Spearwood Book One

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Spearwood Book One Page 4

by A. S. Oren

  I nod and step off the stool to move it out of his way.

  After all the dishes are done, Edgar faces us at the table. “Are you ready to find out what element you’re most in tune with?”

  We each nod. I’m more than ready.

  He nods and goes to a cabinet. He pulls down five clear glass bowls and places them in a line on the table. He returns to the same cabinet and grabs four small burlap pouches. I frown. What’s he going to do with those? He opens the first one, and my heart skips a beat waiting to see what he’ll do. From the first bag comes black dirt, it falls into the bowl farthest on the right until it forms a small hill. The next pouch holds a vile with water. From the third and fourth pouches come a candle with a new wick and a pure white feather.

  I gulp as he puts the candle in the bowl farthest to the left. I frown more as he leaves the table again to go to a drawer. He pulls out a small container and a pair of gloves. Bringing it over to the table, he puts on the gloves before opening it and pours the silver liquid into the centre bowl. “Okay,” he says. “The setup is complete. Maverick, you’re the oldest; you’ll go first, then it’s Paden’s turn, and then Avalon’s.”

  Maverick rubs his hands on the front of his jeans and nods with enthusiasm. “Okay! What do I do?”

  Edgar takes a step back from the table. “Just run your hand over the bowl. The element that responds first to your energy is the one you’re most in tune with.”

  Maverick moves onto a chair with his knees supporting him, so he can reach the centre of the table. He hovers his hand over the candle. I hold my breath, but nothing happens. He moves onto the feather and silver liquid, then the water. I let out the breath. Maybe Edgar did it wrong. Shouldn’t something have happened by now?

  His hand goes to the first bowl, the pile of dirt. It moves, swirling into the air under his palm. My eyes widen. I’ve never seen anything like it.

  Edgar nods. “You’re in tune with the earth. Congratulations, Maverick. Paden, you’re next.”

  Paden takes the place of his brother. He stares at all the elements for a long time. I sigh. Is he ever going to put his hand over one of them?

  He glances at me through the corner of his eye. I guess I shouldn’t be so noisy. With a slow hesitation, he moves quivering fingers over the silver bowl. It swirls, a ball of it rises into the air, before it forms a teddy bear shape and falls back into the liquid.

  I blink, did I witness that just now, or did I make it up in my imagination? Edgar lifts a fuzzy grey eyebrow. “Impressive, Paden. Did you do that on instinct, or did one of your parents teach you?”

  “Mom J would bend metal for Maverick and me when we couldn’t sleep. She once told me she did it with her thoughts, so I thought of a teddy bear and it worked.” He grins at me. I smile. I wish he could do more, but now it’s my turn.

  I twist the ring on my finger as he gets out of the chair, and I take his place. I have to lean across the tables in order to reach the bowls with my hand. The brothers made it look so easy.

  “Here.” Edgar pushes the bowls closer to me so I don’t have to strain so much.

  “Thank you.”

  My tongue pokes out the corner of my mouth as I hover my hand over the pile of dirt. Nothing. Not even the smallest of shifts. Next, came water and silver. Still nothing. The feather moves a fraction of an inch. I look to Edgar. “Does that mean I’m air like you?”

  He frowns and folds his arms. “I’m not sure. Put your hand over the candle.”

  My heart picks up again as my hand nears the candle. The wick singes black and smoke rises toward my hand. The candle lights with a small flame. I jump.

  “I’d say you’re fire, Avalon. That’s the response I was looking for. So I have a metal, fire, and earth user to raise. This should be interesting.”

  We grin up at him. I can’t wait for him to start teaching us what he knows.

  Nearly One Month Later…

  “Happy Birthday, Lon!”

  I jump and sit up in bed. Maverick and Paden stand next to me, holding presents in my face. Both look the size and shape of VHS’; when did they go and get these? I bet they just wrapped some of the movies we already own. Edgar bought a TV and VCR a few weeks ago from the Flea Market. If we’ve done our chores and homework he’s given us during the week, he lets us watch movies and TV, almost all day on the weekends.

  I wince as I push myself up against the headboard. My arms and thighs ache with heaviness. I guess I pushed myself too hard yesterday trying to keep up with the boys, and Edgar, when he took us running on the trail. Well, he didn’t make us run, we just did.

  Maverick crawls over me and sits on my right as Paden takes a seat next to my left. Maverick places a hand on my shoulder, sending the now common jolt down my arm. I almost don’t notice it anymore. “You okay, Lon? You look stiff.”

  I nod. “I’m good. Thank you for the present and the birthday wishes.” I look at them in turn, so they know I mean it toward them both.

  Maverick bounces. “Open mine first!”

  I grin and pick up the present wrapped in newspaper. “When did you guys get these anyway? I go everywhere with you. ”

  “We’re quick like ninjas!” Maverick grins.

  I roll my eyes. “Edgar helped you, didn’t he?”

  Paden nods. “Yes.”

  Maverick reaches across me and shoves his brother in the arm. “Shh… don’t reveal our secrets.”

  I push my fingers under the centre flap and rip the paper. I love tearing open gifts. A colourful VHS cover greets me with two VHS’ inside it. “Sailor Moon. Cool!”

  Maverick points at the girl with the long, blonde ponytails. “It’s a cartoon, but it has a girl leader.”

  I nudge him with my shoulder. “Thank you. I can’t wait to watch it. Too bad today’s Monday.”

  “Open mine now,” Paden pushes his present into my lap. I lift it and grab at the centre fold. I wince, a sharp pain radiates through my elbow and up to my shoulder. Why am I in so much pain today? I’ve never felt like this before. I shake it off and peer down at the VHS in my hands. Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone. “I’ve wanted to watch this. How’d you know?” I look to Paden.

  He smiles. “You wouldn’t stop talking about the book last month. So I got you the movie.”

  I throw an arm around each of their shoulders and pull them close, even though my body protests the movement. “Thank you! I love them. Let’s go downstairs so I can put them on the shelf for later.” I scoot to the edge of the bed and stand. My legs wobble before I fall back into the bed. I rub at my thighs, trying to get rid of the ache.

  Paden rests a hand on my shoulder; his touch also causes a jolt. “Are you sure you’re okay? Do I need to go get Edgar?”

  I shake my head. There’s no reason to have to worry everyone. I’m sure the aches will go away before the afternoon exercises. “I’m fine, really.” I stand and take a few steps forward. My body doesn’t let me fall again, though I can’t help but wince. I lead them downstairs. I’m thankful for the handrail, or I wouldn’t have made it on my own. Edgar stands over the stove, stirring a pot. The scent of oatmeal floats through the air. My favourite. He grins at me. “Good mornin’, and happy birthday, Avalon.”

  I smile back. “Thank you, Edgar.” I turn my attention to the basement door. I might be able to get down the stairs, but I’m not sure I’d make it back up them.

  Paden takes the VHS’ from my hand. I frown at him. “I’ll take them downstairs and put them on the shelf. You shouldn’t have to on your birthday.”

  I nod. I don’t have the strength to argue with him. With a limp, I make my way over to the chair. I’m so tired. I just woke up though. I rest my head on my folded arm and close my eyes. Edgar sets a bowl of oatmeal down in front of me. Sliced apple, cinnamon, and honey rest on top of it. I absolutely love it, but I can barely lift my head to sit up and eat.

  Edgar touches my forehead. “Are you feelin’ okay, Avalon?”

  I force myself t
o sit up. I don’t need them worrying about me on my birthday. “I’m good.”

  Maverick sits across from me. “She’s lying.”

  Paden closes the basement door behind him. “She’s been acting weird since she woke up.”

  Edgar crouches down so his face is level with mine. “What’s wrong, Avalon? I can’t help you if you don’t tell me.”

  Tears well up in the corner of my eyes. I can’t hide it anymore. “My arms and legs hurt, and I’m tired.”

  He frowns. “I’m sure you’re just not used to the harder exercises we’ve been doin’ the last couple days. I’ll make you some pain relief tea. How about you kids relax today? Watch the videos the boys got for your birthday.” He pats my back. Why do I sense worry behind his caring tone?

  “Really?” Maverick asks after swallowing a mouthful of oatmeal.

  “But that doesn’t follow the schedule,” I protest.

  Edgar smiles and shakes his head. “Don’t worry about the schedule. I wasn’t going to make you work hard on your birthday. I’m not a sadist.”

  I frown. “What is a sadist?”

  He laughs and ruffles my hair. “Something you shouldn’t worry about right now. Now eat something, you have to have something in your stomach when you drink pain relief tea.”

  He pushes the bowl toward me and goes to his herb cabinet. Edgar pulls down different pouches along with his mortar and pestle, he taught me about it last week. Pinching different herbs, he puts them into the bowl and grinds them down. I watch him as I eat. After a few bites, I push the bowl away from me. I’d normally eat all of it in a few minutes and ask for seconds, but today, I don’t have much of an appetite.

  Edgar pours the crushed herbs into a metal thing with lots of tiny holes. Taking out a mug, he places the metal thing in it and then grabs the kettle from the stove, which he normally uses for his morning tea. He pours the steaming liquid into the mug.

  “It’ll just be a few minutes now,” he says to me and smiles, even though his brow wrinkles with a frown. What isn’t he telling me?

  Maverick eyes my still full bowl of oatmeal. “Are you going to eat that?”

  I nudge it toward him. “No. Have it.”

  He grins. “Thank you!”

  Paden stands from the table and washes his dish. “Is it really okay for us to watch TV downstairs today?”

  Edgar nods. “Yes, just for today and special days.” He places the mug down in front of me and I scrunch my nose. “I know it smells awful, but it’ll help you. I didn’t make it too hot, so try and drink it in one go.”

  I close my eyes and hold my breath. Lifting the mug to my lips I drink. I almost spit it out, the bitterness making my tongue curl.

  I give the mug back to Edgar and place a hand over my mouth, forcing the foul liquid down. The throbbing in my hands and thighs eases, but doesn’t disappear.

  “How do you feel?” he asks.

  I stand from the chair. At least I can stand now. “Better, the pain isn’t as bad.”

  “Okay, just one more thing before you go downstairs.” He reaches into the back pocket of his jeans and pulls out a small present, also wrapped in newspaper. “Happy birthday.”

  I take the gift from him and tear it open. It’s a small leather bound book.

  “It’s a journal. For if you ever want to write down your thoughts or something. I didn’t really know what you would like.” He laughs and runs a hand over his white hair.

  I hug him. “Thank you, Ed. I love it.”

  Maverick grabs my hand. “C’mon, I washed your dish for you. Let’s go start that Sailor Moon show.”

  Later in the day…

  Paden, Maverick, and I, all lay on large beanbags that we’ve mushed together. Edgar added carpet to the floor and plastered in a ceiling the day he bought the TV, to make it feel more homey for us.

  I can barely focus on Harry Potter, the pain has returned with a vengeance, even with another cup of Edgar’s pain relief tea. I shift from side to side, but can’t get comfortable. I go from cold to hot in an instant.

  Rain pounds against the basement window. It hasn’t let up since this afternoon. “Lon, are you sure you don’t want me to get Edgar?” Paden asks as I shift to my left again for the hundredth time.

  I bury my head in the bag. “Yes.” I mumble into it. I just want the pain to stop.

  Maverick rubs my back. “Maybe more tea will help?”

  “I don’t want more tea!” I cry, punching the bag with a fist.

  Maverick stops touching me. Heat radiates over my body. I kick the throw blanket off of me again, with a scream of irritation.

  The door to the basement opens, and Edgar comes down the stairs.

  “I think she’s worse,” Paden says.

  Edgar touches my forehead and pulls his hand away in an instant. “We need to get you out in the rain, it will help.”

  He picks me up and carries me up the stairs. Tears stream down my face as sweat gathers and sticks to my hair. I want to kick in Edgar’s arms, but I force the childish impulse away.

  The cold air rushes at us as he steps onto the porch and out into the rain. Paden and Maverick follow behind him.

  I stare up into the sky; it gets darker with every passing second. A sharp pain travels up my spine. I can’t even scream. My body tightens every muscle.

  “Dear Sun god. I’m sorry, Avalon.” He lies me down on the wet grass, as more sharp pains roll through me. I manage to roll over onto my hands and knees as my skin begins to crack, revealing something gold underneath. Lifting my other hand, I rip at the skin and cry out. Gold scales cover my arms, sparkling in the light from the house.

  My legs and arms now move of their own accord. Cracks and pops echo in my ears, the skin falls away and my hands turn into claws. My nose grows outwards forming a snout. A roar erupts from my throat, as wings unfurl from my back. What is happening to me? I dig my claws into the ground, a long tail forms behind me. I take off at a run. I want this to stop.

  “Avalon! Stop! You’ll be okay!” Edgar calls to me as I enter the woods.


  I don’t know how long I’ve been running. The bushes and branches that brush against my body don’t even faze me. What am I? What happened? I run and glance down at my feet like a lizard’s but with gold claws. A hot pulse rushes around my chest, begging for me to stop.

  Up ahead, a clearing comes into focus. A large lake glistens in the moonlight. The rain followed the clouds to another town. I stop at the edge of the water and stare at the surface. A dragon ’s head stares back, like the ones in the picture books Mom used to read to Amr and me,. This is just a scary dream; I’ll wake up in the basement any minute now.

  The burning in my chest eases up my throat. I open my mouth to cough; a stream of fire escapes me and explodes into the air. Shutting my mouth, I stumble back into the trees again. Why is this happening?

  “Lon?” Paden and Maverick’s voices call from inside the woods.

  “Avalon!” Edgar’s voice follows next. I whip around and stumble into the water. I don’t want them to see me like this.

  Edgar comes into the clearing with one of the camp’s lanterns in his hand. I move deeper into the lake. Only my nose and eyes poke above the surface as I doggy paddle to stay afloat.

  The lantern’s glow shines into my eyes. “Come out of there, Avalon. Everythin' is goin’ to be okay. I know this is scary, and I’ll explain everythin’ to you. I promise.”

  He holds a hand out and motions for me to come forward.

  My gaze turns to the boys. What do they think of me? I’m some kind of weird thing to them now. They stare back at me with wide eyes.

  “You can’t stay in the lake all night, Avalon. When the sun comes up, you’ll change back and get hypothermia.”

  Water seeps into my nose. I snort to get it out, spraying them with a bit of water. I sink further back.

  Paden steps closer to the edge of the lake. “Please come out, it’s safer on land.” His han
ds tremble. He takes another step forward; I don’t think he can see where the lake begins. He screams as his foot touches the water, and his arms flail about, throwing off his balance. He screams again as he thrashes, causing himself to fall further into the lake. The edge of this lake doesn’t give much warning.

  Maverick hurries forward. “He can’t swim!”

  All thoughts of wanting to stay hidden leave my mind. I rush forward and push Paden out of the lake with my head. He rolls onto the bank, coughing up water. I step onto the land and stand over them. Maverick comes up to the centre of my chest. How big am I?

  Edgar sits Paden up and pats him on the back. “You’re okay, cough it out.” Paden cries in between coughs. Water drips off the scales that cover me. I shift my weight, muscles I’ve never had now ache.

  Maverick hugs Paden and stares at me with wide blue eyes. “That was freaking awesome!”

  With a sigh, Edgar stands and grabs both the boys’ hands. The lantern hangs from his mouth. “C’mon let’s go back to the house.” He mumbles. He’s still taller than me at least. I follow behind them, tracing a path we hadn’t been on before tonight.

  I stop just outside the house. I won’t be able to fit inside the door with my wings. I open my mouth to try and speak, but only a hiss of smoke flows from my nostrils. Edgar pats the boys on the shoulders. “Paden, go upstairs and take a bath, warm up. Maverick, go get him some clean clothes from your cabin. When he’s done, you take a bath, too. I’m goin’ to talk to Avalon.”

  Paden and Maverick nod, heading in different directions. My legs give out, and I fall to the ground in a heap. When will this pain stop?

  Edgar sits on the porch steps. “Do you understand what happened to you tonight, Avalon?”

  I shake my head.

  He rubs at his eyes. “If you look at me and think of what you want to say, I’ll be able to hear your thoughts.”

  I stare at him. Tell me what happened. I think.

  “Has your mom or dad ever spoken of what they are to you?”

  I don’t understand.

  “Like how your dad can use fire, or your mom uses light.”


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