Sensual Erotica (Vol. 1): 26 Erotic Stories

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Sensual Erotica (Vol. 1): 26 Erotic Stories Page 10

by Priscilla West

  I was sunning myself in the back, stretched out on a chair in the smallest bikini I could find without getting arrested for exposure when Harry appeared over the fence. I sat up to talk, casually spreading some sunscreen on my arms.

  “I see you took my advice,” Harry said, his voice deepening seductively. “Sunscreen is always a good idea for skin as fair as yours.”

  “Well, it does help,” I offered, standing to the side so he coulf see my profile. “But there are always those pesky spots on my back I never seem to reach.”

  “Let me help,” he called and motioned for me to come to the fence. I walked over slowly, straining to hold in my breath and appear in control. Somehow I managed to hand him the sunscreen and turn without exploding or giggling like I was thirteen. Then the world turned into an electric current as his thick strong fingers touched my skin. He put just enough lotion to need to rub it in good and deep; every movement of his hand on my body sending shockwaves throughout my whole system. I was just about ready to turn and have him coat my breasts as well when Ginny’s car pulled up and I came to my senses.

  “Hi Dana,” Ginny said as she climbed out of the driver’s seat and stood there looking at her nearly naked neighbor standing at the fence with her husband holding sunscreen. I blushed and squirmed. “Let’s get together in the morning!”

  “Sure, Ginny,” I shouted back, amazed and grateful she was oblivious to the compromising situation. I took the lotion from Harry and squeaked a “thanks” before trotting into the house. I’m sure I looked foolish, applying sunscreen then going inside, but I was so wet between my legs I was mortified someone would see the evidence of my desire. Harry just waved and went over to Ginny’s car to help with the groceries.

  All night long I paced, longed and cried. How could I do this to another woman? How could I subject anyone to the same humiliating horror I went through? Why can’t I just walk away from this? Then my mind would remember the warm touch of his rough hands on my silky flesh and I would want him all over again.

  Later that night as I stood before the window of my room, I removed the bathing suit and stood naked in the mirror imagining his gaze. All of a sudden I realized the window shade was still open! Crossing the room to pull the curtains, I saw him in his workshop, the light on, looking up at my window. I didn’t have to imagine his gaze – I had it! He smiled when he saw me looking down, licked his lips and turned away. The strength left my legs and I fell back on the bed fantasizing about him taking me over and over again.

  “I don’t have a lot of time, just a quick cup for me,” Ginny squawked as she sat down the next morning. I could barely meet her eyes knowing the thoughts I was having about her husband. “I’m off to Smithfield to see my family for the day.”

  “It must be nice to have family close enough to see,” I replied, busying myself with the sugar.

  “Smithfield is almost three hours but it’s always worth it.” Ginny was distracted and hyper today. She talked about the problems with the neighborhood, carrying on the same useless chatter as last time about the Conner’s dog and Harrison’s drunk driving record and what Halloween decorations the neighborhood association doesn’t allow. Ginny’s ongoing war with the association was usually good for a laugh, but I felt guilty and indulged her hatred of them.

  “So, if they are that strict about Halloween,” I said with a smile. “What are you possibly going to put in your yard for Christmas?”

  “Oh, I’ll be gone by then,” Ginny replied automatically, then put her hand over her mouth.

  “Are you and Harry travelling for the holidays?” I was crushed. I had already planned a Christmas Eve dinner for them and picked out all kinds of outfits and reasons I might need Harry’s help through the season just to flirt with him some more. Flirting with Harry was my only pastime. How could I endure my first Christmas alone without it?

  “No,” Ginny said flatly, then leaned over and whispered as if she was plotting to murder Santa Claus. “Can you keep a secret?”


  “I’m not going to Smithfield to see my family.”


  “I’m going to Greenville.”

  “Who’s in Greenville?”

  “My lover.”

  “What?!” I was so shocked I actually pinched my own arm to make sure this wasn’t some kind of fantasy left over from the night before.

  “I’m leaving Harry as soon as I get everything settled and ready. He doesn’t know, so please don’t tell him. I have been having an affair for over a year. Victor is my soul-mate and I need to be with him.” Ginny smiled when she said the other man’s name; the way my husband smiled when he talked about his assistant; the way I smile when I think of Harry.

  “I don’t understand, Ginny. Harry is so…”

  “Sweet and kind and patient, I know. I haven’t even had sex with him for six months and he never pushes it. I just say I don’t feel well and he understands. Harry’s nice, but I married him on the rebound. Victor and I were college sweethearts. He got a job far away and told me to go on with my life. He left me heartbroken. I met and married Harry knowing he was so stable he would never leave.”

  I shook my head along with this story, my mind reeling. Part of me was so happy to hear Harry was stable, faithful and soon to be single yet part of me wanted to rip her throat out for hurting him.

  “Over a year ago Victor friended me on Facebook. He said leaving me was the biggest mistake he ever made. We starting writing, then meeting and fell in love all over again. Harry’s nice, but Victor is all I ever wanted. So, I’ve been sneaking little pieces of our savings account into a private one and slowly separating our finances so when it’s time to go I have everything I need to start over with Victor. I’m almost ready. By Christmas I should have enough.”

  First she’s cheating on that beautiful man, and now she’s stealing from him! I just sat at the table stunned.

  “Wow,” I said. “That’s…um…some secret.”

  “I know,” Ginny giggled again, oblivious to everyone but herself. “Can you imagine reconnecting with your soul-mate after all these years? It’s a miracle!”

  She left my house that day skipping and whistling. I wanted to hate her. I wanted to hate the situation. But the more I seduced Harry and the more he watched me – I started to think of it as a miracle too.

  It’s too cold outside for a bikini anymore but I’m still managing to turn Harry’s head my direction. My nightly appearance before the window has become less of a spontaneous moment of nudity and more like a striptease. I slowly disrobe, taking off my bra and panties with exaggerated motions letting my hands run over my breasts or down my legs while sneaking looks to make sure he’s in the garage watching. I get rid of the guilt by reminding myself that while he is restoring his classic car and looking at me, his wife is on Facebook plotting his divorce. Still, until he’s divorced I think this tension is all we will have.

  Today, the dam almost broke. I pull in the driveway this morning with a mountain of groceries and Harry runs over to help me bring them inside. I tell him I appreciate his help and he just smiles, those beautiful eyes taking in the length of my body. Our hands touch as we grab for the same bag and I pull mine away as if it had touched fire. The heat is already rising inside me. We carry the last of the bags in and he turns to go. I reach out for the doorknob and my hand brushes against his thigh, landing squarely on the growing bulge in his pants.

  “Oh! I’m sorry!” I pull away intrigued but embarrassed.

  “I’m not,” Harry coos and walks out the door. The air is thick with our desire and it is everything I can do to keep from running after him. But I don’t. He’s married. I tell myself again and again. Married. Married. Married. It only makes me want him more.

  Looking out a few hours later I notice the flag up on my mailbox. That’s odd because the mail already came around noon, and the flag goes up when you put something in there to go out, not the other way around. Probably just neighbor
kids. I get to the mailbox and open it to find a note inside. Scrawled in a masculine hand is the following message:


  Ginny is going to visit her family in Smithfield tomorrow around 10. I would like you to come over. I have something to show you.

  Please come,


  My heart is pounding so hard I nearly pass out in the driveway before running back inside the house. What am I going to do? If I go over there I can guarantee I’m not going to make it easy for him to keep his wedding vows. The way I felt this morning with his hand on mine, he will be lucky to get three sentences out before I’m wrapped around him like a leech! But, he invited me. So it must be something he wants too. And it’s not like Ginny’s holding onto him.

  I pace all night long, foregoing my nightly striptease. I watch him in the garage from the darkness of my room. He keeps looking up to my window waiting for the light, but I never turn it on. I tell myself I’m being ridiculous. He probably has some engine part or classic car picture he wants to show me. I’ll walk in, we will have a chat and I’ll leave disappointed because I built up a whole scenario in my head ending with a kiss. But still, what a kiss it would be.

  Morning comes and I’m a mess. I shower, shave, perfume, and prance. What do I wear? If he wants to talk about cars I guess jeans are appropriate. But if he wants something else a dress would be better. Then I realize I can’t walk over to his house in a nice dress. Every neighbor will be out watching me – even if I go through the garden gate. It would also look like I want something which would be really embarrassing if he doesn’t. Back and forth I finally go with a light fall skirt and button up blouse – casual but inviting.

  I watch as Ginny backs her car out and heads down the road. I’m sure her “Smithfield” trip is just another jaunt to her lover’s house. Harry doesn’t know that, but still he asked me over. I cross my garden on liquid legs and knock on his back door. My hand is shaking so much it makes a desperate knocking sound resembling machine gun fire. I force myself to get it together and plant a fake-casual smile for him to see when he opens the door. However, once the door does open it’s me who can’t see anymore.

  I feel his rough hand around my arm and look just quick enough to see a shock of his blond hair when the back of my head hits the wall, blurring my vision. I feel him pushing me against the solid wood with one hand as the other closes the door. Then I feel his lips lock on mine. I don’t bother to try to open my eyes but the pressure of his body holding me upright and the force of his lips as the searing kiss continues make me aware of his urgent desire. All the plotting and planned conversations I had in my head disappear as his mouth moves against mine and his hand reaches to rest on my breast.

  I begin kissing him back as an act of preservation when he continues probing and touching me. His mouth is a restless beast leaving my lips to suckle my neck and cover my ear. The hot breath enclosing my ear is enough to bring me to my knees but then his mouth finds the nape of my neck and I melt in front of him. I expect to hit the floor at any minute, but instead I am floating. Confused as to why I’m rising off the ground I realize he has picked me up in his strong arms and he is carrying me to the couch.

  Laying me down, he pulls back just long enough to look at me. I have always heard about “being swept off your feet” but now I know that is more than a storybook fantasy. It’s what happens when months of pent-up frustration finds an afternoon to escape.

  “I want you,” he says with an animalistic growl. “I want every part of you, and I want you now.”

  “Take me,” I whisper breathlessly.

  His mouth presses against me again in a wild passionate kiss, this time I open fully to him allowing myself to release all thought and indulge my body in its desire. He opens my legs and inserts his body between them, trying to kick off his shoes and knocking everything off the coffee table with a crash. Finally he rises long enough to take off his shoes and socks and remove my shoes and skirt as well. I’m suddenly grateful I didn’t wear panty house. I tentatively reach up to my blouse to unbutton it and show him my willingness but he grabs my hands in one of his and holds them to the side. Reaching down with his other mighty hand he grabs the collar of my blouse and yanks. Buttons shoot all over the room as I am brutally exposed. He leans down with his mouth open and I think for a moment he is going to chew his way through my bra.

  Instead, he bites my breast prompting an outcry then begins sucking at them through the thin satin material of my bra. He smiles at me like a man possessed, rises and turns me over grabbing and pulling at the clasp until the bra lets go. Off goes his t-shirt and jeans which he flings across the room somewhere. He begins rubbing my naked globes, pulling and prodding at my flesh as the fire inside me boils over, my wetness running down my leg. I feel his calloused hand reach between my nether lips and enter my body feeling the flood down there and stimulating even more desire.

  He smacks my ass hard, earning another cry from me before turning me back over and kissing me again. His hands seem like a hundred men’s hands as he feels, kneads, pushes and pulls my breasts, hips and body all the while kissing me so deeply I think he may be connecting with my very soul. I reach out to feel him. I want to hold that manhood I brushed against the other day. He’s erect and feels hot against the smooth cool skin of my hand.

  “Yessss,” he gurgles in my ear, melting my spine. “Yes, you will have that. Yes, you will take it all.”

  Suddenly I feel his arms going beneath me and I’m flying again as he picks me up in the air. He guides my legs around him and holds me up against a china hutch, thrusting against me as we kiss; the china clinking and threatening to break. Before I can tell him I’m worried about the dishes we are on the move. He is kicking things out of the way. My feet connect with and knock over a lamp, the crisp sound of the breaking bulb piercing the room.

  He lays me down on the bed and pounces on top of me, my legs instinctively opening to receive him. He bends to take my breasts in his mouth once more roughly pulling and squeezing them as the pressure builds inside me. I reach down towards his cock but again he traps my hands and pins my body with his hips.

  “Want it?” He growls in my ear. His cock hovering right above my flooded mound.

  “I need it,” I gasp the truth, raising my hips to try to connect with him.

  “Then,” he says smiling and gritting his teeth at the same time. “You shall have it all.”

  He reaches down and guides himself into my body. With a single strong thrust he enters me all the way, impaling me on his cock. I open my mouth to scream but nothing comes out. He is pushing and pummeling me, the roughness of his thrusts smacking against my body pushing all the air out of my lungs. I try to match his rhythm but it’s too strong. He becomes the rock the wave of my body is crashing against. The skin inside my nether lips is raw with the friction of his thrusts and the bursts are so strong I feel as though he may tear through my whole body. Yet the cries of pain I started with become moans of pleasure. I want this. I want this man in me, pounding me, faster and faster, harder and harder, filling every space in my body with his cock and every hole in my soul with his powerful love. I grip his back clinging to him. The bed is bouncing against the floor and the headboard knocks out the rhythm as he fucks me mercilessly.

  I ride this man’s desire as it pulls and rocks inside me, his own rough breathing pushing bursts of air in my face. He pulls himself up just enough to put a hand squarely on my breasts. With that leverage his battering cock thrusts deeply into me, splitting me in two and owning me entirely. I feel it pulsing, ready and I, too, am ready to release. His big, slamming thrusts slap against me as I tighten over his cock. I am aching and the sting of my need consumes my hips as they snap against his rough pounding. I hear the guttural growl in the back of his throat and I sense the beginnings of my release, my body pulsing and grasping at his cock like a starving being. Soon, as the tension builds beyond the possible to the inevitable my whole body begins to jerk and pulse. Th
e orgasm starts in the center of my core and tears through my entire world.

  I open my mouth and scream. Long and loud the sound echoes from me and just as I am beginning to realize that siren is the sound of my own pleasure ripping through my being he also lets a gasping gravelling yowl out as he releases his need deep inside me.

  Forever passes. Harry collapses on top of me and lays his head on my breasts, both of us drenched in pleasure, sweat, and release. Eventually we begin breathing normally and he rolls off to the side, his fingers lightly tracing the bruises and hickeys he left on my body as evidence of his desire. Neither one of us talk for a long time. We are content in the moment.

  Harry looks at me smiling, his finger flicking at my sore nipples. I smile back. It’s a weak smile but clearly made of satisfaction.

  “Sorry about your blouse,” he says with mock concern.

  “Just pick up the buttons before Ginny gets home,” I reply, remembering for the first time all day that he is a married man. The energy goes out of me and he feels the guilt settle on us like a blanket.


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