Rick Cantelli, PI: Into the Darkness (Rick Cantelli, P.I. Detectives Book 3)

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Rick Cantelli, PI: Into the Darkness (Rick Cantelli, P.I. Detectives Book 3) Page 7

by Bernard Lee DeLeo

  “He doesn’t remember me, Al. It was nearly thirteen years ago.”

  “Hey… either cut us loose, or take us in. This shit’s cruel and unusual punishment.”

  “Shut up, you little wanker,” Trish ordered, grabbing the kid’s ear, and giving it a yank. “I want to hear this new Cantelli adventure. Thanks, by the way, Meg. That movie was a lot of fun to do. My co-stars helped me through it. Let Rick and I walk you out with these two. You can tell me more about the has-been.”

  Meg shook hands with Trish. “I don’t want to seem like some fan girl, but could I have your autograph, and get a picture of me and Al on either side of you?”

  “Hell yeah. Rick will take it for us. Then I want a shot with Rick and I on either side of you, okay?”

  “Sure, but Rick doesn’t know what the hell I’m talking about. I was a rookie, one month on the job. My partner and I answered a distress call from a clothing store on our beat. A small mob of gangbangers were hassling the store owner inside, with most of them outside. My partner, Gene Stevens who Al here knows real well, was sort of retiring on the job. He waved off the ‘bangers, telling me to stay alert, and keep them out of the store while he went inside to see what was going on. The moment he went in, the ‘bangers outside decided to test me. I failed. In two seconds flat, I was on the ground with a couple of them trying to take my weapon. Seconds from disaster, someone smashed the one tuning me with a shot to the temple. He clocked the second one with a left that smashed the dude’s nose flush on his face. He then lifted me a few steps away, while this woman moved in, pepper spraying and zapping the rest, laughing and taunting the ‘bangers while she did it. Then she calls back, ‘hey Rick, this big fuck wants a piece. C’mon over and school him. We have to make certain this bunch doesn’t ever try this shit on our client again’.”

  Holy shit! I remember that face off. Lo and I were getting established as the go to security company for businesses in rough areas. I could see Trish’s eyes were energizing with old adventures better left in the past.

  “Rick moved next to the woman. I should have done something, but I needed time to process being on the sidewalk, while nearly first losing my weapon, and then my life. This ‘banger who had been staying on the outskirts of the action while avoiding a pepper spraying in the face or zapping with the stun-gun gestured at Rick. He was huge. Rick went one on one with him. It was over in a minute. Rick blocked a wild right, and hit him with an uppercut that lifted the ‘banger off his feet and flat on his back out cold. The woman with Rick did this laugh for a few moments along with a little dance step as she pointed disparagingly at the rest of the ‘bangers. The threat was over, and Gene finally emerged from the store with that annoyingly confused look I decided was his retirement face.”

  “Lo and I were establishing a security presence back then.” I held my hand out to Meg. She shook it. “Sorry, Meg, everything went into high speed after that, and we never did get formally introduced. You’ve been thirteen years on the job. I’m glad that bad experience didn’t put you off from the job.”

  “She talks about it all the time, Cantelli,” Al said. “It’s good to meet with the other participant.”

  “I couldn’t use the stun-gun on Meg’s attackers, because I would have zapped her too. My partner Lois is the baddest female on the planet, so she educated the ‘banger mob. The other deal was like Meg said. We were establishing a rep. This is a competitive business. We needed to make our clients confident Madigan & Cantelli wasn’t some put on for money and very little security. I had to make a statement with the big ‘banger. It’s very good meeting you, Meg. We need to go get the facts sorted out on our security installation. If you need witnesses or testimony, we’re there for you no matter what. Let’s do these pictures with my movie star partner.”

  We did some excellent ones with the smartphones in attendance after we deposited the ‘bangers in the squad car. Trish signed everything Meg wanted her to with a Sharpie. I stayed in the background, still analyzing my meeting with a police officer from long ago, and the dangerous incident she had branded into her memory. At least now I remembered the meeting.

  “Put in a good word for us with your boss,” I urged. “This testing phase between the wannabes and Garibaldi is not going away anytime soon. Cheech is going straight. That I believe. I’m sure you’ve heard of his owning this store. He’s produced the movie Trish was in. The right and wrong of what he’s done during his life is for someone else to judge. I bank my reputation on the fact he’s pursuing legitimate enterprises now.”

  Meg reached out with her hand covering mine momentarily. “Sorry, Rick. The reputation you have of any consequence is a bad one.”

  After the laughs that comment drew, Trish put an arm around Meg’s shoulders. “Why don’t you and Al come to ‘Casablanca Night’ tomorrow at the restaurant Lo and Rick own an interest in at eight o’clock?”

  “I’ll be there,” Meg said.

  “Can I bring my wife,” Al asked.

  “Sure,” Trish replied, while enjoying my dead eyed stare of ‘what the hell are you thinking’ look. “The more, the merrier. I’m certain Lo will love to meet you, Meg. She was the psycho broad with Rick.”

  “I definitely want to meet her,” Meg answered. “I’ll be there for sure. You look like you’d rather we dropped off the face of the earth, Rick.”

  I handed her my restaurant business card with the address. “Sorry… I didn’t mean to undercut my partner’s invitation. You would be welcome, and I know Lo will love seeing you again with the backstory. Incidents like this jar me, and do tend to make a weird impression on my outlook, but thanks for mentioning it. I remember it now, and I’m damn glad you stuck with the police career.”

  “It haunted me all this time, especially when you and your partner were dismissed so fast. I didn’t even get a chance to say thank you.”

  “That was our fault, Meg.” It was bad P.I. business to take credit on a police matter where one or more officers might look bad. “My partner Lois Madigan and I decided we’d rather be left off the reports. It’s complicated when private investigators get involved in police matters, where the police don’t figure into the arrests in a positive fashion.”

  “He’s right, Meg,” Al agreed. “By staying out of it, they didn’t cause bad feelings between them and us. Gene retired a little early, which was a good thing, and you didn’t get scapegoated by him. We better hit the road with our jackpot.”

  “That was good stuff,” Trish said. “I thought maybe you and Rick bonked each other back then, and he’s been blowing you off all these years.”

  Meg laughed the loudest at Trish’s poor attempt at humor… at least I thought it was a poor attempt. “Thanks for the autograph and pictures, Trish. I guess we’ll see you tomorrow night. Thanks for the invite.”

  “It’ll be fun. We’d like to know who, if anyone, tries to bail these ragamuffins out of jail.”

  “I can do that. Goodbye, Rick. It was nice to finally meet you after all these years.”

  “Nice meeting you too, Meg. Al… don’t leave her alone for a second.”

  Al laughed this time, but Meg gasped. She gave me the one finger salute. “Thanks a lot you prick. A little understanding goes a long way. I didn’t have to embarrass myself to jog your memory, you know.”

  “I know. I’m so ashamed.” We waved and walked away from our new police officer friends. “Gee, thanks for the good old times flare from left field, Trish.”

  “That was neat, you old goat. C’mon. We have to do the storeroom gambit for Lo.”

  Well okay… a sudden bright spot in Cantelli-land.

  * * *

  “We have the install finished, Lo,” Trish said. I could only listen at this stage as she FaceTimed the Harpy. Then the script kicked in automatically.

  “Where’s Rick?”

  I could picture Trish glancing around with a bored shrug of the shoulders. “He was here a half hour ago. I figured he did a last walk through while I finished
in the office. I think he said something about the storeroom. Maybe he’s there. Why? Do you need to speak to him?”

  “You’re damn right I want to speak to that back sliding weasel, unless Stacy’s there in the office with you.”

  Trish paused perfectly. “Oh come on, Lo, Rick wouldn’t-”

  “Look for Rick… now!”

  “Okay… okay.” Trish was supposed to arrive at the storeroom, try the door, and announce that it’s locked. That would be my cue. It took a few minutes for her to arrive. The storeroom door handle rattled. “It’s locked.”

  I could picture Lo’s head getting ready to go off like it was hit by a twenty millimeter cannon. “Is that you, Trish?”

  “Hell yeah, it’s me. Lo wants to talk at you. Where’d you leave your phone?”

  “In the equipment bag. Be out in a minute,” I replied, checking my disheveled appearance. Satisfied with my look, I answered the door, stuffing shirt into my coveralls. I took Trish’s phone from her. “We’re all finished, Lo. What’s up?”

  “You idiot! You’re banging that old canker sore in the storeroom, aren’t you?”

  I looked back at the storeroom door uneasily, and closed it behind me. “Are you stupid? I’m not doing anything to anyone, Lo. What’s the matter with you? We were getting ready to call Cheech so he can see the new install.”

  “You’re toast, Cantelli! I know you have that old bag hiding out in the storeroom. I will light you up like a White House Christmas Tree! You’ll have the shakes for a month. This is your fault, Skipper!”

  Trish played the angry confused card on target. “Me… I didn’t do anything but my job, you old crone! What the hell are you talking about?”

  “You dumped his old ass, and now look what’s happened!”

  That’s when Stacy joined us from the store, all smiles. “The office looks very impressive, and the views cover every inch of the store. I-”

  I held the phone for Stacy. She took a step back when she saw Snarly the Wombat. “Uh… hello Lois.”

  That’s when Trish and I lost it. We enjoyed our skit for many moments while Lo turned the air blue, her voice raging in nonstop threats. Stacy moved further away, wondering if there was some way Lo could pop through the phone screen. The line disconnected with one shrieking promise that ‘there will be blood’.

  “Oh my… that was the best, Rick. It was so good, we may have to flee the country.”

  Trish was right. Lo could take it as well as dish it out, but anything having to do with Stacy existed outside her realm of acceptance. “You may be right, Trish. Would you like to call Cheech for us, Stacy?”

  “Sure. What did you two do? Lois won’t come in here to kill me, will she?” Stacy knew Lo well enough to foresee exactly that happening.

  “Nope. She’ll be homicidal, but I believe the target other than a few unkind words for Trish will be me. You seem to be doing well, Stace. Keep it up. I’m sure the threat of death plays a large part, but prison cleaned your act in a positive manner.”

  “No doubt about that,” Stacy replied. “Are…are you two still together?”

  “A cute guy Trish had a fling with came back in her life, and wiped away her grandfather fetish. She dumped me, but I’ve taken a vow of celibacy anyway, so it’s cool.”

  Trish smacked me in the shoulder. “What a sweet way to put it. Don’t get any ideas, Stacy. Lo will shoot you right between the eyes if you start boppin’ Hooterville here.”

  “You call him Hooterville?” Stacy enjoyed my crappy nickname for a few seconds. “That…that’s great. If Hooterville would give me another tumble, I’d take my chances with Lo.”

  “No can do.” Trish pointed a warning finger at Stacy. “I promised Lo I’d flip a coin with her to see who got to kill you if the idiots ever let you out of prison. Don’t make me have to get my lucky coin out.”

  I patted Stacy’s shoulder. “Go on and call Cheech. We’ll put away our equipment, and then meet you in the office.”

  “Okay, Rick.” Stacy walked in a very un-grandmotherly way toward the office, only glancing back once.

  Trish reached out to grab my shirt, and I put her hand in the vice. “Don’t Trish. I’m not in the mood to receive lectures today. Our skit with Lo was funny as hell. Let’s pack the van without any further discourse on you being my Mommy.”

  I had squeezed and twisted her wrist perfectly. My hold provided the right amount of stopping power, mixed in with pain, to get her attention without me being kicked in the nuts. The killer surfaced, before she remembered I loved her, and I had told her many times all I wanted was her happiness. Trish could see in my eyes I simply wanted her to rethink the Lois junior act, where she assumed I could be upbraided like a child. The trip overseas to lovely Sana’a had given me an attitude adjustment it would take some time to get over.

  Trish’s features softened. “Okay, Rick. I have to curb my Lo complex with you. Please don’t get yourself killed, boinking Stacy. I know you’re no dummy. You’ve thwarted every goofball thing she’s tried on you. I love you. I want you around to make sure I don’t backslide into old habits.”

  I released her. “We’re good, Trish. Don’t let other people cast crap onto what we had or what we have. I trust you with my life, but one Lo is about all I can stand right now.”


  * * *

  Cheech appeared in the office, smiling broadly, and striding into my air space to give me a hug. We had a decent relationship, but I had killed his brother in self-defense. “Damn, Rick. I didn’t figure to ever see you again with what I was hearing on the news concerning that shit-pile in Yemen. Bone told me you and Lo were in the mix there. Something happened to the Al Jazeera broadcasts from Sana’a, so I didn’t get to follow everything. Welcome back, Rick.”

  It’s kind of neat to know what happened to the Al Jazeera broadcast. “Thanks, Cheech. I appreciate that. Yep. It was something Lo and I should have steered clear of, but we had a debt to be settled. On the other hand, if it hadn’t of been Lo and I, a lot of innocent people would have died.”

  Cheech liked that. “I saw a lot of people died in the time period you got out of there, including Al Jazeera personnel. I’m happy my two favorite private eyes were not among them.”

  “It was another political situation, where some of our upstanding politicos were more than willing to sacrifice a few of their countrymen so they could get a few moments on TV, expressing outrage. Lo and I goosed them into silence. She and I are too old to lay down and die for their sound bites.”

  It took a few moments for Cheech to speak. “That…that’s what I suspected, Rick. The assholes you’re talking about that sold you out don’t know what to do. It is extremely satisfying when two Americans make their overseers eat shit. I don’t want to take any more time from you and my movie star. Show me the system.”

  Cheech gave Trish a hug and kiss. “Good Lord… Trish. I don’t think that movie would have worked without you.”

  “Without you, it would never have happened, and I’d be stuck sucking up to the two old wankers, working me like a house slave.”

  “I notice you’re working the day to day grind, kid,” Cheech replied.

  Trish shrugged. “It’s a process.”

  I demonstrated all aspects of the system to Cheech’s satisfaction. Then we delved into our thug visit, complete with video, audio, and name. He was not amused. I could see the Godfather in reality float to the surface. Cheech put it down, contemplating the situation. We didn’t need to fill in the basics. He knew the score better than anyone.

  “I will protect my people, and my enterprises until this situation ends. I would consider it a special favor if my people and enterprises are not bothered by Dane Ramos. You, Lo, Trish, and my legitimate enterprises now mean more than anything to me. I know if I contact old sources of mayhem, the police won’t hesitate to put me away forever. I ask you straight up, Rick. Can your security firm protect my holdings?”

  I traded glances with m
y other deadly killer first. Trish nodded. “Yep. We’re on it, Godfather. We won’t let you down. I don’t like Ramos, but I normally keep my nose out of police business. Your holdings, and your friendship mean a lot more to me than a couple of video cameras. We’re in for the duration.”

  “That means a lot to me, Rick. Anything you need to do, or anything extra you need until Ramos sees the light, do it. I back your take on this completely.”

  “I will, Godfather. I notice you have a ring. Should Trish and I kiss it before you leave?”

  Oh boy, did he like that one. Trish… not so much, but she accepted it with stoic enthusiasm. “We will protect your business, Cheech… no matter what,” Trish added.

  Cheech regained speech, nodding and waving off concerns. “Thank you for that, Trish. Do I still have an open invitation to ‘Casablanca Night’? I think I would very much like to come tomorrow night.”

  “Absolutely.” Hell… why not, everyone else is. Cheech was a hit at past dinners. I had a bad feeling I might lose a little control on my drinking this ‘Casablanca Night’, but I also might get an early start after this installation. “It was a surprise finding Stacy as your manager. She seems to handle herself well in the store, and the employees like her.”

  “Stacy has done very well for me. I had a talk with her when they let her out of prison. I could tell the time in the joint made an impression in that she never wanted to go back inside again. I knew I would be having your firm install a state of the art security system, and that you personally knew all of Stacy’s moves. She’s not in child bearing age, or considering retirement, and she has no other offers. It’s a pretty good fit.”

  “I see your point. We’ll be watching Stacy. I have to make sure Lo doesn’t shoot her. Stacy really turned our world upside down when she arrived on the scene. It triggered a bunch of deadly events we had trouble getting clear of. Lo lives by the feud. We kind of owe her in a way. Our top notch employee Trish was set free thanks to Stacy. It’s a weird situation.”

  “It is indeed, Rick, and very entertaining for us observers out of the range. Well, I’ll see you both tomorrow. Thanks for everything. You stay out of trouble, my little starlet. There’s already a big push for a sequel with you having an even bigger role. The same script writer is working on it right now.”


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