What to Read After FSOG: The Gemstone Collection (WTRAFSOG Book 2)

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What to Read After FSOG: The Gemstone Collection (WTRAFSOG Book 2) Page 143

by Vi Keeland

  “I’ll look forward to getting your opinion in a few months.” He stood up and I forced my attention back to his face. The smile he was wearing was even more sensual. “Have a good day Zoey. Be sure to let me know if you have any more questions.” He winked at me before walking off.

  Holy shit. Miles Dresdon, winked at me. Didn’t that make me feel like an adolescent girl all over again! I finished up the rest of the papers and walked back to Dean before I could think about the reaction I had to his attention. Leon was standing at the desk in conversation with her when I arrived.

  They both stopped to look at me and Leon smiled my way. What was it about these men and their devastating smiles? “Good Morning, Mr. Alexander.” Have you ever tried to remain aloof when staring into a face of masculine perfection? Trust me it’s not easy.

  “Ms. Summers.” His smiled broadened and he held out a long fingered, tanned hand to shake. My knees were shaking again. Dear Lord, being around these men could try the patience of saint.

  “Zoey, please.” I shook his hand and pulled back quickly because I needed to get my head out of fantasy land. He was one of my bosses not some gorgeous stud I could ogle at will. Although as far as ogling, he had the perfect physique for it. Over six feet tall, sandy-blond hair, and whiskey colored eyes? Add that to a body that would make any girl drool and it was hard not to look.

  “Call me Leon, Zoey. I hope the paperwork wasn’t too mundane?” His sensual lips lifted in a half-smile and it took me a minute to answer.

  “Nothing I couldn’t handle. That’s the majority of my job title, dealing with paperwork.” I felt insecure with my lack of verbiage, and wished that these men didn’t have the ability to make me feel less confident.

  “I’ll take those forms from you dear.” Dean broke into the conversation and I knew she’d just earned herself a Christmas present. How was I supposed to be the professional I was working with these guys? I handed over the folder and smiled gratefully.

  “Thanks so much. If you could tell me where I’m supposed to work, I’d like to get started.” Keeping a smile plastered on my face to cover my nerves, I waited expectantly.

  “I’ll do the honors. We have a nine o’clock meeting every morning, but you have at least half an hour to get acclimated before that begins.” Leon kissed Dean’s cheek and I was shocked at the sweet gesture. Almost as surprising was seeing Dean blush. I guess I wasn’t the only one affected by the men.

  Following Leon down the hall I was led to my new office and I almost had heart failure. The office was huge and had a great view of the city below. This was the type of room given to a senior partner, not some lowly paralegal. A huge desk with a state-of-the-art computer system rested on the heavy wood, and was accompanied by a large leather swivel chair. “This is amazing!”

  “You’ll be spending long hours here, so we want you to be comfortable.” Leon resting on the edge of my new desk wasn’t very comforting, but it was definitely alluring. He was dripping sex appeal and for a moment I wanted to be a little kitty lapping it up. I mentally slapped myself and cleared my throat.

  “Mr. Harold said there was a portfolio of former contracts I could look over?” Get this on a professional level, my subconscious screamed at me.

  “We’ll present that to you in the boardroom during our meeting. For now just get comfortable with the office.” He lifted that sexy ass off my desk and I was briefly disappointed. “I’ll stop back in to pick you up soon.” He smiled before leaving me alone in my new paradise.

  I took several deep breaths before sitting behind my new desk. This was turning into a morning I wouldn’t soon forget and keeping my head in the right frame of mind was first priority. Turning on the computer I went over the software installed. It was loaded with programs that I’d only dreamed of using when I was working with Baxter.

  I was lost in the world of technology when a knock at the door interrupted me. Forcing my eyes away from the screen I answered it and was faced with Leif. Sure. Why not deal with each of these gorgeous men on my first day. I had to bite back a laugh.

  “I just wanted to make sure you were getting settled in okay.” He was a beautiful man, just like the other partners, but what made him stand out was his self-confidence. This was a guy that knew he was sexy and didn’t need me or anyone else to convince him. He reminded me of a surfer wearing business attire, with those blue eyes and sun-bleached blond hair. I wondered if he hated wearing the tie.

  “Everything’s perfect, sir. I really can’t thank you enough for giving me the opportunity to work here.”

  “We can ditch the sir, I’m Leif. I guess you’d say I’m the laid back partner. I’d much rather be out enjoying the sun than being in a stuffy office.” It was like the man had read my thoughts and I laughed. I instantly felt a strange connection with him.

  “Turn-about is fair play then, call me Zoey. If you don’t mind me asking, why aren’t you?” It was no secret to anyone who read the paper that he had more money than a person could spend in a lifetime. If I was rich I couldn’t imagine working for a living.

  “I ask myself that question every day.” He grinned and the boyish look that made him one of the most sought after bachelors in the city was apparent. “I’m working on a real-estate investment to help me live out that dream.”

  “So you’d leave Fantasy’s if that comes through?” It was none of my business, but he brought it up.

  “Actually I’m thinking of expanding Fantasy’s to an island. We’re still working out the details though.” The way his eyes lit up I could see it was an idea that really excited him.

  “Fantasy Island, I think my mother used to watch that show.” He was so easy to talk to that I found myself able to joke around.

  “Wasn’t that the one with the little midget that shouted for the plane?” We were both laughing and I felt really comfortable hanging out with him.

  “That’s the one. Although I think the politically correct term these days is little people.” I wasn’t sure that one was any less derogatory.

  “Fantasy Island. I like that, maybe change it to Fantasy Isle. I like you Zoey, I think we’ll have to keep you on.” His gorgeous face was even more beautiful with that wide smile. I wasn’t sure if I wanted to pinch his cheeks or fall in love.

  “Well thank you, my bank account will appreciate it.” I giggled. Seriously giggled. I can’t remember the last time I felt happy enough to do that.

  “And what exactly is Leif offering to fatten your bank account with?” Leon walked into the room and had he not been smirking with humor, I might have been worried.

  “My gorgeous body of course, bro.” Leif winked at me and then rolled his eyes at Leon. “I think she just decided the name of our Island.”

  “That deal is still up in the air. I know you want this, but we need to think about the bottom line.” Leon’s face turned serious and I could tell this was not a conversation I needed to be involved in.

  “Aren’t we going to be late to the meeting?” I had no idea what time it was but I didn’t want to be caught in the middle of their disagreement on my first day here.

  “Time is irrelative around here, but I’m sure Samson and Miles are waiting.” The warm smile returned to his face and he led the way to the boardroom.

  “We can talk later.” Leif whispered in my ear almost like he was trying to keep it a secret and I had to bite back a grin.

  “Glad you could join us.” Samson didn’t seem pleased so I assumed he didn’t like to be kept waiting. His comment was directed to Leif and Leon, but I felt the displeasure just the same.

  “Pull the corn cob out of your ass, Samson. It’s just a meeting.” Leif’s comment shocked me and I wondered if I should wait outside. Samson didn’t seem like the type of man who allowed being talked to that way.

  “Fuck you. Stop acting like this is all a joke and get your head in the game.” Samson was pissed. Wow. Remind me never to get on his bad side.

  “I could wait outside?” It wasn’t m
y place to say it, but these guys definitely didn’t act like professionals.

  “Forgive them. Sometimes the testosterone goes on overdrive when we’re all together.” Miles held out a chair for me and I took it, but made the decision if they started arguing again I’d walk out until tempers cooled.

  “We’re not always this way.” Leon smiled and I felt my nervousness dissipate somewhat.

  “You’re so full of shit, Leon. She might as well learn how we do things upfront.” Samson glared at Leon, then at Leif before sitting down. “We don’t do formal in the office. “When we’re downstairs, that’s a different scenario. Our customers expect us to be in control, and that’s exactly what we give them.”

  “I’m sorry, but I have no idea what you’re saying.” I’d expected these men to be the successful leaders they were but the way this meeting started completely shattered that illusion.”

  “What he means, sweetheart, is that downstairs we’re very dominant men who expect complete obedience from our employees.” Leif grinned. “If one of those employees enters the office you can damn sure bet they’re being punished or about to lose their jobs.”

  “Punished? I assume you mean reprimanded?” I was obviously confused at his wording because punishing was something done to children not adult employees.

  “No what we mean is punished. Unless you’re in one of the positions that doesn’t involve interaction with our customers these employees are submissive to us. So break a rule, your ass gets tanned, keep doing it, you find a new line of work.” Samson was giving me a look that dared me to question his statement. He didn’t know me well.

  “That’s ludicrous.” What the hell kind of business did I just agree to work for? “I hope you didn’t assume I’d be on my knees just because you sign my paycheck. I’d sooner cold-cock your ass.” My days of being pushed around were long over and I’d walk out of here right now if that fact wasn’t made clear.

  “Calm down, Ms. Summers.” Samson had a smirk on his face and at the moment I wanted to slap it off. “You weren’t hired to please our customers and unless you like being on your knees no one in this office expects that of you.”

  Unless I liked being on my knees? What kind of damn statement was that? “I can assure you that no man would put me in that position. If these people working for you don’t mind being subjugated that’s their business, but I want to make sure right now you understand that I expect to be considered your equal.” Mouth filter completely off, I realized after the words escaped. All I can say is I blame it on my past history and needed some assurance that they’d hired me for the right reasons.

  Leif couldn’t control his laugher. Miles had a wide smile on his face. Leon was grinning like a cat that just ate a bird. Samson on the other hand looked like he wanted to test the theory. He glared and I glared back. If he thought I was backing down he was about to get a dose of Zoey reality 101.

  “Like I said before, it wasn’t the position we hired you for. Now can we get this meeting underway or would you like to explain how high on the totem pole you consider yourself a little more.” His eyes raked over me like no one had ever dared talk to him that way before, and I decided to cool down.

  “As long as we’re clear that I’m your employee and not some dog for you to order around, I believe I’m done.” Definitely not the best way to start a new job, but I refused to feel bad about it. Life was all about knowing who and what you were and making boundaries that shouldn’t be crossed.

  The only sign that he was still angry was a small tick in his cheek. Later I’d reflect on why he hadn’t fired me on the spot, but at the moment I was basking in the knowledge that I’d just stood my ground.

  “Like I explained last night, we’ve got a waiting list of clients waiting to have their fantasy fulfilled. I’m hoping to have plans in motion for at least ten of them by the end of the week.” He handed me a stack of folders and just that quickly the meeting took on a professional atmosphere.

  “Leif, I have the final bid on the island, and we need to make a decision on that as soon as possible. I’ve researched as much of the bottom line as I can and think it would be a feasible investment. Out of pocket expenses will be astronomical but if we handle this correctly we should be able to regain our investments over the course of five years.”

  “Not to pry, but what exactly will you do with an island as far as Fantasy’s?” Curiosity always got the best of me and even though it wasn’t my concern, I wanted to know.

  “Since you’ll be handling all the contracts for that deal, it’s imperative that you do know.” Samson lifted a thick folder and slid it over to me. “We’ll be in the planning phase for months after we win the bid, but think adult vacation with the Fantasy’s theme.”

  I thumbed through the folder, falling in love with the tropical photos. “This is amazing!” I couldn’t stop the fascination from crossing over into my voice.

  “It is, isn’t it?” Leif was grinning with boyish charm and I could tell he was pleased at my reaction. “Now imagine it with a full resort and a scattering of bungalows for the guests.”

  “Sounds like a small piece of paradise.” Smiling at Leif briefly, I realized what Samson said. “You want me to draw up contracts for a real estate deal?” I wasn’t sure I had the knowledge to keep them legally safe on a venture of that magnitude.

  “Our lawyer will handle the property contracts, what you’ll be responsible for is the fantasy aspect for the clients. I know this is a lot to throw at you at once, but something tells me you’re more than capable of handling this venue and that. If however you decide it’s too much, we’ll make other arrangements.” Samson’s look of superiority seemed to dare me to take the challenge.

  “I’m sure I’ll manage.” At the moment I was still worried about handling the ones for the club. “How far in the future are you looking to have an establishment ready for guests?”

  “Now that we’re in agreement that it’s a viable project, we’ll put in the highest bid for the property and it should be up and running within two years.” This was from Miles who didn’t seem particularly thrilled about the acquirement. Definitely wasn’t my place to get involved with their choices. “I’ll get started with the financials this morning.”

  He stood and walked out of the office and it was easy to see when he had a plan in mind he instantly gravitated toward it. Left with the other three men, I waited to see what other interesting conversations would be put on the table this morning.

  “Like I said earlier, Ms. Summers. I need at least ten clients screened this week. Our backlog is overwhelming and I want to put a dent in it. He stood, bent over and lifted a box containing file folders. “You’ll need to go through these and see which can be expedited the fastest. The portfolio I mentioned is inside and on your computer you’ll find the list of actors for the fantasies. We’ll need to consult with them for a time frame that works with their schedules.”

  I glanced at the overstuffed box and grinned. To most people being overwhelmed with an impossible task would seem daunting. For myself, a challenge like this was exactly what I loved. “I’ll get on these right away, Sir.” He was the only one of the brothers I didn’t feel comfortable enough with to take the formality out of our relationship.

  “Fine. We all break for lunch at noon, and you’ll be expected to join us. Over the years we’ve discovered that a working lunch helps keep our business flowing more smoothly. The meetings take place each morning at nine, depending on what we’re discussing, determines the length.” Samson stood and walked out of the room.

  “He’s just a bottle of sunshine.” I grumbled under my breath at the abrupt command he’d tossed out before leaving. Leon and Leif were grinning and I realized I hadn’t spoken as quietly as I’d hoped.

  “This was him putting on a good face for you.” Leif stood and lifted the box of files for me.

  That thought was more than scary because personally he’d seemed like someone I’d rather not cross and if that was hi
s ‘good face’, I sure didn’t want to see the bad. “Remind me to run if the other one shows.”

  “Don’t worry, we’ll protect you.” Leon gestured toward the door and they both followed me back to my new office.

  Leif sat the box of files down on my desk. “Are you kidding me? I’m letting her take the lead, I’ve never seen anyone put him in place so quickly before.” His following chuckle had me feeling guilty.

  “I’m surprised he didn’t can my ass.” Speaking like they were my best friends may have not been the smartest idea. I flushed.

  “Hate to say it, Zoey, but I think you caught his interest instead. No one stands up to Samson.” Leon gave me a look of pity and I knew he thought getting Samson’s attention was considered a bad thing.

  “Guess I’d better work my fingers to the bone to impress him then.” I hoped the smile I gave was more confident than I felt because I was truly nervous now. This job was too good to give up and I needed to make a positive impression.

  “We’ll leave you to it then. Just let us know if you get lost.” Leif winked before walking out of my office with Leon following.

  They seemed like really nice guys and I was having a hard time associating them with the bad boy personas the press claimed they lived by. The only one I could see being a total jerk was Samson. I felt he’d earned his title.

  Chapter Three


  Three hours later I’d decided I was so far in over my head I would never pull out. My deduction about the clients? These were some seriously sick fuckers. Live and let live was always my motto, but holy shit the things I read in these fantasy profiles were enough to make me cringe.

  Some of the fantasies were understandable, so maybe I wasn’t being completely fair. The one with the pirate and innocent maiden was sort of romantic if you were a historical romance buff, which I definitely wasn’t. But at least it wasn’t overly perverted. The nasty body fluid fantasy, that one was enough to make me never want to use the bathroom again. Add that to the fact I had to use the internet to even understand the terms being used and I was simply appalled.


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