Romancing the Ranger

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Romancing the Ranger Page 6

by Jennie Marts

  Chapter Six

  Wade’s stomach growled as he stomped into the bed and breakfast. Talk about a crappy day.

  Reese had left him to clean up their work site, and when he’d finally made it back to his office, he’d found a stack of paperwork that he’d been neglecting the past few days to help her.

  He’d thought he’d settled down, but just thinking about Brock had his chest tightening and his blood pressure skyrocketing. The nerve of that guy. What an ass. What could Reese have possibly seen in him?

  Oh, yeah. A fat paycheck, a nice house, fancy cars, designer clothes. The list was endless. And it was everything he didn’t have.

  That guy’s suit probably cost more than Wade made in a month. Why was he letting this wealthy douche-bag get to him?

  He didn’t even care about that stuff. He didn’t want to wear a suit and he damn sure didn’t need a membership to some fancy club. He was happy having a beer with the guys down at Creek’s Tavern on Friday nights.

  He worked hard, and he lived within his means. He could appreciate nice things, but he didn’t need them to feel successful.

  In fact, the first thing he did after Tawnya left was sell his truck. He used the cash to pay off one of the cards and drove around his grandpa’s old truck to alleviate another payment.

  Just thinking about Tawnya made his blood boil.

  Why am I getting involved with another woman living an expensive lifestyle? I can’t afford it, and I don’t want that type of life.

  Although Reese had specifically told him today she didn’t care that much about money or living the expensive lifestyle. Maybe she wasn’t entirely like Tawnya.

  Or maybe he’d been distracted by her full lips and thoughts of kissing her, and she just hadn’t shown her true colors yet.

  His breath came in angry puffs as he stormed into the kitchen and found his grandmother at the table cozily handing a bowl of mashed potatoes to Reese.

  That’s just great. He couldn’t even eat in peace.

  Turning to leave, he was stopped by his grandmother’s stern voice.

  “Wade Baker, you get back here and sit down. I made fried chicken for supper, and I know it’s your favorite.”

  His mouth watered at the smell of the crispy crust. Slumping into the seat across from Reese, he grudgingly accepted a plate from his grandmother.

  “I heard you had a bit of a dust-up today with Reese’s friend.” Miss Abigail scooped a heaping pile of mashed potatoes on his plate then drenched them in gravy.

  He took a bite of chicken, and his anger dissipated slightly. “You could say that. Reese’s friend is a bit of an asshole.”

  Miss Abigail whacked his hand with the ladle and flecks of gravy flew across the white tablecloth. “No swearing at the table.”

  “It’s okay,” Reese said. “Brock is an asshole.” She pulled her hand back as Gram brandished the ladle toward her.

  Wiping the gravy from his hand, Wade tipped his head to his grandmother. “Sorry, Gram. But the guy was a jerk. A lucky jerk. I really wanted to punch him in his smug face. I might have, too, if Reese hadn’t thrown a box of donuts at us.”

  Miss Abigail’s mouth dropped open, and she gaped at Reese. “You stopped a fight with a box of donuts?”

  “Yeah, nothing like getting hit in the head with a maple-iced to take the fight out of a guy.” He said the words and couldn’t help the slow grin that crossed his face.

  It was kind of funny.

  The three of them stared at each other a moment, then Gram giggled, sending all three of them into a bout of laughter.

  The tension eased, and Gram checked her watch. “Oh gosh, I need to be at a PTA meeting. I’ll just leave you two to finish up without me.” She winked at Wade then pushed back from the table, grabbed her purse, and scooted out the back door.

  Wade reached for another chicken leg. “My grandmother never was one for being good at subtlety.”

  “Yeah, I saw the wink.” Reese grinned at him. “Plus, I figured she was a little old for the PTA.”

  “Oh no, she’s really going to PTA. She’ll head over to her friend Winnie’s house where they’ll play Pinochle, Talk, and drink Amaretto Sours. It’s their thing.”

  Reese laughed.

  He liked her laugh. He liked the way her smile lit up her whole face. He liked her. And that was the problem.

  He just simply liked being around her.

  So why did this have to be such a problem? Why couldn’t they just hang out together and have a good time? Maybe he was letting his bias against females and money cloud his judgment of Reese.

  Had he really even given her a chance? It couldn’t hurt to just spend some time getting to know her. Could it?

  He leaned back in his chair, regarding her. “So, what do you like to do for fun, Ms. Hudson?”

  She narrowed her eyes as if she wasn’t sure if he was serious or giving her a hard time. “Not much. I’m fairly boring. Most nights I read, watch a movie, or take my dog for a walk. Or sometimes I get crazy and do all three in one night.”

  He grinned. “That does sound pretty crazy.”

  Although his idea of a crazy night with her was something completely different.

  “How about you? What do you like to do for fun?”

  It sounded as if she added just the teeniest bit of tease to that question, but he couldn’t tell for sure. Maybe it was just his own thoughts going into overdrive. “I guess I like to tinker around my grandpa’s garage, hike, get out and enjoy nature, and I spend a fair amount of time fishing. Have you ever been?”

  “Fishing? No, but lately I’ve decided that I need to try more new things.”

  “Yeah? I was thinking about doing a little night fishing after supper. Want to come along?”

  “Sure. I’d love to go fishing with you.”


  What the hell had she been thinking?

  I’d love to go fishing with you?

  She thought he was flirting with her. Like fishing was some kind of code for making out.

  No, he’d really meant fishing. Like, for actual fish.

  She swatted at a mosquito as she trudged through a pasture of waist-high grass carrying a smelly box. At least the view was good.

  In the dim light of the moon, she kept her eyes trained on Wade’s cute butt as they crossed the meadow behind the bed and breakfast.

  “It’s right up here.” Wade unhooked the latch of a gate and held it open for her.

  She stepped through the gate and gasped as she took in the charming setting. Cottonwood trees surrounded a small lake that dazzled in the moonlight, the chirping of crickets the only sound in the still night. “It’s beautiful.”

  “Yeah, it is.” Wade took her hand and pulled her out on the short dock where a rowboat was tethered. He climbed into the boat, setting the poles down first, then reached to help her step in.

  She loved the feel of his hand on her back as he guided her into the boat. He was so at ease as he unhooked the rope and sat down on the bench across from her.

  She liked this Wade. This happy guy that liked to fish. She liked his easy smile and the way his hair fell over his forehead. And she really liked the way his muscled arms flexed and tightened as he rowed the boat into the middle of the lake.

  In fact, a few of her parts were tightening inside as she watched him move back and forth in the seat with the rhythmic pull of the oars.

  Suddenly fishing didn’t seem so bad.

  He stopped the boat in the middle of the lake then instructed her to carefully turn sideways on the bench seat. He eased onto the seat behind her, straddling the bench with his legs, and nestling her bottom against him, then handed her a fishing pole. With his arms around her from behind, he helped her thread a worm onto the hook and toss the line into the water.

  In any other instance, a gooey bloody worm being strung on a hook would probably have grossed her out completely. But she didn’t even notice.

  All she could focus on was the way his t
highs tightened against hers as he moved and the way his breath felt against her neck as he concentrated on the hook.

  She turned to look up at him, squirming a little against him. “Aren’t you going to fish?”

  She didn’t mean for her voice to come out quite so breathy. It was just that she didn’t seem to have any breath left. Seeing his eyes go soft and his slow sexy grin seemed to have taken it all away.

  “I’m happy to watch you.” He cleared his throat. “Watch you fish, I mean. This way I can help you if you catch one.”

  Turning in the seat, she pulled her leg across the bench so she was facing him. She knew her hip grazed against him with the movement and reveled in the quick intake of his breath.

  Where had this brazen little minx come from?

  Her goal had been to turn over a new leaf, to take control of her decisions, her actions, her life. She was ready. In the still of the night, on a glassy lake sprinkled with stars and moonlight.

  She couldn’t have imagined a more romantic setting. Except for the whole fishing pole with a dead bloody worm on the end, it was almost perfect.

  This was what she deemed a moment. An instant where time stands still and everything feels exactly right. She was going for it.

  She rested one hand on Wade’s muscled chest and traced his jawline with her other. Saying nothing, she was sure he could hear the fierce pounding of her heart in the quiet night.

  He stiffened but didn’t pull back.

  She couldn’t tear her gaze from his and leaned closer, gently grazing her lips against his. Sliding her hand up his chest, she cupped his neck, drawing his mouth closer to hers.

  Hesitating, she felt him hold back, as if trying to decide if this was a good idea or not, but only for a second, then his arm slid around her waist and pulled her tight against him.

  His mouth crushed hers in a kiss filled with desire and hunger.

  She kissed him back, matching his passion, lost in the heat of the moment.

  The fishing pole clattered to the floor of the boat then both of his hands were on her, touching, squeezing, caressing her body.

  Crazed with a desire to get closer to him, she lifted his T-shirt, and he leaned back and yanked it off.

  Grasping the hem of her shirt, he pulled it over her head and tossed it in the bottom of the boat. He dipped his head, grazing the tops of her breasts with his lips as his fingers easily unclasped her bra and slid it off.

  Holy mother. She’d never done anything so bold in her life.

  She was half naked in the middle of a lake, and she couldn’t care less.

  The only thing she did care about was getting closer to this man. She arched her back and pressed tighter against him, clutching his muscled forearms as he took her pert nipple between his lips.

  A soft moan escaped her lips, and she was lost.

  Lost in his touch, in the caress of the warm summer night’s air against her skin, lost in the moment of pure bliss. Of the pleasure of a man’s lust as he desired her.

  A whirring sound filled the air, and his hands froze on her back.

  “Holy crap! You got a fish!” He scrambled on the floor of the boat for the fishing pole, grabbed it and reeled in the line. “Grab that net.”


  She was half naked and sitting between his legs, and he wanted her to help him catch a fish?

  She looked up at him and had to grin at the huge smile on his face. He was really excited about that fish.

  “Come on, baby. It’s a big one. Hurry, get the net, before he gets away!” He stood up in the boat, coaxing the line as he braced his legs on either side of the bench.

  She scrambled from the seat and grabbed the net. “Got it.”

  Turning, she held up the net just as Wade swung the fish out of the water and landed it right in her lap.

  Letting out a shriek, the slimy fish wriggled against her bare skin, and she flailed her arms, scrambling back.

  Her sudden weight shift tipped the boat, and before she could regain her balance—she and the fish fell backward into the water.

  “Hang on,” Wade called, reaching for her.

  She splashed and sputtered, the cool water an instant shock to her system. Taking in a deep breath, she got her bearings and swam to the side of the boat. It was a warm night and despite the wound to her pride, she wasn’t hurt.

  In fact, the whole thing was kind of funny.

  Especially the look of concern in Wade’s eyes as he leaned over the side of the boat to drag her in. “Are you okay?”

  Actually a late night swim wasn’t a bad idea.

  “I’m good. The water’s fine. I think you should join me.” She reached for Wade’s hand and gave a tug, pulling him into the water with a splash.

  Oh my gosh. What had she done? What a stupid idea.

  She held her breath, nervous as she waited for Wade’s reaction. Brock could barely handle a speck of lint on his jacket, he would have had a fit if his clothes got soaked.

  Wade popped out of the water with a whoop and shook the water from his hair.

  His hearty laugh rang out in the still night, and her whole body relaxed as he grinned at her.

  Then her heartbeat ramped up as he swam toward her, his grin going slow and sexy.

  Oh boy.

  He swam up next to her, his bare chest just inches from hers. “That was a pretty big fish you just cost me. Got any ideas how you’re going to make that up to me?” His eyes held the hint of a dare, and she swallowed, her mouth suddenly dry.

  You are in control. You got this.

  Her self-talk rang in her head as she looped an arm around Wade’s neck, drawing her body closer to his.

  The full moon shone high in the sky and sparkled off the water, making it bright enough to see him, yet still dark enough to lend an air of romance and seclusion.

  His Adam’s apple bobbed in his throat as he glanced down at her bare chest floating in the water. And she knew she had him.

  Sometimes men were so easy. All it took were boobs.

  Then any thoughts she had disappeared in a haze of desire as he leaned in and kissed her. Kissed her with a fiery passion that all the water in the lake couldn’t put out.

  Her legs wrapped around his bare waist, and he treaded water to keep them afloat as his mouth devoured hers.

  She tipped her head back, and he laid a hot line of kisses down her throat, his mouth warm against her lake-cooled neck.

  The night air was warm, and the lake softly rippled. Moonlight and stars danced across the ripples, and she gazed across the water.

  She froze. “Snake.”

  Wade laughed. “I guess you could call it that, but I promise it won’t bite.”

  Her paralysis broke as she shrieked and splashed toward the boat. “Holy shit! No—a big snake. A real one. On the water.” She grabbed the sides of the boat and tipped it toward her, but she wasn’t strong enough to get herself in.

  With a few big strokes, Wade was at the boat and pulled himself up and over the edge. He reached down for her and tugged her up.

  She collapsed on the bench seat, shivering. Her shirt and bra floated in the water filling the bottom of the boat.

  She pointed at the snake on the water and panic filled her voice. “It’s swimming this way.”

  Wade picked up the oar and brandished it at the snake. “Don’t worry. It’s probably just a bull snake.”


  The snake swam up to the oar, and Wade lifted it on the end of the paddle. Reese shrieked as he swung the oar and flung the snake across the water.

  He sank onto the bench seat and wrapped an arm around Reese’s bare shoulders. “It’s gone now. You okay?”

  She nodded, her teeth chattering, but managed to give him a smile. “You are now officially my hero.”

  He chuckled and puffed out his chest. “You may call me the Snake Slinger.” He picked up the now snake-free oars and with swift, hard strokes, rowed them quickly to the dock. “We can head back
to the B and B, or I have a little fishing shack out here. I can build us a fire and see if I can’t find you a shirt.”

  She wasn’t ready to go back to her room, not when the night had just been getting good. “A fire sounds good.”

  He fished her wet shirt and bra off the bottom of the boat and passed them to her with a sheepish grin. “I kind of like this topless fishing idea. I think it could really catch on.”

  She held the wet shirt across her chest and had to laugh. “That would bring a whole new meaning to the term fly fishing.”

  He laughed and helped her from the boat.

  Her tennis shoes made a squishing sound as she walked across the deck. He pointed at a small lean-to a few yards down the lake. Stacks of wood lined one side of the shack, and a fire pit sat in front under the wooden awning.

  Wade disappeared into the shack, emerging moments later with a blanket and some towels. He passed her a large beach towel, and she wrapped it around herself.

  After spreading the blanket on the ground by the fire pit, he gestured for her to sit as he grabbed a handful of wood. “Have a seat. I’ll have a fire going in a sec, and we’ll get you all warmed up.”

  She sat on the edge of the blanket and watched him work. Seeing his muscles flex and bulge as he stacked the wood was starting to warm her up already. Within minutes, a fire popped and crackled. Wade dropped down beside her and wrapped an arm around her shoulders.

  Wearing only his shorts and an old pair of tennis shoes, he was the epitome of sexy, and she leaned into his hard muscled chest.

  She was so completely out of her element. She’d never gone camping, never been fishing. Yet right here, right now, everything felt completely right.

  Like this is exactly where I’m supposed to be.

  Wade looked down at her. “You okay? Warm enough?”

  She looked at his lips, and a warm heat moved through her that had nothing to do with the fire.

  She wanted him.

  He was the opposite of Brock in every way. Wade was kind-hearted and thought of her needs before his own. He was relaxed sitting bare-chested in the dirt, and she’d wager he didn’t own a single bottle of hair product. And he liked her dog.

  Besides all that, he seemed to actually like her.

  She may have just won him over. All it took was a cold dunk in the lake in the middle of the night.


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