What to Read After FSOG: The Gemstone Collection (WTRAFSOG Book 2)

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What to Read After FSOG: The Gemstone Collection (WTRAFSOG Book 2) Page 164

by Vi Keeland


  Straddling Mark’s waist now, I ground my rapidly moistening pussy against his swollen length. The handcuff chains rattled as his natural impulse to grab my hips was cut short by the restraints. A small moan of frustration mingled with moans of pleasure as I slid my wetness in small circles up and down his throbbing shaft.

  Reaching down between our joined hips, I dipped one finger into my moist center and placed it between Mark’s parted lips. “This is how aroused I am for you,” I said huskily as Mark greedily licked the juices from my finger. Removing my now extremely clean finger from his mouth, I reached out and ran the long fingernails of both hands through his light covering of chest hair. Leaning forward, I circled one of his nipples with my tongue. Mark’s hips jerked upwards as he tried to bury himself inside me. Making a mental note to his reaction at the nipple stimulation, I leaned forward even further and kissed his soft lips.

  He returned the kiss with enthusiasm as his tongue battled mine. Shifting his hips, his attempts at lining up the head of his cock with my wet entrance were not resulting in penetration, but were having a lovely side effect on my clitoris.

  Sitting up a little straighter and lifting my hips, I reached down between us and guided the head of his manhood to my wet tunnel. Mark immediately lifted his hips off the bed and tried to impale me on his length. I lifted my hips so the head of his cock was barely touching me. He got the hint and dropped his hips back down to the bed.

  Reaching upwards as I spread my knees even wider, I slid the blindfold from his eyes at the same instant I slid his cock deep inside me. A simultaneous gasp of pleasure escaped from both of us. The look on Mark’s face was a mixture of surprise, arousal and hunger.

  “Don’t move,” I said. Looking into his eyes, I clenched my internal muscles and squeezed his hard cock tightly. Weeks of Kegel exercises and I was rewarded with a small moan and a big smile. Mark’s features lit up as he said with a laugh, “Someone has been on the Internet again, apparently.”

  “It is criminally offensive that my hands are restrained at the moment. Your lovely breasts look extremely lonely.” Mark spoke while he again lifted his hips, driving himself even deeper inside of me.

  “Just lay back and enjoy the ride,” I said. “This is nothing more than a pleasant diversion from the onerous task of having to be in control all the time. It is frustrating to not be able to touch, taste and otherwise return the pleasure being given, isn’t it?” I smiled as I said this last bit, knowing that Mark was smart enough to make the connection to how I might feel when it was me being restrained.

  Lifting and dropping my hips, I established a nice slow rhythm as I slid up and down Mark’s hard shaft. Being on top, it was easy to control the depth of penetration and it felt wonderful as I sank all the way down and ground my hips against his. Mark’s hard cock stretched and filled me in places previously undiscovered and unexplored.

  Mark’s hips were slowly rising as mine lowered, as he sought to bury every possible fraction of an inch inside of me. My breathing grew rapid as I accelerated my pace, grinding my swollen clit against him with every downward thrust.

  Mark gaze took in my flushed face, bouncing breasts and gyrating hips and he grinned. “This is a view I could truly get used to,” he said, pleasure evident in his eyes and voice.

  “I thought you enjoyed being on top and in control,” I said, “pinning me down with your superior weight.” I laughed as I said this, making sure to drop my entire weight, such as it was, on top of him.

  “Summer, I am quickly finding out that I cannot get enough of you in any position,” Mark said.


  I responded by increasing the pace of my hips. I was getting close to losing coherency as the feelings Mark’s hard cock were generating were on the verge of overwhelming me. I reached down with my right hand and started rubbing my clit. Mark’s eyes flashed with arousal as I said, “since you are cuffed to the bed, I guess I’ll have to take matters into my own hands.”

  Mark stared into my eyes as I moved faster and faster on top of him, losing control as my orgasm began to overtake my senses. “Come with me,” I moaned, as I ground against him and threw my head back in pleasure. With a groan, Mark somehow increased the pace of his hips, driving into me harder and faster. With a final thrust that lifted our joined hips completely off the bed, I could feel his hard cock spurting deep inside me. Each pulsing sensation felt a little weaker than the last as my wet tunnel clenched his length. His hips slowly sunk back to the bed as I collapsed on top of him.

  Resting my head on his chest, I closed my eyes and enjoyed the feelings coursing through my body. I felt wonderfully relaxed and at peace as we lay pressed against one another, our breathing slowly returning to normal. I really enjoyed the fact that neither one of us felt compelled to fill the companionable silence with chatter as we regained our senses. I easily could have drifted off and fallen asleep in my contented state until Mark kissed the top of my head and spoke.

  “While you feel absolutely fantastic on top of me, something I could easily and happily get used to I might add, do you know how you woke this morning needing to visit the bathroom? Try to imagine if you will, waking up and being handcuffed to a bed, abandoned for hours on end, embarrassed by the maid, teased with ice, licked like an ice cream cone and then having a vision of loveliness bouncing up and down on your bladder. Might you be so kind as to release me from my bondage?”

  With a laugh I slowly sat up. Practicing my Kegel exercises again, I gave Mark’s now deflated shaft one last squeeze. I reluctantly climbed off of him and sat on the edge of the bed. Reaching for the ice bucket on the nightstand, I said, “Is now a good time to discuss your lack of a safe word? Since you chose mine, I think it is only fair that I choose yours. Based on your earlier exposure, I think your safe word should be Housekeeping.”

  “What did you say before? Don’t use it lightly?”

  Mark fidgeted as I placed several ice cubes on his chest, teasing one around his nipples until they stood at attention. Contrasting the cold, I leaned forward and circled his right nipple with my warm tongue. Mark moaned softly with the sensation and I thought about continuing my icy travels even lower, but considering his earlier request, I instead stood and unlocked the handcuffs.

  “I’ll be right back, don’t go anywhere.” Mark said as he headed for the bathroom.

  Sneaking a glance at the clock radio beside the bed, I realized I was going to have to cut this morning short after all. I hoped Mark would understand.


  Retrieving my bra and panties from where they had been stripped from me the night before, I stuffed them into my purse and pulled the thin dress over my head.

  When Mark returned after a few minutes, I could see the surprise in his eyes that I was fully dressed.

  “That was quick,” he said as he smiled, “are we having a formal breakfast in bed that I am not aware of?”

  His easy smile and comfort with himself as he stood there naked made me want nothing more than to climb back in bed.

  Instead I grabbed my purse as I said, “I hate to run out the door on you again, but at least I came back to bed this time instead of leaving a note, right? I’d like to stay, but I have to run home and get cleaned up. I told my sister I would be over early today to help her get ready for my niece’s birthday party.”

  I almost said “want to come with me?”, but stopped myself at the last moment. A sense of apprehension crept over me as I felt like it would be stupid to ask that of him, after all this was supposedly nothing but a physical relationship. The word relationship itself was even a bit of a stretch. We had a physical arrangement. A mutual accommodation of physical needs and desires. What on earth did that make us? What the kids these days called friends with benefits? That was decidedly not a term I was comfortable ascribing to at my age.

  “Thank you for a lovely evening and of course I look forward to our next lesson,” I said, as I started towards the door. “I promise to stay awhile
longer next time, if you want me to, of course.”

  Mark quickly pulled on a pair of boxer shorts and intercepted me at the door. Pulling me close to him he looked down at me as he spoke. “If I want you to stay longer next time? I’ll end any doubt about that one right now. I can tell you already I want that. Not only do I want you to stay longer next time Summer, I don’t want you to go this time. I want you Summer. Period. I want you to stay as long as you want to, or at least until you get tired of me. I want you to call in sick to work on Monday so we can lie in bed all day watching old movies and wearing each other out. Does that answer your question?”

  My heart fluttered at his words and my body flushed with sudden warmth. Grinning broadly up at his earnest face, I said, “I believe that answer shall suffice.”

  Rising up on my toes, I kissed him slow and deep. My sensitive nipples stood up at attention immediately. I believe if they had a vote, we’d be headed back to bed.

  With a definite sigh of regret, I grabbed my heels and slipped out the door.


  Considering the thin material of the dress and my still swollen nipples, I was once again giving the morning desk clerk a show as I walked across the lobby, heels in hand.

  Climbing into the car to drive home, I pulled out my cell phone and sent a quick text message to my best friend Julie.

  On my way home. Safe, happy and walking funny. See you at P.P.’s later? Shine!

  Julie was invited to my niece Mandy’s birthday party. P.P. was our private code name for my sister Mindy. Ever meet one of those women who you can just sense think they are better than you? The ones that feel the world owes them something just because they exist? That described Mindy perfectly. In my opinion she felt an unusual sense of entitlement for some reason, as if she were American royalty and no one had the good grace to notice. She was also one of the most anal retentive people it has ever been my displeasure to know. Hence the P.P. moniker. It stood for Princess Perfect. You can probably guess just how much I was looking forward to helping her setup for the party. I am not saying I do not love my sister, I just prefer to do it from a distance.

  Still grinning from ear to ear about Mark’s parting words, I drove home lost in thought. Should I have invited Mark to the party? What would Julie have thought? Even more interesting might have been my sister’s response. An unexpected guest to a four year old’s birthday party is just the type of thing that would make her lose her mind. I occasionally liked to wind my sister up, if only to watch her take it out on the asshole she married. Phillip was yet another reason I typically tried to keep my distance from my sister’s house. My brother-in-law actually had the gall to grab my ass at his own rehearsal dinner. Just prior to the grab came the statement that he’d never had sisters before and he was certain he could talk Mindy into a threesome.

  Telling my sister on her special evening that her husband-to-be could not keep his hands to himself had a much different result than I expected.

  “Believe it not, Summer, not every man throws themselves at your feet. Phillip doesn’t even like you. You can’t stand not being the center of attention for even one night? This is my evening.” She walked away and left me standing there in shock. Several more times I tried to tell her what happened, but she refused to speak to me for the rest of the evening. I tried one more time before the ceremony the next day, but again she dismissed my concerns. “Phillip laughed when I told him what you said. He thinks that it is obvious that you are just jealous of me.”

  That was five years ago. Other than necessary interactions for birthdays, holidays and the birth of her children, we’ve had little to say to one another since then. I have wondered on occasion if Phillip ever realized that threesome fantasy of his, but since I can’t picture how my uptight sister produced spawn in the first place, I doubt his wish has been granted.


  After a quick shower, I threw on a casual sundress and made my way reluctantly to my sister’s house. Julie arrived only a few minutes after I did, and we were quickly banished from the kitchen by Mindy to setup decorations by the pool.

  “I don’t even have to ask how it was this time,” she said, wrapping a pink streamer around one of the pool chairs. “You are exhibiting quite the post-coital glow. You really look quite content. I’m happy for you, and a bit jealous.” She grinned and added, “Now, about those details.”

  “Let’s just say that I am learning a few new things about myself and about sex,” I said as I taped up a Happy Birthday banner on the back of the house. “I never knew how useful handcuffs could be, for example.” I grinned as Julie’s jaw dropped open. By the time she recovered from that one, Mindy and Phillip had joined us outside.

  “Looking good Summer,” Phillip said, as he leered at me from behind my sister. Ostensibly, he could have been talking about the party decorations, but he had a way of visually undressing me that made his intentions more than obvious. Mindy was oblivious as usual. Julie definitely caught the glance however and she had no hesitation about putting him on the spot.

  “How about me, Phillip?” she asked innocently. “Don’t I look good as well?” She laughed as she spoke, but gave Phillip a look that said “we know exactly what you truly are.”

  “I meant the decorations of course,” he said as he shot a nervous glance at Mindy then glared at Julie. She just laughed and turned her attention back to the streamers.

  Mindy finally deigned me worthy of her full attention for a moment and looked at me oddly. “You do look good Summer. Different. It is almost as if you are happy. Did you lose weight?”

  Julie glanced at me quickly with a grin and looked like she was struggling not to blurt out exactly why I looked happy. Great sex with a wonderful guy will have that effect on my mood every time. Go figure.

  “I’m just happy to be here for Mandy’s party,” I said, turning towards some balloons that needed inflating. “I don’t get a chance to see enough of her lately.”

  I skipped adding that the main reason for this was because I really did not care to spend that much time around her or the jerk she married. Somehow I thought voicing that particular reservation at this moment in time would not be considered conducive to the party atmosphere.

  The afternoon went about as well as you can expect a pool party full of four year olds to go. Two water rescues, three skinned knees and a bunch of stressed parents. Julie and I made our excuses and our escape after the cake and before the sugar rush kicked in.

  We made plans to get together for a few glasses of wine one night during the coming week. I had no doubt her plans included plying me with wine and a home cooked meal for some details about my encounters with Mark. I would have to decide just how many details I really felt comfortable sharing, but part of me was already reveling in actually having some juicy details to share in the first place.

  After a fairly quiet Sunday that included such excitement as errands and laundry, it was back to work on Monday morning. Anticipation of hearing from Mark made it easier than usual to get out of bed.


  Between two trips to the ladies room caused by three cups of coffee and my inability to focus on anything other than hitting refresh on our website, I wasn’t having the most productive morning.

  If Mark’s previous modus operandi held true, there would be some sort of delivery this morning. I was beginning to think maybe it was a little selfish to actually expect anything when Melissa knocked on the doorframe and poked her head inside.

  “I take it that Friday was date night with the mystery man?” she said with a grin. “There seems to be a delivery for you once again. It is on the way up.” She busied herself straightening some papers on my desk, obviously in no hurry to leave before the latest delivery.

  Sure enough, a minute later the same delivery man from previous weeks appeared in the doorway carrying two small packages in one hand and a large vase full of pink roses in the other.

  “Delivery for Ms. Summer Daniels,” he said with a smile. “Is she her

  “You know by now that is me,” I laughed. “Perhaps we should get better acquainted since it appears we will be seeing a lot of one another?”

  “My name is Julian,” he said with a small bow as he handed me the packages. “I was asked to note your reaction to the items enclosed and report back to my employer.”

  I could see Melissa inch a little closer, but I didn’t mind her natural curiosity. I was curious myself. Once again Mark had me laughing as I opened up the first package to reveal a small set of earrings. Shaped like handcuffs.

  Opening the second package revealed a very familiar handcuff key with red ribbon still attached. I was momentarily puzzled until Julian placed the roses on the desk and pulled his hand back only a few inches. He was handcuffed to the vase. “Mark said you might hold the key to my dilemma,” he said.

  Melissa’s eyebrows shot up so high I thought they might be in danger of escaping her forehead completely.

  I unlocked Julian’s wrist and tipped him generously. “You are definitely the best delivery I get to make all day,” he grinned. “I’m never taking a Monday off again, just in case.”

  As he merrily left, I turned to Melissa, who looked simultaneously excited and flustered.

  “I know,” she said with a big smile. “Close the door on my way out. Should I tell the team to expect you for the staff meeting?” She glanced at the handcuffs now lying on the corner of my desk. “Or should I tell them you might be detained for a while?” She giggled as she turned for the door. I knew she had a sense of humor of course, but I had honestly not seen a grown woman actually giggle before. It was a rather funny sight.

  “Out.” I said with a laugh. “Forget what you have seen here today.” While there was definitely not much chance of that happening, I really was not concerned about her discretion. She had more than proven her loyalty over the years.


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