Saving Sebastian: A Catharsis Novel (Custos Securities Series Book 3)

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Saving Sebastian: A Catharsis Novel (Custos Securities Series Book 3) Page 22

by Luna, David

  He needed to enjoy his sub while he had him. He could see them signing one more contract for a second six months. A good solid year with Sebastian should be enough. It would have to be. Any longer and he feared he’d be in too deep, any shorter and he was sure he wouldn’t feel like it was enough. But after only a handful of weeks, the beautiful boy was twisting him up inside. When he wasn’t with Sebastian, he thought of him, and when he was with him, he wanted to learn everything there was to know about him.

  He knew their contract was benefitting his sub, but with Sebastian not sharing any of his thoughts and feelings freely, he didn’t know how much. He wanted to be able to make an impact on the boy’s life and ensure he got what he needed. Later, Sebastian would be free to find the perfect Dom to replace him. One that was good enough for Sebastian and would treat him as he deserved to be treated. He knew his boy was made for long-term relationships, even if he wouldn’t admit it.

  He glanced at Sebastian on the video feed playing on the computer monitor in his office, and marveled at the stillness of his beautiful sub. That ass of his was a thing of beauty and the first time he’d been able to slip deep inside of his welcoming heat without a condom had practically been a religious experience.

  His beautiful boy was trussed up to a small spanking bench he’d had made. Sebastian was in what used to be his spare bedroom that he’d turned into a sort of makeshift playroom for his sub, while he was in his office watching him on his computer monitor. He’d told the boy he had important things to take care of and that he wanted Sebastian to be fully occupied so he didn’t get bored.

  The scene played with his sub’s desire to feel vulnerable and powerless. He’d admitted to his Dom that the helpless feeling of being tied up and not knowing when he’d be let go or what would happen to him while helpless scared him but turned him on in equal measure, so Gideon had trussed him up and told him he’d be back when he was back.

  The truth of the matter was he was watching every second of the scene as it played out, keeping an eye out for any issues. The cameras Custos had installed in his place were state of the art and he would have heard a pin drop, but he wasn’t going to take his eyes off his boy. He’d already been back into the room a couple times. Once to drip hot wax on his shoulders and back and once to remove it, and flog his beautiful skin.

  He was on edge and Gideon knew he needed to play his last hand before he let his sub free. Knowing he was about to disturb his boy’s calm, he brought up the new app on his phone, tapped a few buttons, waited and watched. Sebastian was tilted at a slight angle, in a kneeling position. His ass was stuffed full of a long vibrating butt plug that promised prostate stimulation. He hadn’t put it on its highest setting, but it was a close thing. He knew the stimulation would send his boy into a frenzy of lust.

  And he couldn’t believe his ears or eyes when he heard the telltale signs of Sebastian having an orgasm without permission. But that wasn’t even what shocked him most. His boy was trussed up in such a way that he couldn’t stimulate himself in any way and on top of that his cock was fucking caged, so he couldn’t get an erection even if he wanted to.

  But those noises, coupled with the spurts of cum that had now slowed to several slow drips, were proof that his boy didn’t need an erection to have an orgasm. He smiled to himself as he realized this was the first time he’d have a reason to punish his sweet sub. But that smile vanished as he heard a whine, a hitched breath and then a sobbed word that had his heart jumping into his throat.


  Sebastian’s stop safeword had never been uttered during a scene. He fumbled with his phone, turning off the vibrator immediately and ran to his boy. Wondering what the hell had gone wrong and if Sebastian was hurt had his heart racing. Rounding the corner, he ran into the room to Sebastian’s desperate contrition. “I’m so sorry. I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to, Sir.”

  When Gideon got to him he slid his hand over his boy’s throat, clasping him there gently. It was where he placed his hand while they were dabbling in light breath play, something Sebastian enjoyed, but it was also a reminder of Gideon’s total domination over him and always served to calm his sub down like little else could. “Are you hurt?”

  When Sebastian only shook his head, he repeated himself more sternly. “Answer me, Sebastian. Are you hurt?”

  Another head shake and a soft sob followed finally by an answer, “No. No, Sir. I’m okay. I’m so sorry.”

  “Shhh, boy. It’s all right. I’m here. I’m gonna remove the plug, okay? Relax for me, baby.”

  He eased the plug slowly out of the boy’s ass, whispering reassuringly to him, and tossed it on the towel that was lying on the table by the wall and pulled his emergency shears out of the back pocket of his jeans, cutting the ropes tying Sebastian’s wrists and chest to the bench, and his ankles to the padded knee rests.

  Gideon scooped him up, hugged him to his chest and carried him over to the massage table, setting him down on the edge, legs spread. He yanked off the chain he wore around his neck that held his military ID tags and Sebastian’s cock cage key and crouched down as he proceeded to slowly and gently removed the cage from his boy’s soft cock.

  The panic had nearly subsided, but the uneven breaths continued in between Sebastian’s litany of apologies. “I wasn’t holding back like I should. I didn’t think it was possible. I safeworded. I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have… I didn’t even… And your ropes. You cut your ropes. They’re your favorite ropes.”

  “Bastian, god dammit!”

  When his sub jumped at his outburst, eyes wide, Gideon cursed himself for snapping at him. “Fuck. I’m sorry. Boy, don’t you know? I don’t give a fuck about my ropes. You are what matters to me. Just you. I’m sorry I yelled. Come here.”

  He drew his boy against his chest and hugged him tight. He felt the pressure of Sebastian’s legs squeezing his hips, his feet crossing at Gideon’s lower back. His boy, never one to half-ass anything, was hugging him from the top of his head, which was resting against his heart, to the bottom of his toes. He tilted his head down and kissed Sebastian’s hair.

  “Tell me what happened. You weren’t hurt? I need to know so it doesn’t happen again. Were your restraints too tight? Did you get a cramp?”

  Sebastian shook his head and took a deep breath. “No, Sir. I just… I broke your rule and I failed you and all I could think of was stopping everything before I continued to fail you.”

  Incredulous, Gideon asked, “How did you fail me?”

  “When you started the vibrator, it felt so good. It was hitting my prostate and I wasn’t paying enough attention. I just assumed I couldn’t have an orgasm because I couldn’t get an erection in the cage.” His voice got high with incredulity. “Who the fuck orgasms in a cock cage? How is that even possible? I wasn’t even hard so it never occurred to me to try to hold it back.”

  Still not understanding, Gideon dug deeper, “But how does that equate to failing me?”

  “Because I can’t come without permission!”

  “You broke a rule, Sebastian. It isn’t the end of the world and you didn’t do it on purpose.”

  “But… I failed and it was too much. You told me to safeword when it became too much. I don’t want to ever fail you. I can’t… I don’t want you to end our contract!”

  What? He tried to pull the boy away from his chest but he clung harder. “Bastian…”

  Sebastian shook his head. “Please, don’t!”

  Gideon ran his hands up and down Sebastian’s back, soothingly. “First, you did exactly what I wanted you to do. You safeworded when it became too much. Second, you didn’t fail me. You broke a rule, but not on purpose. You’re human, boy. All that happens if you break a rule is you get punished. The punishment fits the crime and you’d have to fuck up monumentally for me to cancel our contract. This was nothing. A minor infraction.”

  “I never want to disappoint you. I feel like a failure.”

  “I’m not disappointed and you
are far from a failure. I’m damned proud of you for safewording. And now I know that I can trust you to do so again in the future.”

  “The future?”

  “Yes, boy. You’re not going anywhere. You signed yourself over to me for six months. You’re stuck with me.”

  “I don’t mind.”

  Gideon chuckled. “Good thing. Come on, let’s get you more comfortable.”

  Gideon slid his hands beneath his ass and picked him up off the table, carrying him into his bedroom. He went to place Sebastian on the bed but his boy wouldn’t release his hold. He clung to him like a limpet and still didn’t release him when Gideon climbed on his bed on his hands and knees and then slowly lay them both down. The only thing Sebastian did was release his locked ankles and hook them loosely around the back of Gideon’s thighs. Holding some of his weight off his boy, he leaned on his side, peering down at his gorgeous sub.

  Sebastian closed his eyes and shook his head. “I’m—”

  Gideon growled and grated out, “If you apologize one more time, Bastian, I’m gonna lose my shit.”

  Sebastian’s eyes got wide as saucers. Gideon had never talked to him like that, and he nodded, remaining mute. His sad eyes had Gideon leaning in and offering his lips to the boy, the sweet kiss he received in return melting his heart. Gideon kissed along his cheek and licked just behind his ear, making Sebastian squirm.

  He whispered, “You could never be a failure in your submission to me, Bastian. You have a desire to please me like no one else I’ve ever been with. I can see it in your eyes, in the way you allow yourself to be vulnerable, and the way you completely let go, trusting that I’ll be there to take care of your needs. I couldn’t be more pleased with you, boy.”

  Sebastian bit his lip, a hopeful smile on his face. “Yeah?”

  Gideon brushed the hair off Sebastian’s forehead, nodding. “Yeah.”

  Still worrying his lip between his teeth, this time in apprehension, he asked, “What’s my punishment for breaking your rule?”

  Gideon quirked a brow. “Did you enjoy what just happened in there, Bastian?”

  Sebastian paled and shook his head. “No, Sir.”

  Gideon kissed his neck and mumbled against his sweet skin, “Then that’s enough punishment, I think.”

  The sigh of relief relaxed Sebastian’s frame within the circle of his arms and his boy began to caress his back and nuzzle into him, a sure sign that he was feeling a bit better. Gideon’s first thought after making sure Sebastian was okay, was that he was so goddamned proud of him. He’d had too much and he’d safeworded and he was going to continue to be sure Sebastian knew how much he appreciated that, appreciated his bravery.

  Sebastian didn’t seem inclined to let him leave, so he handed him his half empty water cup and then proceeded to massage out any kinks his boy might have from being tethered to the bench. Afterwards, they lay there for a while, kissing and caressing one another. When Sebastian’s stomach growled, Gideon laughed and asked, “Anything specific you want for dinner?”

  “No. We can order in or I can cook something.”

  Gideon shook his head. “Why don’t you take a bath and I’ll whip something up?”

  Sebastian snorted. “You’re gonna ‘whip’ something up?”

  Gideon rolled his eyes and pinched Sebastian’s side, tickling him and enjoying the boy’s carefree giggle that he’d deny he let burst from his mouth. “I’ll whip you, brat.”

  Sebastian grew serious and whispered, “Anything you want, Sir.”

  Gideon growled and rolled them over so that Sebastian was lying across his larger frame. “Don’t tempt me. I mean it, go ahead and grab a bath, I’ll put something together for dinner.”

  Sebastian frowned. “I should be serving you, not the other way around.”

  Gideon tilted his head. “There you go again. Remember, we serve each other and I’ve given you an order.”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  Sebastian hopped up, mumbling to himself about silly Doms and their quirks, Gideon smacked his ass and got up to see what he could do for them for dinner. He had a hankering for some breakfast for dinner and checked his fridge and discovered he had everything he needed. He pulled out his griddle and started cooking. By the time he was done, Sebastian was walking into the kitchen, barefoot and wearing a tight, worn Ramones concert tee and some pajama bottoms. He set both their plates on the bar along with some freshly brewed coffee.

  They made quick work of their meals and cleaned up the kitchen together. He ordered Sebastian into the living room to strip and present on the middle of the ottoman facing the leather sectional. Gathering up what he needed, he sat, still fully clothed, in the middle of his sectional, facing his boy. He turned the TV on and used his phone to launch his iTunes app on the Apple TV microconsole. Once it was up, he toggled through the app and clicked on what he wanted to bring up.

  “Climb up on my lap, face the TV.”

  Sebastian scrambled to do his bidding, seeming quite eager to see what was in store for him. After a second or two of moving his body this way and that, trying to figure out how to climb on, Gideon smiled and picked the boy up, depositing him on his lap, Sebastian’s back against his chest. He put his hand on his boy’s throat, gently squeezing until he heard a hitch in his breathing. He leaned back and Sebastian, submission so complete his body melded to his, automatically moved with him, head leaning in the crook of Gideon’s neck and shoulder.

  He squeezed a bit tighter on the boy’s throat and got a moan for his trouble. “You’ll watch the video I turn on. You won’t turn your head or close your eyes. Is that understood?”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  Gideon whispered in his ear, his voice impossibly deep, “That’s my good boy.”

  He licked just under Sebastian’s earlobe when the boy shivered in his arms at the sound and feel of his voice in his ear. Sliding a hand down Sebastian’s smooth chest, tweaking his nipples as he went, his hands skated lower, rubbing back and forth on his beautiful treasure trail. He softly gripped his boy’s hard cock and ever so gently drew the foreskin down his shaft, revealing his cockhead and then slowly back up. He moved on to the boy’s sack and lightly squeezed him, tugging on the delicate skin until he drew out a whimper.

  He slowly released the boy’s throat, wending that hand down the boy’s chest, sliding a thumb over the peaked nipples and then going straight for his sub’s foreskin again. This time he tugged on it, pulling it completely over his cockhead, he rubbed the soft skin together, just over the boy’s slit as he continued to tug lightly at his scrotum. When Sebastian began to pump his hips in conjunction with Gideon’s ministrations, he removed his hands and placed both on Sebastian’s inner thighs, calming his movements immediately.

  Slouching a bit, he raised one of his feet and placed it on the edge of the ottoman and then raised his other foot to do the same. He smoothed his hands down his boy’s thighs and then moved Sebastian’s legs on the outside of his and then helped him plant his feet on the edge of the sofa so that his knees were raised a bit and he was splayed open.

  He slowly slid his hands over Sebastian’s body, up his thighs, over his hard cock, up his stomach to his pecs and then slowly down his arms until he clasped his boy’s hands in his. Drawing them up, he placed them behind both of their heads. With his face beside Sebastian’s, he had a good view of his boy’s spread open thighs, cock already glistening at the tip.

  Turning his head to the side, he bit his boy’s earlobe and growled, “You won’t move your legs from that position or your hands from behind our heads. Is that clear?”

  Sebastian let out a soft moan and Gideon watched as goose bumps skittered across his thighs as his whole body stiffened and then shivered. His boy finally whispered, “Yes, Sir.”

  GETTING HIMSELF DRESSED FOR THE club’s Black Friday event, Sebastian felt his nerves taking hold. Remembering the last time he’d gotten himself ready for a trip to Catharsis, he shivered as his confidence took a nosedive. He’
d purchased all new clothes since the incident that had drawn him and his Dom together, tossing everything he was wearing that night except his Docs.

  The harness he wore was similar to the last one he’d had, but he’d felt brave enough when purchasing it to forgo the mesh shirt, hoping his Dom wouldn’t be embarrassed by his surprise appearance. But as the time approached to get himself out the door, his legs didn’t seem to want to carry him there. His Lyft ride would be arriving any second and he felt as if he was going to be sick.

  The Monday before Thanksgiving he’d gotten a call from Braden. He and Zavier had agreed to visit Catharsis together for the first time on the night of the Black Friday event. He’d sounded nervous and had called to ask Sebastian if he’d be willing to meet them there to show them around a bit from a sub’s perspective. They’d get the full tour from Gideon of course, but as his Dom had to work that night, Braden wanted another perspective on it.

  He’d been happy that Braden had called but had felt strange about not talking to Gideon about it first. They hadn’t talked about him visiting the club, but as Gideon hadn’t forbade it, he thought it would be okay. He told himself that if Gideon called him before the party, he’d mention it, but if not, he didn’t want to bother him. He knew his Dom would be busy before the holiday and then would be spending Thanksgiving with his family, so he didn’t want to interrupt him or distract him from what he needed to get done before the event.

  The day before had been like any other day, except it was a Thursday and he had been off work for the holiday. Not knowing what to do with himself, he’d cleaned his place from top to bottom. When dinner time rolled around, as was his normal Thanksgiving habit, he’d microwaved a frozen “Thanksgiving Dinner” entree and hunkered down to binge-watch a few shows he’d missed recently.

  Friday he’d gone to work, preferring to exchange that day off for another of his choosing and not wanting to sit around at home and worry himself sick about the event that evening. Midway through his day he’d had one of his episodes in the station’s bathroom, in front of an officer who’d been shocked to learn that Sebastian got seizures. When it was over, he’d had a rattled beat cop on his knees beside him that he’d had to assure he was fine in order to avoid a trip to the hospital.


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