Risk (Desired Affliction Book 3)

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Risk (Desired Affliction Book 3) Page 17

by C. A. Harms

  My father was on duty once again this evening, so I convinced Adam to take me to a late movie. I knew Grams would go to bed early and I didn’t really want to sit around the house all night.

  I found Adam sitting on the couch when I exited the bathroom. His eyes flipped to me and I watched as he ran them from my head to my feet. The “melt the panties right off of any girl” smile that Adam had mastered spread across his face. I felt the heat rise in my cheeks as he stood and walked toward me. He gripped my hips and pulled me close.

  I rose up on my tip toes and kissed his lips softly. “I want you,” I whispered and his eyes lit up, until I continued. “To take me out on a date. I think it’ll be nice to go out together for a change.”

  I pulled away slightly and Adam wrapped his arm around my waist. “Hey what do you mean we never go out? We go out at home and do things.”

  “Yeah, but never just you and me.”

  I watch him as his eyebrows scrunched together and he looked like he was thinking hard about something. “I’m sorry. I guess I haven’t really been a great boyfriend, huh?”

  I gripped the collar of his shirt and pulled him closer. “Hey stop. Things with us haven’t really been normal, but that’s okay. It doesn’t mean what we have is wrong. It just means that we were meant to happen. Now we just need to make sure we don’t let it go and we stop with the insecurities I know we both fight every day.”

  Adam’s lips took mine gently at first before heating up. I wrapped my hands around the back of his neck and pulled him tighter to me. He backed me up until I felt the wall behind me. I could feel his hardness against my stomach and I let one of my hands trace down his chest before stopping at his hips. Our tongues rolled together, and our breathing picked up. I reached between us and caressed his hardness, causing him to moan deeply.

  “Baby,” he said in warning.

  He thrust his hips forward as I continued to stroke him through his jeans.

  “You need to stop that,” he insisted.

  “I don’t know about that. It kind of feels like you’re really enjoying it,” I told him.

  We heard someone clear their throat and both turned to find my grams smiling. “Young lustful love. Oh, how I miss those days.” She walked past us toward her bedroom. “Just remember later tonight when you two go to bed that your granny is right down the hall. The last thing I wanna hear is your headboard hitting the wall.”

  Adam’s head fell forward and rested on my shoulder.

  I just giggled at her words.

  “Good night, Grams.” I said through the laughter.

  “Night, sweets.”

  “Oh, Nat, your granny’s a little pistol, isn’t she?” Adam had no idea. She was honestly being mellow compared to her usual self.

  I took his hand in mine and pulled him toward the door. “You haven’t seen anything yet. She’s actually taking it easy on you.”

  Chapter Twenty-Eight


  I felt like a complete douche. When Natalie said I never take her out on dates, I was sure she was mistaken. As I stood there trying to think of an example, I had nothing. I really hadn’t been the loving, adoring kind of guy she deserved. I knew I had been a real ass over the last three years when it came to girls.

  Natalie needed a man who made her feel special. She needed to know that she was it for me. From this point forward, I would make sure she never questioned that.

  “Oh my God, I ate entirely too much. I feel like I’m gonna explode.” Natalie sat across from me holding her stomach, groaning.

  “You’re joking, right? You barely ate anything, babe.” I looked down at her plate and it looked untouched. She shrugged and took a drink of her water. “So, did you already have a movie picked out you want to watch?”

  “No, I thought we would go see what’s playing,” she said with a shrug.

  After we paid our bill we made our way out of the restaurant, her hand held securely in mine. Natalie turned around to say something to me and bumped into a couple coming in through the front doors.

  I reached out to steady her and she turned to face the couple. “I’m so sorry I…” Natalie stopped when the lady looked at her with a scowl.

  “Natalie.” The dark haired older woman spoke in a stern voice. “You’re back in town.” Her eyes traveled down Nat’s body. “And pregnant.”

  “Mr. and Mrs. Ayers. Hello, I’m…” Natalie stumbled as if she was searching for the words she wanted to say. “I, uh, just came into town to visit my father.”

  I could tell she was nervous and shaking. I stepped forward, placing my hands around her and pulling her back. “Hello, I’m Natalie’s fiancé.” I felt the need to make a point to this woman who appeared to be judging my girl. I could sense Natalie’s eyes on me, but I kept my face forward. “And you are?”

  The couple looked back and forth between themselves, sharing some silent judgmental shit. When their eyes focused back on Natalie, neither of them spoke.

  “We were just leaving.” Natalie pulled me forward and they stepped aside. She was walking so fast I was having a hard time keeping up. That whole scene was a mess.

  “Natalie, wait a minute.” I took her hands in mine. I steadied her in front of me and slouched down to meet her eyes. “What’s going on? Who were those people?” Her eyes were full of unshed tears. “Babe, talk to me, please.”

  “I can’t. I don’t want you to look at me differently.” Her voice was so shaky when she spoke.

  “I couldn’t,” I assured her.

  “Yes, you will.” She was so sure this would change everything.

  I guided her to my truck and helped her inside just before getting in myself. Once I started the car and got the heater running, I turned to face her. Her cheeks were both moist with fallen tears. “Baby, talk to me. Tell me what that was in there.”

  “Those people hate me.” She looked ahead with a blank stare.

  “Why do they hate you?”

  “I put their son in jail.” It was a whisper, but I heard it clearly. She couldn’t look at me, instead she turned to stare out the side window.

  “What happened, Nat?” I refused to allow her to shut me out.

  She took a deep breath, “If I tell you…it’ll change everything with us.”

  I pulled her toward me and placed my finger under her chin, forcing her to look at me. “Nothing could ever change us, baby. I promise you nothing could ever make me love you less.”

  Natalie picked at the hem of her shirt nervously.

  “I had just turned seventeen when I met Gage. He was three years older than me and I actually thought at the time it was cool that an older guy had interest in me.” She made a hmmph sound before continuing. “We met at a party and Gage got me a drink. I nursed it while we talked and danced. After the second one I started feeling really funny,” another pause, “tired and disoriented.” She looked up and a tear fell down her cheek.

  “When I woke up the next morning I was naked in some bedroom. I knew I’d had sex because I had blood on me…there.” Her gaze fell and I swallowed hard. “It was my first time, so I just knew. He had slipped something in my drink and then had sex with me after I passed out.”

  It was breaking me slowly knowing that this happened to Natalie. My chest felt tight and I tried to control the churning in my stomach. I felt nauseated and angry at the same time. I could feel my jaw clenching uncontrollably as I fought against the feelings rushing through me. I wanted to kill the guy.

  “I hurried to find my clothes on the floor and left by foot. I walked to the hospital in the early hours of the morning.” Another deep shuddering breath. “After I told them what happened, they examined me and did some blood work. When they were finished, I insisted they call my dad.” The vibration in her voice grew heavier when she mentioned her father. “Gage had slipped me Rohypnol, the date-rape drug, and when they got the tests back from the rape kit, they confirmed that he was the one who raped me.”

  I took her hand in mine and
she continued. “For months people looked at me like ‘That poor girl’. It was an awful feeling because I hated being the center of attention. I hated how people would watch me like at any moment I would self-destruct or something. I just wanted to forget that it ever happened.”

  I pulled her to me and held her close, allowing her to cry on my shoulder. The overwhelming urge to beat the hell out of something, anything was so hard to control. At this point I had a rage within that even terrified myself.

  How could someone do that to her?

  How could anyone take advantage of a woman like that?

  This guy drugged Natalie and took something from her she could never get back. It broke my heart to know she was forced to live with this memory. And the worst part was nothing I said or did could take her pain away. There was nothing I could do to heal her.

  She needed to know that this changed nothing between us.

  “Natalie, how could you ever think this would change how I feel about you? All this proves is just how strong you are. I adore you, Natalie, and nothing will ever change that.” I felt her shudder against me and I fought against the burning within my chest. No one would ever hurt her again.

  That was a guarantee.

  We spent the next fifteen minutes sitting in the parking lot of the restaurant with me holding her close.

  I think I needed it as much if not more than she did.

  We decided to skip the movie and go back to her father’s house, where we found something on television and curled up together instead.

  We ended our night by unintentionally falling asleep together on the couch.

  I was woken up by her grandma clanking pots and pans in the kitchen. That lady was awake before the roosters. I swore the sun wasn’t even up yet.

  I slipped my arm out from under Natalie’s body and made my way to the kitchen, the smell of coffee filling my nostrils as I rounded the corner.

  “Good morning,” I said hoarsely.

  Her grams spun around to face me with a gleam in her eye. “Well hello there, handsome. I just have to say my granddaughter is one very lucky girl. Waking up every morning to you is every girl’s fantasy and my Nat gets to live it.” I just chuckled and shook my head.

  I took a seat at the table and she made her way over to join me. “Okay, boy, on a serious note, we need to talk.” Serious granny was staring me down and honestly it sorta made me nervous. “Do you plan to take care of Natalie?” she asked. “She deserves a good man, Adam, and I really hope you are that man.”

  “Ma’am, I’d marry your granddaughter today if she would have me. I love Natalie very much. I’ll admit the beginning was rough. The pregnancy was a shock, but there isn’t anything I wouldn’t do for her or my child. I plan on spending the rest of my life making her happy and protecting her. She’s my world.” Grams watched me closely without saying a word.

  She offered a nod seeming pleased with what I had to say.

  She pushed her chair back from the table and slowly made her way to the refrigerator. “Okay, Adam, why don’t you get your sexy ass over here and make this old lady happy? Having you to look at while I make breakfast just might make this the best day of my year.”

  I couldn’t help but chuckle.

  I stood up and strode to her side and spent the next hour whipping up breakfast with Natalie’s fiery little grams. And I’ll admit she made me blush at least five times during that hour.

  Chapter Twenty-Nine


  “So everything’s okay with you two? I mean you guys worked it all out?”

  I sat across the table from Lexi and Megan while they continued to watch me closely. Adam and I got back late on Sunday evening from our trip to my father’s and things seemed normal. I had class early today but decided to meet my girls for a late lunch.

  “I think everything’s gonna be okay. I mean I was worried about Marley and what her being here meant, but we talked about everything.” I had to let go of my fears, I knew that now.

  “Seeing Adam with Grams and my dad changed something for me. They accepted him and it just all became so real, this is my life. I don’t know how to explain it, but they really allowed him in, ya know?”

  Lexi smiled in return. “Well your dad can be pretty intimidating at times. I remember the first time I met him when he came to group on family day at the center. He looks mean.” She laughed, “He’s not but even Kole said the guy looked like he could hurt someone. I bet Adam was a little worried at first.”

  “They got along great after my dad made sure all was well between us.” A big grin spread out over my face. “Then Grams started sexually harassing him, and that broke the ice there, for sure.”

  “Your grams did what?” Megan gasped.

  “Oh, she grabbed his ass,” I said with a laugh, “and made him blush a few times.”

  Lexi and Megan both stared at me in shock which only enhanced the humor.

  All three of our phones chimed in seconds apart. Lexi was the first one to open the message and she began choking on her laughter as she tried to swallow the tea in her mouth. “Oh, he got you…” she sputtered out while trying to regain her composure. Megan joined in shortly after and I was still digging in my purse for my phone.

  The moment I swiped my finger across the screen my mouth fell open. “When the hell did he take that picture?” I let my head fall forward, groaning as I closed my eyes. “I’m gonna kill him. I’m cutting him off, that’s it. He can spank the damn thing on his own because he has been officially cut off.”

  Adam had forwarded on a picture of me asleep with a pickle hanging out of my mouth, half eaten. There was a small amount of cheese whiz smeared on my lip and chin and I looked horrible.

  “You gotta admit, though, Nat, it’s pretty funny.” Megan was all serious looking at her phone, twisting it from side to side as if she was checking it out at every possible angle.

  She looked ridiculous.

  I typed out a message to Adam and shoved my phone back in my purse.

  “What did you tell him?” Lexi asked.

  I shrugged. “Just told him he better swing by an adult toy store on his way home tonight.”

  They both stared at me, waiting for an explanation.

  I threw down the tip on the table and stood up. “He’s gonna need a pocket pussy because mine has just been taken off the market. That’ll teach his ass.”

  As I walked away, I heard them both laughing while they gathered their things and followed behind me.

  Once I got back to his apartment, I ordered dinner to be delivered around 7:00 before deciding to take a quick shower. I stood under the warm water, letting my head fall back as I took in the relaxed feeling. I heard him enter the bathroom, but I refused to acknowledge him.

  Adam’s arms wrapped around my waist and his hands rested over my stomach, lightly rubbing. His whisper against my neck caused chills to trail down my back.

  “You can’t be mad at me forever, baby. You owed me one.” He kissed me gently on the shoulder. “I actually thought that the picture was pretty adorable.”

  He made me smile uncontrollably, but I tried to hide it. I honestly believed he did find it cute.

  The bad boy former Marine had a sweet side. I was lucky enough to be the one who got to witness the beautiful man beneath the hard shell.

  I allowed him to continue kissing my neck, relaxing my body against his chest. I could feel his erection against my lower back and I bit my lip to hide my own arousal. He knew me too well, though. He understood the way he affected me, and he also knew the moment I needed more.

  Adam ran his hands up my body to cup my breasts as he began kneading them in his hands and my knees became weak.

  “Do you forgive me, Nat?” Adam’s tongue traced my neck and my mind became fuzzy. What exactly was it that I was supposed to be mad about?

  “I want you so badly,” he breathed out, as he continued to kiss along my shoulder. I felt the head of his cock against my wet center and I leaned forwa
rd, opening my legs further. With one slow, agonizing movement, Adam entered me with ease.

  “Oh fuck,” he groaned out as he pushed into the depths of me. He began to move within me and his hands found the spot I needed him most. His fingertips began massaging my swollen clit as his thrusts became faster.

  “Yes,” I encouraged him, “faster. Just like that.”

  “Baby, you feel so fucking good,” his voice was husky and barely audible. “So damn good.”

  The water from the shower poured over us as Adam moved faster and harder. He was moaning out my name over and over as he raced toward completion.

  When we were both spent and satisfied we remained silent for a few moments as if to regain our composure.

  I’d braced myself forward against the wall as Adam’s chest rested against my back. “Damn, Nat…whew.” He breathed.

  I laughed and he chuckled. “That was some apology.”

  Chapter Thirty


  “Are you sure about this, dude? She’s gonna freak out on ya.”

  I looked up from the glass case and found Radley looking at me with a serious expression.

  “Yeah, I’m completely serious about this. I know she’ll probably argue with me. I know she’ll try to convince me that it’s too soon, but that doesn’t mean that I agree with her.” I looked back down at all the engagement rings displayed in front of me. “When I think about my future, Natalie is the person I want to share it with. She can fight me on this all she wants, but in the end she’ll marry me.”

  I tapped the glass and looked up at the salesman. “That one right there. That’s the one.”

  I turned back to Radley. “I have never been surer than I am right now. Natalie is the person I want to spend the rest of my life with. I’m gonna give her the life she deserves and we’re gonna raise our son together, as husband and wife.”


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