What to Read After FSOG: The Gemstone Collection (WTRAFSOG Book 2)

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What to Read After FSOG: The Gemstone Collection (WTRAFSOG Book 2) Page 96

by Vi Keeland

  Brie herded her friends to her couch with their favorite drinks and snacks. She sat down gingerly, finding the position that hurt the least. The three spent the night sharing not only the details of their last Auction Day, but their favorite moments from their time at the Center.

  “My favorite has to be the violet wand,” Lea blurted.

  “Not your outing with Ms. Clark?” Mary asked sarcastically.

  “Well, that was exceptional. However, that wand… I’m telling you, I haven’t felt anything like it.”

  “What about you?” Brie asked Mary.

  Mary instantly clammed up and stared at the camera.

  “It won’t bite, woman. Pretend it’s not there and tell me what you liked.”

  Mary took a deep breath. She turned away from the camera before she spoke. “Hmm… So much to choose from. You have to admit we are the luckiest women alive. So many Doms and so many scenarios to reflect on.”

  “True,” Brie agreed, “but which was your favorite?”

  “Oh, hell… Marquis Gray.”

  Brie and Lea nodded in unison. Lea grinned. “Totally makes sense. He is a master of the flogger.”

  “I do like Marquis…” Brie said dreamily.

  “I would ask that man to collar me if it was allowed,” Mary said, taking a sip of her drink.

  Brie felt a cold chill. Allowed? Mary must not know what she was talking about. The waiting was almost over… Once they’d graduated from the course, the trainers would be fair game.

  Mary shocked Brie again when she added, “But I sure would like to take a spin with Faelan.”

  Brie felt her hackles instantly rise. “Why?”

  “He’s the talk of the Center. Haven’t you heard? All of his subs want to partner with him. Damn, I want a chance at that boy! There’s something about those eyes that drives me absolutely wild. I haven’t stopped dreaming about Todd Wallace since suffering through his vibrator punishment. I can’t explain what it is about him, but I am majorly attracted.”

  What is Mary’s problem? Does she have to lust after every guy I like? Brie got up to fix another drink to avoid saying something she’d regret.

  Lea spoke up. “He’s been Brie’s since even before Brie knew he existed.”

  Mary turned on her. “I don’t understand it. What does she have that I don’t?”

  “A heart,” Lea joked.

  Brie headed back with a new drink in her hand. She shook her head in response to Lea’s statement. “No, Mary has a heart.” She looked at her former nemesis. “You were kind to Captain tonight.”

  Mary’s eyes softened. “He’s a good man.”

  Brie smiled, agreeing, “Yes, he is.” She paused for a moment, debating whether she should voice her thoughts, but forged ahead anyway. “I doubted you, Mary. But I should have known better. Underneath that hard exterior is a beautiful person.”

  “Shut the fuck up!” Mary glared at the camera accusingly. “Turn that damn thing off!”

  Brie didn’t budge. “Why? The truth pissing you off?”

  Mary suddenly looked close to tears. Brie rushed over to her camera and switched it off. “I didn’t mean anything by it…” She added tenderly, “Bitch.”

  Mary looked her in the eye and mouthed the word, “Thanks.”

  Brie suddenly understood that Mary wasn’t used to compliments from other women. “I only speak the truth, you know.”

  Mary began wiping tears away as quickly as they appeared.

  Lea looked at Brie in shock, clearly not knowing how to handle the situation. “So Mary, I don’t suppose you’ve heard that a good submissive is hard to beat?”

  Mary shook her head a couple of times and then started laughing hysterically, far more enthusiastically than the joke deserved. But it prompted both girls to join her. Brie poured Mary another drink and handed Lea a beer.

  She held up her wine glass and toasted, “May we go down in the history books as the best damn submissive class known in the history of the Submissive Training Center!”

  They held up their glasses one at a time, each girl cheering for herself:

  “Lea the Lovely!”

  “Mary the Magnificent!”

  “Brie the Bodacious!”

  They broke out in more peals of laughter until Mr. Nguyen hammered from the floor above. Brie looked at the clock. “Oh, crap, girls, we have to try to keep it down. I’m pissing off my neighbor because it’s four o’clock in the morning.”

  There was silence for a couple of seconds, and then the snickers began. Mary smiled at Brie and suggested, “Why don’t we pay a visit to Mr. Nguyen and show him what we’ve learned?”

  Brie started crying as she tried to hold back the laughter threatening to spill out. She stumbled over to the other two and wrapped them in her arms. “I love you guys.”

  Lea hugged back, but Mary pulled away. “Enough with the hugging. You are not hot in any way, shape or form.”

  Brie laughed out loud. “Whatever, Mary the Mediocre.”

  “Magnificent, bitch.”

  Brie held her hand up in a dismissive manner. “Whatever…”

  Mary tackled her to the ground and Lea jumped on top.

  Brie grinned up at the ceiling. Five weeks ago, she had been alone and bored. Now she had these two amazing women as friends and a whole exotic world to explore with the Dom of her choice.

  Truly, life doesn’t get better than this…

  (Week 6)

  Brie Bows to Her Master

  The End Approaches

  Even though it was nearly five a.m., the girls were still partying hard. Five weeks of submissive training meant they had a lot to celebrate. Mary had even given Brie permission to turn the camera back on so that she could record their conversation for her documentary.

  “But if you dare get mushy on me, that thing is trash,” Mary warned, pointing to Brie’s movie camera.

  “Got it. I promise to treat you like the heartless bitch you are, Mary,” Brie joked.

  “Fine. See that you do.”

  Lea jumped on the couch and asked, “So, Brie, are you really going to pick a Master on graduation day?”

  “Absolutely. My heart has been torn into pieces. For my sanity, I need to give myself to one Dom.” She nudged Lea with her shoulder. “How about you?”

  Her best friend’s ample chest turned a deep shade of red, along with her face. Brie knew something was up. “What’s going on?”

  Lea fiddled with her corset as she talked. “Ms. Clark kind of suggested I might be a good candidate for their Dom training.”

  “What! You, a Dom?”

  Lea broke out in giggles. “No, silly. I would help the Doms practice.”

  “You have got to be kidding!” Mary shouted.

  Brie gave her the evil eye. The last thing she needed was Mr. Nguyen knocking on her door and telling her to keep it down.

  Mary frowned at her, but spoke softly to Lea. “You with all those Doms-in-training? In your dreams… They’ll never accept you.”

  Lea stuck her chin up. “Shows how much you know. I’ve already been accepted. I start in two weeks.”

  “Fuck me!” Mary snapped. “How did you manage that?”

  Lea grinned. “It pays to be nice.”

  Brie shook her head. “Damn girl, you’re lucky. Wish Ms. Clark liked me…”

  Mary huffed angrily. “What some people won’t do to get what they want.”

  Brie tugged on a lock of her blonde hair. “You’re just jealous. I can totally see you going down on Ms. Clark if you thought it would get you what you wanted.”

  “Yeah, well you tried it, and see how far it got you.” Mary raised her eyebrow. “And just what do you think I want anyway, Miss Know-It-All?”

  Brie looked her over carefully. “I think you are more like me than you want to admit. I bet you’re chomping at the bit to be collared by some hunky Dom, but you’re too chicken.”

  Mary snorted in disgust. “Ha! Shows how much you know. There is no way I wou
ld settle down with one Master. Not when I have a whole world of Dominants yet to be explored.” She waved Brie off dismissively. “I think you’re an idiot.”

  “Oh, don’t hold back. Tell me what you really think,” Brie said, laughing.

  Mary sat down next to her, suddenly looking serious. “No, you shouldn’t let anyone collar you at the graduation ceremony. You’ve had so little experience. There are way better Doms out there.”

  “Are you kidding me? The Submissive Training Center attracts the very best. I’m confident I’ve already met my Master… I just haven’t decided which one.”

  “Well, like I said, you are a fool.” Mary got up to mix herself a drink.

  Lea put her hand on Brie’s shoulder. “Even though Mary is socially inept, I agree with her, Brie. You should live a little before you settle down.”

  “Et tu, Brute?” Brie complained. “I don’t think either of you understand how hard this has been on me. I need to serve one Dom. It gets so intense sometimes, I feel like I can’t breathe.”

  Lea wrapped her arms around her. “If that’s how you feel, then I’m behind you one hundred percent. Besides, I’m curious about the collaring ceremony. It sounds so damn romantic!”

  Mary came back into the room. “It’s not romantic. It’s more like a business transaction.”

  Brie rolled her eyes. “You have no idea what you are talking about. I imagine it being as romantic as a wedding, but with a sexy element because of the D/s relationship.” She literally shivered just thinking about handing her collar over to her Master.

  “I go back to my original observation. You are an idiot.”

  Brie shot back, “And I go back to mine. You’re just jealous!”

  Lea put her arms around both women. “Girls, girls, no need to bicker. Tell me, what did the naughty sub say to her Master?”

  Brie took the bait, knowing Lea was only trying to help. “Okay, what did the naughty sub say to her Master?”

  “‘Who died and left you in charge?’”

  On that humorous note, the celebration ended. Brie watched her friends walk to their cars and felt a momentary stab of pain. This is it. Our last week of training…

  Lea turned around and yelled, “We’re going to hang after graduation, right?”

  Brie blushed. “Well, maybe not right after graduation. But soon, I promise!”

  “I’m holding you to that, Stinky Cheese,” Mary shouted.

  “You do that, Mary the Mediocre!”

  Mary gave her the bird. Brie laughed to herself as she shut the door. Man, I love my friends!

  That Monday, the girls met in the commons and lined up in front of the panel waiting for them. Unfortunately, they were met with frowns.

  Sir stood up and chastised them harshly. “Did I not assign you rituals to be performed before each session?” All three girls bowed their heads in shame. Brie had completely forgotten about it over the weekend.

  Mary immediately went to bow on the floor, but Sir stopped her. “Too late. You are not allowed the privilege now.” He added, in a severe but quiet tone that pierced Brie’s shamed heart, “Do not forget again.”

  He went on to explain the layout of their last week before handing each girl an individual schedule for the night. Brie’s first task would be to write down general questions for the Doms she would interview on graduation day. Sir announced that he would meet with her afterwards so they could go over her questions together. She could barely contain her excitement.

  When Brie had finished her long list of questions, she got up and started towards Sir’s office. He met her halfway down the hallway and directed her back to the commons. She wondered why, but dutifully followed behind Sir.

  They sat down at a table across from each other. Sir looked deliciously hot in his white button-up shirt, which was rolled up at the sleeves as if he was ready for business. She tried to avoid looking into his intense eyes, as she knew they would render her speechless if she dared to peek.

  Although it was a mock interview, Brie felt frightfully nervous, as if she were really interviewing Sir as her potential Dom. He could sense that, or it was written all over her face, because the first thing he said was, “You can calm down now, Miss Bennett. I’m simply going over your questions with you.”

  She felt her whole body flush and picked up her paper in self-defense, beginning with her first question. “How old are you, Sir?”

  He nodded. “That’s an acceptable question.”

  She stared at him. When he didn’t answer, she asked, “So?”

  “What? You want me to answer that?”

  “Please, Sir. It’ll help me excel when I do the real thing.”

  He raised his eyebrow, but acquiesced. “Thirty-three.”

  “I see…” She quickly did the math and realized he was eleven years older. She imagined Sir as an eleven-year-old boy, holding her in his arms as a tiny little infant. It was an amusing image, and she snorted.


  Brie bit her lip and looked back down at her paper. “How long have you been a Dominant?”

  “A fine question. Gives you an idea of their experience level.”

  She rested her chin on her hand while she waited for his reply.

  He growled in irritation, but she could tell he was amused. “Miss Bennett, is this really necessary?”

  “It is, Sir. I am going to be making an important decision, maybe the most important decision of my life, and I need to feel prepared. Just going over my list of questions isn’t going to make me feel confident about the interviews later this week.”

  He stared at her for several seconds before answering. “I’ve taken the lifestyle seriously for eight years now.”

  “Thank you.” Brie put the paper up to her face so he couldn’t see her smile. “Hmm… Do you like animals?”


  She put the paper back down. “I’ve heard that Doms who like animals are more likely to treat their subs well.”

  “What, did you google that?”

  She looked sideways, blushing at his sarcasm. “Of course.”

  “Scratch it off your list. You only have thirty minutes per interview, so keep it simple and to the point.”

  Brie crossed out the question and moved to the next. “What made you decide to pursue the Dominant lifestyle?”

  “A worthwhile question.” He looked her directly in the eye. Did he know she had trouble concentrating when he did that? “In my twenties I realized I had a natural affinity for discovering a woman’s unspoken desires.” He smiled at her, and Brie stopped breathing due to its sheer radiance. “In case you’re curious, I was not abused growing up, nor do I take pleasure in beating women. I simply enjoy exploring a woman’s sexuality to its fullest.”

  Please, Sir, explore mine!

  Brie forced herself to breathe. “Are you interested in a twenty-four seven, total power exchange or a casual relationship?”

  “Important question to ask. However, I am not interested in a relationship at this time, Miss Bennett.”

  Brie prodded him, “Fine, but if you were…”

  “A full-time relationship.”

  She was happy to hear it. “If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be and why?”

  “Scratch that.”

  Brie dutifully crossed it out without an argument. “Classical or rock?”

  “Irrelevant. Scratch it off your list as well.”

  “What do you do for a living?”

  “Necessary question. I am an administrative consultant.”

  “Does it pay well?”

  Sir cleared his throat. “I have no complaints.”

  Brie looked at her list and realized he wasn’t going to like most of her questions, so she skipped over a majority of them. “What kind of relationship do you have with your mother?”



  “Simple, to the point. I haven’t heard a question about your film career.”

bsp; “Wait, I have one.” She skimmed down the page. “Here it is. How do you feel about your sub working outside the relationship?”

  “Ask instead, ‘Would you support my career as a film director?’”

  “Oh, that’s much more direct.” She quickly wrote the question down and then waited for his answer.

  He gave her an exasperated look, but responded, “I would support such a career choice…not that it matters.” He glanced at his watch. “We need to end this session. Go over your questions tonight, make sure they are specific and give you the answers you require. Also, leave room for an intimate encounter with each Dom. Being able to compare three applicants side by side is an unparalleled experience. There have been several past submissives who were able to make a definitive decision after such a comparison.”

  “Do we have time for that, Sir? For practice purposes, naturally,” Brie added with a playful grin.

  His eyes suddenly became distant, his voice cold. “I expect you to go over your list tonight and weed out the waste.” He handed her a piece of paper. “Here are the vows spoken at a collaring ceremony. I suggest you memorize them.” He glanced at his watch again, stating, “It is time you meet with Mr. Gallant. Leave now.”

  Brie was shaken by the sudden change in him. She nodded meekly as she got up and left the table. The man was an enigma.

  A Total MF

  Brie stopped at the entrance to Mr. Gallant’s classroom. She hesitated for a second before dutifully untying her corset, but he stopped her. “Miss Bennett, that is unnecessary. I am your teacher. The ritual is only meant for your trainers.”

  She quickly retied it, feeling embarrassed by her mistake, but that changed as soon as he gestured her to a chair with a smile. She sat down directly in front of his desk. It was strange being the only student in class, and she had to shake off the loneliness.

  Mr. Gallant began, “Normally, I would hand you an evaluation by your Dom from the previous Auction Day. However, our time tonight is extremely short. In a nutshell, Mr. Wallace noticed that you struggled with his authority early on, but stated the problem resolved itself. He rated you a ten overall.”


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