Losing Masks

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Losing Masks Page 3

by Nicholas Metelsky

  “Whose massacre? Those, who’ll forget to bring a few sapphires with them? Do you really think that there are still such people? When was the last time you took off your pendant?”

  “Oooh, I forgot those times.”

  Something is not right here. I'm missing something.

  “Okay, I was kidding about the massacre. The thing is that I have two of those lockers. It's not the first time I got lucky. One of them will eliminate Snake.”

  “I thought there was a penalty for that,” I thought for a moment and added, “an enormous penalty.”

  “Yep. Let’s say someone uses an unregistered locker on some aristocrat. What then? What if it’s not a weaker aristocrat?”

  “I doubt that it's lethal. Who's gonna believe that Snake is such a psycho? He will definitely get away with it.”

  “Hypothetically speaking, some aristocrat's son asks a girl out. Let's say they go to a park. There, a girl gets attacked by someone who uses the locker. What should the aristocrat think? Most importantly, what should his father think?”

  “Does that aristocrat know who you are?”


  “In that case, they're going to think that they are being treated like complete idiots by some commoner, who’s trying to get rid of the competition without considering their interests. Which is quite insulting. In this situation, it'll be difficult to convince Snake otherwise. That's quite a combination, for sure. But it can work out. As always, your plan is simple, but it has a lot of details and nuances. When are you planning to put it into action?”

  “In a week and a half.”

  “The locker has been dropped already?” I was surprised. “You aren't wasting any time.”

  “Not quite,” Akemi wrinkled her nose. “But very soon.”

  “You're taking such a risk,” I shook my head. “Mostly because of the aristocrats.”

  “It’s their choice whether to attack or not. If they don’t find out, I won’t even owe them anything.”

  “Answer me this. What are you going to do when they find a 'dropped' locker?”

  “They aren't going to find it. I already took care of it.”

  “Fine. What if Snake has another one?” I already knew what the answer would be.

  “The person who will help me with my locker convinced me that Snake has none. He just doesn't need them. I don't need them either, but... I derived this plan a very long time ago.”

  For now, everything sounds nice and dandy, and it might work out. The realities of this world allow for that. Just one thing...

  “Tell me, beautiful, what will the other two bosses do at the same time? You can't forget the other guys, can you?”

  “Everything is under control. My preparations for the war are in full swing,” she was living on the edge, as usual.

  “Akemi, can you wait for at least a month?”

  “W-why,” she asked cautiously.

  “I want to take part in the plundering of Snake, but I need about a month to assemble my small army.”

  “Well, I don't know. Only if I make it up to him and give him some of the territories back. It's not hard to delay the plan, but how can we prevent the Head from attacking? Anyway, how are you planning on taking part in it? If you involve other people, you have to act as Sakurai Shinji.”

  “It's not hard to put myself under fire. That way, I'll earn some reputation in high society.”

  “What about Koyama?” It sounded like she said that out of spite.

  “That's not a problem,” I changed the subject. “Do you think Snake will start looking for the Tokyo Dwarf?”

  “Everyone is looking for him already,” Akemi waved her hand. “Even I'm pretending to look for him.”

  How interesting. How can I reap some benefits from this? I should stop at the mediator. I need to check my orders.

  “Remember, my young and beautiful lady, if anything, you managed to contact me and offer me big money. How big—nobody has to know.”

  “What are you up to?” The girl inquired suspiciously.

  “I'm going to burn time off the clock. If Snake has an opportunity to hire me long-term, he will most likely put off the attack until he does so.”

  “Even more so if I show that I'm not looking for a conflict. On the other hand, if he finds out that I also participate in the auction, he might freak out and act.”

  “We need to find a way to cool him off for a while. How could we do that? You can make an official visit to some... Oh! Chesuje, little jerk. That's who's gonna help us!”

  “Chesuje? Chesuje Yasuo?”

  “Yes, him.”

  “He is a little jerk. How do you even know him?”

  “From the Crystal Eve. He was the one who lost his ancestral lands.”

  “That's so...” She put her hands on her chest, “You can't even imagine how happy I am.”

  “He pissed in your cornflakes, huh?”

  “Right. Let's talk about him in a little bit. Tell me how he can help us.”

  “He recently screwed me over. Not too much, but he did. No one will be surprised to find out that I wanted to meet his competitor. Let's say it happens during a reception. I find out that you're in the book business too, and I'll want to screw him over with your help. No one will suspect that we know each other. But wait, I guess I’ve been spotted here a few times lately, and besides that, someone might find out who the official owner of The Swallow is. Your regular visits will also come into play. A different scenario: I knew you and even talked to you a few times.”

  “...hit on me.”

  “Get out. Don't mess with my thought processes. So, I talked to you, but after I met Chesuje, I decided to make you...”

  “A proposal.”

  “A business proposal. And as a gesture of goodwill, I invited you to some kind of a reception, as my guest.”


  “Be more serious. In the end, no one will be surprised when I accidentally get hit by Snake, and Snake will seriously think about whether or not it’s worth it to wait a little and get stronger before trying to destroy you. Now we just have to arrange our meeting at that hypothetical reception.”

  “Yeah, nothing's easier than that,” Akemi skeptically raised her eyebrow.

  “The Koyama owe me one, so I don’t see anything wrong with the plan. They will actually benefit from it all,” I remembered how I helped them in their affair with Ohayasi. “They might even hold this reception.”

  “I'm failing to follow your line of thinking,” she started fluttering her eyelashes in surprise.

  “It’s a long story. I accidentally got between the two clans.”

  “Whatever you say, Sin. I don't really care.”

  Yea, sure. You’re not interested at all.

  “One day I'll tell you. Let's summarize. You postpone your planned execution, make Snake feel safe, and win some time. Within the next two weeks, I'll arrange a reception where we will meet, pulling the wool over Snake's eyes. Meanwhile, I’ll collect a power group to take part in his beating. Am I missing anything?”

  “Just small details here and there. We can discuss smaller things when the plan becomes clearer.”

  “Great. Let's assume that the case is closed for now. Hurah.”

  Later, when I’m all alone, I will carefully deliberate this whole plan. I suspect, Akemi will too. But for now, it'd be good to take my mind off it. We could get wasted. Wait, that's a bad idea. Drinking with Akemi is a shit show. Some other time. In fact, I have to get out of here—she's just finished another glass of wine. Actually, what the hell?

  An hour later, having put her head on my lap while playing with her hair, Akemi asked me an interesting question.

  “Tell me, boy, what's your purpose in life?”

  “To establish my own clan.”

  “No, I'm not talking about dreams. What's your goal? Something that is tangible and achievable.”

  “Start my own bloodline.”

  “That's some petty goal. Yo
u will get your coat of arms in no time, considering your abilities.”

  “I think you've had a little too much wine. My goal isn't petty, it's just that I'm a genius.”

  “Wow, genius. Or did you plan to reside in the middle of the neighborhood that belongs to the international clan and live next to the ruling family even before you were born?”

  “What does that have to do with anything? Even friendship with the head of the clan Koyama wouldn't help me get my own coat of arms had I been an ordinary schoolboy.”

  “That just made your goal easier to achieve. If you wanted it really badly, you could have had your coat of arms already. I have a Goal. I want to become the strongest Garagarahabi Boss in all of Japan.”

  “As for the coat of arms, the question is very controversial. As far as your goals, I need a clarification. What do you mean the strongest? In a sense of recognition? Or you want to be the Head of Garagarahebi?”

  “Recognition—yes. To become the Head is impossible. That position does not exist. If anybody could subjugate the entire Garagarahebi, it would disappear. Only the guild of the victor would remain. Doing something like that is the same as forming your own clan. That's my dream, by the way.”

  “Dreams...” I said pensively, inhaling the aroma of the wine in my glass. “My dream is to punch someone. But my goal is to found my own clan, regardless of what you say.”

  Akemi was silent for two minutes, trying to understand my words.

  “What kind of person does it have to be that it’s easier to found your own clan than to punch him?”

  “If only I knew,” I sighed heavily. “A clan... Founding a clan takes time, and that’s something I have a lot of.”

  “People don't live that long,” Akemi grumbled, fidgeting on my lap.

  “Nonsense. If it weren’t possible, some sort of guidelines would have been written about it in the last two hundred years. It just doesn't pay for the rulers. If not me, someone else will soon form a clan. It's been two hundred years, and we're due for one. My goal is to be first.”

  “You are either dreaming or gravely mistaken.”

  Everything's possible. Originally, I wanted to play on the appearance of a new style. Or a new branch of development, whatever you want to call it. I had a plan designed for fifty or sixty years. After accomplishing the plan, I would be able to give the Emperor a squad of warlocks. I would have time to initiate ten people or so. I could have more, but not all of them would reach their highest point. Compared to Virtuosos, they'd be weaker, which is okay, because warlocks have no equals in this world. “The age bookmark” only amplifies their qualities. A warlock's life might not be eternal, but it is very long—as long as he can pull it off.

  I doubt that the Emperor would refuse to form a clan with such fighters. If anything, there are other countries. Now... The goal stays the same, but I need to change the plan. It needs to be more careful and exclude a squad of mercenaries. I don't think it's going to be a problem. I already have a few ideas, but I don't know how long it will take. It's also getting more and more dangerous.

  “You're wrong. It's quite possible. It'll take a long time, but it's possible.”

  “It’s too bad that I won't see it happen,” she sighed.

  She might still be alive, but she will be an ancient old woman by that time. Even if she turns into a witch. In my world, the oldest one is Sara Sorgessen, who has the rank of Knight. “The bookmark” wouldn't be of any use to her. I could take a risk and reveal myself to the Emperor, which would buy me time, The Patriarch of Knight level is not the same as a Veteran. However, there are a ton of potential problems. If I already had a clan, that'd make things different.

  “By the way, you too could become an aristocrat—you have possibilities for that. Through marriage or by getting your own coat of arms.”

  “I am a woman,” she said as if she was speaking to a child. “No one will just give me a coat of arms. As far as marriage, I'd have to deal with other wives. That's okay. The bad part is that I wouldn't even be the second wife, I'd have to accept the role of the third or fourth. I'm a commoner, and that makes a huge difference.”

  “It depends on how you carry yourself. Look at my mother, she accomplished quite a lot. At least before she stopped using her brain.”

  “I don't know what happened to your mother, but there are no single guys that are heads of families around me. Neither is there an heir that’s my age.”

  I didn't feel like telling her about what my mother had done. Apparently, she had no clue. It happened naturally with my mother, but it's also possible to play something like that out. Or not? How many sons does a head of a family have? How many of them are on good terms with the clan's heir? On such good terms that they could make him go against the traditions? Oh yeah, they have to be single, too. Well, everyone's situation is different, and if she really wanted to, she could make it work.

  “You could have given a coat of arms to your future son. You have enough connections.”

  “Be sure, my future son will have a coat of arms. Do you think I wish for my children to have the same kind of life as I do?”

  I didn't remind her that this hypothetical son would be mine. It was clear as day. It was also clear that I'd take care of him. What would Akemi do if it were a girl? Would she continue hitting on me?

  “Of course, I don't think so,” I said, and looking at my watch, sighed dramatically. “It's that time, Akemi. No matter how pleasant it is to be around you, life dictates its rules. These rules say that in the morning I have to go to school.”

  “Okay, go, schoolboy. I'll stay here... or lay here, thinking about the sublime.”

  “Good luck, beautiful. Don't think too much, or you'll be hit with a hangover.”


  Leaving my house the next morning, I noticed Shina, petting the cat that made my yard its home. I don't know where it spent its nights, but every morning and afternoon, when I came back from school, I saw it on my fence.

  “His name is Idzivaru,” I let the girl know.

  I know girls might think of some weird name that would make it embarrassing to even stand next to the poor creature..

  “Is this your cat? Why aren't you taking care of him? He looks like he just left the battlefield.”

  “It’s nobody's cat. He's by himself. Who knows about the battlefield? His name is given to him for a reason,” before she could ask, I continued, “I gave it to him. He needed a name.”

  “Fine, Idzivaru it is,” she said without looking at me. “I wanted to apologize—lately, I have crossed many lines.”

  “As long as you recognize your mistakes and do not repeat them, everything will be fine,” I accepted the apology in a vague way. “Let's go, enough spoiling that cat. He might get used to it.”

  Rydon was waiting for us at school. Interestingly, his sister was there too. I greeted them, automatically complimented Aniko, and started walking towards the school.

  “I wanted to apologize for what happened with Shinichi,” Okhayashi suddenly said.

  “It's not your fault.”

  What good timing. I'll start working on my plan.

  “I don't even blame your fiancé. Chesuje, on the other hand, is a jerk. He set everything up on purpose. Don't worry, I'm on it. He'll regret it.”

  “You'd better figure out what to do with the lands you got from him first,” Shina shook her head.

  “One does not interfere with another,” Aniko said gently making my neighbor frown.

  “It’s already done. I'm protected. Protected in every sense, I mean.”

  “What do you mean already? You figured it out? If it’s not a secret, how did you figure it out?” Shina asked in surprise, and the same question could be read on the Okhayashi’s faces.

  “I leased them.”

  “To whom?” The girls asked in sync, exchanging glances and then staring at me.

  “Shidotamoru. That's my company if you didn’t know. We specialize in IT.”

ou're the Head of Shidotamoru?” Rydon was shocked. “Whoa!”

  “Not officially,” I grimaced. “I'm still underage. Factually—yes, I'm the Head.”

  “Whoa!” Rydon repeated.

  Rydon was in clear shock. His sister was slightly surprised, but Shina's face expressed pride as if it was she who had dealt with the situation in such a way.

  “What are you smiling about, evil neighbor?” I asked her.

  “I knew you'd think of something,” she ignored the “evil” part and opened her schoolbag. “Here's your bento. Mom just can't stop.”

  “I don't even know if I should be happy about that,” I took the box from her hands. “But thank you anyway.”

  During recess, the head of our class reminded me about the club again.

  It seems I'm gonna be reminded every other day about this club now. I have to do something about it.

  “Imubeh-san,” I called the head of the class, who had already stepped away from me. “Do you know where I can get a full list of school clubs?”

  “No, I don't. You can ask student services,” she replied and started walking towards her desk.

  “Thank you... Imubeh-san,” I called her again, “but where is that?”

  “Room 4 on the first floor. That's where student services are. They have a student worker who deals with that, but I don't know which grade or class she is in.”

  “Thank you once again,” I thanked her back.

  “Are you still tormented?” Rydon asked.

  “Obviously. Let's go to lunch. Actually,” I took the bento box out of my backpack and put it in front of the guy. “Help yourself. I'm gonna take care of this right now.”

  “You're gonna skip lunch for that?” Rydon asked, taking the box.

  “What else can I do? I have to figure it out as soon as possible. I have other things to do besides this club.”

  “You need to make your own club for those who don't want to waste their time on such stupid things,” Rydon noted, walking out of the classroom.

  “Five people! Where am I going to find so many freshmen that I know personally?”


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