The Spellbinder: Highland Eyes

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The Spellbinder: Highland Eyes Page 27

by Marissa St. James

  With Matthew's departure, Meryl knew the time had come for her to announce an important decision. She glanced about for Tristan, saw his half smile and watched him walk away from the villagers. Where was he going? He couldn't leave now, not when he was needed more than ever.

  Think fast, girl, or you might lose him forever, the voice in her head advised. At that moment, Meryl realized the voices she'd heard on occasion had been those of her parents watching over her. She didn't have time to consider that now when the only man she loved walked away, perhaps forever.

  Raising her voice, Meryl quickly spoke up, hoping to stop Tristan. “Tonight, the Legend has become a reality.” Tristan continued to move away, around groups of people. He took his time, as if he were reluctant to go. Meryl felt panic rise within her. She couldn't, she wouldn't let him go. “Tonight, I choose my life's mate.” The words fell from her lips in a rush and she felt relief when he stopped to turn and glance at her. “Tonight,” her voice softened and she held out her hands, slowing down her speech now that she had his attention. “I choose you, Tristan, to be my life's mate."

  The villagers parted, creating a clear path between Tristan and Meryl. They stared at him, wondering if he would change his mind about leaving. They all knew that was his intention. Tristan stopped, then pivoted on his heel and approached her slowly. When he was close enough, he took her small hands into his.

  "You are an important part of this community. We need you.” She drew him closer to her and pressed his hands against her stomach. “We ... need you,” she repeated softly for him alone, her meaning clearly different this time.

  Tristan's eyes widened at the implication of her words. Could it be? He saw the love in her moonbeam eyes and understood why he came back in time. “You are my chosen, Meryl, the one I would have as my life's mate."

  Rose scowled, but her expression vanished when Maisri rudely jabbed her elbow into the girl's ribs.

  "That one was never meant for you. Your turn will come soon enough,” the older woman assured her. Maisri laughed softly, as if she knew an amusing secret.

  Rose sighed. It had been a pleasant dream while it lasted. She looked away from Meryl and Tristan and saw David staring at her. She smiled and he blushed crimson, embarrassed to be caught. Tristan was already forgotten.

  Meryl let go of Tristan's hands and unfastened one of the chains on the pendant, then released the hidden catches holding the two halves together. The half with the turquoise stone rested in the palm of her hand. She stared at the half pendant, finding the right words to explain her most recent experience. At the moment, she lacked the courage to look up at him. “Earlier today I learned about my parents and my inheritance. You were partly right. My inheritance is meant to help these people, but not in the way you thought. There is nothing tangible I can offer them. I am the keeper of my father's power, to be used only when in dire need. I hope it never comes to that. The Legend's lifemate has the duty of being a safeguard to that power, even though he can't use it himself.” She lowered her voice for a moment. “How we are able to help the Scots remains to be seen. You and I both know history cannot be changed."

  Meryl held the chain, allowing the half pendant to dangle between them. “This stone brought you to me and saved my life. Now I give it to you as protection, with the Lady's blessing.” She reached up and nimbly fastened the chain around his neck, then stepped away and slowly slid her hands across his shoulders and down his arms until their hands were clasped once more. Her touch spoke of promises yet to be fulfilled. Her voice rose, clear on the warm night.

  "I Meryl, take you Tristan, to my hand at the setting of the sun, the rising of the stars. Before our lady and all our people, I choose you, the joy of my soul. May we walk together in the sunshine of the days to come and find in each other happiness, fulfillment and the meaning of life. As we come together this night and are one, may the force of our love be joined by one still greater, the touch of our lady, the spirit and protector of love. So be it."

  "I Tristan, take you Meryl, to my hand at the setting of the sun, the rising of the stars. Before our lady and all our people, I choose you, the joy of my soul. May we walk together in the sunshine of the days to come and find in each other happiness, fulfillment and the meaning of life. As we come together this night and are one, may the force of our love be joined by one still greater, the touch of our lady, the spirit and protector of love. So be it."

  The villagers cheered, secure in the knowledge they would never be forced to leave the valley. Clan Emrys was secure in their new home. When the cheers and applause died down, the pipers began playing and couples wandered off to watch the dancing or just enjoy each other.

  Brenna proudly stood before them, and smiled, sure of herself. “People said you couldn't be a witch, that you didn't know how to act like one. But I think you are one now."

  Meryl stooped down to Brenna's level and studied the child's brown eyes for a moment. She rubbed her hands on Brenna's arms in assurance. “Brenna, when you first asked me that question, I told you that where I came from I was called a witch. I've done a lot of thinking since then."

  "Like what?"

  "Like ... just because you grow up with a family of witches doesn't mean you are one. In the last few months, I've done what my people call time travel. Your people would call it witchery. It's all in how you look at it.” Meryl stretched a bit closer and added in a conspiratorial tone, “Personally, I'd rather be known as a time traveler. It's a lot more fun."

  Quickly changing the subject, she glanced down at the tray Brenna carried. “What have we here?” Meryl glanced about and for the first time, noticed how the people surrounding her, Tristan and Brenna, stared at their leader, with a mix of curiosity and satisfaction in their eyes.

  Brenna held the tray a little higher, offering traditional wine and cake, which the happy couple shared. When they were finished, Brenna returned to her grandmother and Meryl took a step out of the circle.

  Tristan easily caught her arm. “Leaving me already?” he laughed and kissed her soundly.

  Meryl turned to him, then wrapping her arms about his neck, returned his kiss, but this time, filled with promises. “The best is yet to come,” she whispered. His green eyes darkened with anticipation.

  Two children hurried toward the couple, carrying a basket between them. “Lady Meryl,” Peter called out, puffing. “You must see what we've found.” They held up the basket for her inspection.

  "They're only kittens,” young Jamie scoffed. “What's so special about kittens?"

  "Look at them,” Peter insisted. “They aren't ordinary kittens."

  Meryl peeked into the basket and found seven little balls of fur, curled up together, sound asleep. It was the eighth one, which caught her attention. Lifting it carefully, nothing could be seen but the tip of a tail. Meryl laughed.

  "I believe we know who is responsible for this little family."

  Dinks looked up at her, with what passed for a feline grin. Famhair stuck his nose in the basket, gave the contents a sniff, then walked away to join his own new family.

  Gently placing the unusual kitten with its siblings, Meryl advised the children, “Take the kittens back to their mother so she doesn't worry about them.” She watched Peter and young Angus take the babies back to where they had been found. Jamie shook his head and wandered off.

  Tristan smiled, then turned his attention to his bride. “We can't change history, Meryl, you know that.” He became serious for a moment. “Do you regret not going home?"

  "Who says we can't go home?” You, my love, have some explaining to do to our daughter's future grandparents.” Her moonbeam eyes twinkled with mischief, knowing what he was in for.

  Meryl paused, then addressed their more important concern. “I know we can't change things, Tris, but at least we can make life a little better for one corner of Scotland. Who knows what the Legend of the Highland Eyes can accomplish. As for regrets, I have none. My place is with you, no matter where we travel
in time. We have our own future to look forward to."


  Look at them, united in marriage at last. All the villagers are pleased with this union. The goddess has given her blessing.

  The opportunity to destroy the legend is lost to me. Those fools bungled every effort and now it is too late. If they weren't already dead, I would happily do the deed myself. Meryl has been granted the power of the old ways and she now enjoys the protection of the goddess. I cannot go up against one who is so powerful.

  It makes me sick to see the joy and happiness she shares with her new husband. I have no choice but to accept defeat—but I can wait. For now, I will smile and congratulate the happy couple and I will secretly make my plans. I will gain that which is rightfully mine.

  There is an abundance of time to wait for another. One day there will be a successor to the Legend who will not wield as much power. She will believe only in herself and not in the old ways. Her pride will be her undoing.

  For I, Morgaine Le Fey, will not be defeated again.



  To Every Love, There is a Season: A historical romance of the Scottish border in the reign of King John—Merissa St. James (Rose Award nominee)

  The Island of Desire: The Classic 1920s Romance—Beatrice Ravenel

  Rainy-Day Lover—Bob Liter

  To Have and to Hold—Mary Johnstone (the first ever #1 Romance Bestseller)

  The Mark of Zorro: The Original Classic—Johnston McCulley

  The Leading Man—Kelly Scott

  The Scarlet Pimpernel—Baroness Orczy

  The Scarlet Pimpernel: “I Will Repay!"—Baroness Orczy

  ARDATH MAYHAR'S MYSTERIES (Mark Twain Award author)

  Well Knit in Scarlatt

  The Clarrington Heritage (soon)

  More titles in preparation


  The Legendary Women Detectives: classic tales of the world's greatest female supersleuths-edited by Jean Marie Stine

  The Problems of Violet Strange-Anna Katherine Green

  Madame Storey, Private Investigator-Hulbert Footner

  The Experiences of Loveday Brooke-Catherine Louisa Prikis

  The Amy Brewster #1. A Knife in My Back-Sam Merwin Jr.

  Amy Brewster #2. A Matter of Policy-Sam Merwin Jr.

  Amy Brewster #3. Message to a Corpse-Sam Merwin Jr.

  Lady Molly of Scotland Yard-Baroness Orczy

  Constance Dunlap: The Classic Exploits of a 1900s Woman Detective—Arthur B. Reeve

  Fox Red: The 1930s Adventures of Grace Culver, Private Investigator—Roswell Brown

  The Investigations of Clara Linz—E. Phillips Oppenheim

  The First Mary Roberts Reinhart Ominbus: The Bat; The Breaking Point; Where There's a Will-M. R. Reinhart


  Well Knit in Scarlatt

  The Clarrington Heritage (soon)

  More titles in preparation


  The Amy Brewster #1. A Knife in My Back-Sam Merwin Jr.

  Amy Brewster #2. A Matter of Policy-Sam Merwin Jr.

  Amy Brewster #3. Message to a Corpse-Sam Merwin Jr.


  The Legendary Women Detectives: classic tales of the world's greatest female supersleuths-edited by Jean Marie Stine

  The Problems of Violet Strange-Anna Katherine Green

  Madame Storey, Private Investigator-Hulbert Footner

  The Experiences of Loveday Brooke-Catherine Louisa Prikis

  Lady Molly of Scotland Yard-Baroness Orczy

  Constance Dunlap: The Classic Exploits of a 1900s Woman Detective—Arthur B. Reeve

  Fox Red: The 1930s Adventures of Grace Culver, Private Investigator—Roswell Brown

  The Investigations of Clara Linz—E. Phillips Oppenheim

  The First Mary Roberts Reinhart Ominbus: The Bat; The Breaking Point; Where There's a Will-M. R. Reinhart

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