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Wreck Page 13

by Ashlynn Pearce

  “This thing working?”

  The crowd roared. Adrenaline rushed through his veins.

  “We’re gonna start off a little differently tonight. Hope you don’t mind.”

  When Thrand clicked his sticks together three times, Ethan heard Cassie’s shriek over the noise.

  Nothing like starting off with a classic heavy rock song on Honky Tonk Row. He poured everything he had into each lyric. Every song they chose was picked to make them stand out. Every song he sang was like slicing a part of himself open. He reveled in the crowd and the way they pumped their fists in time to the beat.

  Their originals mixed their country roots and heavy metal flair, and Ethan could really care less if anyone liked them. Glancing at the guys, he knew they felt it too. Something about the way they meshed together on their own stuff made the covers seem a poor substitute.


  Shelby couldn’t believe how crazy the bar was. The boys were signing their names like rocks stars. The crowd was so thick she ended up behind the bar helping Angel pass out beers. She could barely catch her breath when Ethan hopped on stage and smiled at her. The click of Thrand’s sticks had Cassie jumping on the bar. Shelby knew this was her song, but even as the band played their hearts out, Cassie gained as much attention as the band with her flying blonde hair. Not that she’d ever notice. That girl was so into Thrand she never saw anyone else.

  Shelby was no better. No one could compare to Ethan.

  His voice was something to hear. His body something to feel. Her pulse jumped, and her body burned. He held out his arm on a long note, and she knew each line of defined muscle. She knew those hands that gripped that mic, and she knew those fingers oh-so-well when he pointed to the crowd.

  She gripped a cold bottle of beer and pressed her legs together.

  Holy kit and caboodle…she was in lust with him—not love. No. She couldn’t even begin to go there yet. But she would admit she had a deep, deep lust. All the way to her core, which currently panted for the six foot five tatted up hottie on stage.

  “Shelby? You okay?”

  Overheated and flushed, she looked at David, one of the regulars, set his beer in front of him, and lied. “Of course.”

  It was too loud and busy for conversation, not that she could think very coherently when Ethan pulled off his shirt. The place erupted with girl screams. A tiny part of her wished he wouldn’t do that, but even she could admit it was stifling in here.

  A few hours later, the band had quit playing, but fans still had them occupied. She and Angel were cleaning up the mess behind the bar. The rest of the girls were clearing off tables littered with bottles and cups.

  “That was pretty crazy,” David said.

  “So glad it’s slowing down.” She glanced up at him and blew out a tired breath.

  “I don’t know how we can handle a bigger crowd,” Angel said as she washed out some glasses. “We were already over capacity.”

  “You think the boys will have to quit playing here?” Shelby paused as she wiped down the bar.

  “It’s possible. Or maybe sell tickets.” Angel flashed one of her rare smiles.

  “So what are you doing when you get off? Want to go grab a bite to eat?” David asked.

  Shelby assumed he was talking to Angel, but when she looked up, David stared at her.

  She shoved back a piece of her hair and tried to figure out how to answer that. Technically, she wasn’t with Ethan, but she didn’t want to be with anyone else. David was cute and normal. He had a ranch somewhere just outside the city limits. No dark shadows lurked in his blue eyes and had she not met Ethan, she might have taken him up on his offer.

  “Think I’m just going to go home,” she finally managed.

  Shelby looked over at Ethan, and his gaze met hers. A flush crept up her neck as he started her way. His shirt still hung from his back pocket, and she couldn’t stop watching how his body moved. Her mouth went dry, her palms got sweaty, and that fluttering started low and spread like wildfire.

  He leaned across the bar, grabbed the back of her neck, and kissed her. His lips teased and tugged, and the rest of the world fell away. It was all she could do not to climb over the bar to get closer. His pull on her was so strong, she kissed him again when he would have pulled back.

  His low chuckle vibrated down her spine. “Been wanting to do that all night.”

  He let her go, and she had to brace her hands on the bar to keep from falling. He winked then walked back to the stage to help the guys tear down their set.

  “Answers that question.” David shoved back his beer, looked at Ethan, then back at her. “I didn’t take you for the type to hook up with him. Actually thought you were smarter than that.”

  Baffled at his words and still humming from Ethan’s kiss, she blurted, “Don’t assume you know anything. Type has nothing to do with it.”

  David got up. “It doesn’t take a genius to figure out they’re going to hit it big. Think you can handle everything that comes with that, little girl?”

  Shelby stuttered as he walked off and out the door. She looked at Angel who amazingly enough looked surprised. “You really think they will?”

  “They might. I didn’t really think so before. But after tonight, who knows.” Angel tossed a towel in the sink and crossed her arms. “I’ve known Thrand and Ryan for years and watched them in bands off and on all this time. Nothing ever stuck. These four click.”

  Angel turned toward her, her eyes stormy. “Ethan hasn’t been in our life that long. Don’t hurt him.”

  Shelby pulled back. “I wouldn’t hurt him. How could I?”

  “Because he looks at you like Thrand looks at Cassie.” Her eyes clouded, and she walked off to the back.

  That had Shelby catching her breath while she watched Cassie throw herself into Thrand’s arms. Angel had to be seeing things.

  She and Ethan were…what exactly?

  Ethan followed her on his bike as they headed to her house. It gave her time alone to think about Angel’s little bomb. So instead focusing on the rearview mirror and the rumble of his Harley behind her, she concentrated on dissecting what was happening between them. Because there was something happening, even if she didn’t know what that something was.

  She couldn’t see Ethan staying with anyone long…even her. She totally dismissed Angel’s observations. That girl was obviously still hung up on Thrand. So in her mind, she had two options. She could end it now and save herself some pain, or she could see how far this went.

  Both choices sucked.

  One thing for sure, she needed to make it clear that she would not put up with another girl in the picture. If he wanted to be with her, then he better be exclusive. Just the thought of another girl’s hands on him had her gripping her steering wheel tighter.

  She pulled her car into the garage, and he parked inside with her. There was just enough room for both. She got out and walked to her front door, Ethan not far behind.

  “That was a crazy set tonight. People were insane.”

  She didn’t respond except to mutter when the lock in the door stuck. She fumbled with it a few seconds before finally flinging it open.

  “Darlin’, you okay?”

  She dropped her purse on a side table and shoved a hand through her hair. Agitated, she turned on him.

  “What are we?”

  He stood there in his thick motorcycle boots, worn black leather jacket, hands on his hips and even with the confused expression on his face, she squelched the urge to tackle him. The man should come with a warning label or something.

  “I’m not following.”

  “Could you just…not.” She paced off into the kitchen to snatch a cold bottle of water from the fridge.

  “Shelby, did I do something wrong?”

  She would not turn around. If she looked at him, she would lose all train of thought.

  “What are we? I just…I’m confused. This,” she waved her hands around, “I’m in a place I’ve never been
. I have no idea what we’re doing.”

  She turned and really wished she hadn’t. He was right behind her, leaning back against the island. Her breath skittered as she looked up into his dark eyes. He braced his hands on the counter on either side of her and even though there was ample space between them, she couldn’t escape his scrutiny.

  “What do you want this to be?”

  She licked her lips. “I don’t know. What do you want?”

  His lips twitched, and he lowered his head. “You started this. You tell me what you want. No bullshit.”

  She searched his face for an answer, but found nothing. Her heart beat erratically as she fought the words on the tip of her tongue. Words she shouldn’t say.

  “Just say it,” he demanded. “What do you want?”

  “This is not about just me. I—”

  “Shelby, I’m warning you. Just fucking say it. I can see it on your face. You know what you want to say. Quit overthinking shit and say it.”

  “I want you to be mine.” The moment the words tumbled out, she knew she had messed up. The shock on his face would have been priceless had she not felt exactly the same.

  He crowded her, and the scent of him and leather made her dizzy. “I…I didn’t mean…”

  His hands cupped her face. “Don’t you dare take it back.”

  His lips kissed the corner of hers, and she swayed into him, her hands gripping his jacket. “Ethan, I need to know what you’re thinking.”

  “I’m thinking I’ve been yours from the moment I kissed a brown-eyed stranger, and she kissed me back.”

  Her knees gave out, and she clung to him as he moved so that her back pressed against a wall. He lifted her, and she wrapped her legs around his waist. Eye to eye, she might have to reevaluate the only lust thing, because the way he looked at her right now, she would give him anything he wanted. And maybe, just maybe, he already owned more than just her body.

  His lips were centimeters from hers when she said, “Promise me. For as long as this goes…only me. No one else.”

  “All I ever see is you.”

  His lips crashed onto hers, and her heart tumbled in, right along with her body.

  Chapter 14

  The next day, Ethan left his uncle’s and was taking the long way back to Shelby’s. She was at work, and he was in no hurry to get to her house. It was mid-September. Perfect weather for getting out and clearing his head.


  If that gig had him rattled…Shelby had him reeling.

  A hook-up had never been a problem for him, but he’d never had girls shoving numbers in his pockets like he was a candy machine. He’d thrown away handfuls of those little scraps of paper after last night’s gig. Some women had no shame.

  But all he wanted to do was kiss his girl. Ever since he’d locked lips with her, no other girl appealed to him. As soon as they gotten to her house last night, he knew something was wrong. He thought she was going to tell him to leave, having seen what those girls were doing. If the tables were turned, no way could he handle it.

  Instead of tossing him out on his ass, she’d done the unexpected. Demanding he belong to her. Only she’d never had to ask. She wasn’t just some nobody. She was something.

  His something.

  No one ever wanted him. Not his mother. Not one foster home. And certainly not a girl—unless it was for a quick fuck. He wasn’t exactly the type you took home to mama.

  Somehow, Shelby saw right through it all and even after seeing him at his worst, she wanted him. He still couldn’t get his head wrapped around it.

  As he zoomed by a building, he frowned at a familiar car. He turned around and rolled into the parking lot of Cloud Nine. Sure enough, it was the same kind of black car that brought John and Andrew to Shelby’s door. He flipped down the kickstand. In Nashville, it may just be a coincidence. Lots of rich people here, but there was only one way to find out.

  He shoved open the door to the dimly lit strip club.

  “Ethan, been a while, man,” Jasper said as he walked in. “I’ve been hearing a rumor about a band making some waves on the strip. The buzz is you’re the lead singer.”

  “The band name DirtSlap?” he asked.

  “That’s the one.”

  “Guilty. We just got together a few months ago. So far it’s been crazy.”

  “Label pick you up yet?”

  “Hell no. Had one interested, but he didn’t like my look and wanted us to stick to country. Playing metal seems to throw some peeps.”

  Jasper grunted. “That would do it. Aubrey’s here if you want to see her.”

  “Actually, I’m looking for someone. If he’s here, I got a favor to ask.”

  “Sure thing. Let me know.”

  Ethan walked the rest of the way in, and a squeal pierced the air.

  “Oh my stars, it’s been forever since I’ve seen your fine ass in here.” Dakota sauntered up to him and pulled him down so she could give him a kiss on the cheek.

  “Busy, ya know.” He smirked at the little blonde wearing nothing but tiny shorts and cowboy boots. “I’m wondering if you can help me find someone.”

  After he described Andrew, Dakota frowned. “Yup. He’s here. Got money to burn, which is the only reason why Ace and Jasper haven’t thrown him out yet. He can’t seem to keep his hands to himself.”

  “Lead the way,” Ethan replied as he kept a lid on his rising fury. Of course the fucker couldn’t keep his hands to himself. Even in a strip club, you kept your hands off the girls. Probably thought his cash could buy anything he wanted. It could in other places, but Cloud Nine kept it clean. The owner was a friend of Mick’s, so he knew firsthand.

  Andrew was seated at a table not far from the stage where Candace was doing her thing. He paused to give himself time to harness the red haze that threatened to cloud his vision. Andrew hurt Shelby. In a way no woman should ever be hurt.

  It was payback time.

  He placed his hands on Andrew’s shoulders and gripped hard enough to leave bruises. “John here with you, Andrew?”

  Andrew jerked and shoved him off. “What the hell you doing here, freak?”

  Ethan fell into a chair across from him as Aubrey walked up and slid her nails along his neck, set a beer in front of him, and sat in his lap. “Hey, Ethan, baby. You know this guy?”

  He wanted to shove her off, but he had a game to play. “Of sorts.”

  “You’re a regular here.” Andrew sneered at him.

  Ethan shrugged and took a drink of his beer. Staring into that pretty boy face, all he could see was the fear this man had instilled in his girl. The tears that had soaked his shirt.

  “Tell you what. How about we call it a truce, and I’ll set you up with the house special.”

  Aubrey looked at Ethan like he’d lost his mind.

  Andrew, the cocky bastard, said, “So you figured out how cold she was, huh?”

  Every muscle tensed, and he checked himself. He was so close to losing his shit. “Sure. Aubrey, let’s go set it up.”

  He shoved her off his lap and pulled her behind him to the office. He immediately released her and took several deep breaths. He never held himself back. And it was an act of mercy that he didn’t tear that guy apart.

  “What the hell is going on, Ethan? I know you don’t like that guy.”

  He looked at the redhead with a hand on her hip and unclenched his jaw.

  Bruce, the owner who was built like a brick shithouse, walked in and studied him. “Tell me you haven’t broken anything.”

  “Not yet. I need a favor from you.”

  So Ethan proceeded to tell Aubrey and Bruce just what kind of guy Andrew was without telling them about Shelby. He was sure they figured out it was personal as wound up as he was, but he could give them the gist of it without all the gory details.

  Bruce took care of his girls like Mick did his. So he was all in. “Fuck, he ain’t gonna know what hit him. Aubrey, fill in the veteran girls. And make sure this goes down i
n the back corner.”

  “No problem. Brilliant, E-baby.” Aubrey was all smiles as she walked out the door.

  “I’m putting bouncers within reach. You need to stay out of it.”

  Ethan looked Bruce in the eye. “Can’t guarantee that.”

  “Honest enough.”

  Ethan wandered through busy tables just as Aubrey took Andrew’s hand and led him back to the corner. The guy swayed on his feet a little. Ethan smirked. That played right into the plan. He took a seat where he could watch.

  Five girls total were alternating in giving Andrew lap dances. Then a misplaced knee and his curse. Another girl, another oops. They teased him so much, Andrew gripped one girl’s tits, which earned him a shove.

  “Hands off,” Dakota said, and Andrew cursed again as her knee did some damage.

  On it went, each girl kneeing him harder in the nuts every time. It would have been funny except it wasn’t near enough.

  “You fucking bitches,” Andrew yelled, stood, and shoved at Candace. That’s when Ace stepped up.

  “Time for you to go, buddy.”

  “I didn’t do a fucking thing. These bitches are kneeing my balls, man.”

  “Sure they were,” Jasper added.

  Andrew fought back, which only gave the bouncers a reason to be rough. They dragged him out the back door, and Ethan followed. They pulled Andrew around to a dark corner where no cameras could see what went down. The bouncers started in on him.

  “Stop. This asshole is mine.” Ethan stepped up.

  Andrew’s eyes widened. “You’re going to pay for this, you fucking freak,” Andrew spat.

  Ethan gripped Andrew by his expensive shirt, bounced him off the brick wall, and got right in his face. He gave him one of his famous smiles and was rewarded by Andrew’s paling face. “Congratulations, you just met your nightmare.”

  He unleashed on him, and Andrew tried to fight back, but his pampered lifestyle was no match for Ethan’s brutal survival skills. Two hard swings to Andrew’s jaw, and the dude crumpled like a sack of trash. He yanked him back to his feet.


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