What to Read After FSOG: The Gemstone Collection (WTRAFSOG Book 2)

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What to Read After FSOG: The Gemstone Collection (WTRAFSOG Book 2) Page 39

by Vi Keeland

  Why do I let my thoughts stray like that? Tabitha admonished herself. Men like Marcus dated models or lawyers, not executive assistants. Tabitha knew she had positive qualities, but not the ones required to land such a man. She was more cute than beautiful. She knew people liked her friendly demeanor, but she had no money or background to speak of.

  Tabitha smiled, deciding there was no harm in daydreaming. Eventually the right man would come along, but until then she was free to drool over a prime male. And Marcus? He was the definition of prime.

  The next morning, Tabitha settled into her beach chair. She felt restless and reading didn’t appeal. She removed her swimming cover up and headed toward the water. Stepping in, Tabitha let the edge of the ocean waves lap at her feet. It was warm! She was used to the cold waters off the shore of the east coast. This was more like a cooled bath. She didn’t need to acclimate her body gradually and waded right in. She was cautious, knowing from experience that breaking surf had more strength than was apparent.

  The retreating waves carried her out a bit and Tabitha treaded water, riding the swells. She noticed a number of stand-up paddleboarders close by and steered herself away from their path. Tabitha relaxed her body and tilted her head back, looking up at the infinite azure sky. The cloud formations floating above mesmerized her. Time slipped away until a bird startled her out of her reverie. Turning toward shore, she realized that she had floated much farther from the beach than she intended.

  Tabitha was unconcerned. She was a strong swimmer and in no hurry. She struck out toward the beach but quickly discovered that she was not making progress. Alarm raced through her as she realized that she must be caught in a rip current. Panic spread through her brain as she struggled to recall what she should do. Fear shortened her breath as she fought against the receding water carrying her toward the open ocean.

  Logic returned and she stopped struggling futilely against the flow. She raised her arms, waving, hoping that someone on shore would see her.

  “Hey, are you okay? Grab the paddle.”

  Tabitha turned to see one of the stand-up paddleboarders behind her. He extended his paddle and she grasped it. He pulled her toward his paddleboard and helped her on.

  Tabitha’s heart raced in her chest. “Thank you.”

  “You have to be careful in this area. The sand bars create strong rip currents.”

  “Now you tell me.”

  “It’s posted on the beach.”

  Tabitha nodded. “Okay, I plead guilty to being a stupid tourist.” She steadied herself on the paddleboard and looked at her rescuer more closely. It was Gorgeous Guy! Tabitha sighed. Way to make a first impression.

  He laughed and held out his hand. “I’m Marcus.” Wet droplets clung to his tanned skin.

  Tabitha grasped it. “I’m Tabitha, and thank you, really, for helping me out.” Tabitha didn’t reveal she already knew his name.

  “My pleasure. Anyone would have done the same.”

  His blue eyes captivated her and Tabitha released his hand with reluctance. “But maybe not so quickly. Thank you for not making me feel like more of an idiot than I already do.”

  “You’re not an idiot. You’re a beautiful woman who got caught up in the grandeur of the ocean. It’s deceptively powerful.”

  Tabitha blushed. Did he just say I was beautiful? She shivered, whether in reaction to her fear or his nearness, she wasn’t sure. The adrenaline rush still clouded her thoughts.

  When they reached the shallows, Tabitha clambered off the board and tumbled into the water.

  Marcus grabbed her shoulder to steady her. “Are you feeling okay? Do you need to get checked out?” His intense blue eyes reflected worry.

  “I’m fine. Just unnerved I guess.” I could get lost in those eyes.

  “It’s understandable. You should take it easy.”

  “I think I’ll head inside for a while. Thank you again.”

  “Enjoy your day and be careful.”

  Tabitha gathered her things and headed into the hotel. Returning to her room, she showered off and readied herself for souvenir shopping. She’d try the beach again later after her nerves steadied.

  Later that afternoon, Tabitha was ready to venture outside again. This time it would be strictly sunbathing and reading. As she stepped out onto the beach, she found the area more crowded than before but not overly so. Plenty of spots were available and soon she settled in, enjoying the sound of the ocean waves rolling into shore.

  Only a moment had passed when she noticed a shadow to the side and turned her head.

  Marcus studied her face. “How are you feeling?”

  “I’m fully recovered, thanks.”


  Tabitha’s smile grew wide. She held out her hand. “Really, I can’t thank you enough for your help.”

  He held her hand in a firm grasp a shade longer than necessary, but Tabitha didn’t mind. She enjoyed looking at him. Though he had probably shaved that morning, an attractive shadow highlighted his chin and strong jawline.

  “I’m glad I was in the right place.”

  Tabitha released his hand. “So, where’s your sister?”

  “My sister? How did you know?”

  Tabitha bit her lip. “I’m sorry to say that I eavesdropped a bit. I was sitting near you at dinner last evening.”

  “Eavesdropping? That seems extremely naughty.”

  Tabitha was caught off guard by the tone of his voice. He was teasing, and yet, there was a thread of authority running through his words. Tabitha tried to suppress a shiver. “Well, sometimes I just can’t help myself.”

  Marcus appeared disarmed by her honesty. “Are you traveling with anyone?”

  Tabitha gave him a playful look. “Why do you ask?”

  Marcus smiled. “Because I’m interested in knowing the answer, of course.”

  “Well, if you’re thinking about ditching my body at sea, I’ve got six family members waiting for me in my hotel room upstairs. If you’re thinking about asking me to dinner, there is no reason why you shouldn’t.” Tabitha amazed herself. Where is this coming from? This man brought something out in her. She’d bet those broad shoulders and sexy smile had enticed many a woman.

  He laughed. “You have nothing to worry about. I never use force, unless of course, it is desired.”

  “Oh?” The truth burst into her mind. It suddenly became clear that he was fishing around a bit. There had been several hints here and there, but it seemed like he might be looking for a certain sort of woman. No, he couldn’t be. I’m imagining things.

  “It’s true. I would be pleased if you joined me for dinner this evening.”

  Tabitha did a mental fist pump in her mind. Woohoo! Dinner with Gorgeous Guy. “What did you have in mind?”

  “Would you be averse to allowing me to surprise you?”

  Tabitha hesitated then plunged ahead. “Not at all. It’s clear you have excellent taste.”

  Marcus raised an eyebrow. “What makes you say that?”

  “Well, we both dined at the same restaurant last night, and I thought it was terrific.”

  “Ah, well, my meal was less than pleasant unfortunately.” His tone indicated the subject was off-limits.

  “Perhaps it was the company and not the food?”

  Marcus laughed. “You are undoubtedly right and surprisingly honest.”

  “My mother would say that my tongue is quicker than my brain.”

  The corners of Marcus’s mouth lifted. “I’ve always been a fan of quick tongues.”

  Tabitha’s eyes widened. She couldn’t recall the last time she’d had such a flirty conversation. Is he teasing me?

  “I’ve got some business to attend to. Shall I meet you at your room at six?”

  Some of Tabitha’s natural caution reasserted itself. “I’ll meet you in the lobby at six. Does that work for you?”

  “That’s fine. I’m looking forward to it.” With a playful wink, Marcus turned and walked back inside the hote

  It occurred to Tabitha that her tiny stab at safety was undoubtedly useless. He probably already knew what room she occupied and, if he didn’t, he could certainly find out. Still, she didn’t really feel nervous. It was a treat to look at him and she anticipated a very tasty meal.

  Tabitha stepped out of the elevator and into the lobby a minute before six. She’d restrained herself from arriving any earlier. Tending to be incredibly punctual, she usually arrived places before the appointed time. However, she was on Hawaiian time now. Though Tabitha couldn’t quite bring herself to follow the local custom of “whenever,” she dreaded appearing too eager.

  Marcus was talking to the concierge as she approached him. She’d never experienced smoldering eyes before, but she swore she’d seen a quick flare of desire in the blue depths as he spotted her. Now that his hair was dry, it had a bit of a wave that Tabitha’s fingers itched to touch.

  He held out his hand to her. “Tabitha, you look lovely.”

  “Thank you.” She took his hand and the warmth of his skin surrounded her fingers. His thumb rubbed her palm and desire shot through her.

  “I finalized our arrangements. Are you ready to go?”

  “Yes.” Shyness engulfed her. Am I making a mistake?

  “We have a car waiting for us.” He guided her outside and into the confines of a late model black sedan. He said nothing to the driver, who seemed to know their destination. They were both quiet, but the air between them sizzled.

  Tabitha hunted for an interesting or witty remark, but couldn’t. His fingertips lightly stroked her forearm, sending tingles over the surface of her skin. She swallowed and placed her hand on his thigh, savoring his heat through the fabric. Her fingers contracted and dug into him. She heard his breath catch and her pulse quickened. She pressed her thighs together. Her pussy grew moist. She didn’t recall ever having such a strong physical reaction from such a minor touch. She’d had sex where she hadn’t been this aroused.

  Marcus leaned toward her. “Do you feel it?”

  There was no point in feigning ignorance and Tabitha nodded.

  “It’s quite remarkable, isn’t it? Exhilarating … and rare. For me anyway. For you?”

  “I …. Yes. For me too. Marcus …,” Tabitha trailed off as he leaned in to nuzzle her jawline. Her pussy twitched in response. What would happen if he really touched her? Spontaneous combustion! The thought made her quiver and smile at the same time.

  The car stopped, and the driver came around to open the door. Tabitha realized the entire trip was a blur, and she had no idea how long it had taken. Time seemed elastic in his presence.

  They exited the car and entered the restaurant. It was a Japanese steakhouse. Tabitha was excited. She loved teppanyaki. This was a more upscale version than her usual experience. The hostess seated them immediately and the show started. There were the customary onion volcanoes and such, but to her surprise, the chef had many more tricks up his sleeve. He commanded the grill with practiced expertise and kept up a constant humorous repartee.

  The chef served the food, but Tabitha barely tasted it. It appeared appetizing, but her taut nerves stretched to the breaking point. Sexual desire emanated from Marcus and she carefully avoided touching him, fearing the spark igniting right in the restaurant.

  Marcus acted as if nothing distracted him, bantering with the chef and exchanging comments with her. But she saw it in his eyes, the awareness of what was between them. Tabitha wondered what would happen when they left the restaurant and returned to the hotel. Will he come to my room? Do I want him to? After all, this was a first date. She wasn’t normally a hop in the sack on the first date type of girl. She’d had a few wild times when she was younger, but she was more selective now.

  What did she know about Marcus? He was educated and appeared to have means. He was totally gorgeous and smoking hot. Hell, for all she knew there could be a girlfriend waiting in the wings or even a wife. She hadn’t asked him straight out.

  Parts of Tabitha burned just sitting next to him. Did she have the will to refuse? He was one of those men who clearly knew his way around a woman. He was charming and solicitous and there was a confidence in his touch that hinted at his sensual abilities. It was hard to think when the urge to grab him and plant one right on him was so overwhelming. She smiled and licked her lips as she imagined the reaction of the diners around them if she acted on her fantasy.

  Marcus caught her eye. “I’d love to know what you’re thinking about.”

  Tabitha blushed deeply and smothered a cough. “Ask me later.”

  He nodded. “Okay. I will. Did you enjoy your meal?”

  “I did, but I was a bit distracted.”

  Marcus gave her a knowing smile and took her arm, leading her from the restaurant. Once in the car, he held her hand and traced the edges of her fingertips with his. Tabitha had always thought of her fingers as an instrument of pleasure, but he was showing her just how sensitive they were to another’s touch.

  Tabitha searched for the resolve to make a decision. Sex had only been self-pleasuring for so long. She was on vacation, but that wasn’t a license to be reckless. Her mind whirled between caution and desire.

  Soon they arrived at the hotel and headed up in the elevator. She still hadn’t made up her mind when they reached her door. He took the key card from her and then slid it into the slot. After a slight click, he opened the door a crack.

  Marcus leaned in and gently took her mouth. His firm lips molded to hers and Tabitha opened, luring him inside. He accepted her invitation and glided tip of his tongue along the edge of her top lip. He slid his hand from her hip to her ass and squeezed as he pulled her forward against him.

  Just as Tabitha’s resistance crumbled, Marcus pulled back. He closed his eyes and rested his forehead against hers a moment, then straightened and stepped away.

  “Thank you for a lovely evening. I’m going sailing tomorrow. Would you like to join me?”

  Tabitha was stunned and barely pushed out a yes before he steered her through the doorway, shutting the door between them. Tabitha stood, alone and dazed, trying to catch her breath. What just happened? He was aroused. She knew he was. She’d felt it. Isn’t this what I want? She hadn’t planned to hop right into intimacy with him. It turned out he didn’t want that either. Paradoxically, she felt slightly offended. Her body still tingled with arousal.

  Tabitha shed her clothes and fished the vibrator out of her suitcase. “Well, it looks like just you and me tonight.” She climbed into bed and spread her legs wide. She pressed the vibrator to her clit and closed her legs around it. Her mind drifted to Marcus.

  Tabitha rolled over onto her stomach, cradling her head in the crook of her arm while pressing the vibrator against herself with the other hand. She imagined Marcus crawling up behind her. The warmth of his body scorched her skin as he drew close without quite touching her. His hot breath tickled her ear as he whispered how much he wanted her. Tabitha pulsed deep inside, his weight crushing her. His knees nudged her legs apart. He spread her lips and dipped one finger inside her, testing her readiness. He eased himself inside and Tabitha gasped and came. Rolling waves of muscle contractions spread through her body. Tabitha let them flow through her, relishing the tingling pleasure.

  In the aftermath, Tabitha succumbed to her post orgasmic lethargy and fell into a deep slumber, dreaming of sailing on the ocean with Marcus.

  Tabitha slept in the next morning but made it to the restaurant in time for the tail end of breakfast service. As she finished her papaya, she felt a sudden tingle of awareness. She glanced up and saw Marcus crossing the room toward her. She set down her spoon and waited. What a picture he made. Female heads swiveled in his direction. A few male ones too. It wasn’t only that he personified tall, dark, and handsome, but there was a magnetism about him that drew people into his orbit.

  He slid into the chair opposite her. “Are you enjoying your breakfast?”

  “Yes. The fruit is amazing.”

  “I imagine it’s local. Still up for a sail?”

  Tabitha’s heart jumped in her chest. “I am.” How does he manage such mundane conversation?

  “Great. When do you want to go?”

  “Isn’t your charter for specific time?” Tabitha considered bringing up the previous evening but didn’t know how to broach the subject.

  “It’s open. We’ll go when you’re ready.”

  “Okay. I need to get a few things together. Meet in the lobby in thirty minutes?”

  “Sounds good.” Marcus stood and left Tabitha to finish her breakfast and contemplate his behavior. He’d been almost brusque, as if they were acquaintances instead of being … whatever it was they were.

  Tabitha shook her head as he walked away, puzzled and confused. Will I ever understand men?

  When they arrived at the pier, Tabitha wondered which boat they were taking. Marcus guided her along the walkway toward a slip containing a large yacht.

  Tabitha stopped and laughed. “Marcus, that is not a sailboat.”

  “I said we were going sailing. I didn’t say on a sailboat. If I’d invited you to go yachting, it might sound pretentious.” He smiled with good humor.

  Tabitha shook her head ruefully. This man charmed without even trying.

  Marcus escorted her on board. It was only a few moments before the crew cast off. The yacht wasn’t the biggest that she’d seen, but it was clearly luxurious. She didn’t know the crew complement, but she imagined a vessel of this size took a few people to operate.

  Marcus caressed her hand. “I’ve asked the captain to see if he can take us to a good spot for whale watching.”

  Tabitha took a deep breath to steady herself. “That would be terrific.”

  “Come. Let’s sit on deck a while.” Several different groupings of deck chairs occupied space on deck. Some were in the sun, some in the shade, and one was partially shaded.


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