I Can Hear You

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I Can Hear You Page 11

by Hannah Davenport

  Instead of answering right away, he studied me, which left me feeling flushed and uncomfortable. I had never been in a man’s presence before without knowing what he was thinking.

  “Tell me about your powers, when did you notice you were different?” He asked with curious sincerity.

  I squirmed in my seat. Something inside me wanted to tell him everything while another part of me wanted to keep my secrets. My body felt flushed with anticipation, for what I didn’t know. I wanted to go to him, touch him and those feeling left me feeling extremely confused. My brain still screamed that he was the enemy.

  “Ambriel, I know we haven’t started out on a good note but I’m asking, please tell me about your powers.” He asked in a quiet voice.

  Taking a deep breath, I relented and said, “I could hear other people’s thoughts from a young age. It started around the age of five. The ability has grown every year until I was unable to be in a crowd. I knew what everyone was thinking. As I got older, I started having dreams and now I see things that will happen in the future.”

  He took everything in without showing any expression. “And you knew the Santiarns were coming for you?”


  “Do you know why they want you?” He asked as he studied me.

  “Nope, I have no idea what’s going on. Only that I see people that shouldn’t be there.”

  “The Santiarns are power hungry. Their ultimate goal is to rule all three realms. They cannot get into ours without someone with Cusas blood running through their veins and with you being Des’ daughter…”

  “They want me because I can bring them here.” I stated. Des had mentioned that before and it was all making sense now, why everyone was after me. That’s why I could determine the outcome of this war.


  I pondered what I’d learned until I finally said, “What do you want me to do?” Not agreeing to anything but trying to get more information.

  “I don’t know,” he sighed. “We will have to test your powers and someone will have to train you.” He looked at my protection necklace. “Do you mind if I take that off?”

  Did it even matter anymore if I wore it? They had found me anyway and according to him, the Santiarns couldn’t come here. I nodded.

  He slowly stood and walked over to me. As he knelt down in front of me, he stared intently into my eyes as he reached around my neck to unclasp the necklace. His mouth was inches from mine and I could feel his warm breath on my face. I prayed he couldn’t hear the hitch in my breath as my heart pounded out of control. I closed my eyes and willed my body under control even though it was no use.

  As he removed my necklace, I heard a little hitch in his breath as well and I hoped it was because I was so near. My heart plummeted when he said, “I can feel your power.” So it wasn’t me, it was what he thought I could do. I fought the tears that wanted to surface.

  What could I say? “Thanks, I guess.” He stayed in front of me for just a little longer and I hoped he might kiss me. Instead, he rose and went to the other side of the porch.

  The front door swung open and Des came out carrying a tray of drinks. As he handed me mine, I took a big gulp hoping the coolness would help my flushed body. I still didn’t understand this unnatural attraction to Mikal. The tension was high or maybe it was just me.

  “Why don’t you come back to the castle with me and I can have one of our instructors teach you how to control your powers.” Mikal asked.

  Castle! Did he really just say castle?! All I could think about was being thrown into the dungeon for being human. What if they never allowed me to leave? As I gripped my comforting stone, he must have seen my panicked expression.

  “You will be safe there. I promise that no harm will come to you.” My eyes shot to his and his gaze never wavered.

  “You can’t make her go.” Des said in his stern father voice.

  “I’m not making her go; I’m asking her to go. We can help her Des and you know that.” Mikal retorted.

  I looked up at Des, who was standing beside me. “What do you think I should do?” I almost whispered.

  He looked down at me with loving eyes and answered, “I don’t know sweetheart. They do have instructors at the castle that can help you understand and control your powers. The choice is yours.”

  I sat there and debated with myself. I knew I needed help and some unknown part of me wanted to follow Mikal anywhere and that’s what scared me the most. Finally, I looked at Mikal and just said, “Okay.”


  Sitting on the porch with Ambriel, I couldn’t control my pounding heart as it beat in tune with hers. I tried using my will it to slow down but it was no use. As I kneeled down in front of her to remove the protection necklace, I could feel my soul reaching for hers. Her eyes glowed blue with power as it surged forward glad to be let lose. After a moment, they returned to their natural shade of blue. It took every ounce of my strength to remain impassive.

  I heard Des coming so I moved back to my original position on the other side of the porch. How could my mate be human? I thought with bewilderment. Half-human I reminded myself.

  It was also a mystery how she had evaded us all of her life. Cusas were able to feel the presence of other Cusas and Santiarns if they were nearby while in the human realm, that’s how we’re able to track each other. And yet here sat my mate and without any training. It’s a miracle she still lived. I had to get her back to the castle so she could be trained. The prophecy said she would determine the outcome of the war but I didn’t know how.

  “Can I put my necklace back on before we go?” She asked. “It makes me feel better to have it on.”

  I wanted to tell her no, but I knew I needed to tread lightly. She was very skittish and I still feared she’d run from me. “You can, but once we get to the castle, you’ll have to remove it for your training.” Then I thought of another problem. “I’ll need the transport crystal back.”

  I watched her eyes widen with fear, as she immediately said, “NO!”

  I tried not to show my anger as I asked, “Why not? It doesn’t belong to you.”

  As I watched her, I could feel my own panic and I wanted to flee. That’s when I realized the panic wasn’t mine, it was hers. Was she projecting or was my body in tune with hers, our bond strengthening.

  “You want to keep me there!” She turned to Des, “If they take my comforting stone…transport crystal…they could throw me in the dungeon and never let me leave! What if they beat me like they did you or kill me like they did mom, because I’m human?!”

  I couldn’t stand this hopeless, panicked feeling in my chest so I went over and kneeled down in front of her. As I took her hands in mine, I felt the electrical current run through my body and back in to hers. She must have felt it too as she took a quick intake of breath. Her eyes were wide as we just stared at each other. I vaguely heard Des mutter, Oh shit. He must now know she’s my mate. “I promise you that you will be safe. Nothing will happen to you there.”

  She kept her eyes locked with mine and I felt her panic ease. Her heart rate slowed and I felt as if I could breathe again. This was an impossible situation and I needed time to figure it out.

  “Ambriel,” she looked to Des, “You’ll be safe with him. I’m sure of that.” She looked back to me and with a small shake of her head I knew we needed to leave before she changed her mind.

  With her hand still in mine I rose, bringing her to her feet with me. I couldn’t bring myself to let go as I led her off the porch. When Avis stepped out from behind a tree, I dropped her hand and immediately felt the loss.

  “Avis, you will accompany us home.” Turning back to Des I said, “I need to borrow your Cefis. I’ll have someone return it to you once we reach the castle.” I wasn’t asking; it was an order.

  As I stood next to Ambriel, I couldn’t help but notice how small she was, barely reaching the top of my shoulder. She had long wavy auburn hair that almost reached her waist. Her alabaster
skin and blue eyes set her apart from the rest of us, making her appear exotic and beautiful. My body stayed in a constant state of arousal, which left me feeling very uncomfortable as my pants were too tight.

  As I easily lifted her up onto the Cefis, she felt so light. I silently wondered if this was common for humans or if it was due to the unusual amount of stress she’d been under lately.

  I mounted the Cefis behind her and as I took the reins, my soul felt content to have my arms around her.

  Chapter Fourteen


  Riding back to the castle with Mikal behind me, I could feel the heat radiating from his body as desire coursed through my veins. I have never felt like this before. The surroundings were beautiful but I couldn’t take in the sights with his arms around me. I wanted so much more. I knew it was impossible, but I couldn’t help the way I felt. His body close to mine felt warm and comforting. I felt safe and it had been a long time since I felt that way.

  When a large castle came into view, I gasped with surprise. It appeared to be made out of black marble with its smooth glassy shine. With all the vibrant colors, the black stood out in contrast. It looked like a picture from a fairytale book. People ambled around outside each doing a different task or talking with each other.

  As we past, they all stopped and stared, which made me feel very uncomfortable. We rode on until we came to a stable. He dismounted first and then grabbed my waist. As he swung me off, I placed my hands on his muscled shoulders. With our eyes locked together, he slowly lowered me to the ground. When his hands left my waist, I immediately felt the loss.

  “Commander,” we turned at the sound of a female voice.

  “Nanya,” he acknowledged. I watched as she walked up and placed a hand on his arm. I felt anger and jealousy warring with each other.

  “I see you found the human,” she said glancing at me and then smiling at him.

  “I did.” He took a step back making her hand drop to her side. Her smile faltered and then returned.

  “I never doubted you would.” She never glanced my way again as she said, “I’ll see you at third meal.” I watched her walk away. I couldn’t help notice how beautiful she was. Her perfectly toned body oozed with confidence.

  “Come and I’ll show you to your room.” He turned and walked away leaving me to follow.

  He left me alone in my room which was scantly furnished, and told me my training would start soon. I couldn’t help the hurt and loss I felt and immediately tried to protect myself. I remembered the wall Des told me to think about, but this time I envisioned a wall between Mikal and me. For some reason, that made me feel better. This wasn’t the first time I felt unwanted and it wouldn’t be the last. It was just my foolish emotions getting the better of me.

  I looked around and found a simple room. There was a bedroom with a massive bed, a nightstand, a dresser, and a closet. It also had a small bathroom and a living room that held a couch and chair. The only thing that was missing was a kitchen.

  A short time later, there was a knock on my door. When I answered it, there was a massive man with dark brown hair and brown eyes. “I’m Chadas and I’m here to start your training. Follow me.” He turned and started walking away. I guess he expected me to follow like a good little girl. Ha! I remained standing in the doorway. I wasn’t a puppet.

  He had almost reached the end of the hall when he noticed I wasn’t following. He came back and stood in front of me with angry eyes. “What are you doing?” he commanded.

  “Waiting to be asked,” I shot back. I could tell by his actions and posture that he felt I was beneath him and I refused to be treated as such.

  He stood there and gritted his teeth before saying in a harsh voice, “Would you please follow me!” He once again turned and left. I let out a loud sigh and followed him through the castle.

  As I stood in an empty classroom, he gestured for me to have a seat but I remained standing. I watched him walk around the room muttering to himself. “I can’t believe he wants me to train a human,” he sneered, unaware that my eyes were on him. I realized with a start that he hadn’t said those words aloud, I could hear him!

  Now I felt more confused than ever. I hadn’t been around many Cusas, but this was the first one I’d been able to hear. Could I hear them all if I tried? Every time I was around Mikal I couldn’t think clearly. When Nanya was present, I was too angry to listen when she touched Mikal. And the Santiarns had started out with a screeching noise which was slowly turning to words.

  I kept my eyes on the instructor. He hadn’t looked at me once. A human! What was he thinking! He should just kill her and get it over with! Ironically, that was my worst fear. Mikal said he’d protect me but instead he had taken me to a room and left me there.

  “Okay human.” Chadas said making human sound like a dirty word. “I need to test your powers so we’ll know where to start.” If she even has any. The one thing I knew was that I didn’t want this man anywhere near me.

  As he came near me, I took a step back. I watched anger shoot from his eyes. “I don’t think so.”

  “Listen human, I was ordered to train you and train you I will!” Who does she think she is, talking back to me!

  He stepped closer as I retreated. I felt like prey being stalked by a predator. “Stop!” he yelled and panic took over. I turned and ran, unsure of where I was going but I never slowed down.

  I passed people in the hallways as they stopped and stared. I turned left, and then right and I kept on running. I was about to turn down another hallway when I felt warning bells go off in my chest. I turned and ran the other direction. After a few more turns I found myself in a deserted hallway. Exhausted and scared, I tried one of the doorknobs and found it unlocked. It was a dusty and unused storage closet. I went to the far back wall and slid down to my butt, drew my knees to my chest and hugged my legs. It was dark, but for now I felt safe.


  When we arrived back at the castle, I was startled to see Nanya at the stables. She placed her hand on my arm and I hesitated. It was very unlike her, but if I rebuffed her, she might suspect something. I could feel Ambriel’s anger and jealousy coursing through her body. I watched as Nanya left, swaying her hips more than normal and I wanted to sigh. I knew that problems lay ahead.

  After showing Ambriel to her room, I headed to the battle room where I found Lukke, Damien and Avis waiting for me. They came to attention with their heads bowed as I entered.

  “Lukke,” I acknowledged first and everyone took an at-ease stance.


  “The human, Ambriel, is here at the castle. Make sure everyone knows she is not to be harmed under any circumstances.”

  “Yes, Commander.” Lukkas turned and left.

  “Damien, find Chadas and have him start her training immediately.” Damien nodded before turning to leave.


  “Yes, Commander.”

  “Any suggestions?”

  “No Commander.” I nodded to him before turning to leave. I needed to seek the elders’ counsel again.

  Before I even knocked, I heard the soft, “Come in Mikal.” I entered and closed the door behind me.

  “How can I help you Commander?” Risya asked before turning around to face me.

  “I’ve found the human.” I hesitated.

  “Go on,” she stated.

  “Her name is Ambriel. She’s half Cusas and very powerful.”

  “That’s not why you’re here.” She stated simply.

  “She’s my true mate.” I admitted.

  “And you worry about what the others will think.”

  “Yes. No. I don’t know. She’s human, how can that be?”

  “She is but yet she’s not. She’s Cusas.” I couldn’t help but rub my forehead.

  “What am I supposed to do?”

  She smiled at me and said, “That’s what you have to determine.” She turned back around and stared out the window. The last thing I heard her say
was “Don’t take too long.”

  Walking back into the battle room, I found Lukke waiting for me. “Lukke,” I nodded.

  “Commander, everyone knows that the human is not to be harmed.”

  “Good, and Lukke?” He looked at me, “Her name is Ambriel.”

  “Are you okay Mikal?” He spoke as my friend and not my second.


  “Commander.” Damien came running in. “The human is gone!”

  “What do you mean she’s gone? Gone where?” I demanded.

  “Chadas informed me that he took her to the training room and she just took off running through the castle.”

  I tried to remain impassive but for the first time I felt my own fear. I tried to feel her but couldn’t. Panic consumed me! What if something had happened to her? “Search the castle!” I ordered. “Damien, bring Chadas to me!”

  I paced the room, unable to stop myself. Worry filled my body as I willed her to be safe. I was still pacing when Chadas strolled in without a care. “You wished to see me Commander?” He bowed his head.

  “Why did Ambriel run from you?” I asked with a stern voice and arms crossed.

  “I don’t know Commander. I took her to the training room and after I told her I needed to test her, she went running.”

  I heard the lie in his voice even though he spoke the truth. It was very puzzling. Knowing the difference between lies and truths was one of my talents. Just as I knew her name was not Amber, I knew there was more than what he was telling me.

  Several hours later Lukke returned with a grim look on his face. “Commander, we searched and can’t find her anywhere. Do you think she used the portal?”

  “My instinct is telling that she’s still here.” Lukke poured us both a tumbler of ale.

  As we each took a drink, Lukke asked, “Is there something you’re not telling me my friend?”

  I smiled a little before admitting, “She’s my true mate and I don’t know what to do.”


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