The Alpha's Touch Boxed Set (14 Book Bundle)

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The Alpha's Touch Boxed Set (14 Book Bundle) Page 46

by Taylor, Tawny

  My moans vibrated through the library, bounced off vintage reprints of Chaucer, first editions of Hardy and Dickinson, and a signed copy of Delta of Venus.

  Another spank landed, stinging until Hunter erased it with a shallow fuck of his fingers into my cunt. Reclining on the floor, Daniel braced himself on one elbow, his face angled to suck on my clit from below. Aldon's cock occupied my mouth as I gave my first blow job. Hunter managed to tease both me and Aldon with the play of his hand against my flesh. The instant Hunter pulled away, my mouth left Aldon and my muscles tensed, both of us groaning in anticipation of the next spank and my mouth's return to Aldon's broad shaft.

  Sticky sweet juice flowed thickly from my pussy. Daniel's tongue darted up to slurp and circle my hole before Hunter landed another swat on my bottom.

  Down came Hunter's hand. My flesh quaked around the impact. I sucked Aldon back into my mouth, pleasure shuddering through my entire body as I swallowed him deep.

  We were far beyond ten spanks. I'd lost count at twenty. That was when a switch flipped inside me, reducing me to a total wanton -- their wanton, moaning and coming and moaning with an ecstasy and endurance that seemed impossible.

  I heard a masculine voice groaning my name, knew it was Aldon even though he seemed to be somewhere below me, my body and mind floating on waves of pleasure. He groaned again -- a warning, a plea. He was coming, filling my mouth. I swallowed him down, my lips tightening as another orgasm swept through me.

  My fourth? Fifth?

  Couldn't count, couldn't think. My body rolled and snaked as I rode the crest of my release, my attention shifting to the way Daniel's lips and tongue worked my pussy. Still twitching and rolling, I cried out as Daniel and Aldon moved away.

  Hunter flipped me, cradling me in his arms as his strong body rose from the bench and headed for the library door. I should have been frantic -- wriggling and squirming at the idea we might pass staff in the hallway -- but I couldn't stop creaming and cooing.

  I don't know how many steps Hunter took past the library door, whether he turned left or right, or if we passed an army of people or not a single soul. Mere seconds seemed to elapse before he placed me on a bed. The rest of his clothes came off, tossed in a heap that was quickly added to by Daniel and Aldon.

  Hunter crawled onto the bed, all dark and slinking and sexy as he pushed my thighs apart. His mouth descended and I lost my mind for a few seconds. My pussy was swollen, throbbing, thoroughly and lovingly abused in the library by Hunter's hand and Daniel's mouth. But I was still intact, still aching for Hunter to enter me.

  Aldon nestled against me, offering some hope of relief as he playfully trailed a wrapped condom across my breast and down my stomach to tap it against Hunter's head. Hunter claimed it. The package disappeared from sight, my vision filled with Hunter's firm lips working my clit as he fiercely gazed up at me.

  Daniel joined us, his cock swollen thick and long. I wrapped my hand around it as he kissed me. He groaned and I could feel the unabated tension thundering through him.

  I broke the kiss and wantonly dared him. "Do I have to get all bratty?"

  His eyes drifted shut. He gave a slow shake of his head then moved higher up the bed.

  Time passed, we filled it with slurping and sucking and moaning, forming one intense curl of bodies as Aldon kissed and licked at my breasts and Daniel filled my mouth, with Hunter suckling so sweet and soft at my pussy, stretching out the point of my release until Daniel wrapped his hands around my head and froze.

  Cum jetted into my mouth. My hips bucked with wild abandon. I moaned around Daniel's shaft, triggering another hot, thick jet and then another. He collapsed beside me, stroking my hair and kissing me as Hunter moved up the bed.

  I heard the tear of foil, felt Hunter's hand brush my inner thigh as he rolled the condom on. Aldon and Daniel melted to the side, each hooking a leg and spreading me wider. Looming over me, Hunter kissed my breasts, everything slow and intentional until I could have fainted from the mounting anticipation.

  His hand drifted back down my body, skimming my fevered flesh to grab his cock and center its thick length. Hands caressed my thighs and hips, Aldon and Daniel, their lips brushing lightly against my arms until it felt like there wasn't an inch of me that wasn't being loved.

  Hunter pushed in, slow and careful, his gaze hard on my face for any sign of pain. I gave a little gasp, feeling the tear, and then he was all the way through, my swollen cunt sealing around him as my hips lifted needfully. A ragged breath scraped from Hunter's throat. It burst hot and prickly against my neck as he buried his face and stroked out, the fat head dragging through me. He pushed back in, filling me, knotting my throat in a moan as my vision shimmered and blurred.

  Pinioned by my lovers, I couldn't caress or hold. So I rolled and flexed, my hips riding a tight circle against Hunter as I squeezed and tugged at his shaft. He was so big, they all were. As dominating in their size as they were in their manners. Even their most softly voiced requests issued as commands, camouflaged with a tender heat when directed at me. Memories of the last year and a half rolled through me, all the little gestures I had missed, the nuances in their tone I had ignored when they turned from addressing someone else to dealing with me.

  Hunter lifted, his long arms bracing his torso and head high above me. He looked down to where our bodies still touched, his broad shaft plundering my wet, swollen folds behind a veil of hair. His gaze returned to my face, caressed its soft lines before staring into my eyes and pinning me in place.

  A hand smoothed across my stomach, Daniel or Aldon's -- I'd lost all track. A finger stroked my clit as Hunter pressed more deeply. Another hand squeezed at my breast, torturing the nipple to full attention and heightening my pleasure.

  Through it all, the heavy strokes of Hunter's cock inside me, big, possessing, thick and brutal in its size but only delivering pleasure as it battered in and out, stretching, hitting, retreating.

  I sucked air in, squeezed my eyes shut, my world collapsing to where our bodies touched and the sound of three masculine voices murmuring their need and affection as my mind blanked and my body exploded one final time.


  I woke sandwiched between Hunter on one side and Daniel and Aldon on the other. An arm across my lower thighs, Daniel slept with his head resting against my stomach, the dark ash brown hair tickling me when he moved. Aldon's face nuzzled my neck, one proprietary arm folded against my breast, his fingertips lightly twitching like he was running numbers against my collarbone as he dreamed.

  Much more purposeful, the play of Hunter's fingers through the hair covering my mound told me he was awake. I rolled my head to the side to find him gazing at me. I smiled, suddenly shy now that the initial euphoria had passed and I realized I couldn't possibly have given as much pleasure to these men as I had received.

  Hunter shifted, bringing his mouth close enough to brush his lips across mine before he drew me into a lazy, delightful kiss. I sighed when our lips parted, my smile broadening as my body grew more alert. I wanted to curl into him but two heavy, handsome, logs pinned the other side of my body to the mattress.

  "Go back to sleep." Hunter nudged the side of my face then nibbled on my ear lobe. "I just wanted you to know I'll be running simulations on the computer in my study most of the day."

  "Oh." Whispering, I rolled my eyes at him, resisting the urge to pout. I'd rather he ran stimulations in the bedroom on my body, but I wouldn't try to change who he was -- a thinker, a maker, a mostly solitary creature. I would enjoy him when I could, for as long as he allowed it.

  "No pouting. I'll make the lost time up to you, I promise." He soothed the pucker from my lips with a slow kiss of tongue and teeth. "I need to finish Godstar to keep you safe."

  Suppressing a flicker of fear, I nodded. With everything that had happened in the last twenty-four hours, yesterday's scare seemed a distant memory. Without the reminder of the threat to me and Whitsun's biggest project, I could have pretended blissful

  Hunter pushed at Daniel's shoulder. The gray eyes drifted open, the gaze slightly unfocused. His cheek pressed harder against my stomach as if he wanted to sink into me.

  "I need to work," Hunter whispered, letting Aldon sleep on. "Keep our girl safe while I'm gone."

  Nodding and mumbling, Daniel slid across my body to occupy the space Hunter had vacated. He drew the blankets up around our shoulders, his mouth and hands lazily sampling my flesh as we both drifted back to sleep.


  The next time I woke, no male bodies populated the bed. Only Daniel remained in the room, sitting in a reading chair with a computer balanced on his lap. Rolling onto my side, I saw that someone had brought fresh clothes from my room. An open door revealed the adjoining bathroom and I eyed the oversized tub with a deep longing.

  "Do you want a snack first, love?"

  I rolled until I faced Daniel. He'd put his pants on but otherwise remained undressed. Aside from his dark brown hair, he is the lightest of the three in coloring. He is scarred, like Hunter, but he wears it on his face. The crescent-shaped mark that hugs the curve of his left cheekbone and the straight line running down from its center have been there since childhood.

  I never asked him about it, didn't need to after the tabloids started digging into the lives of three of America's newest billionaires a few months after I started at Whitsun. The magazines had the biggest field day with Daniel's background, especially with his ex-con father. It took months after those articles before I stopped imagining the imprint of his father's belt buckle whenever I noticed the scar.

  Scar or no scar, he looked like sex on a stick, dipped in chocolate with bad boy sprinkles on top.

  Of the three, he most frequently skipped the limo so he could ride his motorcycle to work. On the rare weekends he went off on his own, he triggered fainting spells among the female Whitsun employees as he left the office on a Friday evening with a few days' growth of hair on his face, a leather jacket hugging his muscular torso, riding gloves on his strong hands that keep the fingers exposed and flexible, and an almost imperceptible ring snugly tucked under his nose that was always absent during the work week.

  "You're drifting, Casey." He put the laptop aside and climbed up next to me, grinning while his hands got busy under the blanket that covered me. "Do you want a snack or shower, first? And, by snack, I mean actual food."

  "Shower, I guess." I melted into the mattress, enjoying the way his hands explored my hips and thighs and wondering what it would feel like with his riding gloves on. I also wondered what kind of a protocol they had developed in sharing women.

  Was one-on-one okay?

  "You guess?" Daniel's head disappeared beneath the cover in search of my breasts. Finding one, he latched onto a nipple and gently sucked until I squirmed and lifted my hips. His mouth trailed lower, finding the bend of my thigh and sucking at it until I moaned and raked my nails lightly across his back in frustration. As good as his mouth felt on such an odd spot, it would feel a thousand times better if he would have shifted just six or seven inches toward my center.

  He re-emerged from under the blanket, growling and panting, his pupils dilated.

  "Aldon better haul his damn ass back here soon." He whipped the blankets off me, pausing to run his eyes and hands over my body one last time. "And you'd better haul your sweet ass into the shower."

  "Are there rules, then?" I smiled at him, too mesmerized by the signs of passion warring across his expressive face to be disappointed that he'd stopped.

  His cheeks flashed a little redder. "I don't really know. Like Aldon said, none of the other women mattered. I know right now, if I walked in on just one of us…"

  His mouth twitched before he continued. "I'd be a little--"

  A soft growl finished his sentence.

  I could totally sympathize and had a hard time understanding how they could share a woman who meant anything to them. I wouldn't want to share any of them with another woman -- but each of them had an abundance of confidence I so dearly lacked. I nodded at him. "I'll go get my shower."

  He reached into his pocket and withdrew a bracelet and necklace. "Put these on first and let me calibrate them."

  I furrowed a brow at him. The bracelet had charms on it, a heart, a peace sign, a baby shoe and other pieces that were equally cute and small. The necklace looked like some kind of saint's medal. Seeing my confusion, he laughed and slipped the bracelet onto my wrist. "Trackers, love. Housing them with pearls or diamonds would be counterproductive, as they'd be the first thing a kidnapper would take off you."

  Daniel and Hunter seemed determine I not forget someone wanted to hurt me to get at GreenStar. Now that I understood their feelings for me a little better, it was easy to believe someone would genuinely target me if they noticed what I had been oblivious to the last eighteen months. Frowning, I took the bracelet from him. "I kind of forgot about that, but I guess the person who sent that letter is still out there."

  Daniel's face grew solemn and he nodded. Moving behind me, he pushed my hair to one side, fastened the necklace then wrapped an arm around me. "These are temporary."

  "Until we find the person who made the threat?" I could live with that. Daniel was one of the best at what he did and the company had plenty of resources to throw at the problem. It would be a matter of a few days or weeks. Not forever.

  "No, Casey." He kissed my neck, rubbed his stubbly cheek against the sensitive skin to soothe me. "There will always be another threat. We are all chipped, in more than one spot. I've scheduled your procedure for this Friday."

  "Oh…" I didn't know what else to say. I never thought about that part of their life. Daniel kept the security at Whitsun heavy but discreet.

  Returning to his laptop, he started tapping at the keyboard, smiling when a single light tone chimed three times. He ran through the process again, the tone repeating. "There, all set. They are supposed to be waterproof, so your shower will test that."

  Grabbing my hand, Daniel kissed my palm. "Don't take them off until the procedure. Promise me."

  "I promise."

  Leaving him to his work, I disappeared into the bathroom and tried to drown the threat to my new happiness beneath a strobing flow of hot water.


  A meal followed my shower, only two of my lovers in attendance. Greedy for all three, I made a passable attempt at not pouting, but Aldon and Daniel noticed the way my gaze kept tracking toward the dining room door.

  "Patience, baby." Aldon teased. His hand dipped under the table to squeeze my thigh. "As much as Hunter wants to be here, he's close to something and can't afford a Mack Attack right now."

  "A Mack Attack?" Dropping my fork onto the plate, I swiveled my head to stare at Aldon. On the other side of me, Daniel chuckled.

  Aldon started to retreat, which only caused Daniel to laugh louder.

  "It's not a bad thing, baby." Daniel nipped at my ear. "It's just what we call productivity dips when Hunter is spending more time thinking about you than work. Aldon charted out a twelve-point-six percent dip since you started at Whitsun."

  I looked from Daniel to Aldon, not sure if they were teasing me. Aldon nodded in confirmation. "We showed Hunter the numbers to prove it."

  My heart felt like it had just shrunk by half in my chest. "He needed charts and statistics to know he was in love with me?"

  "No, pet." Aldon dipped a strawberry in cream and brought it to my lips. "We needed them to stop Hunter denying the fact so we could get him on board."

  I took a small bite of the strawberry, still not convinced I was getting the full story about the Mack Attacks.

  Aldon looked past me to address Daniel. "I think someone might need another visit to the spanking bench."

  I gasped. Laughing, Daniel slid a hand across my lap and kissed my neck.

  "No, I have something else planned, so you better eat, baby." His fingers traced patterns against my thigh that I couldn't quite make out. "You're going to need all th
e energy you can get."

  I barely managed another full bite, my stomach aflutter with anticipation. Aldon had said something about clamps in the library that morning and Daniel had a hard time keeping his hand from caressing my backside. Ten minutes later, we gave up all pretense of trying to finish the meal and they led me back to my room.

  Turning into a wanton definitely had its privileges.

  A black leather box rested center of the bed, but Daniel wouldn't let me open it. Instead, he put it on the nightstand and the two of them stripped my clothes from me. Aldon sank on his knees in front of me, his fingers stroking at the wet hairs between my thighs.

  "So soft and lovely, pet, but I want it off. I want to see our cocks filling your sweet cunt." He pressed his lips against my mound as two fingers pushed into me. Looking up, he smiled. "Will you let me remove it?"

  I nodded and he led me into the bathroom, Daniel following behind us. Like the bedroom, the bathroom was immense with a dressing area leading from the large vanity and double sinks into the walk-in closet. A bench filled part of the space and Aldon bid me take a seat while he ran warm water and prepared a shaving cream.

  Daniel stripped and sat down next to me, his hands and mouth working me into a blissful state before Aldon kneeled between my spread thighs.

  "I need you a little over the edge, pet."

  I already was at the edge, but not in the way he intended. Putting down the razor and cream, Aldon removed Daniel's hands from between my labia. "You're really not helping, Thor."

  Squeezing my breast, Daniel smiled and dipped his head to suck and softly bite at my nipple as Aldon took his first strokes. He traded a stroke for a stroke, one with the razor across my mound, the other with his thumb slowly pushing up my clit from the hard pearl to the top split of my labia until my thighs were shaking with need and he finished the rest of me up quickly and rinsed me clean.

  Back in the bedroom, they both inspected Aldon's handiwork. They took turns licking me and fucking their fingers into my straining cunt as my hands and mouth worked the other's shaft. They had me wet, soaking the blanket beneath me and begging for release. Time and again, they denied me, denied themselves, all of us hovering at the edge and quivering with want.


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