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Superstition Page 3

by Veronica Blake


  “Hello there.”

  The two women turned in unison to look in the direction of the unexpected greeting. Dawn glanced at Chloe and was surprised to see she was smiling and didn’t seem worried in the least about the approach of the two strangers who were walking their way.

  “Looks like you two have been out exploring,” the taller of the two men commented as they stopped a couple feet away. He pointed at their discarded hiking gear lying beside the small fire pit. He chuckled and added, “Unless you’re looking for a gold mine?”

  Chloe’s response was quick. “Oh, hardly.” She chuckled as she ran her fingers through the long medium brown hair hanging loosely over her shoulders. “Nope, we’re just here to get some fresh air and exercise.” She gave a nonchalant shrug, adding, “How about you guys? Are you seekers or hikers?”

  “Both,” the same man replied. “Oh, excuse my manners. I’m Anton Two Moons and this is my brother, Rafael Two Moons.”

  For the first time since they had arrived, Dawn let her gaze raise up to the face of the man who was doing all the talking. From beneath the wide brim of his tan straw cowboy hat, dark shimmering eyes locked with her gaze for an instant before she was able to look away. There was no denying he was a gorgeous man, but the sense of uneasiness and the heavy knot in the pit of her stomach distracted her thoughts from this man’s good looks.

  “Nice to meet you,” Chloe replied, seemingly unaware of Dawn’s apprehension over encountering strangers up here in this isolated area.

  She twisted her body in a flirty motion Dawn had never seen her do before now.

  “I’m Chloe Webster and this is my friend, Dawn Malone. We’re both teachers in Apache Junction.”

  Rafael Two Moons chuckled, then added as he glanced at his brother, “Wow, the teachers didn’t look like this when we were in school, did they?”

  Wow, that’s original, Dawn thought. She lost count of how many men used that line since she had become a school teacher after graduating from college a few years ago. But Chloe was giggling like a teenager who had never heard it.

  Tossing her hair back over one of her shoulders in a teasing manner, Chloe then hooked her thumbs in the belt loops of her low-rise blue jeans. “So, you’re hunting for the Lost Dutchman, no doubt?” she asked. “I’ve heard some people still believe it exists.”

  Dawn cast her friend a curious glance. Looking for the Lost Dutchman’s Gold Mine was practically a national past time in this part of Arizona. What did it matter if these men knew what they were doing here? She turned back toward the two men as she studied each of them and waited for their reaction to Chloe’s comment about the gold mine.

  They were undoubtedly Native American, around the same age as she and Chloe were, and to say they were both handsome guys would be an understatement. They were taller and leaner than many of the Native Americans Dawn had met since moving here, and their regal features were framed by long flowing locks of shiny thick black hair.

  The taller of the two men—the one she locked gazes with—wore the straw cowboy hat and the other man had a folded red bandana tied around his forehead like a headband. Dressed casually, both men wore jeans, dark T-shirts and hiking boots that looked almost brand new. Their backpacks did not appear to be filled with much gear, so she figured they most likely lived somewhere in the area and were just camping for one night.

  And luckily, they seemed oblivious to Chloe’s little white lie.

  “Well, whether or not it exists, we enjoy hiking around in these old mountains,” Anton replied as he glanced around at the rapidly darkening countryside. “We have a favorite spot we’ve been camping at since we were children and it’s not too far from here. It’s always fun to imagine we might stumble onto a pot of gold or something.”

  “Really?” Chloe glanced toward the trail. “I wasn’t aware there were more campsites any farther up?”

  Dawn noticed a strange expression flash across Anton Two Moons’ face, but it was quickly replaced by smile. “You must know this area quite well?” He directed all his attention toward Chloe.

  “I was raised in the area, so yeah, I guess I know these mountains pretty well.” She looked at Dawn and motioned with her hand. “But my friend just moved here from Colorado, so I’m just showing her some of the local countryside.”

  Dawn’s gaze moved to back to Anton’s face. He was smiling at her. She was struck by how white his teeth looked in contrast to his smooth bronze-hued skin.

  “Welcome to Arizona,” he said in a polite tone. He did not let his gaze linger as he turned toward his brother. “We should let these lovely ladies get settled in for the night. We still have to set up camp.”

  “In the dark,” Rafael added with a chuckle. “Oh well, it won’t be the first time or the last.” He waved goodbye and added, “Maybe we’ll see you girls on the trail tomorrow.”

  “I hope so,” Chloe replied as she gave an enthusiastic wave back.

  Dawn attempted to be social, in spite of the nervousness she could not ignore. “Nice to meet you both,” she called out.

  “You, too,” Anton Two Moons answered. He did not look directly at either of the women again as he turned to follow his brother out of the camp.

  “I hope you don’t think I’m terrible for not admitting why we are here?” Chloe said as soon as the men were out of earshot. “It’s just easier that way.”

  “No worries,” Dawn answered. She wasn’t up for discussing the Lost Gold Mine with those two mysterious strangers, either.

  “Well, I have a whole new appreciation for the Indian Nation,” Chloe said with a giggle. “I wouldn’t mind meeting them on the trail or anywhere else, for that matter.”

  “For sure,” Dawn said with way more enthusiasm than she felt. There was no denying both men were probably the most attractive men she ever met, and there was a dangerous and sensual aura about them that only increased their appeal. Anton Two Moons, with his towering frame and perfectly chiseled features looked like he could be in the movies, and his brother, Rafael Two Moons was equally as good-looking. So, why did she feel so uncomfortable around them?


  Mateo Two Moons leaned back against the rock and stared out into the dusky countryside. He was at a loss for words. Dawn, Udaya, in his Apache language, was more beautiful than he could have imagined with her long blonde hair trailing past the middle of her back and her delicate pale coloring. For so long he had tried to picture what she would look like, but he never expected his mate would have blonde hair and be fair-skinned. None of the other men in his vampire Blood Clan had a blonde mate. She would be the only one in the entire village. And she would belong to him for eternity.

  “Happy now, Brother?” Anton whispered.

  Mateo fought to gain control of the multitude of emotions he was feeling at this moment. He had memorized every inch of her while he watched from his hiding place as his brothers spoke to the two women. Tonight, Dawn Malone—his mate—was wearing her naturally blonde hair pulled into a loose ponytail at the back of her head, and in the waning light the pale wispy strands hanging loose around her beautiful face were shining like a halo of moonbeams. Faded jeans, with a frayed hole in one knee, hugged the slight curves of her narrow hips, and a simple white T-shirt pulled snug across the perfect swell of her breasts completed her casual outfit.

  He already knew the way her firm body and soft silken skin felt under those unassuming clothes. She had been under his hypnotic vampire influence and in a dream-like state when he visited her in her sleeping bag last night and held her in his arms and touched her intimately for the first time.

  Her eyelids fluttered open long enough for him to glimpse the unique hue of her eyes, and his keen sight had been able to tell they were hazel-colored. But to Mateo the pale brown orbs reminded him of the sand and the flecks of jade that sparkled in their depths were like the deep green cacti that decorated the desert with beauty and wonder. Even her scent reminded him of the fresh clean aura of the
Yucca that blooms in early summer, but only releases its scent as darkness descends each night.

  One of his own dreams had also come true last night; to see and spend some time with his mate while she was still in her human world—as a real one—the term his vampire clan called her kind. Originally, he thought he only needed a few extra moments with her before he made her his mate for all eternity. But in the moment when he tasted that first drop of her sweet blood as he bit the tender spot at the base of her hairline, he also realized there was something else he desperately needed before he followed the rituals of his clan and claimed her in every way…body, mind, and soul.

  He had been overcome with a sense of excitement and confusion by this sudden new revelation and the possibilities of what it could mean if his impulsive plan was successful. Although he had no desire to tamper with their ultimate destinies, he knew he had to find a way to change the archaic customs of his people, and the traditions that had been in place since the beginning of their time. He was prepared to tempt fate in his quest to find a way to live with Dawn Malone in her human world, if only for a while, before he took her to live as his mate in his world forever.

  Seeing her tonight as she spoke to his two older brothers convinced him even further that he was going to make this plan work. Before he took her to the top of the mountain for the rest of all time, he would know every one of her human desires, and he would fulfill each and every one.

  “Yes, I’m more than happy now,” Mateo finally answered as his mind filled with the beautiful images of the future.

  Chapter Three

  Dawn just wanted to get a restful night’s sleep. That didn’t seem like too much to ask, did it? But she worried about having another explicit dream that seemed far too real to be merely a dream, or even worse, having a horrific nightmare about the malevolence lurking in these mountains that would feel as real as the sensuous dream. Either way, it could mean another miserable night.

  The minute she snuggled into the downy comfort of her sleeping bag, her tired lids closed. And it began much the same as it had last night.

  The man was lying beside her in her sleeping bag again. The small confines of the tight space were suffocating in the heat of the desert night. His mouth immediately engaged her lips with demanding kisses.

  She felt one of his hands move down past the waistband of her sweatpants. That same wandering hand caressed her firm stomach as it made its way lower. She squirmed against the man’s taut form as wondrous sensations bolted through her entire body. His mere touch was unlike any she had known before.

  She raised her arms up and placed her hands on the sides of his face. His skin felt smooth to her touch. It was too dark to make out his features, but she sensed it was a face nearly perfect to look upon.

  Her hands moved up to his hairline. His hair was long…way past his shoulders. The texture was heavy and full. Her fingers became lost in the infusion of his luxurious locks. From the tips of her fingers to the ends of her toes she thrilled to the image of how this glorious head of hair must look surrounding the flawless face she pictured in her mind.

  By now his fingers had pushed her panties out of the way and he was gently massaging the soft feminine folds of her clit. The sweet agony he was inducing escaped in a breathy moan from her lips as he began to work two fingers into her eager pussy. She arched her hips upward and pressed against him like she had last night in an open invitation. Surely tonight he would do more than tease and taunt her to the brink of sexual insanity.

  His lips were kissing along the side of her neck, over her shoulder and down along the inside of her arm while she was distracted with the delicious activities in her lower regions. She was slightly surprised to realize his mouth was now kissing her wrist when a quick sharp pain in that area surprised her. She involuntarily flinched. But the man held her wrist against his lips, sucking lightly, as a sweet tempestuous satisfaction began to fill Dawn with euphoria. She could only equate this wondrous sensation to making love for the first time as a virgin. First, the uncertainty, a brief moment of pain, then pleasure; and lastly, a longing for more and more and more.

  Dawn had never been so glad to see the sun rising in her entire life. It had been a long torturous night in some ways, and not nearly long enough in others. This latest dream—once again so real it was hard to believe it had only been a dream—could have lasted all night and she wouldn’t have minded. But it was much too short, and once the dream was over, she woke up drenched in sweat and with a deep ache between her legs. Wet dreams. Two nights in a row? This was just sad.

  If she didn’t know better, she would swear the sexy manly scent of the stranger in her dreams still clung to the material of her sleeping bag and the lingering remnants of his touch left its heated mark everywhere on all the intimate parts of her body where his exploring hands had traipsed.

  With a weary sigh, she pushed herself up on one elbow to look around. The hazy gray light of early morning glowed outside the cave and afforded a tiny bit of light underneath the overhang. Only a mass of tangled brown hair from Chloe’s head was exposed at the end of her sleeping bag. She didn’t think Chloe had moved all night. Obviously, she was worn out from the long tedious hike they had been on yesterday.

  Dawn was exhausted, too, both from the hike, and now, from lack of sleep, thanks to those stupid dreams. She seriously needed to either get laid, or get mental help. A vibrator might have come in handy last night. The unexpected thought made her snort with disgust. It was going to be a really long day.

  “How long have you been awake?” Chloe asked in a sleepy voice. She pushed her sleeping bag away from her face and rolled over to look at Dawn. Rubbing at her sleep-swollen eyes, she yawned loudly.

  Her body jerked in surprise at the sound of Chloe’s voice breaking into her thoughts of shameless self-pleasure. A hot flush flared through her cheeks. She cleared her throat and once again attempted to sound normal. “Since about ten last night.”

  Chloe pushed her sleeping bag away from her upper body and looked at her friend with a curious glance. “Weren’t we just going to bed about ten last night?”

  “Probably.” Dawn chuckled. “I fell asleep, I think, but then I woke up almost immediately. I couldn’t go back to sleep after that.”

  “All night?” Chloe sat up and kicked her bag away from the lower part of her body. The sun wasn’t even fully up yet, and the temperature was promising to be another blistering day. “That really sucks.”

  “Tell me about it,” she moaned. Those seriously kinky dreams did suck, and not entirely in a bad way. Ugh. It was definitely time for some Sluts R Us action. She pushed herself up to a sitting position. Unconsciously, she rubbed at the tender spot on her wrist. Although it was not light enough for her to see anything, she determined a spider or bug must have taken up residence in her sleeping bag. The sore spot on her wrist felt a bit swollen and tender like the spot behind her ear.

  Wait? Wasn’t there something in her dream last night involving her wrist? Her mind drew a blank and she was too tired to dwell on the hazy images in her head. “I’m gonna be a total zombie all day,” she added as she tried to push the bizarre dreams, along with the worry about a poisonous spider or bug bite, out of her mind.

  “We don’t have to hike again today. I don’t mind heading back to town early.”

  Dawn couldn’t stop the sense of relief that caused her to exhale a big sigh. “Really? Are you sure? I mean, I don’t really mind hiking more today since we’re here. But I must admit I’m pretty beat.”

  Chloe shrugged and squinted in the dull light as she focused her gaze on Dawn’s face. “I’m not really up to it, either. And if you don’t mind me saying it, you look like crap. Are you okay?”

  Dawn chuckled. “Well, thanks.” Unconsciously, she traced her fingertips over her inflamed lips. “I’m good, really,” she lied. “Maybe lack of sleep is just making me weirder than usual.”

  “Well, in case you haven’t noticed, I’m a little weird myself. G
uess that’s why we became friends so quickly.” Chloe snickered. “Seriously, though, I think we should just head home early today. I’m just so damned disappointed we didn’t find anything new yesterday.”

  “I’m sorry,” Dawn answered. She had been so distracted with her own issues of uneasiness and horny musings; she had forgotten what this trip obviously meant to Chloe. “I was hoping I would bring you good luck. I know how important it is to you and your family to find that gold mine.”

  Chloe crawled to the edge of the little alcove they were sheltered under and stared up at the distant peaks of the mountains overhead. The last of the gray haze was fading as the sun was just starting to cast a brilliant golden glow across the highest summits. They looked as shimmery as the gold she had been hoping to find for all these years.

  “For some silly reason I had been more optimistic than usual about finding the gold mine this time.” She put her open palm against her chest and gave a heavy sigh. “I had this feeling something really important was going to happen this weekend.”

  Her gaze wandered out toward the direction they hiked the day before as she added, “It’s not even about the gold or becoming rich. I just want to prove that stupid gold mine really does exist. My dad has become very ill recently, and he can’t hike these mountains anymore. There’s nothing I want more than to find the gold mine for him.”

  A heavy sadness filled her voice and echoed into the mournful expression on her face. “He’s been searching for it his entire life, and my grandfather and great-grandfather before him. I can’t stand the thought of another member of our family dying without knowing—” her voice faded away. She shrugged her shoulders and slumped down. “Maybe it’s time we all just gave it up and accepted the fact it’s just a crazy old make-believe fantasy.”


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