Soul of a Predator

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Soul of a Predator Page 18

by Angela Verdenius

  The woman shrugged. “Celia isn't in the best of health. Not unlike her to disappear for a while to rest up, while her strays look after her. Then she gets back on her feet.” She tapped her chin thoughtfully. “This is the longest she's been out of sight, though."

  "Where do we find her place?"

  The woman pointed down the street. “Go to the end of the street, turn left and go further down. She has a shack about halfway down. You'll know it by the flowers she has lining the path."

  Elyse nodded and moved off with Shaque.

  The whole time they walked, following the woman's directions, Elyse was more than aware of Shaque taking in the settlement and occupants. No doubt his mouth was watering at the sight of so many wanted criminals. There were millions of dinnos worth of wanted flesh walking the streets so openly. However, the hood kept his expression hidden from her, so she couldn't see what he was thinking. Not that his face being revealed would give anything away. The man could keep all thoughts well and truly hidden.

  That was a good thing, as far as Elyse was concerned. Unless she wanted to know his thoughts, of course.

  Leaving the main street, they entered the side street and followed it down. The shacks were truly shacks here, leaning, broken, badly in need of repair. There were no yards or fences. Steely-eyed men, women and children glanced up curiously as Elyse and Shaque passed them.

  Finally they stopped at the only shack with dead flowers lining the path to the half open door. A hound slunk out as they watched, its teeth bared, before running off down the street.

  Looking at the shack that had all the signs of abandonment to it, Elyse drew her laser. Shaque did the same, and without a word they split up, going one each side of the shacks beside the one they wanted. Circling around, they met up behind the shack.

  "All seems quiet.” Elyse glanced around warily.

  Stepping forward, Shaque stood to the side of the door and waited for Elyse to do the same. Once she did, he knocked on the back door.

  "Hello?” Elyse called out. “Celia?"

  No answer.

  Shaque moved first, dropping to one knee as he entered, the laser sweeping the poorly furnished room. Elyse swung in behind him, standing upright, her own laser sweeping the room.

  Nothing moved.

  Straightening, Shaque moved inside, continuously on the alert. Elyse followed, and they looked at each other and nodded. Shaque went to the door at the back right of the room, while Elyse went to the door at the back left.

  Standing to the side, they opened the doors, dropping to one knee in the doorways to sweep the room with their lasers.

  "Damn it!” a wavering voice squawked from behind them. “Thieving bastards! I've got a knife!"

  As one, Shaque and Elyse spun away from the door to face the room, still on their knees.

  An elderly man in ragged clothes clutched a rusty knife, and he looked mad enough to try and use it. “What do ya want, huh?"

  Shaque raised one hand. “We're looking for Celia."

  "Celia?” The elderly man scowled. “Celia's dead. Now get out!"

  Holding the laser down by her thigh, Elyse rose to her feet. “What of the stray kids that lived with her?"

  "Disappeared. And good bloody riddance!"

  Shaque straightened and remained standing behind her as she pulled the image photo of the girl from her pocket and held it out to the elderly man. “Have you seen this girl?"

  After a cursory glance, the elderly man shrugged. “She used to be around but I ain't seen her for a while."

  "Who are you and why are you here?” Shaque asked.

  "I moved in right after I knew Celia had died.” He spat on the floor. “Around here, you gotta take whatever shack you can find empty. And this one is now mine.” He scowled. “I pay The Man to stay here, and here is where I stay. Got it?"

  "Charming.” Elyse folded the image photo and slid it back into her pocket. She had no doubt that he didn't know anymore than he'd already said, and if she offered to pay him for information, he'd lie through his eye teeth. “Come on, Shaque."

  He followed her outside, and didn't flinch when the door slammed shut behind them.

  Loosely holstering her laser, Elyse gazed around the poor street. A couple of suspicious faces peered out of the doors before the wooden barrier was firmly shut.

  "We could ask around,” Shaque said.

  "Never know your luck,” Elyse agreed.

  They had no luck. Everyone they asked in the street claimed to have not seen the girl since Celia had died. And no one cared.

  Waiting for Shaque at the end of the street, Elyse watched him stride up the dusty road. The cloak moved lightly with every sure step he took. The hood he kept firmly pulled low over his face. And he looked as menacing as hell. In fact, he blended right in to the danger zone.

  How sexy was that?

  And how sick was she? Wishing she had her pills on her, Elyse narrowed her eyes as Shaque drew level with her.

  In the hooded shadow, his winter blue eyes were clear as he looked down at her before glancing around the surroundings.

  "What would you normally do now?” Elyse queried. “In your hunting mode?"

  "Shake down the locals,” Shaque replied. “You?"

  "Shake down.” She fell into step beside him as they started back towards the main street. “But we're trying to keep a low profile, so a shake down isn't advisable just yet."

  He nodded in agreement.

  Stepping out into the street, the business of it was a welcome relief from the trodden-down, bleak street they'd just left.

  Moving up onto the veranda, Elyse peered into the tavern favoured by her Uncle, and smiled when she saw the hulking brute with the eye patch. His big, beefy arms were resting on the bar and his booming voice rode above the already loud chatter in the room.

  Turning to Shaque, she said, “Wait here. I'm going to ask Uncle Cy to come back to my ship and talk—"


  "I'm just going to—"

  "Where you go, I go."

  "This could get rough."

  He just looked down at her.

  Elyse tried one last time. “Things could get ugly for you very soon."

  His gaze didn't waver.

  She couldn't resist poking him in the chest with her finger. “Dead man walking."

  He didn't reply.

  With a mental roll of her eyes, Elyse shoved the door open and strode into the tavern. If Shaque wanted to be in the middle of some of the roughest outlaws and pirates around, so be it. The worst that could happen was he'd get his head pounded in. No, there would be worse happening, she'd just have to try and make sure it didn't happen.

  Shaque followed close on her heels.

  Coming to a stop beside the hulking pirate, Elyse said quietly, “Uncle Cy."

  The big man swung around on his stool, his gaze running over her, delight lighting up his one eye. With a whoop, he stood and gathered her up in his arms, squeezing her so hard she actually gasped and felt a rib creak.

  "By the stars, girl!” Uncle Cy boomed, dropping her back to her feet and sitting again on the stool. “Where the hell did you come from?"

  "I have no doubt you already know.” Elyse coughed and took a deep breath.

  Shaque's hand was immediately in the small of her back, steadying her, and she felt his concern. No doubt he thought she was sickening or something, instead of just trying to get her breath back.

  "I'm fine.” She glanced from him back to Uncle Cy, only to have the words die on her lips as the big pirate stared hard at Shaque.

  "Well, well,” Uncle Cy finally said. “I had heard you were keeping bad company, Elyse."

  "What?” Wariness crept through her.

  Immediately she became aware of a ring of pirates surrounding them. The resentment in their eyes, the hatred, and the flash of cruelty as they eyed the hooded and caped figure of Shaque was plain to see. The tension was even easier to feel.

  It took her completely by su
rprise when he stepped between her and Uncle Cy. Shaque facing down the pirates was no surprise, but stepping between her and them caught her off guard.

  Moving up beside him, she watched Uncle Cy.

  "Well, now,” he rumbled from deep in his heavy chest. “I do believe I smell a hunter. You a hunter, boy?"

  Silently, Shaque looked back at him.

  Bloody hell. Obviously someone had already alerted him as to her travelling companion's identity, but who? Elyse tensed, pushing the troubling question aside to ponder at a much safer time.

  "Why don't you just push that cute little hood back a bit and let me see if it's really The Knifer, boy?"

  The tavern fell silent at his booming words. Bloody inconvenient.

  "Why don't I just take it right off?” Shaque returned coldly, and shoved the hood back to reveal his face.

  Elyse cursed silently. Shaque was just begging to be beaten and strung up. She should have followed her first instincts, hit him on the head, and left him in her spaceship.

  But what would have been the fun in that?

  Uncle Cy's eyes narrowed. “Smart mouth considering where you are, hunter."

  Shaque shrugged.

  "And since when have you been a brunette, hunter? Something to hide?"

  Lifting his hand Shaque yanked the wig from his head and tossed it aside carelessly, his blonde hair catching the light.

  One of the pirates suddenly held up a gleaming dagger. “How about I see what colour blood you have, Knifer?"

  "Hunters don't have blood,” another pirate snarled. “They ain't normal."

  "Try me and see.” Shaque held up his own hand, and the gleam of his dagger flickered in the light from overhead.

  There was a shift in the pirates, a deadliness penetrating the air. Uncle Cy stood slowly, his huge bulk unfolding from the stool. Straightening, he glared down at Shaque.

  Totally unmoved, totally unafraid, Shaque tipped his head back to gaze up at the beefy pirate.

  "All right.” Elyse looked expressionlessly at the pirates. “Back off."

  "I can handle it,” Shaque said. “Move back."

  Ignoring him, Elyse grabbed the dagger from the pirate's hand and stabbed the blade into the bar. “I said, back off."

  There was a growl amongst the pirates, their expressions hard. To have one of the hated bounty hunters, and one of the most hated, within their grasp was a dream come true. Soon to be a nightmare for the hunter, but a dream for the pirates.

  Normally they wouldn't take on Elyse, but as a group, and with their captain's blessing, some would hold her down while the others tended to the job of ending the bounty hunter's life.

  "Give us one good reason.” Uncle Cy rasped.

  Elyse looked coldly at him. More than aware that this moment was fraught with danger, she simply accepted it. There had never been any doubt that bringing Shaque into the Outlaw Sector was going to be almost suicidal, but as with all things, she didn't let the knowledge perturb her.

  "You just tell me why we shouldn't simply string up this bastard, Elyse.” Uncle Cy's heavy jaw was clenched.

  "He's with me."

  "You think that makes a difference?” He glared down at her. “You insult me by bringing this filth into my presence."

  "Don't be a drama queen."

  His nostrils flared. “Don't forget yourself, girl."

  Laying one hand on her shoulder, Shaque gave her a subtle pull, indicating her to step back.

  Ignoring him again, Elyse stepped forward until she was toe-to-toe with the beefy pirate. Titling her head back, she said quietly, “He's mine."

  Only the slight tightening of Shaque's fingers on her shoulder revealed his surprise.

  A hiss went around the pirates, and Uncle Cy's eyes narrowed.

  "I claim him,” Elyse continued quietly. “We have unfinished business, The Knifer and I. No one touches him unless it's through me.” Flicking her arm out, she felt the dagger slide easily from the sheath on her forearm, and the cold blade slid between her fingers to rest at the base of the nearest pirate's throat even as her fingers closed securely around the handle. Turning her head to face the pirate, she said softly, “Shaque is mine."

  The pirate snarled at her, but he didn't move. The rest stepped back, their glances going to Uncle Cy, who was staring down at her out of hot eyes.

  "Goddamn, Elyse,” he grated out. “You think claiming him makes a difference?"

  She didn't smile at him, made no attempt to appease him. This was a battle of wills, and one she would win. Or die trying. “He's mine."

  He looked past her, at Shaque. “And what do you say to this, boy? To a woman claiming you?"

  The hunter's hand on her shoulder didn't tremble. “She's mine."

  His reply was soft, yet the sureness of it was as strong as an iron bar. The surety of it cut through the tension with no attempt at bravado. It was stated simply and strongly.

  "Well, Elyse,” Uncle Cy rumbled threateningly. “What is it? Are you his? Is he yours?"

  She smiled coldly. “Until death do us part."

  Her own words fell heavily in the silence. By the flicker of the pirate's eyes, she knew he was thinking of the unfinished business between herself and Shaque. The indrawn breath from the back of the circle of pirates, plus the few exchanged glances amongst them, made it clear to her that they knew of her history with The Knifer.

  Uncle Cy took a deep breath, reached to the bar for his glass of alcohol from which he took a deep swallow, and then he studied Elyse and Shaque closely.

  The seconds ticked past, the silence thick with danger.

  Neither Shaque nor Elyse faltered. The next few seconds could very well turn ugly or ease off a bit.

  The door to the tavern flung open, and the tramp of boots sounded heavily. “Where's the bloody bounty hunter?"

  The pirates shifted, and swiftly sheathing her dagger, Elyse drew her lasers and slipped in front of Shaque, but he was having none of it, nudging her aside with his elbow even as he drew his own lasers.

  The pirates parted, and now Elyse saw the man in front of the group that had just walked in through the tavern doors.

  The Man looked directly at her. Of average build, with a hard, lean face, this was The Man who ruled the settlement. His clothes were tasteful, his robe rich velvet over leather pants and shining boots.

  "So, it is as I was told.” The Man looked at Shaque with disbelief. “The Knifer really is in my settlement.” His gaze flicked to Elyse. “And you. My dear, you surprise me by being in his presence."

  Uncle Cy watched the proceedings, taking neither side.

  They were on their own, and that meant they could be facing certain death. Could be? Were.

  The back door opened, and six more outlaws entered.

  Glancing from side to side, Elyse saw that they were being effectively surrounded. Four of the bartenders stood behind the bar holding machetes. Outlaws ringed them from the front and back. Pirates filled in the rest of the gap.

  And all were looking at Shaque with hatred and eagerness, and at herself with growing hostility.

  "You're not going to cause a problem, I hope,” The Man said. “Because, regardless, we will get you."

  This had turned more than just ugly. This was plain deadly.

  The ring of men stepped back, widening the circle around Shaque and Elyse, leaving them standing in the middle alone. One ex-pirate and one bounty hunter against a horde of outlaws and pirates.

  Raising his lasers with a quick movement, Shaque turned slowly, and Elyse unhesitatingly put her back to his. Her own lasers held up, one to the side and one to the front, she matched his stance.

  Every outlaw and pirate had their own weapons drawn. Some had machetes, some had lasers, some had daggers and a couple had thin chains which they wrapped around their fists.

  "Oh my.” The Man smirked. “Do you really think you can shoot your way out of this?"

  She was going to have a bloody good go if she had to. Her gaze w
ent to Uncle Cy, who was watching them so closely. The sides had been drawn, and anyone who wasn't on her side, was on the other side. Her enemy. Anyone.

  In that split second her heart stuttered as she realized something. To injure or kill Uncle Cy in a fight ... would Sonja understand? Could she understand? How strong was their bond, hers and Sonja's?

  Would killing Uncle Cy, if it was necessary, mean the end of any friendship between her and Sonja? What about her and Donika? Uncle Cy meant a lot to Donika. He meant a lot to her, too, he'd helped raise her at times. But if it came to a choice between Shaque and him...

  Making her choice, she switched off any other thoughts and concentrated solely on the problem at hand.

  If she had to kill him, she could lose the few people she held dear to her. The next few minutes could strip away everything and everyone of value to her.

  Then again, I don't think that's going to be an issue. Shaque and I will be dead ... if we're lucky.

  "Elyse.” The Man kicked out a chair and sat down, openly enjoying the attention of the outlaws and pirates. Of being The Man. “Do you mean to tell me that you side with the bounty hunter?"

  Elyse looked him right in the eyes but said nothing.

  "Are you on the side of the law?” He gave a small, fake, disbelieving laugh.

  His men smiled grimly.

  "Cy. I thought you had a good hold on your women.” The Man angled his head to look at Uncle Cy behind Shaque and Elyse.

  "Elyse is a bit of a disappointment right now,” Uncle Cy replied.

  "And you helped rear her when she was dumped back in the Outlaw Sector.” The Man shook his head. “I do think she has chosen sides, Cy, and you don't appear to be on her good side. What do you say to that?"

  "Like I said, she's a bit of a disappointment right now."

  The tension in the room wasn't abating. Elyse ran her gaze over the watching outlaws and pirates, catching the hatred in their eyes of Shaque, their growing hostility of her, and their rising excitement at the thought of bloodshed.

  In a whisper so soft she only just heard it, Shaque breathed, “Elyse, back off."


  "No need for both of us to die."

  "Together, remember?"


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