Sentenced to the Punishment Clinic

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Sentenced to the Punishment Clinic Page 5

by Carole Archer

  Maria rubbed herself briskly with the towel, turning her back to him as she did so. She might have been naked since the previous evening, and he had spanked her, administered enemas and watched her expel them, but it didn’t mean she was any happier about the whole thing, or comfortable being naked when all around her were fully dressed. Glancing around the room, she wondered where Nancy and Scott had gone. Crossing her fingers, she hoped they would not be returning. Maybe, she thought hopefully, her ordeal was almost over.

  “Are you stalling for time?” Dr. Carter asked, as Maria continued to rub the towel up and down her now dry arms. Chewing her lip anxiously, she wrapped the towel around her body before crossing the room towards him.

  Dr. Carter sighed and shook his head. “Get that towel off, and get your butt up onto the table here.”

  Shrugging her shoulders, Maria dropped her towel to the floor. “It was worth a try,” she mumbled, as she took his hand and allowed the doctor to help her up onto the padded table. It was much more comfortable than the hard table they had put her on earlier, at least. Dr. Carter pressed a button and the table moved automatically, laying her back and spreading her legs wide. Closing her eyes, Maria tried to relax, but as he touched her pubic mound, her hands were over his, pushing him away.

  “Do I have to tie your hands, or are you going to keep them out of the way?” he asked, his green eyes narrowed as he stared at her.

  “I’m sorry,” Maria said, folding her arms over her chest. Dr. Carter frowned, shook his head, and turned his attention back to her pussy.

  Maria lay motionless as the doctor trailed the shaving brush over her sex. He stopped to dip the brush into the water several times, lathering up more soap, before running it over her folds. She gasped when he parted her pussy lips and ran the brush between them, circling over her clit. Maria closed her eyes, her cheeks flushing, as she whimpered and raised her hips towards him. She was horrified that she was becoming aroused, and tried to think of anything to take her mind off what he was doing to her. Maria’s mind had gone completely blank and she felt relief when he finally stopped touching her.

  Opening her eyes, she watched him pick up the razor blade. Smiling, he rested it against her mound. “I need you to hold still. This is one part of your punishment where the idea is not to cause pain. Be a good girl, keep still, and I might give you a little treat when we’re finished.”

  Taking slow, deep breaths, Maria willed herself to relax, flinching as the cold razor was held against her pussy lips. She shuddered as the blade scraped along her skin, over and over again, as Dr Carter applied more soap and water as he worked. The time seemed to go painfully slowly, as the razor dragged over the same areas several times, until eventually the doctor was satisfied.

  “There, almost done,” he said, patting her pussy. “I just need to shave between your buttocks,” he added, and Maria’s cheeks flushed as she shook her head. “Stand up, bend forward, push your bottom out and hold your cheeks apart.” Maria continued to shake her head. “Fine, I’ll just call for Scott to…” Before the doctor could finish his sentence, Maria was bending forward in front of him, legs wide apart. Taking a deep breath, she followed his instructions. Her cheeks were crimson as he soaped between her spread buttocks, and scraped the razor along the left of her crack, before repeating the movement to the other side. “There, perfect,” he said, putting the razor aside, taking a damp cloth and rubbing her clean.

  Releasing her buttocks, Maria put a hand between her legs and gasped as she ran her fingers over her smooth, hairless slit. She had never removed her pubic hair, and it was an odd sensation, though surprisingly not unpleasant.

  “As you were a good girl,” he said, “you can have a small reward. Lie down and spread your legs.” Maria retook her seat and parted her thighs, gasping when he leaned forward and trailed his tongue along her slit, stopping to poke at her clitoris. Maria’s hips rose and she groaned with pleasure. Tonguing her for a few minutes as she ground her hips against him, Dr. Carter brought her close to orgasm before suddenly stopping. “Okay, that’s enough for now,” he said, standing up and gazing down at her. Maria looked up at him longingly, her eyes locked on his as he moved the table back into a flat position. Taking her hands, Dr. Carter pulled her up to sit on the edge of the table for a moment, before lifting her down and standing her in front of him.

  Maria’s legs buckled and she clung to the doctor for support, her head spinning and her pussy throbbing. “That takes care of the cleansing and prep,” he said, one arm supportively wrapping around her waist, the other hand stroking her hair. “Now it’s time for your obedience training.”

  Groaning, Maria stood up straight, steadied herself, and walked alongside the doctor. His hand at the base of her back, he guided her through a doorway and into another room. Her heart sank as she saw Nancy and Scott were already there, waiting for them.

  Taking a few steadying breaths, Maria moved further into the room, determined to get through whatever else they had to throw at her. No real harm had come to her so far, and she was actually feeling quite aroused and lightheaded. Surely the worst of it had to be over now.

  Chapter Five

  “Right, young lady,” said Dr. Carter, guiding Maria to the centre of the room. “Let’s see how obedient you can be. We’ll have you down on the floor, on all fours, first.”

  Maria felt a flush rise to her cheeks as she reluctantly complied with his order. Lowering herself slowly onto her knees, leaning forward, she placed her hands flat on the floor, her head hung low.

  “Good girl. Now,” he said, patting her behind, “I want you to follow me. No, stay on your hands and knees,” he added, when she started to rise. Maria’s blush deepened as she realised his intent. “When I stop walking around and turn to face you, I want you to approach me, kiss my feet, and ask me to begin your obedience training. Okay?” Grasping her hair, Dr. Carter pulled her head back and gazed into her eyes. “Answer me,” he demanded, when she stared at him blankly.

  “Yes,” Maria whispered, her pulse racing as she wondered how the hell she was going to comply with such demands. What he was asking her to do went a long way beyond humiliating. She wasn’t at all sure she could bring herself to crawl around the room like an animal, naked. But, she reminded herself, it was the only way she was going to get out of there.

  “First lesson,” he said, brushing his thumb over her lips. “During obedience training you will address me as sir. Okay?”

  Maria nodded. “Okay.” His eyebrows raised and she realised immediately what was expected of her. Taking a deep breath, she gazed up at him, willing her mouth to form the words. “Yes, sir.”

  Smiling, he released her and slowly walked away, glancing over his shoulder and patting his upper thigh, as if beckoning a dog to follow.

  Swallowing back the nausea that rose in her throat, Maria slowly moved her left hand and left knee forward. He smiled encouragingly and she repeated the movement with her right, quickly getting into a rhythm and trailing behind him around the room. The floor was cold and hard on her hands and knees, but she kept her eyes focused on him as she crawled along, her hips swaying.

  “Jesus Christ,” Scott exclaimed, startling her. Stopping in her tracks, Maria glanced over her shoulder, wondering what she had done wrong. “Oh, don’t stop on my account.” Grinning, he rubbed his crotch. “What an amazing ass you’ve got. Sway it some more, baby.”

  Embarrassment bloomed on Maria’s cheeks as she turned back to Dr. Carter, who beckoned her forward with his crooked finger. Fixing her eyes on his, she headed towards him. Feeling self-conscious about Scott watching her rear end, Maria tried to restrict the swing of her hips, but his wolf whistle told her she had not succeeded. Continuing to move on her hands and knees, Maria stopped at Dr. Carter’s feet. Taking a deep breath, she leaned forward and kissed the toe of his right shoe, before shifting sideways and kissing the left.

  Sitting back on her heels, she looked up at him. Shocked to see a noticeable bulge in h
is pants, she raised her gaze to his eyes. “Please, sir, will you teach me…” Pausing, she frowned. She was unsure what she was supposed to say. “Will you…”

  Dr. Carter smiled. “Ask me to begin your obedience training.”

  Maria lowered her gaze and took a deep breath, exhaling slowly. Squatting down in front of her, Dr. Carter grasped her chin and tilted her face up towards his. “Please, sir,” she began, trembling as she spoke. “Will you begin my obedience training?”

  Nodding, he stood up. “Certainly. Now, get back on all fours and we’ll begin.”

  Bending forward, Maria placed her hands on the floor. She would crawl around the room for the rest of the day if that was the price for her freedom. Defiantly, she raised her chin and stared at the doctor. The next day she would be out of there, and she would never have to see him, his nurse, or the security guard ever again. She had survived life on the poverty-ridden streets of London. If she could do that, she could get through anything.

  “Lean further forward,” Dr. Carter instructed. “Place your forearms on the floor, and push your bottom out.” Maria lowered herself down, feeling the cool air of the room between her spread thighs. “Now press your forehead against the floor, reach back, and spread your bottom cheeks wide.”

  Maria sighed as her hot, flushed face touched the cold tiled floor. Reaching back with one hand, she placed it against her buttock. Struggling to steady herself, fearful she would fall in a heap on the floor, Maria shuffled her knees apart until she felt secure. The downside was she was giving them an unobstructed view of her pussy, which she guessed was what they wanted. Taking her other hand back, she gulped as she grasped her cheeks and spread them apart slightly.

  “Wider!” The order was shouted and Maria flinched, struggling to keep her balance. “Please, don’t make me do this.” She maintained her stance a moment longer, before shrieking and falling sideways as a hand slapped her behind hard.

  “Get up,” Dr. Carter said impatiently, pulling Maria to her feet. Pressing down on her shoulder, he forced her into a squatting position. “Hands on the floor in front of you.” Maria obediently leaned down and pressed her hands flat on the floor. “Now, straighten your legs, push your bottom out, and walk forward on your hands. Spread your legs wider. Stick your bottom out further. Pretend your body is a bridge. That’s it, good girl.”

  Maria’s face reddened as she dropped her head, looked back through her parted thighs and saw an amused Nancy and Scott staring at her. Her embarrassment increased when Dr. Carter playfully slapped her backside. Grasping her cheeks in his hands, he roughly tugged them apart. “Look at that nice, clean bottom hole,” he said. Maria screwed her eyes shut as the two onlookers stepped forward. Her cheeks held wide apart, she cringed as a finger brushed over her tight pucker. The finger continued to stroke her anus for a couple of minutes. Maria tried to clench her cheeks together, but it was impossible in the position she was in. She worried constantly that one of them would push something into her behind, and hoped they were not planning on administering another enema. Although the last expulsion was only water, it was still mortifying to have to do such a thing in front of someone. Beginning to tire, Maria tensed her arms. She was relieved when her buttocks were released and—with a sharp smack to her behind—she was ordered to rise.

  “Sit down on the floor,” Dr. Carter instructed, as Maria got to her feet. She quickly lowered herself back to the floor and sat down. “Now reach your hands behind you, spread your feet apart and push up, arch your back.” Maria squeezed back tears of humiliation as she formed her body into a crab shape, pushing up with her hands and feet. Gazing up at the ceiling, she held her breath as the three stepped towards her, Dr. Carter and Scott squatting down either side of her upper body. Dr. Carter reached under her and brought his hand sharply upwards, slapping her butt. Maria yelped. “Lift your ass up higher,” he ordered. Tensing her thighs, Maria pushed up, raising her hips. Nancy stood between her spread legs and leaned forward, gazing at her pussy. “Look, doctor. Her clit’s all swollen. Do you think she’s enjoying herself?”

  Maria’s face flushed scarlet and she shook her head frantically. “No, I’m n-n-not.” Her voice trembled, and she flinched as fingers trailed up her freshly shaved pussy. “Please, don’t, I really don’t like it.”

  “Oooh, you fibber,” Nancy said. “You’re soaking wet. Come and feel how wet she is, doctor.”

  Maria’s eyes looked pleadingly up at Dr. Carter, and he smiled down at her. “Come on, let’s get you up on the table. You can masturbate for us now, show us just how aroused you really are.”

  Pulling away from Nancy as if scalded, Maria dropped her backside to the floor. Bending her knees, she wrapped her arms around her lower legs, curling herself up into a ball and resting her head on her knees. “I’m sorry, I can’t do this,” she said, her voice a whisper. “I just can’t.” Although Maria did masturbate, she had never done it in the presence of anyone else. She felt certain she couldn’t bring herself to do it in front of the three people who had been ordered to carry out her punishment. “I’d rather be flogged than go through any more of this.”

  Dr. Carter sat on the floor beside Maria and touched a hand to her shoulder. “Miss Davis, a public flogging might very well be an option if you don’t comply with the court order. I can assure you that that particular punishment would be many times more painful than anything we can do to you. Please don’t make it necessary for us to have to send you to matron either. If you find what we’re doing humiliating, you’d die of shame at her hands. Come on, you’ve been doing so well. We’re almost halfway through your punishment now.”

  Maria’s eyes widened. Only halfway through? She thought they must be almost finished. Surely there was a limit to how much torment these people could actually put her through. Shuddering, she wondered what other horrors they had planned, and if she really had the strength to endure it.

  “On your feet. Stop wallowing in self-pity. It was your own actions that brought you here.” Maria suddenly remembered the pompous bastard who had sentenced her to this nightmare. That was who was responsible for her fate. Him and his kind who looked after their own, and left the vulnerable in society to fend for themselves. If the doctor’s intention was for her to feel remorse, he was in for a long wait. She saw nothing wrong in burgling the homes of those who scorned the poor while flaunting their own wealth. She only did it to make ends meet, and it wasn’t like her victims would suffer because of her actions.

  Dr. Carter eased himself up to a standing position beside Maria. “And don’t forget your manners when addressing me.” Glancing up, she was relieved to see there was no anger in his expression. Taking the smiling doctor’s hands, she allowed him to pull her to her feet. “Yes, sir. Thank you, sir.” She would give him good manners, if that’s what he wanted, and she could always fake remorse.

  “Good girl, now let’s get you up on here,” he said, patting the examination table. “We want to see you masturbate to orgasm.” Maria glanced down towards the floor, using the step to hoist herself up, before settling face down on the padded surface.

  “Miss Davis, we need to actually see you masturbate. You can hardly do that while laid on your front. You’ll need to roll over.”

  Maria winced as he sharply swatted her ass, but she did not turn over. Smirking, she slipped a hand beneath herself, raised her hips, reached between her legs and started to stroke her clit. She could obey his orders, but she didn’t have to lay herself so openly to them. “I am masturbating, sir,” she said, turning her face to the side and gazing up at him. “I’m doing as you asked, sir.” Maria’s voice was strained as she struggled to follow his orders and behave in the manner he expected. She wanted to scream and shout at him, to demand they release her, but she knew that would get her nowhere. Nevertheless, it pained her to act so meek and submissive. It was completely out of character.

  “Young lady, don’t try to get smart with me. You’ll always lose. I asked you to roll over so we cou
ld see what you’re doing. You refused and tried to be clever, so you’re certainly not being obedient as you claim.” Maria lowered her gaze as Dr. Carter’s face reddened with his rising temper. Turning her face away, she continued to masturbate, hoping he might show a bit of sympathy. Although he was strict, he was only doing his job, and he had been nice to her on the whole.

  “Fine, you won’t do as you’re told,” the doctor snapped, slapping her ass hard. Maria yelped and reached a hand back to shield her buttock. He swatted her other cheek harder and tears pricked at her eyes. “Unfortunately you leave me with no alternative.” Dr. Carter sighed deeply. “Scott, Nancy, hold her down and keep her still. You, girl, get your hands out of the way.”

  Maria struggled as Nancy grasped her ankles and Scott placed his broad hands on her back, pinning her into position. Moving her hands away from her bottom, she gripped the edges of the table. “No, I’ll do as I’m told, I’m sorry… ouch!” Maria shrieked as a loud crack was followed by a searing pain across her butt. Glancing over her shoulder, she was stunned to see Dr. Carter holding a cane. He cracked it down again and she wailed, pleading to be released. After a third stinging stroke, the doctor moved around to the other side of the table. Maria reached back and rubbed her buttocks. “Please, sir, no more. It hurts.”

  “It’s supposed to hurt, young lady. I’ve tried to help you, but you’re being downright disobedient. Well, I have a cure for that.” Maria’s cheeks reddened as he spoke to her like a naughty little child. “Now get your hands out of the way or I’ll cane them, too.”

  Maria immediately pulled her hands away. Her bottom was well padded, but it still throbbed intensely after only three strokes of the cane. She couldn’t imagine what pain he could inflict on her hands with such an implement. Gripping the edges of the table, Maria yelled and threw her head back as the cane struck a further three times in rapid succession. It was applied with force to her backside, and despite her vow to be brave, tears spilled from her eyes. When Scott and Nancy released her, Maria’s hands instantly moved back to massage her injured buttocks. Her eyes widened in horror as her fingers traced over the six parallel welts, and she bit back a sob.


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