On Equal Terms

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On Equal Terms Page 14

by Catherine O'Connor

  ‘We’re not an aid agency, though obviously we do offer emergency help when required—unfortunately too often; but most of our funds are directed into long-term projects. Our aim is to aid development through education.’

  ‘I see,’ he said, sounding distant, as if he was thinking about something else. ‘And your father knows nothing of this work, I presume, even though you told him in your letters?’

  ‘I told him about my work but I’ve never mentioned the letters.’ She shrugged, trying to appear indifferent to her pain. ‘It’s not worth it now. It’s no longer important.’

  ‘Good. You’re probably right to forget about it,’ he agreed. ‘Any projects in this area?’ he asked. His question was casual enough, but Kate sensed a deeper motive than just curiosity, but her own desire to tell him about some of her projects made her fail to challenge him.

  ‘I’ve worked on several through the Mombasa office, but I doubt I will ever see the results of all my efforts—everything is too long-term.’ She sighed. It was sometimes so hard to put such effort into a project and yet see nothing for it.

  ‘Maybe you could do with a change—quick turnovers, instant profits, results at the end of each day?’ he encouraged, sensing her despair. Kate shrugged; she had the satisfaction of knowing she was helping people, but the quick thrill, the sudden buzz that her father’s business could generate was not there.

  ‘I don’t know,’ she admitted. ‘I don’t even know whether I’d be able to cope with the cut and thrust now.’ There was a haunting, plaintive strain in her voice, telling of chances missed.

  Quirking a teasing grin, he eyed her. ‘Coward!’ he chided mildly.

  She bristled at his accusation, even if it was meant in jest Kate knew her limitations but she was no coward. She sometimes had to fight like a bear to get some projects off the ground.

  ‘No, I’m not,’ she retorted. ‘I’m surprised that you said that,’ she added, in a light tone to show that she was not really offended.

  ‘So there’s no chance of you joining the family business?’ Sebastian challenged, his tone serious, and Kate suddenly knew he meant that the thing she had wanted all her life was now casually being offered to her.

  ‘Is that an offer?’ she asked, trying to keep the excitement from her voice.

  ‘I feel we could certainly use someone like you now that we are to diversify.’ Sebastian’s words were persuasive and flattering, but Kate wasn’t sure.

  ‘I don’t think so—big business is no longer for me,’ she concluded, not wanting to tell him of her fears that if she worked with him she would be totally vulnerable to him again.

  ‘Why not?’

  ‘I haven’t the motivation any more.’

  ‘What motivation?’

  ‘To make money,’ she said simply, turning to face him. She scanned his angular face as he remained silent.

  ‘Do you think that’s the major concern?’ he asked after a while.

  ‘Isn’t it?’ Kate quickly rejoined.

  ‘Kate!’ He was shocked, and that took her by surprise. It wasn’t anger he was showing—he was hurt. ‘You know me better than that. I enjoy work, though not as much as your father.’ Sebastian added this last piece quickly, knowing how Kate felt about her father’s workaholic tendencies. ‘And, yes, I’d rather be a little rich than a little poor—who wouldn’t?’ he argued.

  ‘I’m sorry. You’re right; I’m afraid I’ve become a little self-righteous. It’s just that I see the results of our desire for wealth—the damage we cause,’ she told him with a heartfelt sigh.

  ‘I know, Kate; that’s why a change might do you good,’ Sebastian offered again, noting the doubt that was still present in her mind.

  ‘I’ll consider your offer. Is that all right?’ She couldn’t commit herself yet; there was too much to contemplate.

  Sebastian grasped her hand, holding it tightly but tenderly, and stroked his fingers across her smooth skin. Kate looked down, following the languid movements of his fingers.

  ‘I meant it, Kate!’ Sebastian’s smoky voice took on a slumberous warmth. ‘We could really use someone like you. You’ve an instinct for figures for a start,’ he drawled, increasing the pressure of his fingers as he spoke, and sending a shudder of longing spiralling through Kate’s body. ‘And you’ve obviously gained an excellent knowledge of Third World economics and problems.’

  ‘It would be fun working together,’ she managed, her voice coming out in an unattractive squeak as she tried to remain immune to his electric touch. Her cheeks pinkened with self-consciousness and she kept her head lowered to prevent him from seeing the effect it was having on her.

  ‘You bet!’ he agreed firmly, before adding softly, ‘I’d make sure of that.’

  His certainty unnerved her. The words were innocent enough, but there was a definite implication in them that disturbed Kate almost more than she was prepared to admit. She turned her attention back to the bush, totally aware of his hand still holding hers and accepting how good it felt. She tried to listen to the guide, tried to take an interest in the amusing antics of the wart-hogs and the beautiful scenes that were passing in front of her eyes—marvellous wildlife only feet away from her—-but her mind was concentrating on one thought alone: Sebastian. Could she work with him? How did he really feel about her? Would it be a total disaster if she returned to the family business? The questions were endless and yet there was no solution.

  They arrived at the lodges by midday, just as the sun was becoming unbearably hot. The shimmering swimming-pool that curved in an ingenious abstract shape seemed to beckon everyone.

  ‘Fancy a swim?’ asked Sebastian, inclining his head to the tempting water—not that Kate needed an invitation: she had already made up her own mind to go in.

  ‘I’ll be down in less than five minutes,’ she nodded, snatching up her case and taking the stairs two at a time. In her room, she pulled the swimsuit from her case and viewed it doubtfully; she couldn’t imagine now what had possessed her to buy such a revealing outfit—it left little to the imagination.

  But the sound of splashing water that came through the open French windows made her throw caution to the wind. She quickly shed her clothes and pulled on her vivid orange costume. Lightly she ran her fingers over the sleek Lycra material; the highcut legs emphasised her slim hips and flat stomach, before her shape rounded up and out to her firm, erect breasts which the costume’s plunging neckline revealed—far more than she wanted! She pulled at the straps but it made little difference—the costume kept springing back to its original shape. There was only one thing for it; she had to be in the water before Sebastian, so she raced downstairs quickly and made her way to the pool.

  She dived neatly in. The rush of cold water that covered her was wonderful, waking every part of her. She surfaced, catching hold of the side of the pool before pushing back her hair till it was smooth against her head. Her face was shown to perfection: her wide, bright eyes with their pensive depths, the softness of her golden skin and the fullness of her mouth as her lips gently curled to smile at Sebastian, who had entered the pool only seconds after her. She caught his reaction—a flicker of sexual interest in her—as it flashed across his face, his pupils dilating slightly as he looked intently at her.

  ‘Race you?’ he grinned as he swam nearer. Their bodies moved slightly against each other in the cool waters and his thighs momentarily touched hers. Kate was aware of his closeness and her own desire to move even nearer to him; she was enjoying the sensation he was arousing and could feel his response to her.

  ‘Don’t be childish,’ she pretended to scold him, not wanting to destroy the dangerous but exciting atmosphere that was bubbling up between them.

  ‘Frightened you’ll lose?’ The challenge was bright in his dark eyes as they dropped from her face to the soft cleavage of her breasts. Kate followed his gaze, her blood heating and rushing through her veins.

  ‘No, I was always a better swimmer than you and I’ve youth on my sid
e,’ she said playfully.

  ‘Rubbish!’ he cried, raising his hand to tuck a stray lock of hair behind her ear. Kate sucked in her breath. It was one thing teasing, quite another touching, and she felt her insides melt. She instinctively moved her head to avoid his touch but instead it made his fingers caress her cheek.

  ‘I thought you would outgrow your competitive streak,’ she said quickly, trying to hide the depth of feeling he was stirring in her.

  ‘Never!’ he vowed. ‘But if you’re chicken…?’ he teased her.

  Kate needed no further goading; besides, she wanted to put some distance between them, to escape to safety.

  ‘Go!’ she said, and she set off, cutting through the water and racing for the other end of the pool with dogged determination. She could hear Sebastian gaining on her and pushed herself even further; her heart soared as her hand slapped down on the far side of the pool.

  ‘Winner!’ she panted, her breath coming out in an exhausted whisper.

  ‘Cheat!’ complained Sebastian, laughing, his white teeth gleaming against his bronzed skin, which dripped with water.

  ‘You’re just a sore loser,’ Kate grinned, her breath steadying now but her heart still thudding painfully against her chest as their bodies were pushed together with the force of water, their legs becoming momentarily tangled.

  ‘You started before me,’ he reminded her.

  ‘Only just’

  ‘Precisely,’ he said as he pushed her head firmly under the water. Kate kicked frantically before choking her way back to the surface. She stretched her hand out, determined to exact revenge and duck Sebastian, but he was much too quick for her. He trapped her wrists in a tight grip, drawing her close so that their wet bodies slammed against each other. Taken by surprise, Kate had no time to draw away from the inevitable kiss—not that she would have done; she ached for him! He lowered his mouth to hers and she reached to meet his lips. The intensity of their kiss deepened and the gnawing hunger that needed to be satiated threatened to overwhelm them. Kate was afraid of losing control so she reluctantly drew back, pushing Sebastian away. Her expression tightened as the excitement of the moment began to subside. She looked at him, the doubts and fears and confusion shining out in her eyes.

  ‘I think I’ll get out now,’ she told him, turning away, her voice as shaky as her limbs as she climbed out of the pool.

  He watched her. She could feel his heated gaze on her back and she was conscious again of the figure-hugging style of her swimsuit. It was like history repeating itself. All the old emotions were rushing up, hitting her head and heart full-on, and she could do nothing to prevent it. She wasn’t even sure she wanted to. The offer of working for the family firm only compounded her problems. She longed to work in her father’s company but she had real commitment to her charity. Besides, was it wise to consider working so closely with Sebastian? Was she reading too much into his kisses? She had made a fool of herself once before like that and wasn’t about to do so again.

  Back in her room, Kate stood under the shower, letting the warm water cover her body, washing away the tension that was tightening every strained nerve in her body. She knew she could no longer fool herself, despite all her promises; the simple fact was that she loved him, had always loved him and no doubt always would. The realisation filled her more with a sick feeling of dread than joy, and she dressed with a heavy heart

  The sharp rap on the door startled her, breaking into her thoughts. She opened it, surprised to see Sebastian. He normally waited downstairs for her.

  ‘Come in,’ she gasped. ‘I won’t be a minute.’ She walked over to the dressing-table, applied her lipstick, then picked up her bag and room-key. ‘Ready!’ She smiled brightly. She was dreading this evening and was glad that they would be driving back to Mombasa tomorrow. She didn’t know how much longer she could take being in his company in this relaxed way.

  The hotel’s restaurant was already busy, with waiters moving agilely between tables, producing plates of delicious food with a flourish. Kate sat down, toying nervously with her napkin. It was too intimate—the low lights, the flickering flames of candlelight and the soft music that wafted on the sweet-scented night air.

  ‘I’ve ordered champagne,’ Sebastian announced, his voice holding a warmth that made her stomach flip.

  ‘Champagne?’ she queried. ‘Are we celebrating?’

  ‘Yes, we are,’ he said, taking the bottle from the bucket at the side of the table and expertly wrapping a cloth around it in one graceful swirl. ‘Your return to the family business.’ He filled her glass. Kate watched the bubbles rise to a foamy white top before picking up the glass and tasting it—it was delicious!

  ‘I haven’t said I will yet,’ she parried, flicking the top of her tongue over her softly parted lips. She was conscious of the tension that had sprung between them.

  ‘But you will,’ he coaxed, a wicked gleam in his eyes. Kate gave him a faintly amused look, her eyebrows rising.

  ‘Will I?’ she challenged him, warming to the easy banter.

  ‘Of course! I can be very persuasive.’ His voice was taking on a low, sexy growl.

  ‘Really?’ Kate came back, peeping at him over the rim of her crystal glass, sending out messages that she knew he would respond to.

  ‘Let’s eat,’ he replied, grinning, settling back as a plate full of delicately cut pieces of charcoal-cooked chicken was put before him.

  ‘The wine and food have been marvellous, haven’t they?’ Kate commented. ‘Far better than I would have imagined possible,’ she said, popping a tiny sliver of fresh coconut into her mouth.

  ‘Not to mention the quality of the beer,’ he reminded her with a laugh.

  Kate coloured and confessed sheepishly, as she recalled her behaviour, ‘Those beers are deadly.’

  ‘So it would seem,’ Sebastian teased in that familiar way that made her legs weaken.

  The meal was lovely and Kate enjoyed it, despite the slight tension that tightened her stomach.

  ‘Would you care to dance?’ Sebastian said when they had finished, putting down his coffee-cup and looking at her with a quizzical expression. She hesitated for a moment, knowing how deadly his proximity could be.

  ‘Of course,’ she agreed, pushing back her chair.

  The music was slow—too slow, Kate thought; it forced their bodies to move in a seductive harmony and she was too aware of the way her own mutinous body seemed to push against his hips. In her head she wanted to dance apart, to move around in a fast, uncluttered way that would not enforce any intimacy. But Sebastian swayed to and fro, gently taking her with him, their bodies pressed up against each other and her soft breasts resting on his hard, muscular chest. The music never seemed to end and Kate wasn’t even sure she wanted it to. It seemed so natural, their bodies moving like a well-orchestrated ballet, dancing with a familiarity that only served to awaken other, latent desires.

  ‘I’m enjoying this, aren’t you?’ murmured Sebastian.

  Kate knew he could sense her reluctance to let go. He pressed his hand into her back, drawing her even closer while moving his hips against her till Kate gave a small cry of shock and pleasure.

  ‘Kate,’ he whispered, her name like a lover’s incantation on his lips, and his body melted into hers. She reached out for him; her hands smoothed over his shoulders, her fingers speaking all the emotions she felt without breaking the magic of the silence with pointless words. She didn’t know how it happened—it just did. One minute they were on the dance-floor, the next they were taking the stairs to her room. It felt so right. Gone were any last lingering doubts. She knew he wanted her, saw her as an equal. This was the moment she had dreamed of and it seemed so natural.

  A cool breeze blew through the opened window and yellow moonlight spilt across the floor. She turned to face him and as the door clicked closed they moved into each other’s arms, then fell on to the bed.

  The bright light of a new day poured through the unshuttered windows and fell acros
s the love-tossed sheets. The fine mosquito net cast a shimmering shadow on the two tightly entwined bodies that were curled up against each other, locked in a lovers’ embrace.

  Kate stirred, stretching a little. She raised her head and let her cheek nuzzle against the dark patch of tight curls that covered Sebastian’s chest. She leaned into his solidness, enjoying the feel of his naked body against hers, delighting in its supple strength. He moved, pulling her in closer and wrapping a possessive arm around her waist. Kate shifted round so that she could see his face, perhaps to read the regret that she was afraid might be in his eyes. But when she turned to meet his dark blue gaze she wondered at the love she saw there. She lifted her hands to the wide expanse of his shoulders, her hips grazing his, sparking the flame of desire.

  ‘I love you,’ she whispered, her voice coming out in a sexy whisper, She ran her fingers through his hair, inhaling the fresh smell of him. Her smile held a measure of insecurity as he seemed unprepared to reaffirm the words that had sprung so readily to his lips last night.

  But, ‘I love you too,’ he suddenly murmured, his lips gently moving across hers, then ranging lower across her neck and throat Feeling a fresh surge of desire, Kate encircled his body with her arms, her fingers seeking and searching, exploring every inch of him, carefully storing each minute detail in her mind and heart. She had longed to hear those words; she couldn’t remember a time in her life when she hadn’t longed for them. This was her dream come true. It was almost unbelievable.

  She started to stroke his hair, smoothing it back from his face so that she could see every inch of him, to reassure herself that he was here with her and in love. He began to stroke her thigh, sending a spiral of excitement through her slightly trembling body. His movements were slow, carefully light, arousing her to dizzy heights. He trailed a delicate row of kisses over her shoulders, then lower till he reached the swelling peak of her breast. Kate gave a gasp of pure pleasure, before her breath was trapped in a vortex of delight. She fell on to her back, her arms reaching out and pulling him towards her. She sank her fingers deep into his broad shoulders, clinging to him as she soared higher and higher into heightened passion.


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