I Can Hear You

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I Can Hear You Page 5

by Hannah Davenport

“I can’t talk like this, I’m coming over. Be there in ten.” She hung up and I tried to eat quickly, before she arrived.

  Ten minutes later Becky walked into the kitchen. She never bothered knocking; she just always made herself at home. “Hey Becky, What’s wrong?” I could tell by the look on her face and the thoughts she couldn’t control. What did I do? What did I do?

  She blurted, “I slept with Charlie!” Whoa, I didn’t see that coming and usually nothing gets by me. Becky started pacing in the kitchen and just kept thinking, What did I do?

  “Okay,” I said slowly. “Do you want to talk about it?” She stopped pacing and looked at me. I smiled, it’s like she had forgotten I was here.

  “It wasn’t what I expected. It hurt and lasted less than five minutes. I really like Charlie but having sex with him was awkward. Neither one of us knew what to do.” She started pacing again. “What if he doesn’t call me? I haven’t heard from him today.”

  I walked over to her and pulled her to me giving her a hug. I didn’t know what to say to make her feel better. Charlie had asked her to go to the prom but never really asked her to be his girlfriend. “Becky, it’s alright. Everything will be fine. I’m sure Charlie will call today. Just please tell me you used a condom.”

  “Oh course we did!” The look she gave me said I was crazy for thinking otherwise. She finally relaxed and took a seat at the table. “I can’t believe I actually did it!” She smiled for the first time since coming in.

  “Sooo…I guess you got to see him naked?” I asked with curiosity.

  “Shut up!” she laughed. Only a glimpse, it was dark and we were in a small tent. Then she made herself a sandwich and just like that, her crisis was over. We spent the rest of the evening together, just hanging out.

  Chapter Six

  Two days passed, and everything had returned to normal. Becky and Charlie were dating and things between Sarah and me were much better. I should have talked to her a long time ago. She was checking into counselors, for which I was thankful. Graduation was in three days and my birthday was soon after. I was walking toward the school library when my phone rang. Not recognizing the number, I almost didn’t answer…almost.


  “Amber, this is Zira. I’ve just landed. When and where can you meet me?” My mind started racing. I didn’t have my own car and I didn’t want to involve Becky. I went through different scenarios until finally I told her I’d call her back soon.

  I dialed Sarah to ask for help. “Hello?”

  “Sarah, it’s Amber.”

  “Is everything alright?” Concern rang in her voice. I never called her for anything.

  “Yeah, but I need your help.” I heard her small gasp as she took in a quick breath, obviously surprised.

  “Anything you need.”

  “I found the woman, Zira and her plane just landed in Indianapolis. I didn’t want her to come to Sanstone, so I told her I’d meet her there. The problem is, I don’t have a car and I don’t know where to meet her. Do you know anything about the city and can you drive me?”

  “I do and I can.” I heard the tears in her voice. “Tell her to check in at the Comfort Suites on Broad Street and we’ll meet her there. I use to work there and know the area very well. I’ll be there to pick you up soon. And Amber, thanks for letting me help you,” she said quietly.

  Fifteen minutes later, Sarah picked me up and we were on our way. My mind was consumed with what I’d find out. Would she tell me about my mom and dad, did she know anything? I wandered around in my own thoughts and almost missed Sarah’s question. “Did she remember you and your mother?”

  Looking at her, I thought I’ve told her so much, I might as well just tell it all. “Yep. She said she had made something for my protection and we were on our way to see her when something happened. She said she never found me after that, they had already put me in the system by the time she found out.”

  “What kind of things do you need protecting from?” she mused.

  After sitting silently for a few minutes, I whispered, “I see demon creatures and I think they are looking for me.” I turned toward her and saw her horrified expression.

  “Seriously?” Dread filled her voice.

  “Yeah. That’s one reason why I’ve decided to move out sooner. I don’t want you getting caught up in my mess.”

  Sarah laughed and startled me. Looking at her as she calmed down, she simply said, “Thank you. I would lie and try to get you to stay, but the truth is I’m not strong enough to handle demon creatures. I can’t even wrap my mind around the idea.”

  I grinned, grateful she just admitted the truth, “I know and it’s okay.” We sat in silence the rest of the trip.

  I headed into the hotel while Sarah waited in the car. I scanned the lobby. In a corner chair, I spotted a young woman, probably around thirty with long blonde hair wearing a flower reef around her head. She wore a long flowing white skirt with a brown colored top. It looks as though she came through time from the 70’s. Taking a chance, I walked over to her and as she looked up I asked, “Are you Zira?” She smiled wide as she stood and pulled me into a hug. Feeling slightly uncomfortable, I extracted myself from her arms. She leaned back and stared at me.

  “My, you’ve grown into such a beautiful woman.” She studied me up and down and I had the urge to flee. It was then I realized that I couldn’t hear her thoughts. My heart started pounding against my chest! Was she one of them? One of those things who wanted me? Oh God, I needed to leave!

  Seeing wild eyes staring at her, Zira said, “Easy child. I’ll explain what I can. Please have a seat.”

  Wanting to run away warred with wanting more information. The latter finally won and I took a seat, but remained very leery of her.

  “What can you tell me about my mom?” I asked attentively.

  “Not much I’m afraid. All I know is that your mother was scared for her life… and yours. She contacted me and said your father’s people and others were after her and she needed protection.”

  “Wait, how could you protect her?” With my heart racing, I wanted to believe, I really did! Could this woman help or was she full of shit? I didn’t know.

  “I’m a witch.” Anger must have shown on my face. “I am!” She whispered urgently.

  “Fine, you’re a witch. Continue.” I waved my hand in the air, not believing anything she said anymore.

  “I am! How can you see the things you do and not believe that witches could actually exist?”

  “I don’t know, maybe I can actually see those things and still I wonder if its real or if I’m going crazy.”

  Zira shook her head and said, “Trust me, I’m a witch. Your mother was a powerful psychic. She saw things; things that would happen in the future, a seer. She saw her own death and tried to get you to me before it happened. Of course, she didn’t succeed.”

  “She saw her own death coming?” I asked, tears filling my eyes. How horrible to know you were going to die and leave your child unprotected and without family.

  “She did. She sold everything she had and set up a trust fund for you. She also had a life insurance policy that was in your name. She mailed me all the paperwork just in case she didn’t make it in time. Amaya said there were ways to postpone the inevitable, but not for long.” Zira reached down into her worn leather bag, pulled out a large envelope and scooted it my way. As I reached for it, she touched my hand and stared into my eyes. “Your journey is long and filled with danger. Be careful child.” I nodded, now believing that everything she said was true.

  “Now, for the other thing,” reaching into her bag once again, she pulled out a necklace with what appeared to be a silver diamond shaped frame with a diamond shaped sapphire suspended in the middle. I couldn’t take my eyes off the deep blue color that seemed to glow and sparkle back at me. “Wear this at all times. It lets some magic in but doesn’t let any out.” Finally pulling my eyes from the necklace, I looked up, puzzled by her comment.

“What does that mean?” This all felt so strange, but right.

  “It means, child, you will still be able to hear and eventually see like your mother, but they will not be able to hear, or see you.” She smiled as if she made perfect sense but I didn’t really understand any of it.

  “I still don’t understand. They see me now, I think.”

  “You have noticed that your gift or gifts are getting stronger?” I nodded. “When you turn eighteen you should be at full strength and unable to hide who you are. Right now they sense something but are still confused. On the day of your birthday there will be no confusion. Remember Amber, never take this off, no matter what.” I nodded as she draped the necklace around my neck. When it touched my skin, it made my body feel very warm, like a blanket surrounding me in a cocoon.

  She stood to leave and I almost panicked, “Wait!”

  She looked down at me. “What is it child?”

  “Can you tell me anything else about my parents?” Could she feel my desperation? I needed all the information I could get!

  “All I know is that their relationship was forbidden and that your mother loved you fiercely.”

  “And my father?”

  Her face softened, “I don’t know anything about him. Amaya never spoke of him, child.”

  Anger built inside me. I wanted to know more! Tears filled my eyes and before I could stop myself, I blurted, “Quit calling me a child! I’m almost eighteen!”

  She never lost her soft loving face but she touched my hand and said quietly, “And I’m one-hundred and seventy-two.” She grabbed her shoulder bag and left me sitting there gaping, as she headed toward the door.

  That night I sat on my bed holding the large envelope Zira had given me, my hands trembled as I slowly opened it. Seeing a handwritten note in the front, I realized it was from my mother and rivers of tears streamed down my face. I dropped it and ran to the bathroom for some tissue paper. Slowly I walked back to the bedroom, back to my mother’s note, the note she left for me. My tears finally slowed enough to pick it up, my lips trembled as my eyes scanned the paper.

  My Dearest Amber,

  If you’re reading this, then I didn’t make it. I want you to know, I tried! I tried to stay alive for you, for you were the best thing that ever happened to me and everything I did, I did for you. I love you with all of my heart.

  I want you to know that your father and I were very much in love, but it was forbidden by his people. When we found out I was pregnant, he loved you instantly but feared for your safety. His people found out about me and I never saw him again. I don’t know what happened to him but I know he would have been with us if he could have. You were loved! Please know that!

  Because of us, you have special gifts. Zira has agreed to help you conceal them. Please trust her and remember sweetheart, the less you know, the better. I hope you have a long and happy life. Stay safe and always know that I love you! Your father loved you!

  Love Always and Forever,


  Holding the letter to my chest, I cried! I cried for my parents and I cried for me. My life was not normal! I have spent it hiding from everyone because their thoughts were too much to bear, well I was finished hiding!

  Pulling out the bank records, I scanned the pages only to find out I had almost one million dollars! Oh my God! Bending over, I grabbed my stomach as I started to hyperventilate. One million dollars! I repeated it over and over in my head while my body rocked back and forth and my mind raced.

  That night, I tossed and turned until I fell into a fitful sleep.

  “Listen to me Amber, if you ever see anything strange you ignore it. Understand? You act like it’s not there.”

  “What are you talking about, mommy?” I asked while holding my lamb and sucking my thumb.

  “You’ll know it if you ever see anything that shouldn’t be there. Just remember to ignore it okay?”

  “Okay, mommy.” I climbed up into her lap as she held me tight.

  “Always remember sweetheart, I love you so very much.” She rocked me back and forth in the old wooden rocking chair that sat in the outdated living room. A fire roared in the fireplace and the bed was placed against the wall so we could stay warm.

  “I love you too, mommy.”

  I woke with tears streaming down my face. As grateful as I was for the wonderful memory, the tears were making me angry. I had never cried so much in my life and I was tired of it now! Talking with Zira and then finding my mother’s letter left me with even more questions and I felt as though I was losing my mind.

  I decided to skip school and just showed up for graduation to deliver the dreaded speech. I rushed through it, not that I cared. I avoided Becky and everyone else until graduation and told Sarah that I needed space after talking with Zira. She never pushed. I packed my bags. I was leaving even though I had no destination in mind.

  As I walked downstairs, Becky busted through the front door, okay it was unlocked. “Where the hell have you been and why haven’t you answered the damn phone,” she fumed.

  “I’m sorry, Becky.” I had to give her something, she’s my best friend. “I met a woman who knew my mother. She gave me some of her things and I found a letter she had written to me. I just needed time alone…time to think.”

  “Shit, Amber!”

  “I know.” All the anger left her as she sat down on the old floral print couch. After a few minutes of complete silence, Becky piped up.

  “Okay, time to quit dwelling on things you can’t change. Tomorrow’s your birthday and I’m taking you out. Be ready to go at 5 and wear something short and sexy!” She smiled, “I’ll give you today to be sad, but then that’s it. Get your shit together, you’re turning eighteen!” She squealed and I had to smile. That was the Becky I loved.

  Chapter Seven

  I was wearing a tiny red dress that hugged my curves. Becky and I were driving down the interstate. “Are you going to tell me where we’re going?” I asked with a grin on my face.

  “Nope. It’s a surprise for your birthday,” Becky stated as I heard the words to the song. Sixty-eight bottles of beer on the wall, sixty-eight bottles of beer, take one down, pass it around, sixty-seven bottles of beer on the wall.

  Laughing, “That song is driving me crazy!” She turned her head and smiled. “Becky, I’ve been thinking, let’s move out of Sanstone. We can go somewhere together.”

  “Is that why you were packing yesterday, you’re moving?”

  “Yeah. Want to go with me?”

  She quit singing that annoying song. Looking at me she said, “Really? I’d love to but I don’t know how that’s possible.” Sincerity rang in her voice and I listened to her mind race with ideas of how to make it possible.

  “The woman I found that knew mom had all the paperwork and bank records. I got life insurance money and I have a trust fund.”

  “No shit! Really?” With my nod, she squealed. “Let’s do it!”

  “I’m ready. Where do you want to move to?”

  “I don’t know. Indianapolis or maybe, Chicago?”

  “Chicago! That’s where we’re going tonight!” Becky slipped and I heard her think about a dance club.

  “Shit Amber, you’re no fun!” She huffed and I laughed. “Seriously though, we can start checking for apartments tomorrow if you want to.” We were spending the night in a nearby hotel so it would be easy to check the classifieds and drive by a few places the next day. My heart felt light, happy, for the first time in forever.

  “Sounds good to me. The quicker we move the better.”

  Arriving at The Club, I looked at Becky. “The name of the club is The Club? Seriously? It’s like they were too lazy to think of a name.”

  “Shut up Amber, you’ll love it.”

  Getting out of the car, we made our way to the front. The line to get in wrapped around the building but Becky and I walked up as if we owned the place. Becky in her low cut bright blue dress showing an abundance of cleavage and me in my tight r
ed dress that stopped just below my ass, the bouncer let walk right in.

  Everywhere I looked bodies molded together, whether by choice or circumstance, I couldn’t tell. The place had standing room only. Lights flashed, bodies swayed and the thumping of the music kept the voices out. “Come on Amber, let’s get a drink.” She grabbed my wrist, navigating us through a sea of skin, sweat and hands.

  “We can’t drink, we’re not old enough,” I whispered loudly.

  “Lighten up. The bouncer should have checked ID’s but he didn’t. You have to be twenty-one to get in so they won’t be carding at the bar.” She pushed her tits up and bent over so the bartender could get a good look. It worked, he passed by the men who were waiting and came our way.

  “Ladies, what can I get ya?” He asked, smiling at Becky while glancing at her tits. I’d never seen Becky act this way before and I wasn’t sure I liked it.

  “We’ll both have a shot of Tequila.” She smiled seductively.

  When he brought our drinks, he touched Becky’s hand. “These are on the house this time sugar.” He winked before moving on to the next costumer.

  Handing me my drink, she raised her glass expecting me to do the same, “To your birthday and a new beginning!” Clinking glasses, we both downed our shot. It burned all the way down and left me coughing with glassy eyes. Immediately I could feel some of the affects.

  “Excuse me, ladies,” turning to see a muscled man with dirty blonde hair and blue eyes, he looked at Becky, “Would you like to dance?”

  Never taking her eyes off him, she asked, “Do you mind, Amber?”

  “No, you go have fun.” She took his hand as he led her to the dance floor. I didn’t sit long until a man with jet black hair and blue eyes asked me to dance with him. When I took his hand, I noticed how wrong it felt. He didn’t feel wrong, him touching me felt wrong. I ignored it, determined to have a good time tonight.

  I danced song after song, not caring if he was still dancing with me. At times, I felt hands on my body but didn’t pay much attention.


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