What to Read After FSOG: The Gemstone Collection (WTRAFSOG Book 2)

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What to Read After FSOG: The Gemstone Collection (WTRAFSOG Book 2) Page 119

by Vi Keeland

  “I’m sorry.” Eric pressed a kiss against her temple and Mina closed her eyes, willing the angry tears that had sprung up to go away. They always came when she thought about the accident.

  “No, I’m sorry,” she said. “This isn’t very romantic.”

  “I asked,” he said. “Besides, I’d wondered why you have custody of Jess.”

  She frowned.

  He slid down the mattress, keeping his hands on her body and not stopping until his face was level with her hips. Slowly, he kissed his way down the winding trail of her scar. The raised flesh was numb, but she could feel his lips on her skin beside it, hot and soft.

  “At one point I thought I’d have it tattooed over,” she said, her stomach fluttering as he continued with his kisses, “but all the artists I went to said that the scar tissue was too thick.”

  “They were right,” Eric said. “But it doesn’t matter. You don’t need to cover it up. You’re perfect.” His fingertips fluttered against the inside of her thigh, inciting an ache in her core.

  She sucked in a breath when he raised his hand to touch her delicate panties, his fingers trailing over the lace, brushing her clit. It tingled in response, aching as she remembered his tongue gliding over it. “Eric…”

  He gently gripped the wispy material and pulled, baring one hip and then the other, until she was barely covered. She arched her hips, letting him whisk the lace away and toss it to the floor with the rest of her clothing.

  “You look amazing.” He pressed his fingers between her hips again, brushing her clit and the slick folds below. Her core tightened, and her eyes went automatically to the bulge at the front of his jeans.

  “What about you?” She placed a hand on the fly and undid the button. All the muscles in his torso tightened as she pinched the zipper and pulled it down. She rose to her knees, trying not to betray the way they tried to give out on her as he let each one of his fingers trail over her clit before pulling his hand away. Seizing fistfuls of denim and cotton, she slid his pants and underwear down, pressing herself against him so that her nipples hardened against the warm planes of his chest.

  “God, Mina.” Eric groaned as she reached below and wrapped her fingers around his erection, trailing her tongue down the side of his neck. He was hard and throbbing in her palm, as smooth as she’d imagined. After a last kiss she leaned back, looking down at the sight she’d been imagining for weeks. Despite the fact that she already held him in her hand, a fresh wave of arousal rolled through her as she laid eyes on him. His cock was every bit as thick as she’d suspected after that night in Hot Ink, when she’d felt him, just for a moment, through the cover of his jeans. It was perfect, just like the rest of him, and her pussy slickened and tightened at the thought of it inside her.

  He wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her tight against him, smoothing a hand over her ass and squeezing as he sought her lips with his. He kissed her hard and she did the same to him, nipping his lower lip with her teeth and thrusting her tongue against his. Just when she thought she couldn’t take it any longer, he lowered her against the mattress, his hips grinding maddeningly against hers. The tip of his cock skimmed across her belly as he flexed his hips, supporting himself on one elbow as he cupped one of her breasts with his free hand, lowering his head and teasing the nipple with his tongue.

  She sighed, arching her hips and reveling in the way his cock pressed harder into her belly, sending anticipatory pleasure rolling through her middle. He closed his mouth around her nipple, drawing it in as he caressed the swell of her breast. She writhed against him, her breath escaping in a rush. He stopped much sooner than she would have liked, but only to press his lips against her other nipple, biting it lightly before he drew it into his mouth. Dampness crept down the insides of her thighs, leaving her impossibly wet and ready for him. “Don’t stop,” she said when he pulled away and began to rise.

  “Only for a second, baby.” He lowered his head and brushed a kiss across her lips. “Believe me, I don’t want to stop.” He swung his legs over the side of the bed and kicked off his jeans and underwear completely, bending to fish in the pocket of his pants. As he pulled out his wallet, opened it and reached inside, Mina rolled onto her side and laid a hand on his arm.

  “Not yet,” she said, running her fingers over his side and lowering her hand into his lap, gripping his cock again. She slid off the bed and fell to her knees between his, her mouth watering. She’d been wanting to do this ever since he’d spread her legs on the couch at Hot Ink and pressed his tongue inside her pussy. Parting her slick lips, she lowered her head into his lap and took the tip of his erection into her mouth.

  He groaned and his cock jumped in his lap, his velvet-smooth flesh sliding against her tongue. She swept it over the head of his cock, tracing and tasting the thick ridge that marked where it ended and the shaft began. Reaching below, she cupped his balls, letting their warm weight rest in her hand as she took more of him into her mouth.

  “Mina…” She opened her eyes and saw that he was gripping the edge of the mattress with both hands, his knuckles white. She took him deeper, her nipples tightening when the tip of his cock touched the back of her throat. It wasn’t easy to take all of him, but the way he groaned her name again made it worth it. She slowly slid back, unable to resist sweeping her tongue over the end of his erection before sliding down again. He let her continue for a few more moments before laying a hand on her shoulder.

  “You’ve gotta stop, baby. Come here.” He helped her up, pulling her onto the bed and rolling on top of her. His cock throbbed against the inside of her thigh and she shifted beneath him, aching with the desire to feel it slide inside her. “In a second,” he said in response to her impatience.

  He picked up the foil package from where he’d dropped it on the mattress and tore it open. Mina’s core tightened as she watched him pull out a condom and slide it on, his fingers gliding over his thick shaft. When he returned to her and settled between her thighs, she opened them readily. The tip of his cock met her slick pussy, causing her entire body to tingle. “Ready?” he asked.

  She thought of when he’d asked her that as she’d lain in the tattoo chair, and how a sensual shiver had raced down her spine when he’d placed his hands on her side. The sound of his voice had caused her to dream of this then, but she hadn’t known her fantasy would come true. “Yes.”

  He slid inside her slowly, taking his time as he filled her inch by inch. When he was finally completely inside her, she felt so full that she suspected even the slightest movement might send her spiraling toward orgasm. She wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him close, wanting to seal the perfect moment with a kiss before her climax came.

  He pulled back and pressed into her again as he kissed her, their tongues twining together. His chest brushed her nipples, causing them to pucker and tighten. She moaned, the sound lost in his mouth. Her channel tightened around him as he thrust again, and again, and again… She wrapped her legs around his waist and held him close, ending their kiss and tipping back her head, gasping.

  As she wrapped herself around him, he moaned, pushing deeper into her than before. She arched against him as the telltale tightening began, igniting each of her senses and setting her every nerve on edge as she prepared to lose herself. “You feel amazing,” Eric said, his voice low as he punctuated his claim with another thrust.

  White-hot pleasure struck her core and swept through her belly, causing her to gasp. She panted as he thrust harder and it kept coming, rolling through her in waves that wiped all coherent thought from her mind. Her body tightened around his cock, causing her to feel fuller than ever. She felt every inch of every thrust, and when her climax ended and she emerged from the haze of sensation, she was still moaning his name.

  “Mina…” he groaned, stilling for a moment and brushing a kiss across her lips.

  She kept her legs wrapped firmly around his waist, even though her thighs were trembling. This time, he’d experience the sam
e pleasure she had. The thought only added to her enjoyment.

  He flexed his hips, sending his cock deep into her channel again. She’d been left ultra-sensitive in the wake of such an intense orgasm, and his every movement sent hot little bolts of fire shooting through her belly, like aftershock. She tipped back her head and reveled in the sensation of him moving inside her, his hardness a delightful contrast to her own soft flesh. When his breathing grew heavy and he tensed on top of her, she knew he was going to come. She wrapped her arms tight around his neck, feeling the muscles in his shoulders shift inside her embrace as he drove himself into her. By the time he began to moan, she had to join him. It felt too good not to, and the idea of him coming inside her was the most erotic thing she could imagine.

  A few moments later, he kissed her one last time before withdrawing and settling onto his side beside her. Cupping her chin, he gently guided her gaze until it locked with his. His blue eyes were gorgeous, still half-lidded with pleasure. “Was it worth it, Mina?”

  She rolled onto her side too, stretching as a delicious sense of warmth settled over her. “Worth what?”

  “The wait. Letting me see your scar.”

  “Oh, God Eric, yes.” She pressed herself against him, curling against his body and laying her head on his arm, the spiraling design of his tattoo just visible in the corner of her eye. “I don’t think I’ve ever been happier.” She’d thought it would feel like going out on a limb to admit it out loud, but it didn’t. She felt comfortable, like she belonged there – lying against him, glowing with satisfaction. “No – I know I’ve never been happier.”

  He dropped his hand from beneath her chin and smoothed it over her back. “Me neither.”


  Four months later…

  “Bye Garret.” Mina waved as Eric’s roommate stepped out of the apartment and into the hall, holding the last of his boxes against his chest.

  “See ya, Eric, Mina.” The door swung shut and he was gone.

  “So are you going to advertise for another roommate?” Mina asked, glancing around the living room and the adjoining kitchen. The apartment seemed strangely empty without Garret’s belongings. She’d grown used to the sight of them over the past few months. Not that his move was entirely a bad thing…it might leave Eric without anyone to split the cost of rent and utilities with, but she couldn’t help but get excited when she thought that until he found a new roommate, they’d be able to have the apartment to themselves anytime they wanted. God, it would be nice to have a private place to retreat to without having to work out a schedule first. Up until now, they’d always had to worry over whether Jess would be home at Mina’s place or Garret at Eric’s, possibly with company of his own.

  “I don’t know,” Eric said, turning his back to the door to face her. “I was hoping that I’d be able to come up with a better solution.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Mina,” he took one of her hands and clasped it in his, “I know it’s sometimes hard for us to find time to spend alone with each other. Being together at work and hanging out with friends is great, but I want more. What do you think about living together?”

  As her heart skipped a beat, she swallowed the knot that had formed in her throat as he’d spoken. It wasn’t like she’d been caught totally off guard by his question. It had occurred to her more than once before that he might eventually broach the subject, and now, with his roommate gone, was the perfect time. A part of her was thrilled that he’d asked, but… “I don’t know, Eric. I love you, and I’d like nothing more than to have more time with you…” Just the thought of spending the night in his arms warmed her. Despite their months of intimacy, it was something she’d never done. “But I don’t know if it would be right.” She dared to meet his eyes, expecting to find disappointment and maybe even hurt. What they actually reflected seemed more like compassion, but there was no denying she still owed him an explanation.

  “I’ve told you quite a bit about how Jess and I grew up. You know how our mother was always going from boyfriend to boyfriend, attaching herself to a new man each time one of her relationships blew up. I swear, each one was worse than the last. I hated having to live with those men. Our household was always changing, and we were always expected to mold our lives around my mom’s latest guy. I know you’re nothing like them, and this isn’t the same sort of thing, but I promised myself that I’d never put Jess through anything like that again. I want her life to be stable and simple, and a part of me doesn’t feel comfortable with the idea of living with a boyfriend. I don’t want Jess to think that I’m like our mother.” As she finished, she braced herself for his rebuttal. Surely he’d tell her that this was different. She knew it was, but she couldn’t shake her inhibitions. Jess had been doing so well ever since the homecoming dance, and she didn’t want to do anything to compromise her happiness or sense of security.

  “You’re nothing like her, Mina.” Eric traced the line of her jaw with his fingertips and cupped her chin. “But I understand.”

  Relief flooded every nook and cranny of Mina’s being. “Eric, you’re perfect. Thank you. I wish I could say yes.”

  “Don’t thank me. I’m not giving up just yet.”

  She tried not to let her confusion show on her face as he dug into his pocket.

  “Would it change things if I was more than just your boyfriend?”

  Realization struck her as he pulled a small black box from his pocket, and she froze, standing as still as a statue as he opened it.

  “Mina, will you marry me?”

  A diamond winked from the box’s interior, but she could barely manage to tear her gaze away from his. His eyes were more gorgeous than ever, and his gaze melted something inside her, sending warmth flooding through her body. The butterflies that had plagued her when they’d first started dating were back in full force, fluttering like crazy in her belly. He was serious. This was really happening.

  “Yes.” She threw her arms around his neck, letting his stubble rasp against her cheek as she buried her face in his shoulder. The unease that had settled over her when he’d asked his first question was gone. This moment felt perfect. This moment felt right. She’d known a few short weeks into their relationship that she never wanted to be with anyone else.

  He hugged her back, squeezing her so hard that her breath rushed from her lungs in a gasp.

  After a few moments Eric loosened his hold, allowing a few inches of space to separate their bodies. He pulled the ring out of the box, took her left hand and slid it onto her finger. “Just let me know when,” he said. “We’ll get married whenever you want to. I’m not going anywhere.” He brushed a kiss across her lips. “You’re the only one for me, Mina.”

  She touched the tip of her tongue to her lip, tasting where he’d kissed her. “I’d marry you right now if I could, but I think we’d better wait a little while. Karen will kill me if she doesn’t get to take any engagement photos, and I’m sure Jess won’t want to miss out on the chance to be a bridesmaid.”

  “What, the poster doesn’t count as an engagement photo?” he asked, teasing.

  She smiled as she remembered the first time they’d posed together. If it hadn’t been for that, they might never have fallen in love. She wriggled her fingers. “I’m pretty sure I have to be wearing the ring for it to count. Or at least, that’s what Karen will say.”

  He grinned wickedly, drawing her close again and pressing his lips against the arch of her neck. “Whatever. Isn’t she too busy with all of her clients and those magazines to be bossing you around? Maybe I should take you to the courthouse right now.”

  She giggled as his stubble tickled her neck. Maybe he was right – Karen’s photography business had virtually exploded over the past couple months – but with Garret finally gone, she wasn’t about to go anywhere until she and Eric took advantage of the empty apartment. “Wouldn’t you rather spend the rest of the afternoon here? I mean, now that we’ve got this place to ourselves…”r />
  He swept her feet out from under her and lowered her onto the nearby couch, pinning her against the cushions and kissing a trail from her jaw to her collarbone. “I guess you’re right. We should celebrate getting engaged first.”

  Ink is forever. So is love.

  Thank you for reading Hot Ink.

  Stay up to date with the entire Inked in the Steel City Series by visiting the Inked in the Steel City page at ranaerose.com anytime.

  About the Author

  Ranae Rose is the best-selling author of more than twenty adult romances and counting. She calls the US East Coast home and resides there with her family, German Shepherd dogs and overflowing bookshelves. Writing and reading are lifelong passions that consume most of her time, and she’s always working on bringing her latest love story idea to life for readers.


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  Christa Cervone

  Copyright © 2013 Christa Cervone

  Cover design by Todd M. LeMieux

  Cover image © Christa Cervone


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