Forgiveness For My Mate: Sassy Ever After (Sanctuary for My Mate Book 1)

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Forgiveness For My Mate: Sassy Ever After (Sanctuary for My Mate Book 1) Page 8

by Terri A. Wilson

  Tatum needed to get dressed and ready. However, before she went inside, the bird landed on the porch railing. Up close, she saw the different coloring and patterns of this bird. The bird dropped something from its beak.

  Tatum picked up a stalk of fragile purplish pink flowers.

  “If you’re not Connor, which one are you?”

  The bird stared and twitched its head from side to side.

  She bent at the waist to see the bird at eye level. “I bet you’re Wednesday. Man, you’re beautiful in human form, but like this, like this you’re stunning. Is this what I would look like?” She reached her hand out and touched a wing with her bent forefinger. A noise startled the bird, and it flew away. Tatum straightened and waved to Hank who pulled up next to the cabin.

  She walked over to the driver’s side and waited for Hank to roll down the window. “Sorry, I’m not ready. I need five minutes.”

  “I’m a little early, but I brought gifts.” He held up a paper coffee cup and a container Tatum hoped held Sybil’s rolls. “I thought I could come in for a bit and we could eat here before we got started.”

  Tatum nodded and waited for him to get out of the truck. “I don’t mind. I didn’t sleep much last night, I’ll be great company.” She snickered.

  They walked up the stairs and into the cabin. “Don’t worry about it. After a few bites of Sybil’s cooking, trust me, your world will right itself.”

  “I doubt that, but don’t mind trying.”

  Hank sat the food down on the table. “Do you mind if I warm these up in the microwave?”

  She called from behind the bedroom door. “No, that’s fine. There are plates in one of the cupboards.”

  Since her clothes were still packed, she dug through the suitcase to find a pair of jeans and a long-sleeve shirt. She didn’t bother with washing her face or brushing her teeth. Her looks didn’t matter to her. After putting her hair in a ponytail, she joined the doctor at the table.

  The whole kitchen area smelled of cinnamon gooeyness and Tatum couldn’t wait to eat. “These are just as good as the other day. I could never live close by you two. I’d have to visit so I could eat these and then I’d gain twenty pounds.”

  Hank chuckled. “Well, it’s funny that you mention that. I have something I want to talk to you about.”

  Tatum stopped chewing and gulped the rest of her bite. Was Hank a shifter too? Was this National-Come-Out-As-A-Shifter-Week?

  Hank had a drink of coffee. “Sybil and I were talking this weekend. I’m not as young as I once was, and that’s hard for me to admit. It’s probably time to bring in another doctor who could help.”

  “But I’m not finished with my program,” Tatum protested.

  “I know. However, I’m sure I can talk to whoever is in charge. This is asking a lot and you have much better job offers, I’m sure. I understand if you don’t even want to consider it, but I’d like to extend an offer of employment.”

  “You want me to work here with you? How do you know if I’m a good doctor after only a couple of days?”

  “I’m a great judge of character. Also, Mrs. Jenkins called me and told me that from now on, you were the only one who could dress her wound.”

  “What? I thought she didn’t like outsiders.” Tatum finished the last bite of her pastry.

  “Well, apparently, she likes you. Said you were nicer to her than I was.”

  “I can’t make a career choice based on one patient.” She gathered their plates and took them to the sink.

  “Agreed, but I think others will like you too. That’s why I’m here today. I’d like to take you around to see more of my patients. It will give you a better chance to see my people.”

  “Will any of them have a shotgun?”

  He laughed. “Probably all of them.”

  She smirked. “Well, then how can I refuse. Let’s go.”

  They visited seven different families of varying ages and health. Tatum loved hearing stories of how Hank brought kids into the world and treated them when they broke a bone or caught a cold. She listened to older women tease Hank about his dashing good looks when he was younger. One man showed her how to milk a cow and another showed her how to skin a rabbit. None of her classes and training prepared her for the day she had, but she loved every minute. It was hard not to wonder if any of these people were shifters like Connor.

  The last stop was farther away than the others. The peaceful hum of the road relaxed Tatum. She appreciated the passing scenery. Summer was gone, and the land embraced the fall changes.

  The life here wasn’t like any she’d lived. It was slow. Hank knew his patients. He was a part of their lives. They weren’t a blur of billable hours to him. Could she do something like this? If she stayed how would she deal with Connor?

  “You look deep in thought,” Hank said.

  “I’m considering your offer.”

  He turned off the radio. “Oh, really? Do I want to know what you’re thinking? Do you have any questions?”

  Did Hank know about Connor?

  “Yeah, I do. How close are you to the Hanson brothers?”

  “I’m the one that brought them into this world. I’ve been their doctor since then.”

  “Hm. So you know everything about them?”

  Hank scoffed. “I know where this is going. So why don’t you ask me what you really want to know.”

  Here goes nothing.

  “Did you know Connor and his brothers are shifters?”


  “Wow, and that doesn’t bother you.”

  “Not at all. I’m a shifter too.”

  Tatum’s jaw dropped.

  “Is this your first time around shifters?”

  “Totally. I mean I’ve seen lots of movies, but I didn’t think they really existed. Are you a bird too?”

  “No, Sybil and I are wolf shifters.”

  “Oh, man.” Tatum nodded her head. “That’s your wife in that painting, isn’t it?”

  “Yes. Caleb painted that for us as a Christmas gift one year.”

  “Caleb Hanson?”

  Hank stopped the truck to wait for an oncoming car before turning left. “Yeah, that Caleb. He’s talented.”

  “Let me get this straight. Is everyone we saw today a shifter?”

  “No. This area is good for shifters and non-shifters. It’s the canyon. It draws people here. Now, let me ask you a question. From the people we saw today, can you tell me who were shifters?”

  Tatum thought about that. None of the people they saw had fur or claws, but then it’s not like Connor walked around with feathers on his head. She started to make a guess but then thought twice about her instincts.

  “It’s hard to tell,” Hank interrupted her thoughts. “The movies would have you believe we are unique and I suppose we are. But where it matters, we’re all the same.” He pointed to his heart.

  “You treat humans, puppies, and shifters?” She sat on her hands and bit her bottom lip.

  “Out here, a doctor has to know enough about everything to save a life. I don’t get many emergencies, but when they happen, I do what I need to do whether it be a puppy, a human, or a shifter.”

  “I don’t see how I can help you. I know nothing about shifters. Are you trying to split your practice?”

  “A shifter heals most injuries itself. There have been a few times the injury involved more than just a basic wound.”

  “Maybe that’s one idea the movies got right. From what I’ve seen a shifter heals when they shift.”

  “That’s sorta true. Depending on the severity of the wound.”

  Tatum noticed houses on the deserted dirt road. “Is this another town?”

  “No this is the Carter compound. I’m glad we talked about shifters before we came here. The Carter Pack is the biggest and oldest wolf pack in this area. They probably won’t like you.”

  “What!” Tatum’s heart started racing. “You brought me out here to a pack of wolves that won’t like me? That d
oesn’t scream ‘This is a great job’.”

  “Relax. You’re with me. Nothing will happen. I promise.”

  Tatum watched children playing outside and waving at Hank as they drove by. The houses reminded her of the housing projects close to the hospital. They looked the same. They stopped at the biggest one, across from what looked like a meeting hall.

  Hank turned off the engine and reached behind him for his bag. “What have you seen regarding pack hierarchy in the movies?”

  “I know there is an alpha and everyone seems to want that role, so they fight a lot.”

  “There’s some truth in that. Packs are led by an alpha male and his mate. Young wolves are full of piss and vinegar so there is a lot of fighting between them, but it’s no more than any group of young guys flexing their muscles. Gabriel Carter is the alpha for this pack. There’s been a Carter in charge for years. His son, Ash, is expecting his first baby. Noel is about the sweetest person around. Reminds me of Sybil. She’s due soon, but I’ve only checked on her once before today. I’m using you as an excuse to stop by and check on her again.”


  “Well, it puts you on the spot, I know, but the doctor in me will be happier if I see her once more.”

  “Are shifter pregnancies like human pregnancies?”

  “Yes and no. Shifters will stay in human form throughout but based on my experience hormones are stronger and crazier.” He leaned across the seat. “Don’t tell Sybil I said that.”

  Tatum feigned a smile. Several young men approached the truck with glum faces. She shifted in her seat.

  “It’s okay. They sense you’re new.” He waved to the ones in front and then pointed a finger to an older man who came to his side of the truck.

  Hank opened his door and shook hands with the man. “Gabriel, how are you?”

  Tatum slowly pushed her door opened. Took a deep breath and jumped into the deep end of this world.

  Connor sat in his office early Monday morning. The three cups of coffee he’d downed hadn’t compensated for his restless night and lack of sleep. No matter what he did, he couldn’t forget the image of Tatum’s luggage sitting by the door. She was leaving and there was nothing he could do about it.

  His heart grew hopeful when he saw her car still in the parking lot. But any glimmer of happiness dissipated when he saw the high number of emails needing a response. He thought of quitting for the day. His falcon begged for a flight over the canyon, but his body wanted to go back to bed.

  Many of the emails needed immediate attention so, despite the caffeine jitters and the banging in his head, he continued working. The first email he opened was from Steve. He’d sent the initial proofs from Saturday. The first ten showed the staged snapshots he took from around the retreat. The one picture he used with the model couple looked fake. Neither looked happy. Their plastered-on grins reminded him of his time in New York. Where did Steve find these two?

  The next one he opened was of Tatum by herself. Connor smiled when he remembered her moxie when she snapped at Steve. She did not want her picture taken. Seeing this one, he didn’t understand why. She took his breath away. Steve touched up her eye, and the bruise wasn’t noticeable. He saw her face whole. She exuded determination and strength. How could she not see that?

  He opened the rest of the sequence and stopped on the one with the two of them kissing. This picture wasn’t fake. He remembered how she tasted and how she felt sitting close to him. He wanted more of her than their one night together.

  “Knock, knock.” Cameron stood at the door.

  “Hey, Cam. What’s up?” Connor closed the picture file.

  “I thought you could help me. The guy I hired backed out, said something about another job.”

  “Did Caleb sign off on the project?”

  Cameron sat across the desk. “I’m not waiting for dipshit to agree. You and I know it’ll be a great addition around here. He just needs to get his head out of his ass once in a while.”

  “I want to be there when you tell him that.”

  Cameron scoffed. “Whatever. He forgets we own this with him and he doesn’t have to do the work alone.”


  Cameron stood to leave. “Can you help or not?”

  Connor looked at his in-box. He could spend the day in here focused on the computer or a day outside doing something. Not a tough decision. “Give me a chance to change. I’ll meet you out there in about fifteen minutes.”

  “Great.” Cameron left.

  Connor opened the picture of him and Tatum again. He read the message Steve wrote under it.

  “You two are hot. If you’re not dating her, can you get me her number?”

  The last thing Connor wanted to do was hook up Tatum and Steve. He knew Steve and the idea of her being with someone like him made his stomach twist in a knot.

  He changed into the pair of jeans and a flannel shirt he kept in his office then headed out to find Cameron.

  Cameron chose the best location on the property for the wedding gazebo. Standing outside, a photographer could capture the couple standing in front of a small waterfall. Seating would be on the sides so as not to disrupt the view. The weddings held here would be intimate on purpose.

  Connor was impressed by how much work Cameron had already finished. “Has Caleb been out here to see this?”


  Connor put on a spare tool belt he found lying around.

  “Help me hold this,” Cameron asked him.

  Connor held a plank while Cameron measured and marked the cut line. “What do you want me to do?”

  “I want to put in a few pews. My thinking is they would be for family and then everyone else could stand or we’ll bring in some chairs. The stuff is around back. I need to get them ready to stain, so I guess you can sand them.”

  Connor found a sander and the pews. He was impressed with Cameron’s craftsmanship. Physical work was exactly what he needed to take his mind off Tatum.

  An hour later, the first pew was finished. He stood back and admired his work. There was not one rough spot or a speck of dust. When he rubbed his hands down the curve of the arms to double check his work, he thought of the curve of Tatum’s hips. He shook his head. This project was supposed to take his mind off of her.

  “Hey, no breaks. You’ve only been working an hour.” Cameron surprised him.

  “Sorry. Just thinking.”

  “Thinking about your doctor?”

  “What do you know about Tatum?”

  “Well, I heard you told her about being a shifter, and it didn’t go so great.”

  “How do you know that?”

  Cameron handed his brother a bottle of water and ran his hand along the pew. “This is good. We can get the first coat of stain on today.”

  “Tell me what you heard about Tatum.” Connor raised his voice and puffed out his chest.

  “Relax. I had dinner with Wednesday and Caleb last night. According to Wednesday, she’s headed back home. I don’t think she’s cool with the whole bird thing.”

  “It didn’t go well. I thought she’d still be asleep when I came home from a flight.” He finished his water. “She saw me shift.”

  “Ouch. That must have scared the shit out of her.”

  “You can say that. Now, what do I do.”

  Cameron found an empty bucket, upturned it, and sat down. “I haven’t told any of the women I’ve been with about shifting. It’s never come up and I’ve never felt the need.”

  “See that’s just it. The falcon needs her.”

  “She’s your mate?”

  Connor sat on the pew. “I guess so. I mean he’s going crazy. You’ve never had that?”

  “No. Thank God. I’ve got enough going on balancing a bear and a falcon. Throw a woman into that mix and I’d be batshit crazy.”

  “Hey, speaking of that, how’s it going?”

  “It is what it is. Some days I think it’s all okay and then others it’s too crowded
in my head. What are you going to do about her?”

  Connor clasped his fingers and popped his knuckles. “What can I do? If she’s afraid of me then she’ll never listen to anything I have to say.”

  “Did she say she was afraid of you?”

  “I think she was at first.”

  Cameron scoffed. “Who wouldn’t be?”

  “What do I do, man?”

  “First, you stain my pew. Then you talk to her one more time and work it out.”

  “How do I work it out?”

  “I have no idea, but you gotta do what you gotta do.”

  Connor shook his head. “You should write greeting cards.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “‘It is what it is.’ ‘You gotta do what you gotta do.’ That’s not much help.”

  Cameron stood to leave. “If you want more help than that, you need to talk to Wednesday. I bet she’s great at all that gooey stuff.”

  “Maybe I will.”

  “After you stain my pew, right?”

  “Yes, boss.”

  Connor found the stain and a drop cloth to put under the pew.

  Maybe Wednesday would know what to do. He’d find her after his work, but what if Tatum already left?

  He took his cell phone from his back pocket and called the front desk.

  “It’s a great morning at the Libre Volare Retreat. How may I assist you?”

  “Maria, has Tatum Jackson checked out yet?”


  “Yeah, it’s me.” He heard her pecking the keyboard.

  “I hear you two are hitting it off nicely.”

  How fast did gossip travel around here?

  “What do you mean?”

  “Everyone’s talking about the photo shoot you did with her at the cabin. From what I hear, those pictures weren’t staged.”

  “Maria, forget what they’re saying. Can you please just tell me if she’s checked out?”

  “I’m just giving you a hard time.” Maria sighed. “No, she hasn’t checked out.” He heard some muffled talking. “Caleb says she went with Dr. Warner this morning.”

  “Oh, really. Okay. Thanks.” He hung up the call.


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