finished her hair, her makeup already in place.

  She was really nervous, mostly because things had been more intense and intimate each time they were together. She’d been trying to prepare herself for having the talk with Blake about sex and her lack of experience, but there never seemed to be a right time.

  Especially when he was kissing her and she couldn’t keep a thought in her head.

  Her doorbell rang, and she placed a barking Milo in his cage with a Milk-Bone before answering.

  She pulled the door open, and Blake stood on the porch, wearing a sports jacket over a collared shirt, no tie.

  “Hi, you look handsome.”

  “And you’re beautiful.” He placed a long lingering kiss on her lips that made her shiver all the way down to her curling toes.

  “Thank you.”

  He led her down the walkway and opened her door like he always did. “How does Thai food sound?”

  “Amazing. I haven’t had it in a long time.”

  Once he pulled out of the parking lot, his hand fell on her bare knee, and the muscles between her legs clenched and throbbed from just the mere touch. When his thumb slid across her skin, she shivered.

  “Are you cold?”

  “No,” she said.

  Blake’s hand squeezed her knee before slowly sliding up under her skirt. Hannah held her breath, her heart pounding so hard she was sure it was going to bust wide open.

  “Blake . . . ”

  His fingers brushed her inner thigh, and against her will, her legs spread wider to give him better access. As they caressed the outside of her lacy pink panties, Hannah let out a moan of frustration. She wanted those fingers touching her, inside her, not just teasing.

  Without warning, Blake withdrew his hand with a heavy, shuddering breath, placing both hands on the wheel.

  “I’m sorry. I don’t know what came over me.”

  She turned and gave him a little smile. “I didn’t mind.”

  “Maybe we can pick it up after dinner.”

  Here it was, the perfect chance for her to be honest.

  “Sure, but just so we’re clear, there are some things I want to take slow, too.”

  Blake glanced toward her for a second, then returned his focus to the road. “Such as?”

  “Well, the . . . intimate stuff. I’m not terribly experienced, and I just want you to know that even though I’m not ready for sex, that doesn’t mean I don’t like you.”

  Blake didn’t say anything for the longest time, and Hannah was sure she’d spooked him.

  Finally, he asked, “Are you telling me this because you feel like I’m pushing
you? Because I never meant to—”

  “No! God, no, I don’t feel pressured. Believe me, I like it when you touch me. I just don’t want to get in over my head before I’m actually ready to take that step.”

  “Okay, sure. We can take our time. I don’t mind.”

  Hannah breathed a sigh of relief. “Thank God. I was a little nervous telling you, especially because it’s a little embarrassing being almost twenty-five and a virgin, but it was my choice—Blake!”

  Blake had swerved into the other lane, coughing.

  “Are you okay?” she asked.

  “Yeah, I just . . . Did you say you were a virgin? As in, you’ve never had sex with anyone?”

  “Well, yeah, that was what I was trying to explain. Is that a problem?”

  He hesitated. He freaking hesitated. “No, no, it was just a surprise.”

  But Hannah didn’t believe him.

  “It wasn’t for religious reasons, and I’m not holding out until marriage. I was holding out until I found someone I could really love.”

  Someone like you.

  Even though she hadn’t said the words aloud, the car filled with tension, and she could have sworn Blake was sweating.

  “Are you panicking?” she asked.

  “No, I’m fine. Just hungry.”

  Hannah turned to look out the window, her stomach sinking in disappointment.

  Why did the fact that I’ve never been with anyone else send Blake into a full-force meltdown?

  BLAKE DIDN’T KNOW what the hell to say about the bomb Hannah had just dropped on him. He’d figured she’d probably been with one, maybe two other guys, but he didn’t think she was very experienced.

  Turned out she was even more innocent than him.

  Blake hadn’t meant to let on how much the news affected him. Losing your virginity was a big deal—at least, it had been when he’d been eighteen and Jenny had been seventeen.

  Fuck, how the hell did this happen?

  It happened because he wanted Hannah. She made him happy, and he’d liked the way that had felt. It had been nice to let things progress, to enjoy getting to know her on a whole new level.

  But now he knew she was a virgin, and a thousand what-if scenarios went through his mind. What if they had sex and things didn’t work out? What if she resented him for hurting her, or he disappointed her?


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