Sentenced to the Punishment Clinic

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Sentenced to the Punishment Clinic Page 2

by Carole Archer

  “No,” the nurse said, laughing as she gave her a shove and followed her up the metal steps. “That’s Scott. He’s our security guard. He’s very handsome, don’t you think?”

  Maria stopped at the top of the stairs and turned to face the nurse, shrugging her shoulders nonchalantly. “Can’t say I noticed,” she said with a sarcastic smile.

  “Ah, you bat for the other side,” the nurse said, smiling as she tossed back her head, running her fingers through her long blond hair in a flirtatious manner.

  Maria’s eyes widened. “No, I’m not gay,” she protested.

  “Don’t worry, you’re safe with me—for now,” the pretty young nurse said, giggling as she put a hand to Maria’s back and guided her towards a metal door, unlocking and pulling it open to reveal a small windowless cell.

  “In you go,” she said, leaning a hand against the door frame. “Dr. Carter will be with you very soon. In the meantime, put your feet up, relax, and make yourself at home.” She laughed at her own humour as Maria stepped one foot over the threshold. Her eyes were drawn to the only item of furniture, a single bed against the wall. The mattress was covered with a white cotton sheet, one pillow was placed at the head end, and a folded blanket lay at the foot of the bed.

  Looking over her shoulder, Maria measured up the nurse. She noticed she was only slightly taller than herself, maybe just over five foot. But Maria had the advantage of wearing flat shoes. Seeing her final chance of escape, Maria shoved the nurse hard, ducked under her arm as she teetered on her heels, and sprinted towards the stairs. Running down the steps, she hit a brick wall and landed on her backside, winding herself. Looking up, she realised the ‘brick wall’ she had encountered was the security guard’s broad chest.

  “Going somewhere?” Scott asked, reaching down, hooking his arms under Maria’s armpits, and heaving her up. She shrieked as she was only on her feet for seconds before being tossed over the burly guard’s shoulder. Marching up the stairs, he repeatedly slapped Maria’s butt as she kicked her legs and screamed obscenities at him. When they reached her cell, he dropped her onto her feet in front of him, gripped her wrist and leaned down, his face close to hers.

  “Your punishment will not start until tomorrow morning. It’s too late in the day to begin now. You will be free to leave the following day. However, if you wish for a little extra chastisement to prepare you for what’s to come, I will be only too happy to take you across my lap and give you a spanking right now.”

  Maria’s cheeks flushed scarlet and she lowered her gaze, shaking her head. She could not believe this big oaf was threatening to give her such a childish punishment, but she had no doubt in her mind he would carry out his threat. Biting her tongue to prevent saying anything that might get her into further trouble, she turned and stepped into the cell, closing her eyes as the heavy door slammed shut behind her, the sound echoing.

  Pacing up and down, Maria’s hands trembled as she removed her jacket and dropped it to the floor along with her cap. When she had spent time in custody previously, she had felt no fear. If anything, she had felt safe. Moving to the bed, she lay on her back and gazed up at the ceiling, focusing her attention on the single bulb that cast a dim light over the cell. Hopefully she would simply be spending a couple of nights there before being released, and they were just trying to frighten her with threats of punishment. But she remembered the magistrate telling her he would order the most humiliating penalty he could. And the guard had not only threatened to spank her, but had actually slapped her behind several times as he carried her back to her cell.

  Closing her eyes, Maria hoped and prayed her ordeal would not prove to be as terrible as she imagined. She was sure she’d survived worse living on the streets, but once she had her freedom again, she needed to be more careful. If she could not track down Martin, she would have to find someone else to act as lookout for her. It was too risky working alone, and she had no intention of being caught again. Whatever horrors the next twenty-four hours or so held for her, a few minutes in this building was enough to know she had no desire to return.

  Chapter Two

  Maria opened her eyes and sat up, blinking rapidly. She had somehow managed to drift off to sleep, but the sound of someone crying had woken her. “Are you okay in there?” she asked, knocking on the wall beside her bed. The crying stopped for a moment, before turning to wails of distress. Before Maria could attempt to converse with the distraught female, she heard a key in the lock and her door swung open.

  “Here she is, Dr. Carter,” Scott said, as he led the slightly older—but equally as attractive—male into the room. “Nancy’s completed the paperwork. Miss Davis will stay here overnight, serve her sentence in The Punishment Clinic tomorrow, and spend the night back here before release the next morning.”

  Maria shuddered at the proclamation of her sentence. She wished they would just get on with it and let her leave. The suspense and her concerns about what exactly they were going to do to her were driving her mad.

  The doctor stepped closer and looked down at her. Maria was surprised when he smiled, reached forward, and ruffled her short, dark hair. He had kind, bright green eyes, a square jaw, and full lips. He was very handsome and she wished she were meeting him under different circumstances.

  “Such sadness in those eyes,” he said, brushing a large hand over her cheek. “What’s driven such a sweet young thing to climb into people’s homes and commit burglary?” Maria guessed the question was rhetorical and gazed silently up at him.

  “Go and find Nancy. Tell her to give Miss Davis something to eat, then we’ll begin.”

  Maria’s eyes widened as the doctor moved towards the door. “I thought we weren’t starting until tomorrow?” Her anxiety increased, but hopefully she might be able to leave in the morning. The less time she spent there, the better.

  Dr Carter stopped and glanced back at her. “Your punishment will start properly tomorrow, but we have a few preliminaries to take care of tonight. They’ll remind you why you’re here, and just how vulnerable a position you’re in. Hopefully we can make this bad enough for you that you don’t ever want to come back.”

  “I already don’t want to come back. In fact, I don’t want to be here at all,” Maria said, snarling as she rose from the bed and planted her hands on her hips. The doctor might well be over a foot taller than her, but Maria decided to show him he could not intimidate her. Laughing, Dr. Carter bent down, picked up her jacket and cap from the floor, and stepped through the door. Scott followed, shutting the door behind him and locking it. Marching across the room, Maria banged her fist on the door, wincing as she only succeeded in hurting herself. “Give me my fucking clothes back, you bastards,” she yelled, but was unsurprised when she received no response.

  Slumping back on the bed, Maria rubbed her hand as she listened to the woman sobbing in the next room. She considered trying to talk to her again, but did not imagine she would get much sense out of her. Maria had so many questions. Most of all, she wanted to know what they had done to make her so upset, and what was in store for herself. But on the other hand, she thought it might be better going into it blind. If she didn’t know what to expect, she couldn’t fret about it. Besides, she had no guarantee they would do the same to her. She might get herself worked up about something, only for her punishment to be entirely different. She would wait, and she would deal with everything they threw at her, and then she would put it behind her and get on with her life. There was no other way to handle it.

  The door swung open again and Nancy appeared with a plate of cheese sandwiches and a glass of water. “The dining facilities and catering aren’t exactly five-star,” she said cheerily, “but I imagine it’s better than what you’re used to.”

  Maria reached out and took the plate from her, hungrily devouring the meal. “Thanks,” she said a short time later, as she held out the empty plate and glass.

  The nurse smiled and reached for the crockery. “I hope you enjoyed your meal.” Turni
ng, she left the room, leaving the door ajar. Maria’s heart soared and she quickly rose to her feet. “Not so fast,” Scott said, as he pushed the door open and stepped into the room, smirking. “Unless you’re keen to take that spanking?” Maria shook her head and slumped back down on the edge of the bed. She was trapped and might as well just accept it, but she wasn’t one to give up easily. She would always look for a way out, even of an impossible situation. It was how she had coped since finding herself homeless.

  “Right, young lady,” said Dr. Carter, entering the room and leaving the door open. “Strip off.”

  Maria’s mouth fell open. “No!” she snapped, wrapping her arms around her upper body.

  Dr. Carter took a deep breath and stepped towards her. Grasping her arms, he pulled her up to a standing position.

  “No, you can’t do this,” Maria yelled, as her arms were roughly pulled above her head.

  “You’ll learn quickly that I don’t ask twice. Things will be so much easier for you if you do as you’re told the first time. Hold her,” he said to Scott, and Maria struggled as large hands gripped her wrists firmly.

  “Stop struggling,” the doctor said, half smiling as he stroked her cheek. “I have to carry out your punishment, that isn’t up for debate. We both have to abide by the court’s decision. The only choice you have is to take what you’ve earned bravely, or to fight me every step of the way. It doesn’t matter to me. You’re only making it harder on yourself if you try to resist; it’ll happen regardless.”

  As he lowered his gaze to her chest, Maria watched as the doctor’s hands followed his eyes. They brushed over her breasts, moving down to her waist, where he grasped the hem of her grubby white t-shirt and pulled it upwards.

  “Oh, God, no,” she whimpered as the top was whisked up her arms, which were released momentarily by the guard. Lowering her hands to cover her breasts, Maria yelped as her arms were pulled upwards once more.

  “No, you don’t,” the doctor gently scolded, reaching his arms around her and unhooking her bra. Maria’s cheeks flushed as he gazed into her eyes, his hands pulling the bra cups upwards, revealing her small breasts.

  “Oh, you have no idea how humiliating this is going to be,” he said, sliding the garment up her arms and using it to bind her wrists together. “If you’re embarrassed now,” he added, cupping her face in his hands, “I’m not sure how you’ll cope tomorrow.”

  Maria’s heart almost stopped when the handsome doctor reached out and gently stroked her hair. “Relax,” he said, releasing his grip on her and backing away, gazing down at her breasts. “You might even enjoy this.” Tweaking her nipples, he grinned at Maria’s gasp of shock. “Oh, I’m going to take great pleasure punishing you. It’s not often we get such a sexy young prisoner to deal with. Matron would love you.”

  Maria frowned in confusion, closing her eyes and wincing as the doctor pinched her nipples. Tipping her head back, she struggled to free her arms. “Oh, no, don’t,” she protested, as his warm mouth closed over her nipple, sucking it into a hard peak as he kneaded her other breast. Although she had kissed boys before, and got into some fairly heavy petting, she had never taken things further.

  Breathing a sigh of relief as he moved away, Maria jumped as the doctor’s mouth immediately fell on her other breast, sucking that nipple until it was as hard as its twin. His teeth nipped lightly as his hands fell to the waist of her jeans. Maria protested as he unfastened the button and slowly slid the zipper down, before kneeling in front of her and peeling her jeans down her legs, pinching at her thighs with his teeth. Maria squirmed, but Scott and Dr. Carter held her securely.

  “Lift your foot,” he said, and Maria dumbly lifted her feet in turn, squeezing back tears as her shoes and socks were removed, before her jeans were slipped over her feet.

  “No,” she objected, as the doctor’s hand cupped her mound. Pushing her panties aside, his fingers slipped under the gusset. “Please, don’t hurt me. I’m a virgin.” Her struggles increased and she almost slipped free, before Scott got her under control again.

  “Calm down,” the doctor said reassuringly, stroking her hair as his hand remained between her pressed together thighs. “You’re not going to be harmed. If indeed you are a virgin, we’re not permitted to take your virginity. But even if that weren’t the case, you would not be hurt. Do you understand me?”

  Maria nodded, blinking back tears. She was angry with herself for showing weakness and emotion. She had to stay strong if she was to get through this. They would not break her. They might humiliate her, but they would not bend her to their will. One day was all she had to endure.

  Staring her captor in the eyes, Maria sneered. “Is this the only way you can get a woman?”

  Dr. Carter threw his head back and laughed. “Oh, you’re a spirited little thing. Keep that fire within you. It’ll help you.” Smiling, he reached up and grasped her hands, removing the bra tying them together. Tossing the garment to the floor, he lowered Maria’s arms to her sides and held her wrists.

  “Look at me,” he said, and Maria gazed up into his eyes. Scott’s hands took hold of her panties and she squirmed as he inched them slowly down her thighs, but her eyes remained fixed defiantly on the doctor’s. A blush rose up her neck, staining her cheeks, despite her attempts to appear unconcerned. Her face was burning with humiliation as she stepped out of her panties, and finally she had to lower her eyes.

  “Right, let’s have a look at you,” Dr Carter said, releasing her wrists and taking a step back. Maria’s hands immediately moved forward to cover her pussy. The doctor’s eyes lifted to her chest and Maria raised one hand, using her arm to cover her breasts while the other hand remained at her pussy, fingers splayed in an attempt to conceal her modesty.

  “Now, now, don’t be shy. Hands at your sides, please.”

  Maria shook her head. “Let me go or I’ll have you reported.”

  “Oh, dear girl, you still haven’t grasped your predicament, have you? The courts have ordered that we punish you in this way. This is a government-approved method. No one will be coming to save you. Now, be a good girl, turn around and bend forward. Put your hands flat on the bed. I just need to take your temperature.”

  “Go to hell,” Maria said, snarling as she took a backward step. Her legs against the bed, she sat down.

  “Restrain her,” Dr. Carter said, his face showing mild amusement before he turned away and opened a briefcase he had left at the doorway.

  Maria shrieked as Scott tried to roll her over. After struggling with her for a moment or two, he stopped and shook his head. “Fine, have it your way,” he said, as he pushed her backward, scooped his arm behind her knees, and whisked her lower body up from the bed.

  “No, you bastard, let me go now,” she yelled, struggling as he gripped her ankles and pulled her legs wide apart over her head. Her eyes widened as the doctor approached, kneeling down and reaching between her legs. She squirmed as cold gel touched her anus, and shrieked in indignation as his finger worked its way into her tight hole. “Oh, you’re a virgin here, too, aren’t you?” Looking into her eyes, Dr. Carter grinned wickedly. “If you’d done as you were told and bent over to let me do this, we wouldn’t have Scott holding you in the diaper position, like a baby. Look how exposed you are,” he said, his eyes settling between her legs. Maria’s cheeks burned as his finger slid in and out of her anus, before finally slipping out. She breathed a sigh of relief, but it was short-lived as a hard rod was prodded into her rectum.

  “Hold still,” he instructed, resting a hand over the thermometer and pressing against the tip. “I don’t want to hurt you.”

  Maria gave a humourless laugh. “If you didn’t want to hurt me, you wouldn’t be doing any of this.”

  “And if you didn’t want to be punished, you wouldn’t be a naughty little girl, would you? Now behave yourself or I’ll assume you need to have your bare bottom warmed over my knee.”

  Maria’s cheeks flushed crimson, but she stopped stru
ggling and closed her eyes, trying to ignore the doctor’s hand on her butt, and the rigid plastic rod he had thrust into her bottom hole.

  “We need to ensure you’re well enough for your sentence to be carried out tomorrow.” Maria prayed she would have a high temperature. Maybe then she would be taken to hospital and her period of detention carried out there rather than in this creepy centre with its perverted staff, intent on spanking her.

  “That’s better,” he said, a couple of minutes later. Patting her butt, Dr. Carter slipped the thermometer out. Glancing at the reading, he smiled. Maria’s heart sank. She was obviously well enough for them to continue.

  “Now I just need to insert a suppository. It’ll melt as you sleep, and you can go to the toilet in the morning. It’s the preliminary stage of your cleansing.” Dr. Carter moved towards her with a large, bullet-shaped object. Maria struggled once more. “No way is that going up my ass,” she protested. She was surprised when Scott released her, and without hesitation she jumped up and stood by the bed.

  “Fine,” Dr. Carter said, catching her by the wrist as he sat down on the edge of the bed. “I offered to do this the easy way, but it seems you prefer the hard way. Let’s see if a spanking on your bare bottom helps to calm you down.”

  Maria screamed as she was hauled unceremoniously across the doctor’s lap. His arm clamped across her back and, despite her struggles, she was shuffled forward until her bottom was balanced across his knee, which he raised to push her butt up higher. Maria shrieked as, without warning, his hand struck her bare backside. And she was horrified to discover that a spanking hurt. A lot.


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