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Redemption Page 3

by Michelle Heard

  I place the glass of water within reach of Mrs. Douglas and make sure her foot is resting comfortably on a pillow.

  “Is there anything else I can get for you?” I ask.

  “Thank you, dear, but I think that’s everything. You’re such a good woman,” she says as she sinks back against the pillows. “I couldn’t have asked for a better choice for Roy. You make us so happy.”

  I smile warmly, happy to hear she feels that way. Roy and his mother are very close, so it’s important to me that she likes me.

  I lean over her and press a kiss to her cheek before I leave the room. I close the door with a soft click and walk to the kitchen where I last saw Roy.

  When I enter the kitchen, it’s empty. I take a glass from the cupboard and pour myself some water. As I swallow the last of it down, Roy comes in from the dining room entrance.

  “Are you ready for your surprise?” he asks, his eyes warm with love.

  “I sure am, Mr. Douglas.”

  He takes my hand and leads me to the dining room. I’m starting to think that he prepared a nice dinner, but when we walk into the room, the table is empty. We walk out the side door that leads to the garden.

  “Close your eyes,” he whispers intimately.

  I grin and do as he asks.

  His arm comes around my waist, and he carefully helps me to where the surprise is.

  “You can open them.”

  A huge smile forms around my lips as excitement bubbles up in me. I open my eyes and my lips part on a gasp.

  There’s a picnic blanket under the old oak tree with pillows scattered on it. Lanterns hang from the branches, each filled with a glowing candle. Photos are attached to each lantern, and I walk closer to get a better look. It’s really so pretty, and it only makes me love Roy more because he went through so much trouble to do something special for me.

  Taking hold of the first photo, I see that it’s one of me as a baby. The next one is of Roy as a toddler. All the photos are of us at different ages until I reach the last one. It’s a recent photo of Roy and me. Mrs. Douglas must’ve taken it. Roy is staring down at me with so much love it makes me choke up.

  “Will you marry me?” he asks from behind me.

  I turn around as an emotional smile wavers around my lips.

  “Since I’ve met you, my life has changed. You make me feel like I can do anything, be anyone. Marry me, Quinn. I want to spend every day with you. I promise to love you with all my heart. I want the rest of the photos to be of us and our life together.”

  I walk to where he’s standing and nod as I wrap my arms around him. “Yes, I’ll marry you. I love you so much, Roy.”

  He kisses me tenderly and then whispers against my lips, “I love you more.”



  I haven’t seen Quinn since she came to tell me that she’s going to marry Roy. I knew this was coming, but it still hurts like hell.

  I walk over to Dad and Mom’s place. I’m going to drive myself insane if I keep thinking of Quinn.

  I go in through the kitchen and find Dad in front of the stove, making his famous curry.

  “Smells great,” I say as I take a seat at the table.

  Dad has fixed this place up nicely. I’ve seen photos of what it looked like before he added two bedrooms, an extra bathroom, and the deck outside.

  “You’re just in time for dinner. How are things coming along at your place?” he asks as Mom comes into the kitchen.

  She presses a kiss to my cheek. When she pulls back, her eyes are filled with worry.

  “Are you okay?”

  I shake my head, and it gets both my parents attention. Dad turns off the stove and joins Mom at the table. His face goes from relaxed to serious as his eyes sweep over me.

  “Quinn’s getting married,” I say, not able to hide the pain from them. Not like I can hide anything from Dad. Sometimes I wonder if he can read minds.

  They both sit down, and Mom takes hold of my right hand.

  “Oh, Eli,” she breathes.

  They knew I loved her before I realized it myself.

  “Is he a good man?” Dad asks, and I know where he’s heading with this.

  “Yeah,” I sigh. “No matter how much I want to hate him for taking Quinn from me, I can’t. He’s good to her.”

  Dad’s eyes hold mine as he searches for something.

  “He can’t take something from you, you never had, son. Once she marries him, you do the honorable thing and back off. He deserves a fair chance with her.”

  I nod because he’s right. Dad’s always right. His words may hurt but they’re the truth.

  “I should’ve told her while I had a chance,” I say, regretting I let her slip through my fingers.

  “Life has a funny way of working itself out, Eli,” Mom says, giving my hand a squeeze. “It might hurt right now, but it’s for the best.”

  “How do you know?” I ask, looking at Mom. Even in her early fifties, she’s still beautiful.

  She looks to Dad and he nods, which makes me sit up straight. They only do that if they’re about to get really serious.

  Ethan comes into the kitchen, breaking the conversation.

  “Are you here for the food, as well?” he jokes.

  He takes a seat at the table, and I try to smile at my little brother, but today it’s hard.

  “You know me. I can never get enough of Dad’s cooking,” I joke lamely.

  “What’s up?” he asks, resting his elbows on the table. He looks from Dad to Mom before the same green eyes as Mom’s lock with mine. Ethan is the perfect mixture of Mom and Dad. He got Mom’s smile and eyes, where he got Dad’s serious features and determination. Ethan would never hesitate in telling a woman how he feels. Unlike me.

  Mom leans back in her chair, and a painful look tightens her features. I don’t see it often, but when I do it makes me want to hurt whoever’s responsible for it.

  “You might as well hear this, too, Ethan.” She wipes imaginary dust from the table before she tucks her graying hair behind her ears. “Remember I told you I was eighteen when my parents died?” she asks, a hollow sound to her always cheerful voice.

  “Yeah,” I say, knowing I’m not going to like what she’s about to say.

  Ethan nods as his eyes settle on Mom. The worry on his face tells me he feels the tension as well.

  Mom takes a deep breath, which makes Ethan reach out to her. He squeezes her shoulder.

  A sad smile plays around her lips as she says, “I loved them so much. I used to spend all of my time with them. We had this thing we did on Sundays.” She takes a deep breath before continuing. “After lunch, we would always go out on the boat. We would just lie in the middle of the dam and talk about silly things. Then one Sunday, everything changed. I don’t know what exactly happened, but your grandparents were killed and I barely survived. Things got really bad after that.”

  “Mom,” I whisper. I take her hand in both of mine as I try to wrap my head around what she’s telling me. I knew my grandparents died when mom was still young, but she never told us how.

  “If your dad didn’t find me, I wouldn’t be here right now. While all those horrible things were happening, I wanted to die, to just end it all.”

  She looks up at Dad and whispers, “He saved me. He gave me a future I thought I’d never be able to have.” She looks at Ethan and then me. “He gave me the two of you. Life has a way of working out, Eli. It might not feel that way right now, but trust me, it will.”

  This is the most Mom has ever told us about her past. Both Mom and Dad are very secretive when it comes to the history they share.

  “You’re a Jackson, Eli,” Dad says. “You’ll survive this, and it will make you stronger.”

  “What happened?” Ethan asks, a worried look still on his face.

  I sigh and smile. “Quinn’s marrying Roy Douglas. I’m just angry with myself for not telling her sooner I love her.” I smile at Mom and Dad. “But I’m a Jackson. I�
�ll get over it.”

  It’s hard to let go of someone if they’re in everything you see.

  When I watch the sun rising, I think of her. When the sun sets, I think of her. When I go to the hardware store, I can’t help but glance at The Green Leaf even though I know she no longer works there.

  When I walk through my house, I see her in every piece of furniture she helped pick. I remember exactly which tiles she helped with.

  How do you forget something you love so deeply that it’s become a part of your soul?

  When someone dies, you get closure, and you get to say goodbye. I can’t say goodbye to Quinn. I’ll run into her in town, and I’ll have to pretend my heart’s not being ripped out.

  She’ll wear his ring. She’ll carry his child.

  I close my eyes as I try to remember the feel of her lips on mine. I only got to kiss her once. It was so quick I didn’t get to take in any of it. I didn’t know how much I would need that memory back when it happened.

  He’ll hear her laughter every day. He’ll make her smile.

  Fuck, how do you forget something that’s ingrained so deep inside of you there’s no beginning and no end – you’re one with that person?

  She’s my sunshine. Without her there’s only darkness.



  I straighten my dress as I look at my reflection in the mirror. The sparkle of the diamond catches my eye, and I glance down at my left hand. Roy gave me his grandmother’s ring. It’s beautiful with just a single diamond. It took me some getting used to wearing it. I’m not big on jewelry, and it kept feeling as if something foreign was lodged between my fingers.

  I smile as I remember the proposal. Roy was so sweet. I’ve made a box where I keep everything from that night. I even have the cork from the champagne in there. It’s stupid, but I want to remember every detail of the night.

  When I look back up at my reflection, the smile on my face grows. Tonight will be our first date as an engaged couple, and I’m really looking forward to it.

  When I hear Roy’s car pull up out front, I grab my bag and check to make sure I have everything. I rush to open the door before he can knock. He opens the gate, and my eyes drink him in. He’s wearing a pair of jeans and a light green checkered shirt. My heart fills with love for him, and I practically jump in his arms.

  “I missed you,” I whisper as I hug him tightly.

  “I missed you more,” he says before bringing his mouth to mine. I love his kisses.

  When he pulls away, his eyes rest lovingly on me.

  “You look absolutely stunning.”

  “Thank you,” I say as I twirl for him. “I have a hot date tonight.” I wink at him, and it makes him laugh.

  “Are you ready? I made a reservation at Nero’s.”

  “Yes.” I quickly lock the door and take hold of his hand. “I love their crab.”

  He grins and says, “I know.”

  When we get to Nero’s, they seat us in one of the booths which has a beautiful view of the beach.

  Roy places our orders and reaches for my left hand. His thumb lightly caresses my ring finger.

  “Thank you for wearing my ring,” he whispers, and it makes my heart overflow with absolute adoration for him.

  “How’s your Mom’s foot?” I ask.

  “It’s much better. You’re a good nurse,” he says with a wink.

  “I’m glad she’s getting better. She placed an order for the material, sequins, and beads. It’s so great that we’ll be making the wedding dress together.”

  “It will give you time to get to know each other better. You know,” he says, looking a little nervous, “you might as well move in.”

  I smile to set him at ease. “I’ll make you a deal. I’ll spend the nights at your place that we’ll be working on the wedding dress. I just need to make sure my dad’s okay with everything before I move in with you and take over your house. I’m all he has left.”

  “You’re more than welcome to take over my house any day,” he laughs. “But I understand.”

  I squeeze his hand. “I can’t believe we’re getting married in three months. I’m so happy.”

  “That’s good to hear. Your happiness is my number one priority.”

  Just when I think I couldn’t love him more, he says or does something to make the warmth in my heart grow.

  When I wake up, I blink a couple of times to try and clear the sleep from my eyes. As my vision comes into focus, I take in my surroundings. When I see the luxurious room, I remember I’m at Roy’s place.

  Mrs. Douglas and I started with the wedding dress yesterday. We worked late into the night until we both couldn’t see straight. It’s going to be a lot of hard work, but I love making the dress with her. I can see she also enjoys spending time with me.

  A loud crash from somewhere in the house makes me dart upright.

  What the hell was that? I hope Mrs. Douglas didn’t fall again.

  Another crash echoes through the house, followed by Mrs. Douglas screaming. The sound is sharp and filled with horror, making my heart leap into my throat.

  I throw back the covers and rush to the door, but I freeze before opening it as more screams echo through the house.

  “Please, take what you want, just don’t hurt us.” Mrs. Douglas’ desperate plea rips through me.

  Oh, God. What’s happening?

  I open the door softly and peek down the dark hallway.

  “Roy. Mrs. Douglas,” I call out, but my voice is weak and filled with fear.

  I hear something. At first, it’s just a rumbling of voices, but as they get closer, I can clearly hear two men, and it sounds like they’re arguing. I quickly shut the door and duck back into the room. When the angry voices stop right outside the door of the room I’m in, my fear quickly turns to terror.

  They must’ve broken into the house. Oh, my God, this is really bad!

  I grab my phone from the nightstand and duck under the bed, not that it will help if they come in.

  Not thinking twice I dial Eli’s number. It only rings three times before he answers.

  “Are you okay? It’s two in the morning,” he says, not sounding like I woke him at all. Just hearing his voice makes some of the fear fade.

  “I think men broke in,” I whisper. “I can hear them right outside the room.”

  “I’m on my way. Find a place to hide. Stay on the line.” The commands are sharp and demanding, and it almost makes me sigh with relief.

  “I’m at Roy’s place,” I quickly add before Eli goes to my house.

  The handle on the door twists and panic flashes hot through me. I quickly crawl deeper under the bed, hoping they’ll think the room is empty.

  “They’re coming in,” I whimper and cover my mouth with my hand so my breathing won’t be too loud.

  Shit! This is bad, so very bad.

  When I see a pair of heavy boots come into the room, my heart all but stops.

  If they find me, I’m dead.

  Eli won’t make it in time.

  The thought makes tears burn behind my eyes.

  “I’m coming. Stay quiet. Stay calm. I’m five minutes away,” he whispers into my ear.

  I nod as my tears start to fall. I’ve never been so scared in my life. I’m not feeling fear, this is something much worse. It’s my survival instinct kicking in while my mind is screaming that there’s no way to survive.

  I want to believe Eli, but there’s no way he’ll make it before they find me.

  My eyes are glued to the two pairs of boots as they move closer to the bed. I try to think if there’s anything in the room that can be used as a weapon. My fear filled mind feels horribly slow, and it only makes despair bleed into my soul.

  “Someone slept in here. Look around,” the one man barks. He hits the lamp off the nightstand, and it falls with a dull thud to the floor on my right side. The man to my right starts to trash the room while the other one slowly walks to the front of the bed.

/>   I try to breathe slower. My heart is thundering so hard I’m scared they’ll hear it.

  The man to my right walks to the door, but instead of leaving, he switches on the light. It makes the tears come faster. They’re going to find me any second. My heart slams against the floor and a painful lump lodges in my throat.

  The one in front of the bed suddenly crouches.

  “What the fuck,” a man growls angrily. “Get your ass out of there.”

  My breathing hitches sharply as a feeling I’ve never felt before rattles through me. It’s dark and ugly wiping out any trace of the hope I had that Eli would get here in time.

  Clutching the phone to my chest, I crawl out from under the bed on the left side and run in the direction of the bathroom. The man closest to me grabs for me, but I swing back and slap him across the face. I manage to get free and race into the bathroom. I slam the door shut behind me and take a few steps back. I know it won’t hold them off.

  “Think, Quinn! There has to be something you can use as a weapon.”

  “Quinn!” I hear Eli’s distant voice. I look down at the phone pressed to my chest. “Quinn, fuck!”

  I bring the phone to my ear as the door slams open.

  “Eli,” I whisper as my eyes meet the stoned, pale blue eyes of the man in front of me.

  “Fight, baby. Go for their eyes. You fight. I’m almost there.” I hear the tension in Eli’s voice, and it makes tears rush freely over my cheeks.

  My arm falls to the side, and then I see the bottle of toilet spray. I lunge for it and hold it out in front of me.

  A desolate feeling creeps through me. Shivers of terror race icily over my skin.

  “Stay away,” I whimper.

  Panic takes over, and it makes adrenaline pump hot and wild through my body. I know it won’t keep him back, but when your life is in danger, you do just about anything to try and save it.

  I hate feeling so weak and vulnerable. I try to square my shoulders so I’ll come across as being strong and not the whimpering mess I really am. I feel sick to my stomach as the strange man looms in the doorway. I’m well aware that it’s my only way out.


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