Saving Sebastian: A Catharsis Novel (Custos Securities Series Book 3)

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Saving Sebastian: A Catharsis Novel (Custos Securities Series Book 3) Page 51

by Luna, David

  As far as Sebastian knew, Gideon had no idea they were doing a public scene on the main stage. His sub had tried to plan something to surprise him on his birthday, having no idea that Gideon had found out, quite by accident. It seemed they both had a few tricks up their sleeves, but he knew Sebastian would be the most surprised at the night’s turn of events.

  Two weeks into their new living arrangement, Sebastian had taken Lola out in the morning for a quick walk to do her business. It was something they usually did together, but Sebastian needed to get to the studio early to let in the construction crew, so he was up earlier than normal and after they’d had breakfast, Sebastian had been on his way and Gideon had been working out in their home gym when he heard his phone ring.

  It was Taryn, one of his bartenders, checking to see if she’d left her cell phone behind the bar. She’d tried to call Khaleo down in the club, but he wasn’t answering. He told her he’d give her a call back and jogged down the stairs to check. He found it behind the bar and was rounding the corner back to the front entryway when he heard Sebastian talking to Khaleo. He was about to make himself known but thought better of it when he heard what Sebastian was saying.

  “Would you be willing to give me another shot to take pictures for him during a public scene? I want to do one on the center stage as a gift to him on his birthday and have some of the pictures framed for him.”

  Khaleo asked, “Are you sure you’re up for that? I don’t want to stress you out when it’s your first public scene with him.”

  “We’ve performed a couple public scenes before,” Sebastian said, somewhat defensively.

  Khaleo’s voice softened. “I know you’ve done a couple in the voyeur rooms, but that’s a small audience. I’m not trying to discourage you, Sebastian. I just know doing it for the whole club is different.”

  “It’s scary, yes, but I’m actually excited to do it. I’m so proud to be his. I’ve come a long way with my anxiety and he has so much confidence in me, it’s hard for that not to rub off on me. I want to show him I’m finally beginning to feel that confidence in myself. People seem to have accepted me fairly quickly.”

  Khaleo’s voice was serious when he replied, “That’s mostly because of the type of person you are, but even if you weren’t so kind to everyone, they wouldn’t really have a choice, Sebastian. Gideon’s word is law here, even the Doms defer to Master G. You belong to him, so they’ll always treat you with the respect you deserve. But, being the Master’s boy, you’re gonna draw a huge crowd when you perform on the center stage. Are you ready for that and pictures?”

  “Yeah. I want to give myself to him in that way and I want you to capture it. Look, I know that I don’t have any pull there, but subs have already started coming to me for advice and seem to look up to me in a way, regardless of the fact I didn’t do a damned thing to earn it. I don’t know what to do with that yet. I need to talk to Gideon about it, but by having a public scene I feel like I’m also making a statement to them, that it’s okay to be imperfect and still thrive in this community. I think it’s important that they know that.”

  Khaleo’s voice softened again. “I agree. And I think you’ll be a great role model for them. I just wanted to be sure.”

  “I appreciate that. And thanks for agreeing to help. I want it to be perfect.”

  “We’ll make sure it’s perfect for him.”

  “Thanks again. I’m gonna get going. I need to get to the studio to let the workers in. Have a good day.”

  Gideon waited a beat after he heard the club’s front sliding door close after his boy and Lola left. He was just about to round the corner when Khaleo said, “You can come out now, Sir.”

  He heaved a put-upon sigh and strode out. He didn’t even bother asking how Khaleo knew he’d been there. Some kind of weird voodoo witchcraft, he was sure. They chatted about what Sebastian wanted, and how to go about making sure it went off without a hitch.

  Afterwards, Gideon quickly called Taryn back, telling her he’d leave her cell at the front desk for her to pick up and that Khaleo would let her in when she got there. Khaleo nodded at that and sent another text on his phone. When he was done, Khaleo flipped it over so he could see it, making Gideon roll his eyes at Sebastian’s “name” in Khaleo’s phone.

  Master G’s Boy: K, I forgot to tell you, I want it to be a whipping scene.

  Khaleo: Not a suspension rigging?

  Master G’s Boy: No, that’s just for Gideon and me. It’s too personal to share.

  Khaleo: All right, we’ll work with that.

  Master G’s Boy: Thx

  Khaleo: YW

  Gideon hadn’t worried, but he’d wanted to make sure his boy was ready for a scene of that intensity. They’d only done a few sessions with whips in the past, so he’d begun to work more of those sessions into their private and public play to warm his boy up and get him ready. The fact that he got to stripe his boy’s beautiful skin was a bonus.

  Part of him was glad they weren’t doing a public suspension rigging session because it really was such a personal thing to him, but another part wanted pictures of Sebastian rigged and suspended, displayed beautifully in a web he’d woven. He just figured they’d have to do another private session for that and have Khaleo capture it for them.

  He didn’t want to tip his hand that he knew everything Sebastian had planned, so he’d had a few conversations with his boy making sure to twist things just enough for Sebastian to ask for more whip play. During that first week after finding out, Sebastian had come home while Gideon was still at the club. Once he’d gotten the notification on his phone that his boy had turned off the security in their loft, he’d gone up.

  Sebastian had apparently been planning for that to be the case because he’d left a trail of his clothes from the elevator through to the bathroom, priming Gideon’s libido. His boy was in the shower, naked, soaping up that beautiful body. He’d stripped down immediately and gone into the shower enclosure, noticing that Sebastian had brought in several toys for them to use, taking things into his own hands. The thing that caught his eye was a whip.

  “Boy, that’s a leather snake whip. Leather and water don’t mix.”

  Sebastian looked horrified that he’d made that mistake. Apologizing, he moved to take it out, but Gideon had just kissed him on the head and taken the whip back to the playroom, returning with a short silicone whip. He’d used it on his boy and watched as it had Sebastian flying high. Afterwards, his boy had apologized again, but Gideon had been too busy contemplating an idea prompted by his sub’s enthusiasm to worry about the leather whip.

  He made some calls the next morning and hired the team that had renovated the club to make a few changes for their upcoming scene. He’d taken Sebastian through his paces with the whip he’d be using and other whips as well during the last month leading up to their big scene.

  He’d finally felt like he could go into the evening without any reservations and that was a load off his mind. As they travelled down in the elevator to the club, Sebastian began to fidget. He placed his hand on the back of his neck and spoke low, near his ear. “Settle, boy.”

  A calm came over Sebastian and he answered, “Yes, Sir.”

  They stepped out of the elevator to the sights and sounds of the club and Gideon breathed it all in, excited for the evening to come. He leaned over the bar, ordering a round of non-alcoholic drinks for them and walked towards the table he’d reserved, surprised to see Zavier with Braden and Finn with Zoe, both subs kneeling for their Doms.

  His boy had surprised him after all. He hadn’t expected his brothers and their subs to be there. He hadn’t wanted to invite them if having family and close friends in the audience would make his boy nervous. The fact that Sebastian had reached out and invited them meant the world to him and made him even more confident that his boy was truly ready for the night ahead.

  Finn and Zoe had been inseparable since he’d gone with Gideon to Sebastian’s house months ago. If he was honest, he
loved seeing his brilliant, bookish younger brother fall head over heels in love with a tattooed, voluptuous Betty Boop look-alike. Finn had admitted that he wanted to be trained as a Dom so he could give Zoe what she needed. He’d trained with Roarke and had taken to it like a duck to water, admitting that he was getting just as much out of their D/s relationship as she was. The two couldn’t have been more different and he knew that’s exactly why it worked.

  Glancing over at Zavier, he couldn’t help but smile at the way he was sitting sideways, legs splayed wide so his boy could kneel between his thighs, fully surrounded and protected. He’d joked with him about their version of BDSM lite. They didn’t enjoy the giving or receiving of anything too painful, but loved sensory play; light impact play and bondage.

  Both of his brothers did what worked for them and he loved that he could share the life with them. They’d bonded over the last several months and he was immensely grateful for that, feeling as though he was getting his family back again after a long stretch of being absent, even if he’d been right there all along.

  He watched as Sebastian hesitated and looked to him for guidance. He tilted his head toward Braden, and his boy sat as close as he could get to his friend without touching Zavier. He settled into his own chair smiling at Zoe, whose eyes were closed as she leaned her head against Finn’s crossed legs, his brother threading his fingers repeatedly through her hair.

  They chatted for some time, enjoying the company, Gideon wondering when his boy would make his move. It was an hour into their evening when Sebastian asked to be excused to go to the restroom. The other subs asked the same of their Doms and they walked towards the submissives’ bathroom.

  Several minutes later, they heard the telltale sound of the microphone turning on and the background music was lowered. He heard murmuring, a few gasps, and then everyone got quiet. He only turned towards the stage when he heard his boy’s voice ring out loud and clear over the rapt audience.

  “Master, for your birthday and for so many other reasons, I wanted to give you the gift of my first public scene. If it pleases you, Sir, would you join me on the stage?”

  He’d always hated being called Master G by those at the club. He’d never felt as if he’d earned the title and it hadn’t ever been something he’d had a desire to attain. But he’d secretly yearned for Sebastian to call him that. When he’d said it, Gideon’s heart tripped and he’d immediately stood, moving towards his boy as if pulled by a magnetic force.

  Those who had drawn closer to the tables and chairs arranged around the stage parted to allow him through. His boy, looking both nervous and confident, a rather interesting mix, gave him a shy smile and if Gideon hadn’t already been in love with his submissive, the look he was giving his Dom would have done the trick.

  When he got up on stage all he could do was take in every inch of his beautiful boy. He wanted to gather him in, touch him in some way, but he knew he needed to take care of something even more important. He took the proffered mic from his boy’s hand, affixed the mic to his ear, and clasping his boy’s hand and raising it to his lips, he kissed it, and looked into his boy’s eyes, he admitted, “So, you planned all of this out for me tonight, but what you didn’t know is that I’ve known about it from the beginning.”

  He had to chuckle when his boy growled a bit and shot a glare at Khaleo whose eyes popped comically wide, hands lifted in an “it wasn’t me” gesture. Sebastian huffed and turned his glare towards Gideon, who laughed along with the crowd. “It’s not Khaleo’s fault. I accidentally overheard you that morning when you asked him to help you plan this. But I’m glad I did, because I was able to make some plans of my own.”

  Khaleo stepped forward and handed him a box. “I’m lucky enough to have found my perfect match; someone who looks past my many flaws and loves me despite or even because of them. Someone who wants to live this lifestyle with me, who craves not just my love, but my ownership, my control, and my desire to protect and nurture their mind, body, and soul. With that in mind, I want to remove your temporary collar and replace it with a permanent one.”

  Gideon opened the box to reveal a solid, half-inch wide, matte, gunmetal gray, titanium collar. He’d vacillated about whether to go with one that could be hidden or one that fit more like a choker. In the end, as Sebastian had recently asked him to have a lot of the links in his other collar removed so that it was always visible, he’d gone with the choker style collar. It was simple, solid, and masculine and suited his boy perfectly. It had a recessed, sliding channel opening just wide enough to put it on and then slide it back in place to lock it on using a hex-screw locking closure with a matching hex-key he’d be able to hang from his military tag chain.

  He lifted the collar from the box and tilted it towards Sebastian. Gideon knew the moment he’d seen the engraving. The irony not lost on his boy as a small, shy smile appeared when he read the engraving, “Forever Master’s boy” on the inside of the collar. Their eyes met and the happiness on his boy’s face was radiant.

  “Will you accept my permanent collar, boy?”

  “Yes, Master.”

  Removing his old collar, Gideon used his key to lock Sebastian’s new one in place and kissed his lips gently, once, twice, three times, before he pulled away. He stood back to admire it and took in the rest of his boy, from head to toe. He’d left the jeans on but unbuttoned the top button. Gideon let that guide him as he trailed his finger from his boy’s fly, just above the chastity belt, circling both nipples, pinching each one in turn, eliciting a gasp from Sebastian. Walking behind him, he leaned down, grabbed Sebastian’s chin in one hand, snaking his other into his boy’s pants, titillating the audience.

  He tilted Sebastian’s head back at an angle, exposing the long column of his throat to the audience and nipping, none too gently up the side, laving his tongue over each bite as he went, reveling in the gasp and moan that had the audience sitting on the edge of their seats, some of them adjusting their dicks in their pants.

  After biting his earlobe, Gideon lowered his mic down, whispering only for his boy, “Check in, Bastian.”

  Sebastian did the same with his mic and responded, “Green, Master.” That answer, murmured so sweetly for his ears only, had his dick pressing against the zipper of his pants.

  “I love you, my beautiful boy.”

  “I love you, too, Master.”

  They both raised their mics back in place and he took a step back from Sebastian to pull the simple, pleather covered kneeling table in place. He’d wanted everyone in the audience to see his beautiful boy, and he’d wanted him at the perfect height for a flogging and a whipping. “Remove your pants and kneel on the bench, knees spread wide. I want everyone to see every beautiful inch of you.”

  His boy did as he was told without a hint of hesitation as the audience sat, utterly transfixed by his submissive. He knew the feeling. As Sebastian followed instructions, Gideon approached and moved his boy’s ankles, shackling them to the bench to keep him in place.

  Sebastian reached to take off his own mic but Gideon stopped him. “Not a chance, boy. Keep it on. I want the audience to hear every single sigh, whimper, and moan.” He turned to the audience and asked, “What do you think, do you want to hear him?”

  Everyone in the place hooted, hollered, and a resounding yes clinched it. Stepping back, he reached up, clasping one of the chains he’d hung from one of the exposed I-beams, he pulled, and with a clang, more of the length fell. His eyes were still on his boy and while Sebastian jumped at the noise, he didn’t turn. Good boy. Letting the chain swing beside Sebastian, he could see him tense up as it swung gently by his side, letting him know exactly what it was.

  Gideon moved to the other side and pulled down the second length of chain and let it swing. He reached out to grab the first length that had slowed to a stop beside his boy. “Lift your right arm out to the side.”

  As Sebastian complied, Gideon wrapped the chain several times around his wrist, knowing the new sensation wo
uld pique his boy’s interest. After he locked it, he wrapped Sebastian’s hand around the chain. He did the same to Sebastian’s other arm and the sight of both of his arms spread wide, open and vulnerable did something to him. He heard the camera’s telltale snick and glanced up to see a captivated Khaleo, camera held at the ready for another perfect shot.

  Giving Khaleo some time to get some shots of just his boy, he walked to the other end of the stage to the rack containing various and sundry impact toys. He picked up a leather flogger for a nice warm-up. He wanted Sebastian’s skin nice and warm before the real fun began.

  He approached his sub. “Grip those chains, Bastian, and lean forward a bit. I want that ass exposed to me now.”

  “Yes, Sir,” Sebastian said as he complied.

  “Tell me your safewords, boy.”

  Sebastian paused and then breathed out audibly, thanks to the mic. “Red, yellow, and green, Master.”

  “Use them if you need them.”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “Let’s begin then.”

  He started off slowly warming himself up and pinking up his boy’s back, ass, and thighs. Soon, the slap of the leather falls on his boy’s skin was a musical cadence in his ears. He set up a rhythm and didn’t stop until he heard the telltale moan of his boy’s arousal. Knowing it was time he slowed to a stop, stepped over to the rack and hung the flogger on its hook, picking up the two whips he’d be using, he tucked one of them at the small of his back, under his belt and kept the other in hand.

  He moved towards the back of the stage, several paces back from his boy’s beautifully reddened back, ass, and thighs, turned the vibrating plug on mid power and grinned at the gasp he heard. “Check in, boy.”

  “Green, Master,” his boy choked out.

  He waited several long, drawn-out moments before he lifted the lid on the small electrical box and flipped the switch.


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