Needing Nita

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Needing Nita Page 5

by Norah Wilson

  He laughed. “You were never planning on sleeping, were you?”

  She grinned back. “Not for a while yet.”

  “You win.” He opened his arms. “Come here.”

  She paused a moment, drinking in his sprawling, powerful body, his open arms, his craggy, overly masculine face. Mine, she marveled. Not for a night. Not for a month. For keeps.

  “Are you waiting for a pretty please?”

  “It couldn’t hurt.”

  “Then pretty please, lover. Come to me.”

  Barely able to contain the bubble of joy in her chest, she pounced on him, laughing. He grunted as he caught her, but absorbed her weight easily.

  She pushed herself to her knees, straddling him.

  “Gee, you don’t seem at all tired,” he observed.

  “Not at all.” She bent to kiss him, and he slid his hands up her back, his palms hard and urgent, yet tender. “In fact, why don’t you let me do all the work? We never did get around to that last night. It was going to be next if I hadn’t fallen asleep.”

  He laughed. “Baby, it would have had to have been next last night. You wore me out.”

  “Mmmmm.” She squirmed lower, bringing her bare sex into contact with his erection, straining beneath his clothing. “You seem to have recovered.”

  “It’s a miracle.” He reached up to cup her breasts.

  It was a miracle, she thought. Miraculous that he loved her. Miraclulous that she was poised on the brink of taking that tumble herself.

  “Well, if you’re going to do all the work, you can start by digging a condom out of my left front pocket. Unless you’ve already made up your mind about the kids or no kids thing?”

  “No way. I don’t even know if you snore yet, remember?” She rolled off him, slid her hand in his pocket and came out with a condom. “I know I said I’d do all the work, but I don’t think I can get you out of those clothes without your cooperation. You’re too big.”

  “Oh, baby, I’ll cooperate.”

  In ten seconds flat, he was a naked and flat on his back in the middle of her bed. She stood there a moment, holding her breath. Fully engorged, his cock nudged his flat, muscled stomach. She let out the breath she’d been holding. “At any time last night, did I mention how wet I get at the sight of that?”

  His erection jerked as though she’d physically stroked him.

  “Maybe a time or two,” he managed.

  Smiling, she grasped his member, dragging a sharp inhalation from him as she closed her fingers loosely around him. Then she bent and laid her tongue on the base of his cock, licking it all the way to the tip in one broad, flat stroke.


  Feeling her own internal muscles clenching with excitement, she closed her mouth over his glans and began describing figure eights with her tongue, savoring his salty-sweet taste.

  “Nita!” His hands fisted in her hair, holding her head at his groin for long moments as she sucked and licked him like a lollipop. Then he pulled her away. “I think you’d better get that condom on me.”

  He was right. She needed him inside her. Now. She sheathed him quickly. Straddling him again, she guided the blunt tip of his cock into her slickness. Lowering herself slowly, she savored the sense of fullness as she stretched to accommodate him.

  “God, that’s good,” she said. Balancing herself with her hands on his chest, she rose up again, taking a little more of him on the downswing. As mind-blowing as orgasm was, she loved this just as much, the initial shocking thrill of full penetration. On that thought, she sank the rest of the way, taking his shaft to the root, impaling herself. She cried out with the pleasure of it, and Craig bucked beneath her, grasping her hips and surging up into her.

  “No.” She flattened her palm on his chest. “Let me.”

  His hands dropped from her hips to her thighs.

  She proceeded to rock herself to orgasm. When she finally stopped spasming around him, she realized he had held himself motionless. Damn, he was still hard, still buried deep inside her!

  “Why didn’t you come with me?”

  “Because I think you can come again.”

  He sat up, opening his legs and drawing hers up so she sat cradled in his lap, their bodies still joined. The position brought them chest to chest, face to face.

  “You are so beautiful,” he breathed. “Watching you come like that … feeling you come like that…. Christ, Nita, I could die happy.”

  She closed her eyes.

  “No, don’t baby. Keep your eyes open. I want you to stay with me while we kiss and whisper and fuck.”

  Something jolted in her chest. He wanted intimacy, not sex. Her throat tightened. “I don’t know how to do this.”

  “Me neither. But why don’t we just kiss and whisper and fuck and see what happens.”

  He slid his hands under her buttocks and rocked into her, even as his lips found hers. It went on forever, caresses and butterfly kisses and nuzzling of ears and whispering of praise. Deep kisses and tender touches and searching of faces with fingertips. And in the midst of it, she felt herself falling.

  No, not falling. You couldn’t call it falling if you stepped willingly off a cliff. It was terrifying. Exhilarating. Inevitable. When she came again, it was the slowest, longest, most powerful orgasm of her life, and this time, Craig followed.

  Chapter 8

  Craig woke up knowing someone was watching him. He opened his eyes to find Nita lying beside him, her head propped on her elbow as she studied his face.

  “Morning,” he said.

  “Good morning.”

  He glanced at the digital clock on the nightstand. Almost nine o’clock. Good thing he’d wrangled two days off, or he’d be getting chewed out for the second day in a row. “I’m sorry. I fell asleep this time.”

  “I know. I watched you.”

  “Do I snore?”

  “Not that I noticed. But you do talk in your sleep.”

  Oh, shit. “I do? What’d I say?”

  “I’m going to have to assume you were dreaming about me, with all those please, babys.”

  “That’s a safe bet.” A lock of hair had fallen forward on her face, and he brushed it back. “So, how’s your work schedule? Anything urgent waiting for you?”

  “Nothing that won’t keep. In fact, I was thinking about playing hooky. But what about you?”

  “I’m off until Monday.”

  She grinned. “Perfect. I’ll call in sick.” She reached for the phone and started dialing.

  He waited until someone had answered, then slid under the sheet. She made a little squeaking noise when she realized he was going down on her, but she didn’t fight him.

  “Brad?” Her voice came out breathless.

  Craig parted her labia and breathed on her tender exposed sex.

  “I’m not — aaaah!—”

  He smiled as he lapped at her.

  “I’m not feeling up to coming in this morning, Brad. I’m going to need the day off.”

  He closed his mouth around her clitoris and suckled.

  “Yes! I mean, yes, that’s it exactly. Bubonic plaque. Thank you. I’ll make it up to you. Bye.”

  He heard her hang the phone up, then he felt her hands in his hair.

  “Come up here!’

  He obeyed, slithering up her body with the maximum of friction.

  “You realize Brad knows we were making out?”

  He grinned. “Honey, I’m pretty sure he would have put that together without my help.”

  “Yeah, but he knows we were making out while I was on the phone!”

  “Un-huh.” He nuzzled her neck. God, she smelled good. Like the soap from the shower they’d taken before they crashed. Okay, before he crashed.

  “You’re incorrigible.”

  “I try.” He kissed her mouth, and there was silence in the room for a few minutes. When he broke the kiss and started nuzzling his way down her neck, she stopped him.

  “Wait! Before you’re inside m
e again giving me mind-blowing orgasms, I need to say something.”

  He stopped. “What?”

  “You know how yesterday you said I was the one?”

  His heart tripped, then started to thunder. “Yeah?”

  “Well, you’re the one for me, too.”

  Oh, Jesus. “You don’t need to say it,” he said quickly. “I know you weren’t hung up on me the way I was on you, but I’m happy you’re giving us a chance. I know I can make you happy, and I think—”

  “Oh, for Pete’s sake, shut up, will you?” she growled. “I’m trying to tell you that you were the one, right from that first moment. I knew it, but I was too stubborn to act on it. I convinced myself that if I got together with you, I’d be ruined professionally once you got what you wanted. But now I think I was just protecting myself. I was scared. Scared to take a chance. Scared of intimacy with someone I instinctively knew could crush me without even trying. So I took the coward’s way out with that ‘no cops’ rule.”

  “Are you saying…?”

  “That I love you? Yes. That’s exactly what I’m saying. But I didn’t want to say it last night. I figured you’d think it was just because you’d given me the most amazing tantric orgasm of my life.”

  “Say it again!”

  “I love you.”

  “No, the thing about me giving you the best orgasm of your—”

  “Craig Walker!” She swatted him.

  He responded by pinning her arms above her head.

  “Bully.” She glared at him.

  “Say it again.” God, he loved her.

  “What? The orgasm thing? Forget it.”

  “No, the love thing.”

  She softened beneath him. “I love you, you jerk.”

  He threw back his head and laughed. “I did warn you I could be an ass.”

  “I guess you did,” she grumbled.

  “Can we get married now?”



  “Not yet.”

  “Can we have sex?”

  “God, yes.”

  And once again there was silence in the room.


  If you enjoyed this free novella, please check out my full length romantic suspense novels featuring some of the characters you met in this novella. Still very sensual, but a lot more story!

  Look for these titles anywhere ebooks are sold:

  Romantic Suspense

  Serve and Protect Series

  GUARDING SUZANNAH, Book 1 in the Serve and Protect Series

  Criminal defense attorney Suzannah Phelps is the bane of the Fredericton police department (they call her She-Rex for her habit of shredding cops in the witness box). She is currently being stalked, but is reluctant to report it to the police, whom she half suspects of being the perpetrators. But when Detective John (Quigg) Quigley learns of it, he's determined to protect her, at considerable risk to his career. They've struck sparks off each other in the courtroom, and he's burning to do the same in the bedroom. When the danger escalates, he has the perfect excuse to pose as her boyfriend, but the closer they get, the more the lines between pretense and reality blur.

  SAVING GRACE, Book 2 in the Serve and Protect Series

  After wrecking her car and waking in hospital with amnesia, fledgling reporter Grace Morgan has no idea why she’d been in the process of leaving the husband she loves so dearly. Her husband, Police Detective Ray (Razor) Morgan tells her she was leaving him for another man, but that just can’t be so. Can it? She’s determined to remember, even if it kills her. And it just might. When bullets start to fly, Ray is forced to take the wife he believes faithless on the lam until they can figure out who is trying to kill them.

  PROTECTING PAIGE, Book 3 in the Serve and Protect Series

  Single parent Paige Harmer is at her wits end about her son. Dillon’s a good kid, but he’s fallen in with a bad crowd. She’s determined to enlist the help of her next door neighbor, the extremely handsome and much younger Tommy Godsoe. Tommy is a local cop, and up until he got shot recently in a police raid, was a dog handler. His injury is such that he can never go back to field work, and he refuses to be a desk jockey. All he wants is to nurse his wounds in solitude, and he’s done a great job driving his friends and colleagues away. But Paige is an unstoppable force. Before he knows it, he’s drawn into their lives. As it turns out, Paige and Dillon are going to need a cop in their corner. And Tommy needs Paige to drag him out of his self-pity and back to life.

  Romantic Suspense w/paranormal elements

  LAUREN’S EYES, Winner of the Dorchester New Voice in Romance Contest

  Veterinarian Lauren Townsend's clairvoyant powers revealed to her — through the eyes of a killer — a murder that is about to occur. Her only clue from the vision was a matchbook with the name of a guest ranch in Alberta. When she decides to vacation there in the hopes of identifying the killer, she is distracted by the ranch's brooding, sexy owner, Cal Taggart. The man's kisses promise paradise, but when the soon-to-be-victim turns up at the ranch, it's none other than Cal's ex-wife. Before she knows it, Lauren is risking everything - her happiness, her future, her very life - on the man she's come to love. But the outcome of her gamble is one thing she cannot see.

  About the Author:

  Norah Wilson lives in Fredericton, New Brunswick with her husband, two adult children, her beloved Lab-Rottweiler mix Chloe, and numerous rats (the pet kind). Norah has had three of her romantic suspense stories final in the Romance Writers of America’s Golden Heart® contest until she sold her first story in 2004. She was also the winner of Dorchester Publishing’s New Voice in Romance contest in 2003.

  Norah loves to hear from readers!

  Connect with Norah online at:




  Table of Contents


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

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  About the Author:

  Connect with Norah online at:




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