Forgiveness For My Mate: Sassy Ever After (Sanctuary for My Mate Book 1)

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Forgiveness For My Mate: Sassy Ever After (Sanctuary for My Mate Book 1) Page 10

by Terri A. Wilson

  He slid off her shirt. It was awkward pulling off her pants while on the bed. She stood to finish what he started.


  “Stop what?”

  “Don’t get in yet. Just stand there. I want to look at you.”

  She placed her hands on her hips. “This is weird.”

  “You look beautiful. You’re the most gorgeous woman I’ve seen.”

  “You don’t have to flatter me to get me into your bed.”

  “It’s not just flattery. Have you looked at yourself?”

  “I don’t stare at myself in the mirror if that’s what you mean.”

  She placed her hand on his outstretched arm. “I want to offer you something incredible, but only if you want it. There is no pressure. It’s completely up to you.” He swung his feet to the floor and brought her to stand between his legs.

  “What do we have to do?”

  “We have to give ourselves completely to each other.”

  “In the movies, there’s always a bite. Do you have to bite me?”

  “That’s symbolic, but it also allows my falcon to claim you as a mate. Once that happens, it binds us to each other.”

  “Will it hurt?”

  He chuckled. “No, I don’t think you will mind.” Connor reached up to caress her face.

  “I want to do this. I want to be a part of something bigger than myself. I want to know someone loves me for me and has no expectations for my future. A man who will be there through good times and bad. Connor Hanson, I want to be mated to you.”

  “Are you sure?”


  They toppled on the bed kissing. “Wait.” Tatum sat up. “I’m afraid of flying.”

  “It will work itself out. Trust me.” He ran his hand under her bra and snapped it off. Cupping her breasts, he brought one hard nipple to his mouth and tickled it with his tongue. Tatum moaned when he sucked gently taking her into his mouth. She reached her hand under his waistband and found his hard erection. Unbuttoning his jeans allowed her to grip it in her hand and massage the head. Tatum helped Connor slide out of his pants. She slid her hand down his shaft alternating between firm and gentle squeezes.

  Moving her hands to his chest and raising a leg over his hips, she twisted them around mounting him. Easing her hips up and down until she aligned herself with his cock, Tatum slid herself over him and rubbed her hips against him. She balanced on his chest pushing him deeper with every back motion. The slow rocking forced her anticipation to build. With eyes wide open, she watched his face contort in emotion and pleasure. She teased him with varied speeds.

  He wrapped his arms around her and pivoted to face her back. She peeked at him over her shoulder and smiled. He ran his hand down her spine forcing her head down, so he could see her wet folds. He pushed himself into her then used his hands to thrust her hips against him.

  “Tat—Tatum. I want to make you mine.”

  “I want to be yours.”

  He forced himself to stop, pull out, and helped her spin around to face him.

  She shook her head. “What the hell are you doing?”

  “I need to know for sure before we do this, that you really want it and aren’t getting caught up in the moment.”

  She reached for his hand and held it to her heart. “I don’t know what will happen when we do this, but the thought of spending another day without you in my life makes my chest hurt. It’s like someone is stepping on it. I want this. Do you?”

  He laid on top of her and pushed himself inside. They found their rhythm again and it didn’t take long for their energy to rebuild. Tatum raised her hips and squeezed his butt. He knew she was close and repeated his request. “Tatum, I want to make you mine.”

  “And I want to be yours, forever.”

  Her orgasm rocked through her body as he leaned over and bit her shoulder. She lowered the wall she built around her emotions and spirit to let him claim her. Tatum knew the moment he opened himself and gave his spirit and heart.

  They collapsed on the bed.

  “What now?” she asked.

  “We catch our breaths. What do you mean what now?”

  “Will I change? Am I a falcon like you?”

  He chuckled. “It’s not exactly like that.”

  “Well, how will I know? What can I expect?”

  “It’s not an exact science. I am yours for now until my last breath and you are mine until yours.”

  “Wow. That sounds weird.”

  “Come here.” He laid back and opened his arms. She placed her head on his chest. “Let’s sleep. We’ll worry about it tomorrow.”

  Tatum wanted to rest, but she wanted to know the instant something changed. She saw his falcon. He was magnificent, the most incredible creature she’d ever seen. Would she be like that?

  With my luck, I’ll look more like a chicken.

  What if she didn’t change? How would that affect Connor? What if she made a mistake?

  Connor breathed heavy. Tatum slid out and went to the kitchen for water. The room spun to the side. They must have worked harder than she realized. She turned on the light and grabbed the counter to avoid falling.

  The water had a different taste. She spit it out in the sink and poured another glass. A sharp pain jabbed through her head and her heart raced. She wanted to call out to Connor, but the room faded to black, the glass crashed, and she lay convulsing on the floor.

  “Tatum?” Connor opened the bedroom door. “Tatum? Are you okay? I thought I heard something.”

  Connor tripped over something on the floor. “What the hell? Tatum?” He bent down next to her, kneeling in broken glass. Her hot skin hurt to touch. He held her head and pushed her hair out of her face. Her eyes were opened, but she wasn’t focusing on anything.

  “Tatum, honey, what’s happening? What’s wrong?” She seized, so he rolled her onto her side and brushed the glass away. He found a towel and ran it under cold water then used it to wipe away the sweat from her forehead.

  “Tatum? Can you hear me? I need to get help.”

  She sat up with a confused look on her face. “What happened?”

  He held her close rubbing her back. “Everything was fine and then I heard a crash. When I came out here you were on the floor.”

  She pulled back, all the color drained from her face. “Does this mean it didn’t work?”

  Connor held her face and kissed away her tears. “No, honey. It worked. I know for sure. I’m not sure what’s going on. Let’s call Hank.”

  “No, don’t bother him. I’m fine now. Maybe get me some water and we need to clean up the glass.”

  A piece of glass cut her finger. “Ouch.” She reflexively put it in her mouth.

  “What happened?”

  She pulled her finger out and stared dumbfounded. The cut vanished. “I hurt myself, but it’s gone. That doesn’t make sense.”

  “If the cut wasn’t that big, it makes perfect sense. Shifters heal fast.”

  “I remember Hank said that, but that was fast.”

  They finished cleaning up the glass.

  She heard ringing. “Where’s my phone?”

  “Probably back in the bedroom. I’ll get it.” He walked back and sorted through their clothes. He answered the call. “Hello.”

  “Connor? I must have dialed the wrong number.”

  “Wait don’t hang up. Are you calling for Tatum?”

  He walked back in and joined her on the floor.

  “Yes, this is Hank. Can I talk to her?”

  Connor handed her the phone.

  From his end, the conversation didn’t make a lot of sense, but he heard enough.

  Tatum ended the call.

  “We need to get dressed. You’ve got to take me back to the Carters. It seems that Noel’s baby wants to come tonight, but she’s having some problems. Hank has car trouble and will get there as soon as he can. We’re closer so we’re going right now.”

  They threw on their clothes and jogged up to
the main building where Connor was parked. When they got inside, Connor turned to her and said, “I told you Ash was like my brother. Please take care of Noel and their baby.”

  She pointed to the ignition. “Well, I can’t do anything sitting here in the parking lot.”

  He smiled and agreed.

  They rode in silence. Connor wanted to say something, but nothing came to him. “You’re staring at me.”

  “I am not.” She bit her bottom lip.

  “You don’t have to worry. You won’t shift spontaneously.”

  “I’m not worried about spontaneous shifting. Can that even happen?”

  “Do you really want to know?”

  “No. Maybe. Yes.”

  He turned off the radio. “I don’t mind answering your questions.”

  “How many shifters are there in the world?”

  “I have no idea. We don’t hide from other people, but we also don’t have bumper stickers that say, ‘Kiss Me, I’m a Shifter’. There are entire communities built around humans and shifters living together. Most of us believe it is our responsibility to take care of humans, not harm them.”

  She twisted in her seat facing him more. “Do you see yourselves as guardians?”

  “No, not like that. Let’s take you, for example. You had no idea that the creatures in just about every CW TV show existed until now. That’s because a lot of us work to keep the terrible stuff away.”

  “You’re like a superhero?”

  “Well, I don’t have a cape or anything.”

  “If there are a lot of shifters, why don’t more people know about them?”

  “I don’t think most people want to know about us.”

  They turned off the road and pulled up to a cluster of houses. Ash stood on the porch of the biggest one waiting for her. She grabbed her bag and opened the door. Connor reached over and stopped her.

  “Thank you.”

  “For what?”

  “Helping. It’s not like this has been an easy couple of days for you. It means a lot to me.”

  She leaned in and kissed him. “I’m not sure what’s happening and what will happen. Just stay here with me.”

  “I’m not going anywhere. You’re mine now.”

  Connor noticed several young men taking a defensive stance around the front door. His falcon readied to defend his mate, but Tatum walked up to the men and called them by name. They parted and let her through. She hugged Ash when she got to the top. He was not prepared for a friendly greeting and neither he nor the falcon knew how to handle that.

  “Come on in. She’s in here.” Ash ushered them inside. “Hank called and said he’d be here soon.”

  Noel sat backwards in a kitchen chair while another woman rubbed her back and gave her water. She moaned and rocked side to side. With her sweaty hair plastered to her face and her glazed eyes, she didn’t look like the Noel he knew.

  Tatum gently pushed him out of the way and took over the scene.

  “How far apart are the contractions?” She asked Ash. He shrugged. Tatum grumbled and repeated her question to the woman helping Noel.

  “Sometimes they’re six minutes and sometimes they’re ten. She’s in a lot of pain but doesn’t seem to be making any progress.”

  “Okay. And you are?”

  The lady smiled at Tatum. “I heard all about you. I wasn’t here this afternoon. My name is Helen. Noel is my daughter.”

  “Nice to meet you. I’m glad you’re here.” Tatum squatted down in front of Noel. “Noel, can you understand me?”

  She nodded. “Good. Can you tell me how it’s going?”

  Noel looked up. “Are you kidding me? I’m having a baby.”

  Tatum snickered. “Well, that’s good because that’s what’s happening. Can you tell me anything specific that seems strange? Are the contractions sharp or dull? Do feel any bearing down sensations?”

  “She complains about her back. Told me that’s where all the pain was,” Helen answered.

  “That’s not out of the ordinary. Noel, I’d like to examine you if you will permit me.”

  She nodded and tried to stand. Connor and Ash helped her walk to the couch. Connor turned away as Noel’s dress fell when she bent her knees.

  “I think I’m going to wait over there.” He pointed to the far corner of the room.

  He stood against the wall and watched as Tatum examined Noel. She transformed into another person. This person wasn’t shy or unsure. This person was focused and commanded attention.

  She finished her exam and said to Ash, “Can I speak with you for a moment.” He followed her over to where Connor stood.

  “I know why the labor has stalled.” She looked at Ash. “Your baby is breech.”

  He furrowed his brow. “Breech. What does that mean? Is it dangerous?”

  “Well, if we were in a hospital, she’d automatically go in for a C-section. Don’t think we can do one of those here. I watched a breech delivery during one of my rotations. I think I can do this.”

  “You think?” he barked.

  Connor stepped up prepared to confront Ash, but Tatum put her hand on his chest and said, “I can do what needs to be done until Hank gets here. You’ll have to trust me.”

  Connor stood back and watched Ash cower. He’d never seen an alpha wolf back down to anyone. He swelled with pride. This little sassy woman was his mate.

  Tatum told Helen to turn Noel on her side. She wouldn’t be able to push but instead had to wait for the baby to descend on its own. She used her stethoscope to check on the baby.

  “Noel, I can hear the baby’s heartbeat. It’s strong and steady. You just need to keep breathing.” She called to Ash, “Sit here at the end of the couch. Put her foot on your shoulder and keep her leg up in the air.”

  Connor sneaked back to the corner he was in before. “Don’t go too far, Connor, once the baby’s legs emerge, we will need to stand her up and hopefully gravity will take over from there.”

  The minutes inched by as Connor stood there helpless. With each contraction, Noel moaned in pain, but there was nothing he could do. He’d never seen childbirth and the thought of putting Tatum through this broke his heart.

  What seemed like hours later, Tatum motioned him over. “I see it coming. We need to get her up. Everyone has to help.” She waited until he got under her arms. “On my count. One, two, three.” It took all four of them to lift Noel into a standing position. As much as he knew it wasn’t his place, he couldn’t help but watch as two tiny legs slid out of Noel.

  “Noel,” Tatum said, “look down and watch your baby come into the world. On the next contraction push until I say stop.”

  Noel bore down, and her baby came out in a flush of body fluid. Tatum caught the baby and told the others to help Noel lay on the couch.

  The baby began to cry as Tatum placed it on Noel’s chest.

  “Well, it seems like I missed all the fun.” Hank walked in with Sybil close behind him. They bent over Noel.

  Hank turned to Tatum. “Looks like you did a great job. Was the baby breech?”

  “How can you tell?” Connor asked.

  Tatum pointed to the head. “If the head comes through the canal first, the baby ends up with a cone head for the first couple of days.”

  “Tatum, why don’t you clean up. Sybil and I can finish things.”

  “That sounds awesome.” She started to walk away.

  Ash stepped next to her. “Thank you. I appreciate it. There’s no way I could have figured out what to do.”

  Tatum went to shake his hand but realized she still had on gloves. They laughed. “I’ll shake your hand later.”

  Connor walked with her to the bathroom. “In my bag is a medical waste baggie. Can you get it for me, please?”

  He nodded. When he returned, Tatum sat on the toilet propping up her head while resting her elbow on the sink.

  “Here you go. That was amazing. You are incredible.”

  He waited until she finished cleaning her h
ands and disposed of the gloves. Then held her close to him. “You should never doubt yourself again.”

  She brought her head back. “You’ve seen me do one thing. How do you know what kind of doctor I am?”

  “Trust me. The woman who took charge in there can do anything.”

  “Well, right now she wants to get some sleep, but I’d like to stay here until Hank is finished just to make sure she’s okay.”

  “We’ll go sit in the truck. You can rest there.” He walked her out and let her lay her head in his lap. Within seconds he heard heavy breathing.

  He watched her sleep then leaned back against the headrest. It wasn’t long before he fell asleep too.

  A loud banging woke her.

  “What the hell is that?” Tatum buried her face in a pillow. “Make it stop.”

  “Somebody isn’t a morning person.”

  She peeked out and saw Connor dressed and smiling. “And someone is the spawn of Satan. Wait how did we get back here?”

  “I drove us.”

  She bolted upright. “Are Noel and the baby okay?”

  “They’re both fine.”

  “It’s probably Maria at the door. I called and asked for some food.”

  Tatum swung her legs off the side of the bed. “Do you mean this place has room service?”

  “Of course. We’re not a cheap motel.”

  “No one told me about room service. I might not have ever left my bed.”

  Connor winked. “Then I’m glad we never told you. Get dressed and come to eat. You must be starving.”

  Tatum saw her suitcase in the corner. She found a pair of leggings and a tank top.

  Connor set the food on the table. “You’ve got enough food here for several people.”

  “Well, I didn’t know what you would like. I ordered everything on the menu.”

  “I love food, but right now I’m so hungry I think I could eat anything.”


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