The Alpha's Touch Boxed Set (14 Book Bundle)

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The Alpha's Touch Boxed Set (14 Book Bundle) Page 131

by Taylor, Tawny

  Ben clapped his hands. “It’s time. Harry, get into position.”

  Alex glanced at Harry, Juliette’s tall, strapping twenty-something son from her previous marriage. Only two men in the party were strong enough to physically carry off Juliette. As Ben was the groom, that left only ex-Marine Harry, but his good-natured grin seemed to indicate that he was enjoying the role of Ben’s pseudo rival.

  Ben stepped outside and motioned to the musicians gathered nearby, who immediately began playing a jaunty Renaissance tune while the guests assembled. Alex filed out of the tent with the other men, some looking just as anxious as he to be done with the theatrics. As he scanned the guests, Nora’s smiling face appeared beside Brad and Delilah, instantly captivating him. Alex merely stared at her; the buzz of voices and laughter receded into background noise. It was more than Nora’s beauty that snared him. He could find that anywhere, but something about her energy, the intelligence sparking from her eyes, it all touched him in a way he had never experienced before.

  He waved in the hopes of getting her attention, but like a shark closing on a chunk of bloody chum, Tisa emerged from the crowd barely a few feet away blowing kisses and waving back. Alex instantly lowered his hand and turned away.

  An older man standing beside him grinned. “Nice,” he whispered. “You young bucks have all the luck.”

  Alex merely smiled and nodded, then started as a pair of trumpeters initiated a loud fanfare, eliciting an excited murmur from the guests. Juliette and her entourage assembled, while Ben and his merry men gathered a short distance away. Harry, standing at the front of the group, assumed a position more suitable for a football tackle as he waited for a signal.

  Fidgeting in the warmth beneath his costume, Alex stole a glance over his shoulder and gazed directly into Nora’s eyes. She smiled and gave a little curtsy. Seized with the sudden desire to gain her favor before the joust, he was about to break away from the group when the guests cried out in unison.

  Alex turned back to see Juliette preparing to toss her elaborately festooned bouquet when Harry charged from the group and bore down on his mother. Juliette, clearly shocked at the unexpected sight of her son charging toward her like a rampaging bison, uttered a surprised squeak before Harry swooped her up, bouquet and all, and raced away with her.

  The guests erupted in surprised gasps, laughter, and applause while the handmaidens milled uncertainly in the wake of the abducted bride. Uttering a resonant battle cry, Ben took off after Harry and Juliette with impressive speed. Most of the groomsmen enthusiastically participated, but a few, including Alex and the older gentleman, reluctantly followed. Alex paused to glance at Nora, but her attention was focused on an exuberantly shrieking Juliette vanishing across the lawn. He did catch his father’s bemused glance and cynical thumbs up.

  “I love Ben like my own brother,” the man whispered to Alex, “but I’m too old for this bullshit. Next time he comes up with some themed event I’m going to be away on business.”

  Alex couldn’t help but laugh at the man’s candidness. “I couldn’t agree more. Uncle Ben must have been one hell of a brutal frat house leader.”

  “Onward knaves!” Ben strident voice echoed.

  While his companion discreetly drifted toward the guests, Alex kicked up his pace and caught up with the other boisterously hooting knaves. Though he felt ridiculous, it wouldn’t be seemly for him to bail in front of Nora at this point, and he knew he’d never hear the end of it from Ben and his father.

  Spotting a kicking and squirming Juliette, Alex raised his fist in a victory salute and rushed to the side of his uncle and two other groomsmen to manhandle the bodacious bride from a clearly fatigued and unresisting Harry. The indignant bride slapped Ben in a not so playful manner after her skirt hiked up to reveal a pair of lacy scarlet panties.

  To the sound of cheers and applause from the guests, Ben and Alex escorted Juliette back to her handmaidens. Flushed and flustered from her ordeal, Juliette smoothed down her gown, curtsied and proceeded without ceremony to toss the bouquet over her shoulder.

  Edging slowly away toward Nora, Alex’s smile transformed to one of shock when he noticed Tisa leaping athletically from the cluster of squealing handmaidens like a dog snapping a Frisbee in its mouth. Her talon-tipped fingers curled around the bouquet and clutched it to her chest. Her excited gaze met Alex’s, the message in her triumphant smile leaving nothing to the imagination.

  He quickly turned away and approached Nora and his parents. Though he felt Tisa’s gaze burning a hole in his back, he kept his eyes forward, praying that she would leave well enough alone. While Delilah chatted with the Carters and Brad quickly replying to a text on his phone, the welcome distractions allowed Alex a moment with Nora.

  She greeted him with a dazzling smile and clapped. “Bravo for rescuing the damsel in distress, brave knight,” she said.

  Alex responded with an elaborate bow. “I beg the lady’s favor.”

  “I’d be honored,” she said.

  “I’d also love to get you a drink. This has to be the only wedding where a workout is part of the reception. I’ve had easier sessions at the gym.”

  Nora giggled delightfully. “I have to admit this does beat sitting in a crowded hall eating too much and listening to dreadful, elevator music.”

  Noticing Brad glancing their way, Alex took Nora’s arm and quickly escorted her away before anyone had a chance to commandeer them.

  “Welcome to Stone Advertising, Nora,” he said, relieved to finally escape the chaos. “I’m really happy to have you on my team.”

  “I’m very much looking forward to working with you, too, Alex. I have to admit I was wondering when I was going to meet you. I understand you just returned from a business trip in Prague?”

  Alex smiled as genuinely as possible. “Yes, still feeling the jet lag, in fact. Business takes me around the world quite often but it’s here in the city where I prefer to be. I was sorry to miss your interview, but I know Dad has impeccable judgment when it comes to hiring new talent.”

  “So how was your trip?” Nora asked.

  Prague ... blondes, booze and ... Basia ... the swimsuit model.

  “Very productive,” Alex responded without missing a beat. “I often travel to meet potential clients. Met one this afternoon, in fact.”

  “You’re quite a go-getter, from what I hear,” Nora replied with an amused smile.

  Alex smiled thinly. “Just what have you heard about me?”

  “That you’re the advertising world’s version of Gordon Gecko.”

  Ouch. Hopefully Nora had seen the second movie, which had cast the notorious financier in a more positive light.

  “That’s an interesting analogy.”

  “I’m afraid I can’t take the credit,” Nora said with a beguiling smile. “Your father made that analogy, but it’s quite an interesting one. Is it, in fact, Mr. Gecko or Mr. Stone?”

  “Well, I hope you’re not reading the tabloids,” Alex replied, struggling to recall which stories might have grabbed her attention from the checkout stands, “because it’s definitely Mr. Stone. You know what it’s like with the gutter press. The lower they go, the higher the sales.”

  “Please ... like I have time to waste on that garbage,” Nora said, dismissively waving her daintily manicured left hand. “The only worthwhile thing about the tabloids is that the paper can be recycled.”

  Alex noted that she wore no ring, but these days that was hardly an indicator.

  The sound of cheers and clapping drew their attention. Turning, Alex and Nora watched the happy couple make their way toward the manor escorted by most of the wedding party and guests. His parents, the Carters and a few others lingered behind.

  Though he noted with relief that Basia seemed to be safely in the grip of the same inebriated guest that had been attempted to hit on her all day, Tisa was noticeably missing ... which either was, or was not, a very good thing.

  “Looking for someone?” Nora asked. />
  Alex mentally cursed. Nora was sharp, too sharp, and he realized he had to be more on his guard.

  “Actually, just checking to see if the family were heading out,” Alex said. “I can’t wait to get out of this ridiculous costume.”

  Nora grinned. “You don’t appreciate an homage to the glorious Renaissance? I loved it! Haven’t had this much fun at a wedding since I was invited to a swim-with-the-dolphins wedding in Florida last year.”

  Get it together, Alex ... what’s with the two left feet?

  “Oh, it wasn’t the theme I had a problem with,” Alex said with a smile. “I mean, eccentric defines Uncle Ben as definitively as saying the sky is blue, but running around in a heavy brocade costume on a warm day...”

  “I’m just teasing,” Nora said. “I have to admit I’m feeling a little uncomfortable as well. I hadn’t planned to wear such a formal gown to an outdoor wedding. God knows how people really wore these clothes back in the day.”

  Alex had a sudden, somewhat inopportune flash of Nora at the dolphin wedding, no doubt wearing a bathing suit. He would certainly have loved to have been the friendly dolphin assigned to swim with her.

  “Alex?” Nora asked, staring curiously at him.

  “Well, that’s Uncle Ben for you,” he blurted. “The more unconventional, the better. He’s honeymooning at a Viking hotel outside of Reykjavik. Plans to be there until next month for the Viking festival.”

  Puzzled, Nora smiled.

  “Alex, Nora, wait up!”

  For once, Alex welcomed his father’s interruption. Somehow, Nora’s proximity had reduced debonair playboy Alex Stone to the level of a sniveling adolescent with two left feet.

  Brad and Delilah approached quickly and judging by her smile, Alex could see that his mother was a little tipsy.

  “Glad you two are getting to know each other,” Brad said. “Your mother and I were thinking of heading home after seeing Ben and Juliette off. Thankfully they’ll be traveling to Iceland by plane rather than longship.” He paused, as though amused at the thought. “Perhaps you’d like to stop by for dinner later on?”

  “That would be wonderful,” Nora replied, her gaze drifting to a point beyond Brad’s shoulder. “Assuming you don’t have any other plans for the evening, Alex?”

  Alex followed the direction of her gaze and tried not to react at the sight of Tisa loitering with the last of the guests slowly filtering away. Had the look in her eyes been daggers, Alex would have been a walking dartboard.

  “Absolutely no plans,” he said, quickly returning his attention to his parents. “I’d love to stop by. What time works for you, Mom?”

  “Why, darling, anytime after seven would be fine,” Delilah said. “I’ll have Roger prepare something light.”

  Alex bristled at her pronunciation of ‘Rojay’. If the surly family chef was actually French, then Uncle Ben was indeed a reincarnation of Thor.

  “Okay, seven it is,” he said. “I’d be happy to pick you up, Nora, if that’s okay with you?”

  “That would be fine,” she said. “Any particular dress code?”

  Brad roared with laughter. “I like a woman with a sense of humor,” he said. “You can come in your skivvies for all I care.”

  “I was thinking more in terms of casual,” Nora said.

  “Darling, wear anything you wish,” Delilah said. “As long as you’re comfortable.”

  Brad glanced at his watch. “Let’s get back to the parking lot before Ben leaves.”

  Allowing Nora to walk with Delilah, Brad sidled up beside Alex. “You two seem to be getting along well,” he said as discreetly as his resonant voice would allow.

  “Well, I don’t really know her that well yet, Dad,” Alex replied awkwardly, “but she seems like a great choice.”

  “Oh, she’s more than that,” Brad chortled. “I was actually thinking of assigning her to the Carter campaign.”

  Alex’s smile faltered. “When did you make that decision?”

  “Haven’t ... yet, but seriously thinking about it. Nora’s a very talented young woman. Graduated top of her class from Vassar. Headhunted by every ad agency on the planet until she settled for Branston Barnes.”

  “But Dad, they’re our biggest competitor.”

  Brad grinned like a jack o’lantern. “Was, my son, was. She left just over a month ago. Claimed she wasn’t being challenged enough.” Brad nodded conspiratorially. “If challenged is what she wants, challenged is damn well what she’s going to get! Just imagine the clients an attitude like that will reel in.”

  Alex cast an assessing look at Nora, animatedly chatting with Delilah. By his mother’s smiling demeanor, he could already tell what she thought of Nora, her stamp of approval akin to receiving a royal favor.

  “Didn’t you tell me you hired her as a creative assistant?”

  Brad gestured dismissively. “Hell, that was just something to satisfy those HR puppets. If she scores a hit with the Carter campaign, she can move into your office for all I care.”

  Alex merely stared, until Brad erupted into another bought of laughter.

  “Can’t take a joke, son?” he asked, slapping Alex on the back. “Maybe a little competition is exactly what you need.” His gaze drifted toward a pointedly staring Tisa before she vanished from view. “Also a little more focus wouldn’t hurt, either.”

  Alex pasted on a smile. “Come on, Dad, you know nothing can touch me when it comes to business.”

  Or is there finally one person who could? He wondered, looking at Nora.

  Chapter Three

  Amidst a shower of rice, colorful confetti and streams of drifting bubbles, Ben and Juliette finally departed for the airport in a limo festooned with garlands and banners. Exhausted guests said their goodbyes and drifted off to their vehicles.

  “We’ll see you and Nora tonight, then Alex?” Delilah asked, giving her Alex and Nora a hug.

  “After seven,” Alex replied, his mother’s arms wrapping tightly around his neck.

  “I’m really looking forward to it,” Nora mumbled, lost in Brad’s bear hug.

  Alex watched his parents walk away. Noticing Tisa in the parking lot, he quickly turned away and bee-lined for his car.

  Nora hiked up her skirt and hurried to keep up with him. “Do you have a plane to catch? I don’t think ladies of the Renaissance era did a lot of jogging.”

  “Sorry,” Alex said, slowing down, but keeping an eye on a not very happy Tisa. “I really need to get out of this getup.”

  He deactivated the car alarm and opened the trunk.

  Nora eyed the GranTurismo appraisingly. “Maserati. I would have never guessed.”

  Alex grinned self-consciously. Of course Nora probably drove a hybrid. He focused on changing into as much of his casual wardrobe that he could in public.

  Nora watched him pull a simple T-shirt over his head. Her lingering gaze on his well-cut chest conveyed more than a little interest, a detail that did not go unnoticed by Alex.

  “Guess the jeans should wait till later?” she laughed, eyeing his funky combination of contemporary and period clothes.

  “Or you could just turn around for a moment and promise not to peek,” Alex said playfully.

  “I’m not sure your friend would like that,” Nora said, glancing at Tisa clicking on her towering heels toward them.

  Alex’s head swiveled toward Tisa, his eyes widening at the sight of her stormy expression. Though he tried to make eye contact, her gaze was fixed determinedly on Nora. At any moment he thought her scarlet fingernails would elongate into the female version of Wolverine.

  “I could always meet you later,” Nora said, her smile hinting at a perverse enjoyment of Alex’s obvious discomfort.

  “She’s not a friend, just a client,” Alex said, pasting on a nonchalant smile. We’ve had some ... differences of opinion about a campaign, that’s all. I ... hadn’t realized she’d been invited.”

  “She’s a client?” Nora asked. “Which campaign? May
be I can help. Your father gave me a rundown on all the current ones.”

  Thanks, Dad.

  “This really won’t take more than a minute,” Alex said, rushing to head Tisa off. “I’ll be right back.”

  Nora watched him with an amused smile. Feeling foolish in his funky attire, Alex approached Tisa with a stern expression. She trundled to a stop, hands on hips, and glared at him.

  “Tisa, this really isn’t the best time...”

  “Who the hell is that?” Tisa said, jerking her head toward Nora. “Wasn’t I supposed to be your date for the wedding?”

  Alex smiled tightly and stepped in front of Tisa to block her view of Nora.


  “Don’t ‘querida’ me,” Tisa said. “You’ve been avoiding me all day and when I’ve tried to get your attention you ignore me!”

  “Will you keep your voice down?” Alex asked. “That’s Dad’s new assistant. He invited her to the wedding and asked me to show her around.”

  Tisa cocked a perfectly arched, skeptical eyebrow. “Uh huh. Just as long as that’s all your showing her.”

  Alex glanced over his shoulder to smile casually at Nora. She winked before turning to check her phone.

  “Look, I didn’t expect to have to show anyone around,” Alex replied between gritted teeth, “but the guy that was supposed to do it had a family crisis and won’t be available for a few weeks. I just didn’t want to get into a debate about it with Dad. I’ve told you before what he’s like.”

  “What, you lose your cojones, querida?” Tisa asked. “Since when have you listened to your father about anything?”

  “It was just a favor. My mother wasn’t feeling well. Heat was getting to her so Dad took her home early. He didn’t want to leave Nora hanging so he asked me to step in.”

  “Nora? Nora Myers?” Tisa asked.


  Alex blinked. “How did you know her name? I only met her today.”

  Tisa smiled thinly. “Margarita told me about her, but she’s not your father’s assistant. She’s joining your team.”


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